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The illuminati pt1 blair's biggest secret
Post Date: 2007-07-06 07:17:22 by Itisa1mosttoolate
The illuminati pt1 blair's biggest secret

Lost Dog
Post Date: 2007-07-05 19:58:07 by tom007
I know most of you are dog lovers and will help us. My neighbor has lost her Chihuahua and is desperate to find him. She does a lot of traveling and always takes her dog with her. Yesterday, she was sitting on the couch watching TV. She called out for her puppy with no response, and the back door was open. She has been putting up signs everywhere. If you see this dog, please let me know and I will notify her. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Better Dead Than Rude
Post Date: 2007-07-05 17:41:09 by Tauzero
Better Dead Than Rude Political correctness began as a reasonable adjustment of manners, but as an ideology, it corrupts language and dulls thought. by John Derbyshire Cant, n. The expression or repetition of conventional, trite, or unconsidered ideas, opinions or sentiments; especially: the insincere use of pious phraseology My household favors the brand of iced tea that has little believe-it-or-not factlets printed on the inside of the bottle caps. The other day, my son opened a bottle of this stuff, turned over the cap, and reading from it, asked the room: “What was the first human-made object to break the sound barrier?” Dad: “First what object?” Son (not very ...

GOP Senators Who Voted For Clinton Impeachment Dead Silent On Libby
Post Date: 2007-07-05 12:14:18 by Brian S
July 5, 2007 GOP Senators Who Voted For Clinton Impeachment Dead Silent On Libby By Bob Geiger Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) was aghast. He was indignant as hell about how having a high public official involved in something like perjury and obstruction of justice can damage the very foundation on which our nation was built -- and he had the harsh words to show for it."By his words and deeds he chose to place himself above the law. By his words and deeds he has undermined the rule of law in America to the great harm of this nation," the Kansas Republican said. "By his own words and deeds, he has undermined the truth-finding function of the judiciary, at great harm to that ...

What do Dick Cheney, Paris Hilton, "The Sopranos" and colon spasms have in common?
Post Date: 2007-07-04 19:51:17 by tom007
What do Dick Cheney, Paris Hilton, "The Sopranos" and colon spasms have in common? Find out here! Scooter Libby In Hell Wednesday, July 4, 2007 So there you have it. Bush shrugs and smirks and then commutes the easy soft-focus sit-on-your-ass-all-day-and-knit white-collar prison sentence of a hollow political lackey who, in turn, took a bullet for his sneering mafia thug of a boss, Dick Cheney, who in turn was complicit (along with lead flying monkey Karl Rove) in the appallingly illegal outing of a CIA operative, which itself was a tiny but particularly nasty link in the giant chain of lies and deceptions undertaken to lead our wary and tattered nation into an unwinnable ...

Vanity On International Air Travel Help tom007 if you can
Post Date: 2007-07-04 19:32:01 by tom007
I need to fly to Brisbane Australia, with my daughter, in August to visit my elderly father. I have not flown much at all in quite awhile. I am a airliner ignoremous. (Bad when you can't even spell ignoremous correctly, but that is another issue). I have spent a lot of time looking at the internet sites and as you might expect most of the flights from LAX stop somewhere else (Aukland, Korea, Sydney etc) before connecting to Brisbane. And, naturally, they put you on the very next flight to your destination. I don't want that. If I am going to be in Soel, Fiji or Aukland, I would very much like to spend a few days to see the damn place - then continue to Brisbane. Can anyone here ...

General Butt Naked
Post Date: 2007-07-04 11:21:48 by tom007
General Butt Naked On October 11, Liberia will hold elections. The country is mired in poverty, the electorate is largely illiterate, but despite a few problems, elections look set to happen without too much chaos next week. Liberia sure has come a long way since the days of General Butt Naked. Who the hell is that? Ahha, you haven’t heard of General Butt Naked! Liberia produced the most outrageously wild characters in its decade of war: General No-Mother-No-Father, General Peanut Butter, General Fuck-Me-Quick, General Dragon Master, General Housebreaker, and perhaps the most famous, General Butt Naked. This guy was particularly… erm… “visible.” He fought ...

Bill Cooper on 911
Post Date: 2007-07-04 10:56:49 by Itisa1mosttoolate

Republic to Empire
Post Date: 2007-07-03 06:45:17 by Ada
When President Teddy Roosevelt attended the funeral of a member of British royalty, he declined the offer of a gilded carriage for the funeral procession. Roosevelt told his British hosts that it would be inappropriate for the head of a republic. He would therefore walk. One of President Franklin Roosevelt's favorite things to do was to pack a lunch, drive up into the Pine Mountains, pull off the road, spread a blanket and enjoy a picnic lunch with two or three of his friends. In 1933, an assassin opened fire on Roosevelt during an appearance in an open car in Miami. The mayor of Chicago, however, was in the way and took the bullets. The Secret Service members immediately started to ...

Ron Paul: Recapturing the Spirit of Independence
Post Date: 2007-07-02 20:31:38 by Brian S
Recapturing the Spirit of IndependenceJuly 2, 2007 This week Americans will gather around the grill, attend parades and watch fireworks displays, all in the celebration of the signing of our Declaration of Independence. At the same time, we will have thousands of bureaucrats, troops and agents stationed in countries across the globe being paid by American tax dollars. On the anniversary of our declaring our own independence from the British, it is certainly appropriate that we reflect on the nature and spirit of independent nationhood. While our founding fathers were individual men in a historically unique situation, they posited that the principles upon which they rested our national ...

Bush's Five Big Lies That Led to the Iraq Quagmire
Post Date: 2007-07-02 19:48:45 by tom007
Bush's Five Big Lies That Led to the Iraq Quagmire These are the five lies Bush told that Ralph Nader documented to impeach him. * Weapons of Mass Destruction. The weapons have still not been found. Nader emphasized, “Until the 1991 Gulf War, Saddam Hussein was our government's anti-communist ally in the Middle East. We also used him to keep Iran at bay. In so doing, in the 1980s under Reagan and the first Bush, corporations were licensed by the Department of Commerce to export the materials for chemical and biological weapons that President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney later accused him of having.” Those weapons were destroyed after the Gulf War. ...

The End of the GOP; Political and Intellectual Bankruptcy
Post Date: 2007-07-02 19:39:47 by Brian S
"Endism" has been a favorite neoconservative theme over the years: every once in a while the neocons announce the death of some commonly assumed idea that the rest of us take for granted– during the 1950s, for example, they wrote the obituary of ideology itself, proclaiming that their own self-satisfied complacency was the apotheosis of human achievement. In the early 1990s, we heard all about the purported "End of History," similar to "the end of ideology," except extended to the four corners of the earth. No one thought it at all unusual or alarming when Irving Kristol welcomed Hegel and his contemporary doppelgänger into the pages of The National ...

"Bring Them On" Day (JON SOLTZ)
Post Date: 2007-07-02 16:55:31 by aristeides
"Bring Them On" Day Posted July 2, 2007 | 02:33 PM (EST) For those of us in the military, and Americans in general, there are many anniversaries which swell your heart with pride. World War I had Armistice Day, which later became Veterans Day. World War II had V-E Day and V-J Day. Of course, July 4th marks the official beginning of our first military, and it's fight to give generations of Americans freedom. For me and more than a tens of thousands of others who served in Iraq, unfortunately, today marks a day which sums up the failure of our Commander in Chief in the current war -- the anniversary of "Bring them on." Today, in 2003, President Bush declared his ...

There are quite a few posts on Freerepublic about the North American Union
Post Date: 2007-07-02 10:21:50 by Itisa1mosttoolate
I haven't looked at any of them yet but this could be a good place to watch the wheat being separated from the chaff. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/search?m=all;o=time;s=north%20american%20union Poster Comment:if the S and B were behind the Communist Revolution in 1917 and we now have a family running this country that are members...... SKULL+BONES+FOSTERED+RUSSIAN+COMMUNISM well, you ask the question

The most wonderful thing in the world.......
Post Date: 2007-06-29 22:04:18 by richard9151
I sometimes forget just how blessed I am..... and let petty little problems swell into something that is just, well, non-sense. I do go outside in the morning, early (got to let the dogs out!), and thank God for such a wonderful world. After all, it is not His fault what we are doing to it. Or with it. I walk over to the new tomato plants, and touch the green tomatos, I look at the other plants and the vegtables and fruit thereon, gaze on the fruit just beginning to size up on the trees, and I can not help but smile. Yes, it is a wonderful world, and if we are not getting out of the world what we wish, then perhaps we are wishing for the wrong things; and that is one of the most profound ...

The State Breeds Social Conflict
Post Date: 2007-06-29 20:45:48 by Dakmar
The political season brings promises to "bring us together as a community" and "heal the divisions between us." Here is what the political class won't reveal: their laws, programs, restrictions, subsidies — the whole panoply of interventionist measures they love and of which they promise ever more — are the main source of social division. In contrast, markets draw people into peaceful social relationships, and encourage and reward harmonious interaction among people. Free trade, for example, brings polar opposite countries together. Only a few decades ago, we were in an arms race stand off with communist China. Today we trade, extensively bettering each ...

Moore's Sicko and Video Cips
Post Date: 2007-06-29 14:45:30 by gengis gandhi

NORML's letter to Sen Norm Coleman
Post Date: 2007-06-28 15:45:51 by kiki
Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman acknowledges on his website that he was a "campus organizer in the '60s" when he attended Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY. His Wikipedia entry states: "He ran for student senate and opined in the school newspaper that his fellow students should vote for him because he knew that 'these conservative kids don't fuck or get high like we do... Everyone watch out, the 1950s' bobby-sox generation is about to take over.'" Several photos (reproduced here) show the then longhaired Coleman speaking through a bullhorn and unfurling an anti-war banner with other students. Since that time, the Brooklyn, NY-born politician ...

Diversity and its Prospects
Post Date: 2007-06-28 14:07:52 by Tauzero
Diversity and its Prospects The Hazards of Regarding Lying as a Solution June 24, 2007 Christopher Newsom, Jr. and Channon Gail Christian. Raped and killed Those who did it. Diversity is remarkable for its homogeneity. From :Wikipedia: “Christian's parents found her abandoned Toyota 4-Runner two blocks away from the Chipman Street house on Monday, with the help of her mobile phone provider. An envelope recovered from the vehicle yielded fingerprint evidence that led police to Lemaricus Davidson and 2316 Chipman Street. When police went to the address on Tuesday, January 9, they found the home unoccupied and Christian's body in a trash can in the kitchen. Christian was ...

The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship Part Two: Science Fiction and the Sirius Connection
Post Date: 2007-06-28 10:30:03 by gengis gandhi
The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship Part Two: Science Fiction and the Sirius Connection - by Phillip D. Collins ©, Feb. 24th, 2005 In part two of this article, we trace the thread of the concept of 'survival of the fittest' from Condorcet to Malthus, to Spencer, to Wallace and to Darwin; elucidate the 'predictive programming' contained in science fiction novels; and illuminate the extraterrestrial connection, specifically the Freemasonic import of Sirius, the Dog Star. Science Fiction: A Means of Predictive Programming Aldous Huxley first presented the 'scientific dictatorship' to the public imagination in his book Brave New World. In Dope, Inc., ...

The Fuhrerprinzip, Why so-called conservatives embrace it
Post Date: 2007-06-27 14:54:54 by aristeides
The Fuhrerprinzip, Why so-called conservatives embrace it Sean Scallon June 27, 2007 Why does Rudy Guliani lead or has led the field of GOP presidential candidates in most polls since the beginning of the year, despite the fact he remains outside the party’s mainstream on issues like abortion, immigration and homosexual rights? Over 10 years ago such positions would have certainly terminated his campaign on the ground, as it had former California governor Pete Wilson and Pennsylvania U.S. Senator Arlen Specter back in 1996. But today, Guliani is a serious candidate for the GOP nomination regardless of those views. The reason for this has a lot to do with a peculiar fetish that ...

The Honor of Ron Paul [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-06-27 13:29:44 by Vitamin Z
I guess I’ve known Ron Paul for a quarter of a century now, and I don’t remember how we met. My first memory of him is a quiet dinner on Capitol Hill, during the Reagan years. He told me with dry humor of being the only member of Congress to vote against some bill Reagan wanted passed. For Ron it was a matter of principle, and he was under heavy pressure to change his vote. What amused him was that the Democrats didn’t mind his voting against it; all the pressure came from his fellow Republicans, professed conservatives, who were embarrassed that anyone should actually stand up for their avowed principles when it was unpopular to do so. That was Ron Paul for you. Still is. ...

Violent Criminal Predation is Good
Post Date: 2007-06-27 12:35:20 by ghostdogtxn

Hate Crimes and Special Victims: An Un-American Story
Post Date: 2007-06-27 11:28:36 by Vitamin Z
The fallacy of hate crime laws — the prosecution of which requires a degree of mind-reading not yet available to most Earthlings — has been cast into stark relief the past few weeks following an interracial rape-murder that has bestirred white supremacists and led to death threats against an African-American columnist. The spark that caused the firestorm was the brutal rape-murder of a young white couple, Channon Christian and Chris Newsom, who were carjacked last January in Knoxville, Tenn. Five blacks — four men and a woman — have been charged in connection with the slayings. Because the story didn't receive national media attention, some commentators and ...

Buchanan: Does Bloomberg spell doom for Hillary?
Post Date: 2007-06-26 11:05:35 by Brian S
Posted: June 26, 2007 The presidential candidacy of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is already a smashing success. A mere change of registration from Republican to independent has garnered him a cornucopia of free and favorable publicity some candidates do not receive in a year of campaigning. The mayor has replaced Fred Thompson as the most talked-about non-candidate since Mario Cuomo in 1992 and Colin Powell in 1996. Gov. Cuomo and Gen. Powell, after scouting the terrain, declined to engage. That may be good advice for the mayor. Enjoy and exploit the media frenzy you will create between now and decision day, but think long and hard before plunging in. For, after that, the fun stops, ...

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