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Wonks vs. Revolutionaries: The Biggest Division Within the Democratic Party
Post Date: 2007-06-26 10:14:32 by farmfriend
Wonks vs. Revolutionaries: The Biggest Division Within the Democratic Party By Arnold Kling : BIO| 26 Jun 2007 "Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois and former Sen. John Edwards of South Carolina all have staked out positions sharply at odds with [documentary film director Michael] Moore's approach. But none of them is eager to have that fact dragged into the spotlight... In "Sicko," the filmmaker calls for abolishing the insurance industry, putting a tight regulatory collar on pharmaceutical companies and embracing a Canadian-style government-run system. --Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, The Los Angeles Times, June 22, 2007 Assuming that the ...

Fred Thompson and the Burning 'Necklace'
Post Date: 2007-06-25 19:57:09 by Brian S
Why is nobody questioning the GOP front-runner about his lobbying efforts on behalf of a murderous leftist demagogue? by Justin Raimondo To look at Fred Thompson, the actor-cum-senator who now appears to be moving to the front of the GOP presidential pack, one would think that what you see is what you get – but, no. Peel back the pretty ordinary red-state Republican opinions – the war is a righteous one, free Scooter Libby – and we get to the hollow core at the center of his political being. That is, his prior career as a professional lobbyist – perhaps the one profession that is rated lower in the public's esteem than being a member of Congress. I have to admit ...

Why black neighborhoods have high unemployment
Post Date: 2007-06-25 16:51:23 by Tauzero
Why black neighborhoods have high unemployment By Harry C. Alford, NNPA Columnist June 25, 2007 Despite what many bigots and ignorant minds would like to think, Black neighborhoods are blighted for a reason other than a biological one. The reason or reasons are calculated schemes by sinister and greedy minds that conspire to exploit naïve entities to quench their thirst of money and power. For every exploited Black family or household there are these conspirators profiting and solidifying their grip on a disparity that benefits them at the cost of others. We learned this early in forming the National Black Chamber of Commerce in Indianapolis. Prompted by a complaint from a local ...

Goodbye to the City on the Hill: And to Its Fabled Economy
Post Date: 2007-06-25 16:48:45 by aristeides
Goodbye to the City on the Hill And to Its Fabled Economy "We shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us." --John Winthrop America is being destroyed. Many Americans are unaware, others are indifferent, and some intend it. The destruction is across the board: the political and constitutional system, the economy, social institutions including the family itself, citizenship, and the character and morality of the American people. Those who rely on the Internet for information are aware that the Bush regime has successfully assaulted the separation of powers and civil liberty. Both Bush and Cheney claim that they are not bound by laws that impinge on ...

The Vices of Cheney: Where Impeachment Must Begin
Post Date: 2007-06-25 16:06:58 by aristeides
The Vices of Cheney: Where Impeachment Must Begin For several years, in my discussions with Representatives and Senators, it has not been unusual to hear Vice President Dick Cheney referred to as President George Bush's "insurance policy." That is, against the beginning of impeachment proceedings in the House. The prevailing assumption has been that it would be necessary to impeach and convict Cheney, first, so as not to leave the government in his hands should the president leave office before the end of his term. This assumption was, and is correct -- not just due to the fact that the route to holding the president ultimately accountable for "high crimes" goes ...

What is Alex Jones Doing? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-06-25 16:05:25 by Mister Clean
What is Alex Jones doing? When I ask his supporters that question they typically answer with something along the lines of, "He's waking people up. He's spreading information." Okay, suppose that's true. People are "waking up" to the horrors of the New World Order as well as 9/11 being an inside job. So what? Nothing is changing as a result of all this "waking up." Every day Alex Jones is ranting about the latest NWO atrocity. Every day he freaks out over the march of the NWO and the planned destruction of America. The 9/11 "truth" movement is big online but in the real world it's going nowhere. In the world of Alex Jones, each day ...

Pumping Out Bad Policies
Post Date: 2007-06-25 11:36:24 by farmfriend
Pumping Out Bad Policies By John R. Lott Jr. : BIO| 25 Jun 2007 With gas prices around $3 a gallon, the Senate last week passed new energy legislation. It will ultimately go to conference with the House to work out differences between the Senate and House bills. But any bill that gets agreed upon seems certain to increase the swings in gas prices and leave the average American worse off. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) claims that oil companies are colluding to drive up the price, "they wink at each other and do the same thing." Likewise, Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) blames the companies for taking advantage of Hurricane Katrina to raise prices: "You have a hurricane, and ...

Quotations of Political Vision, Courage, Truth and Treachery
Post Date: 2007-06-25 07:26:57 by Kamala
Quotations of Political Vision, Courage, Truth and Treachery Submitted by Lazlo Toth on Sun, 06/24/2007 - 3:28pm. I have been making this collection of quotations for a couple of years now, and found out the collection had grown imperceptibly sizable, and that this collection of inspiring, incredible and sometimes shocking words touched on so many important pieces of information and inspiration related to events transpiring at this time of global and national treachery. I decided the other day to organize them all and share them with you here as informational and inspirational sustenance. These writings will let you know that you are not alone in history and you are not alone in the ...

Maureen Dowd: A Vice President Without Borders, Bordering on Lunacy
Post Date: 2007-06-24 21:57:40 by robin
Maureen Dowd: A Vice President Without Borders, Bordering on Lunacy MoDo actually seems to have something unpleasent to say about someone who is not running for President as a Democrat?Maureen Dowd, The New York Times, June 24, 2007WASHINGTON - It’s hard to imagine how Dick Cheney could get more dastardly, unless J. K. Rowling has him knock off Harry Potter next month.Harry’s cloak of invisibility would be no match for Vice’s culture of invisibility.I’ve always thought Cheney was way out there — the most Voldemort-like official I’ve run across. But even in my harshest musings about the vice president, I never imagined that he would declare himself not ...

I'm ready at last to support gun control.
Post Date: 2007-06-24 07:50:24 by boonie rat
No Guns by Charley Reese DIGG THIS I'm ready at last to support gun control. I believe every police agency in the United States – local, state and federal – should be disarmed. After all, the gun-control people have been saying for years that we private citizens have no need for firearms. Well, if that's true for us, it's true for the police. We are the inhabitants of the country. We live in the neighborhoods, we are the victims of crime, and if we don't need guns, then who does? I've yet to hear of a police officer being mugged or raped, and certainly not an FBI agent, as the feds spend most of their time in offices, except on weekends and holidays. ...

Dubya & Fredo (Gonzales) Sing
Post Date: 2007-06-23 18:09:44 by Ferret Mike

Post Date: 2007-06-23 09:16:05 by DeaconBenjamin
I used to live in Durham. I used to visit Duke's magnificent open-stacks libraries on a regular basis. I learned a lot in those libraries. But I learned a lot more from Duke over the last month. In 1942, America's most distinguished academic economist, Joseph Schumpeter, offered a theory. He argued that America's business elite had lost its will to resist the socialists. The key to this surrender was higher education. The anti-business socialists had been hired by America's elite universities, he said, yet the business elite continued to send their children to these universities. In 2007, Duke University seemed to confirm half of Schumpeter's thesis, in full public ...

Deluded Presidential Promises of Progress in Iraq
Post Date: 2007-06-22 21:40:44 by tom007
Deluded Presidential Promises of Progress in Iraq Doug Bandow President George W. Bush held an hour-long video conference with Iraqi leaders on Monday and pronounced himself "impressed and reassured," announced White House Press Secretary Tony Snow. The president believes that Iraqi "leaders are working together" on important issues. Yes, President Bush has seen light at the end of the tunnel. He believes that we have turned the corner. He knows the dark of night is about to give way to the light of dawn. He thinks we have achieved a real turning point. What could be more obvious? Of course, that's what he has been telling us ever since he stood on the flight deck ...

How the neocons stole freedom
Post Date: 2007-06-22 21:14:05 by Dakmar
Friday, June 22, 2007 Iowa's Ed Failor, Jr. Pimps for the NeoCons: June 20th, Try-Outs for Corporate Presidential Candidates Edward D. Failor, Jr., Executive Vice President of Iowans for Tax Relief, and those working with him on the Presidential Forum to take place on June 30th are feverishly ignoring Congressman Ron Paul, the breakout Presidential candidate who is now in undisputed control of the Internet. They obviously fear Paul's participation in the otherwise lackluster line up of candidates to appear at their forum, put on by Iowans for Tax Relief and the Iowa Christian Alliance. Like so many defective Ken Dolls the other candidates mouth slight variations of the NeoCon Line. ...

Cheney with a drawl
Post Date: 2007-06-22 14:53:52 by ghostdogtxn

Bloomberg's Third Party Problem, and Ours
Post Date: 2007-06-22 10:41:53 by farmfriend
Bloomberg's Third Party Problem, and Ours By Joshua Spivak : BIO| 22 Jun 2007 With the news that he has dropped his Republican affiliation, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg continues to play a public game of flirting with an independent presidential run. This meshes with the years-long speculation that a noted political figure, be it the self-financing Bloomberg or someone else, like the antiwar Republican Senator Chuck Hagel, will jump into the 2008 presidential race with either an independent or third party bid. Pundits argue that for a host of different reasons, such as the growth of internet fund raising or the mood of the country or because of the impending death of the ...

Israel, Lobby Pushing Iran War
Post Date: 2007-06-21 17:23:22 by bluedogtxn
Book: Israel, Lobby Pushing Iran War Nathan Guttman | Fri. Dec 29, 2006 A former United Nations weapons inspector and leading Iraq War opponent has written a new book alleging that Jerusalem is pushing the Bush administration into war with Iran, and accusing the pro-Israel lobby of dual loyalty and “outright espionage.” Article tools Text size: Larger | Smaller Print this article Email this article Other articles by Nathan Guttman More in News In the new book, called “Target Iran,” Scott Ritter, who served as a senior U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998 and later became one of the war’s staunchest critics, argues that the United States is readying ...

Israel's Approved Ethnic Cleansing
Post Date: 2007-06-21 15:08:34 by bluedogtxn
ISRAEL'S APPROVED ETHNIC CLEANSING PART 1, MAKING "FACTS ON THE GROUND" Edward S. Herman Israel's treatment of the Palestinians has always presented a moral problem to the West, as that treatment has violated every law and moral standard on the books. Some 750,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes in 1948-1949, and since then scores of thousands more have been pushed out by force, their houses demolished or taken over by Israeli Jews (not Israeli Arabs). Under the supposed "peace process" following the signing of the Oslo Agreement in September 1993, a UN Special Report of November 13, 2000, says that "In the past seven years...Israel's ...

The Conspiracy
Post Date: 2007-06-21 11:07:49 by Eoghan
Here’s what happened: 1. The American Establishment knew that Bush wasn’t qualified in any way to be President of the United States. On the other hand, he appeared to be electable, and carried with him the promise of lower taxes and the end of the few regulations on corporations that were left. The giddy days of American power from the days of the Clinton Administration also led to some negligence about the use of such power, stemming from the idea that the United States controlled the world so thoroughly that it could afford to have a buffoon as President. 2. The American Establishment took considerable comfort in the fact that the real acting president would be Dick Cheney, a ...

Giuliani: Joining Iraq group a mistake
Post Date: 2007-06-20 21:48:55 by tom007
Giuliani: Joining Iraq group a mistake By MIKE GLOVER, Associated Press Writer 2 hours, 4 minutes ago DES MOINES, Iowa - Republican presidential contender Rudy Giuliani said Wednesday it was a mistake for him to join the Iraq Study Group, on which he lasted just two months and failed to show for any official meetings. The former New York mayor has tried to tamp down criticism in recent days after Newsday reported that Giuliani was a no-show for two of the group's meetings and instead attended paid public appearances. "I thought it would work, but then after a month or two I realized the idea that I was possibly going to run for president would be inconsistent with that," ...

Ron Paul, il libertario
Post Date: 2007-06-20 16:45:58 by aristeides
Ron Paul, il libertario di Novello Papafava Tra i candidati del partito repubblicano alle prossime elezioni presidenziali degli Stati Uniti del 2008 c’è un uomo che presenta proposte molto ardite nel ridurre il peso del Governo federale, per riportare l’America alla libertà delle origini. Il suo nome è Ron Paul ed è senatore del Texas. Per cominciare, nell’ipotetica prima settimana di presidenza, Ron Paul si propone di abolire le tasse sul reddito e tutto l’Irs, il fisco degli Stati Uniti, “rimpiazzandoli - egli dice candidamente - con nulla”; nella seconda settimana, promette ai suoi elettori, rimuoverebbe la Federal Reserve, la ...

Ron Paul: il coraggio della coerenza
Post Date: 2007-06-20 16:08:03 by aristeides
Ron Paul: il coraggio della coerenza pubblicato da Redazione il 16/5/2007 9:00:00 (3114 letture) Una tranquillo dibattito fra repubblicani, dove ciascun candidato recitava a memoria la propria nenia incantatrice, è stato improvvisamente scosso da un intervento "esplosivo" del parlamentare texano Ron Paul, che sin dall'inizio si è distinto per posizioni decisamente contrarie al pensiero omologato del resto del partito. La domanda che ha incendiato il dibattito è stata la seguente: "Onorevole Paul, lei da sempre si è distinto per essere contrario alla guerra in Iraq, e ha detto che se fosse eletto presidente ritirerebbe immediatamente le ...

Post Date: 2007-06-20 16:00:20 by aristeides
RON PAUL MET LE FEU AU POULAILLER RÉPUBLICAIN « Never was so much false arithmetic employed on any subject as that which has been employed to persuade nations that it is in their interests to go to war. » -Thomas Jefferson par Mathieu Bréard Orwell a dit un jour que dans un moment de duperie universelle, dire la vérité devient un acte révolutionnaire. À défaut d'être élu, Ron Paul, candidat à la présidence américaine de 2008, pourra se vanter d'avoir touché la corde sensible de ses collègues républicains. Si lors des récents débats sur FoxNews et ...

Ron Paul Revolution II: Das Establishment in der Defensive
Post Date: 2007-06-20 15:29:39 by aristeides
Ron Paul Revolution II: Das Establishment in der Defensive Politik und Massenmedien verlieren allmählich die Kontrolle von Robert Grözinger Für den republikanischen Präsidentschaftsaspiranten Ron Paul liegt sein vorgebliches offizielles Ziel noch in sehr weiter Ferne, da sich seine Umfragewerte immer noch im niedrigen einstelligen Bereich bewegen. Aber in der vergangenen Woche hat er, mit unfreiwilliger Hilfe eines prominenten Mitbewerbers, ein Ziel auf jeden Fall schon erreicht: Das politische Amerika diskutiert erstmals ernsthaft und auf breiter Front die These, dass die Außenpolitik der USA die Terroranschläge des 11. September 2001 maßgeblich ...

Ron Paul Revolution: Wunder oder Traum?
Post Date: 2007-06-20 15:18:12 by aristeides
Ron Paul Revolution: Wunder oder Traum? Im Internet formiert sich eine Gegenmacht zu den etablierten Medien von Robert Grözinger Letzte Woche hat Fabio Bossi in diesem Blog beschrieben, welche massiven Schwierigkeiten die deutschen Medien bei der Einordnung des US-Kongressabgeordneten Ron Paul, Mitglied der Republikaner und Präsidentschaftskandidat, Libertärer und Konservativer, Kriegs- und Abtreibungsgegner, haben. Aber nicht nur sie, auch die Mainstream-Medien in den USA selbst haben diese Probleme. Dieses Verhalten hat mit der Tatsache zu tun, dass sämtliche dieser Medien den Irak-Krieg hundertprozentig unterstützt haben und nun wissen, dass sie ...

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