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Post Date: 2007-06-20 15:04:02 by aristeides
Why Ron Paul? June 20, 2007 Alvaro Vargas Llosa WASHINGTON—I was dumbfounded last week when three radio stations, one in Spain and two in Latin America, asked me to explain who American presidential hopeful Ron Paul is and why his candidacy in the Republican primaries has generated such a buzz. The congressman from Texas has hardly registered in national polls but is a political celebrity in the blogosphere and on cable TV Web sites, and has been the subject of front-page stories in The Washington Post and other major news outlets. Apparently, he is making waves around the world too. The obvious appeal of this uncharismatic, straight-talking physician is that he opposes the U.S. ...

Iowa Presidential Debate Organizers Snub Ron Paul
Post Date: 2007-06-20 14:58:48 by aristeides
Iowa Presidential Debate Organizers Snub Ron Paul Written by Mike Green Published June 20, 2007 Few examples of the behind-the-scenes power exerting its authority over the people are more impactful than the deliberate stranglehold on the free speech of candidates running for office. Today, Ron Paul finds himself in the chokehold of a couple of Iowa organizations that have refused to allow his message to be heard on the same stage as other Republican candidates. Ironically, one of the groups claims to be Christian. As a former campaign manager for a popular candidate running for the California State Assembly in a wealthy district of San Diego County a few years back, I witnessed ...

2008- The year the electoral college comes crashing down
Post Date: 2007-06-20 14:25:30 by aristeides
2008- The year the electoral college comes crashing down by JakeC [Subscribe] Wed Jun 20, 2007 at 07:03:54 AM PDT First off- this is not a prediction by any means. There are far too many variables being described below to make a prediction. Rather, this is a description of some of the more interesting ways a Bloomberg candidacy could screw up the election, given the ways the electoral college works. There are plenty of other diaries that have already speculated as to whether a Bloomberg candidacy hurts the Democrats, and how much. I believe that in all likelihood Bloomberg hurts the Democrats more than the Republicans, but I really have no idea how much. Clearly, he would draw the same ...

Ron Paul spammers hate Fred Thompson
Post Date: 2007-06-20 11:48:50 by can of corn
Desperate RonPaulians, bitter that their candidate went down in flames, are launching a new spam initiative. The meme? Fred Thompson is a dangerous NEOCON. Poor RonPaulians. The buzz has shifted away from their candidate, his fans are laughed at, and all the spamming in the world won't change things. I do agree with one point, though. If Thompson is nominated his hot wife will definitely become an issue. My earlier guess/wish that it would be Rudy vs Obama is clearly wrong, but that was before Thompson came on the scene and before Obama made some stupid gaffes. The 2008 election could be even more polarizing than the last two, and I don't mean left vs right. It could be male vs ...

Paris Hilton Endorses Ron Paul
Post Date: 2007-06-20 11:44:10 by can of corn
Lynwood, CA. In a surprisingly candid interview with MSNBC's Matt Lauer, Paris Hilton today announced her endorsement of Ron Paul's (R-TX) candidacy. Speaking from a jail pay phone to Lauer, who was in New York City, Hilton explained she was in a "serious period" of her life and had studied the candidates during recreational time spent in the jail library. Hilton announced: "I promised I would 'pay attention to everything' when that guy in the robe at the courthouse was so mad at me. And I've had a lot of time to search the web since I've been here. I was just so impressed that the man was almost as popular as me, and I was like 'who is this ...

STUPID PARTY -- Republicans Rage Against Ron Paul
Post Date: 2007-06-20 08:58:36 by Arator
Stupid Party Republicans rage against Ron Paul. by Kara Hopkins It was a dangerous night in South Carolina: the ten candidates for the Republican nomination gathered, and a debate broke out. Damage control was swift. Party elders rushed to excommunicate the instigator. Pundits howled, bloggers convulsed: “moonbat on Kool Aid,” “crackpot,” “cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.” But for all that pious fury, a candidate few Americans had heard of owned the next day’s headlines. Ron Paul had committed the sin of truth—and the reaction revealed much about the party that shunned him. The evening began predictably enough. Focus-grouped down to their ties, the ...

U.S. Instigating Civil War, Not Spreading Democracy
Post Date: 2007-06-19 20:55:39 by Brian S
Is the United States still hunting for 9/11 conspirator Osama Bin Laden in its "war on terror?" After the United States failed to find Bin Laden in Afghanistan and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, we, the American people, were told that we were fighting for democracy and freedom. The Islamic-fascist-jihad terrorists didn't take away our freedoms - the U.S. government did. If U.S. troops were protecting and defending the U.S. Constitution, they would bring the U.S. government to justice. All they are defending are puppet regimes in the Islamic states of Afghanistan and Iraq. After the victory of Hamas in elections in Palestine, the U.S. government did everything it could ...

Hit Movie Exposes Hollywood's Luciferian Game
Post Date: 2007-06-19 11:20:43 by gengis gandhi
Hit Movie Exposes Hollywood's Luciferian Game June 16, 2007 ku2.jpg By Henry Makow Ph.D. They tell you they are Satanists before the movie starts. The logo of Universal Studios features a globe emitting "a thousand points of light," an occult concept popularized by George H.W. Bush in 1991. It refers to the Illuminati initiates. The Illuminati are Luciferians who have harnessed man's divine spirit for evil. They believe evil is good and good is evil. Thus these "light bearers" are really evildoers. This is the origin of Orwell's "doublespeak." (Technically Satanists differ from Luciferians in that they know evil is evil and revel in it.) The ...

Dare We Call It Tyranny?
Post Date: 2007-06-19 05:48:16 by Ada
The American people’s response to President Bush’s “war on terror” should be … terror. The administration, sometimes with Congress’s complicity: is preparing for a 50-year stay in Iraq, complete with 14 military bases and an embassy larger than the Vatican. (Can there be a better recruiting program for al Qaeda?) has abolished habeas corpus, the principle that for centuries has protected people from arbitrary confinement, for noncitizens declared to be “enemy combatants.” (While the federal courts have upheld the abolition of habeas corpus for detainees at Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere overseas, fortunately an appellate court has just ruled against ...

Adapt and Die—South Africa’s New Motto
Post Date: 2007-06-18 14:55:42 by Tauzero
Adapt and Die—South Africa’s New Motto Dan Roodt, Afrikaner Action Group (PRAAG) During the time of National Party reforms in the seventies and eighties, the cliché “adapt or die” used to do the rounds. Nowadays, given the highest murder rate in the world, this should be modified slightly to read, “adapt and die”. For the endemic social violence in South Africa is probably incurable. Optimists think that violent crime can be solved through better policing, more efficient courts and more secure prisons. Even assuming that such improvements were possible under conditions of hard-core affirmative action, it must be admitted that criminal justice treats ...

Rise and Fall of the Bizarro Empire; The Internal Contradictions of U.S. Imperialism
Post Date: 2007-06-18 12:51:57 by Brian S
When the history of the Iraq war is written, the question of who lost it and how it was lost will be paramount, yet the answer is clear enough even today. The seeds of defeat were sown long ago, and not just by the policymakers and authors of our present disastrous policy. The co-authors of defeat in Iraq are the politicians and the U.S. military, both of whom are constrained by the internal political dynamics of U.S. imperialism. The military deficiencies that some, like Sen. Harry Reid, have pointed to are not a matter of individual "incompetence" on the part of some generals: the inefficiencies are inherent in the system. Via Matt Yglesias we hear the news that the U.S. is now ...

End Vietnam’s Air War - Agent Orange, DU of the 1960s?
Post Date: 2007-06-18 09:17:55 by ...
IN the spring of 1999 I went to Vietnam. I was a tourist, though my trip was not a post-college vacation involving tanning oil and beach chairs and oozing hangovers suffered under the shade of palm trees. I traveled to Vietnam as the daughter of a veteran, a man who had spent a lifetime dealing with his experiences in the war. Making the journey to Vietnam was important for me, but at the time I couldn’t quite formulate how. In the weeks I spent in Vietnam, I went to the places my father had seen action, mostly in the south, in Cu Chi and Tay Ninh, areas not far from Ho Chi Minh City. The region was so thick with foliage one would never suspect that in an effort to expose the ...

Are There People In Your City Still Carrying "W In '04" Stickers On Their Cars???
Post Date: 2007-06-17 20:02:34 by tom007
Here in Colo Springs I am amazed, just amazed to see that many gullible suckers are still sporting the "W in 04" stickers. How 'bout your town?

We must remember that Iraqi oil fields too are located on the Jewish land." - Avrom Shmulevic, rabbi and historian
Post Date: 2007-06-17 19:51:16 by tom007
ne 17, 2007 "We shall have no peace as long as the whole territory of the Land of Israel will not return under Jewish control.... A stable peace will come only then, when Israel will return to itself all its historical lands, and will thus control both the Suez and the Ormudz channel.... We must remember that Iraqi oil fields too are located on the Jewish land." - Avrom Shmulevic, rabbi and historian "[American] strategy should aim, above all, at the removal of Saddam Hussein’s regime from power."..[His removal is absolutely vital to] "the security of the world in the first part of the 21st century" and for "the safety of American troops in the ...

Why We Must Break With The American Crazies
Post Date: 2007-06-17 17:14:47 by Brian S
When Gordon Brown returned from his fact-finding tour of Iraq on Monday, he proclaimed the importance of learning from our mistakes but also of looking forward instead of backward. Did this admission hint at a shift in Britain’s foreign policy when Mr Brown takes over in ten days’ time? To judge by the announcement he made in the next sentence – a restructuring of the British security apparatus to guard against future intelligence failures such as the nonexistent weapons of mass destruction – the answer is “no”. Mr Brown’s foreign policy will remain as backward-looking and self-deluding as Tony Blair’s. I say this with growing despair, because I too ...

Charlotte Iserbyt - Deliberate Dumbing Down of the World
Post Date: 2007-06-17 11:55:37 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Charlotte Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's classrooms. http://www.deliberatedumbingdown.com http://www.americandeception.com "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like ...

John Bolton: Bush never said Saddam was 'imminent threat'
Post Date: 2007-06-17 11:47:26 by tom007
John Bolton: Bush never said Saddam was 'imminent threat' David Edwards and Josh Catone Published: Sunday March 25, 2007 Print This Email This Former ambassador to the UN John Bolton on CNN's Late Edition today made the case that, over four years into the Iraq war, removing Saddam Hussein was "unquestionably" the right thing to do, even though he did not turn out to have the stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction that formed the basis for the Bush administration's case for going to war. "[Saddam Hussein] and his regime were the threat to international peace and security. The president never made the argument that he constituted an imminent threat," ...

Lying Us Into War, Again
Post Date: 2007-06-17 10:04:16 by ...
The drumbeat for war against Iran has begun again, led by Sen. Joe Lieberman, the independent Democrat from Connecticut, and the usual pro-Israel crowd. Lieberman seems to be under the impression that the U.S. can bomb Iran and not get into a full-fledged war. Well, we know all about cakewalks and how they turn into long, bloody and dreary marches. We learned nothing from Vietnam, and apparently some of the people have learned nothing from Iraq, now a cakewalk war that has lasted longer than World War II, though not with the same intensity and mass. If the senator, who seems to be one of those who loves war as long as he doesn't have to fight it, really believes that we can attack ...

Coalition Forces in Iraq Find ID Cards of Two Missing Soldiers
Post Date: 2007-06-16 22:53:47 by tom007
Coalition Forces in Iraq Find ID Cards of Two Missing Soldiers By Christopher Stern June 16 (Bloomberg) -- Coalition forces in Iraq have found identification cards belonging to two U.S. soldiers, who have been missing for more than a month, in a suspected al-Qaeda safe house near Samarra. Identity cards belonging to Specialist Alex Jimenez and Private Byron Fouty were uncovered in the house on June 9 along with other items including computers and video production equipment, the U.S. military said in a statement e-mailed today from Tikrit. The two soldiers have been missing since May 12 after an attack on their patrol.

Tomm007 Nephew
Post Date: 2007-06-16 22:05:21 by tom007
Adam had a bumpy night Thursday night; one of his wound packs broke and they had to move him around a bunch to get it taken care of. He was suppose to have surgery on his right leg today but we had somewhat of setback Friday afternoon. Adam had a seizure and its not clear the cause. They did a CT scan of his head and did not see any problems. The best "guess" at the moment is that it is due to a certain medicine or a combination of medicine. They have started him on an anti-seizure medicine to try to prevent another occurrence. Adam is still not really talking (before or after the seizure) and the doctors or a bit concerned about it but not overly so. It could be several ...

Lying Us Into War, Again
Post Date: 2007-06-16 19:30:26 by tom007
Lying Us Into War, Again by Charley Reese The drumbeat for war against Iran has begun again, led by Sen. Joe Lieberman, the independent Democrat from Connecticut, and the usual pro-Israel crowd. Lieberman seems to be under the impression that the U.S. can bomb Iran and not get into a full-fledged war. Well, we know all about cakewalks and how they turn into long, bloody and dreary marches. We learned nothing from Vietnam, and apparently some of the people have learned nothing from Iraq, now a cakewalk war that has lasted longer than World War II, though not with the same intensity and mass. If the senator, who seems to be one of those who loves war as long as he doesn't have to fight ...

Will Sudan be Re-Colonized?
Post Date: 2007-06-15 21:32:53 by robin
Will Sudan be Re-Colonized? By Stephen Gowans Global Research, June 15, 2007 http://gowans.wordpress.com/ The United States is maneuvering to introduce a UN peacekeeping force into Darfur, as a first step to securing control of the region’s vast supply of oil. US control of Darfur’s petroleum resources would deliver highly profitable investment opportunities to US firms, and scuttle China’s investment in the region, thereby slowing the rise of a strategic competitor whose continued industrial growth depends on secure access to foreign oil. Washington is using highly exaggerated charges of genocide as a justification for a UN intervention it would dominate, while at the ...

Venezuela: US fears spread of Chavez example
Post Date: 2007-06-15 21:23:50 by robin
Venezuela: US fears spread of Chavez example By Federico Fuentes Global Research, June 15, 2007 Green Left Weekly, issue No 713 - 2007-06-13 Under the banner of “For freedom of speech and against imperialism”, hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets of Caracas on June 2 in defence of their revolution, and as a direct response to the domestic and international campaign being whipped up by Washington in the wake of the non-renewal of Radio Caracas TV’s (RCTV) broadcasting concession, dwarfing all of the opposition marches that had occurred in preceding days. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced: “If the Venezuelan oligarchy believe that they will ...

The Conservative Case Against Ron Paul
Post Date: 2007-06-15 13:14:23 by can of corn
Even though he's not one of the top tier contenders, I thought it might be worthwhile to go ahead and write a short, but sweet primer that will explain why so many Republicans have a big problem with Ron Paul. Enjoy! #1) Ron Paul is a libertarian, not a conservative: I have nothing against libertarians. To the contrary, I like them and welcome them into the Republican Party. But, conservatives have even less interest in seeing a libertarian as the GOP's standard bearer than seeing a moderate as our party's nominee. In Paul's case, his voting record shows that he is the least conservative member of Congress running for President on the GOP side. So, although he is a small ...

GOP Would be Wise to Back Ron Paul
Post Date: 2007-06-15 11:42:48 by aristeides
GOP Would be Wise to Back Ron Paul by David Ferraro Page 1 of 1 page(s) http://www.opednews.com After three Republican debates there is one thing that is abundantly clear. None of these men, with one exception, have much of a chance in the general election. That exception is surprisingly the little known Texas Congressman Ron Paul. The fact is that the war in Iraq is the biggest issue of the 2008 election and that 70% of the American people want to see it come to an end. If the GOP decides to go the Rudy McRomney route, a trio that refuses to hold President Bush accountable for the mistakes of the past year, the result will undoubtedly be a Democratic win whether it is Hillary Clinton ...

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