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Of Crazies, Neocons and the Enemy Within
Post Date: 2007-06-15 07:38:45 by Kamala
Of Crazies, Neocons and the Enemy Within by Manuel Valenzuela Beginnings An all too familiar and ominous echo is reverberating through the American landscape, once more blasted into the airwaves, and our minds, through the Ministry of Propaganda and its merry bunch of sycophants and stenographers. For yet another consecutive year since three monolithic towers were demolished, imploded and systemically brought down onto their own footprints in a catalyzing event unleashing a new American century, Americans are hearing the fiery rhetoric of imminent danger, a cocktail of fear, terror and warmongering fed our enemy-addicted culture, aimed both at stirring conflict with Iran and conditioning ...

The threat to al-Jazeera
Post Date: 2007-06-14 22:55:01 by Eoghan
It would be a disaster for the Middle East if the US neutered the region's most independent TV station Since its launch just over a decade ago, the al-Jazeera satellite TV station has transformed the politics of the Middle East. For the first time, people in the region had access to a genuinely free and independent source of news and comment that was neither under the control of dictatorial regimes nor western states or corporations. Under its slogan of "The opinion ... and the other opinion", al-Jazeera gave an Arab world hungry for information and debate the means to talk to itself and shape its future. It spawned imitators across the region and has launched an English ...

Colbert 'confused' by Republican candidate Ron Paul
Post Date: 2007-06-14 20:26:08 by tom007
Colbert 'confused' by Republican candidate Ron Paul David Edwards and Muriel Kane Published: Thursday June 14, 2007 Print This Email This On Wednesday, Stephen Colbert welcomed Ron Paul to The Colbert Report, saying, "With my help, he could become the Republican Mike Gravel." "I'm not sure how to feel about you," Colbert told Paul, "but I'm passionately ambivalent. You voted against the Patriot Act, you voted again the Iraq War. But you also hate taxes and you hate gun control. You are an enigma wrapped in a riddle nestled in a sesame seed bun of mystery. Are you a Republican or are you not a Republican?" "You're confused, because ...

The Selfish Egg
Post Date: 2007-06-14 17:34:19 by Tauzero
The Selfish Egg In writing his popular book The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins made several important mistakes which, in view of the attention which his book has drawn, deserve to be corrected. To begin, Dawkins' book is based on one Big Idea which, in only slightly different form, has been around for years, and yet Dawkins did not credit its author -- a sin which may possibly be mitigated by the fact -- if it is a fact -- that he did not recognize he was using someone else's work. The Big Idea in question is the one usually expressed as 'The chicken is just the egg's way of making another egg,' an idea which in Dawkins' variant is, 'An animal is just the ...

Ron Paul's isolationism is a foreign concept
Post Date: 2007-06-14 15:36:26 by aristeides
Ron Paul's isolationism is a foreign concept By: Michael Brendan Dougherty Jun 13, 2007 06:21 PM EST Ron Paul is causing a minor ruckus on the right. The Texas congressman's opposition to the Iraq war (and most other wars, too) puts him in stark contrast with the other nine Republican presidential candidates onstage at recent debates. While the "Rudy McRomneys" spend their debate time rallying support for Operation Iraqi Freedom and rattling sabers at Iran, Paul says that the most important moral issue facing our nation is its embrace of the Bush doctrine advocating preventative war. His seemingly unorthodox positions have made him a sensation in online polls. He has ...

Where Isn't Ron Paul?
Post Date: 2007-06-14 15:32:26 by aristeides
Where Isnt Ron Paul Author: Michael Kraft Published: June 14, 2007 http://Freemarketnews.com gives us this great story on the censorship of Ron Paul. Almost every independent media outlet and cultural outlet has 5 times the Ron Paul related traffic and conversation than it does for Rudy Giuliani. I can verify this personally with the thousands of visitors to this site daily Ron Paul is nearly double that of all other traffic topics. The people and the web are fascinated by Ron Paul and my stats prove that to me. I dont mean this to be an endorsement, though I do support the man, but this is a fact that is strangely evident on the web as opposed to hidden on other media sources. Another ...

Update Tom007 Nephew
Post Date: 2007-06-14 14:31:33 by tom007
6/12/2007 - Tuesday Adam had surgery today as planned to check the wounds/vacuum packs; no dead tissue was found and packs were resealed. Following the surgery Adam was successfully taken off the ventilator and as of 10PM tonight he was still breathing on his own. His voice is very hoarse and though things are still hazy for him, he was able to answer some questions with single word responses when asked. No surgeries are planned for tomorrow so hopefully he will remain off the ventilator the entire day Wednesday. Thursday they plan on re-checking the wounds/vacuum packs; they also are tentatively planning to do some ortho-work on the right leg. The left leg (operated on yesterday) was ...

What Makes a Nation: The Case of Japan
Post Date: 2007-06-14 14:10:39 by Tauzero
What Makes a Nation: The Case of Japan Steven Howell, American Renaissance, Sept. 1991 Let us be honest: The Japanese have left us behind. Americans are bad losers and prefer not to admit it, but in nearly every way, Japan puts us to shame. Whether it is crime rates, literacy, GNP growth, investment rates, life expectancy, or even the yearly number of patents per capita, Japan is well ahead of us and of nearly everyone else. Unlike the United States, which is worried about the future, always slipping behind and cutting back, Japan is optimistic. Only 45 years after B-29s nearly destroyed it, Japan is bursting with energy—investing, building, expanding, ready for the future. Before ...

Wake Up and Smell the Lawyers.
Post Date: 2007-06-14 14:02:23 by richard9151
How Law and Odor Are Choking America to Death The book lawyers don't want you to read - or even know about! TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 — One Hell of a Bad Smell Chapter 2 — Lawsuit Insanity Running Amuck and Running America Into the Ground Chapter 3 — Money - The Root of All Lawyers Chapter 4 — Keep The Meter Running At All Costs Chapter 5 — They’re Here, They’re There … They’re Everywhere Chapter 6 — Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire Chapter 7 — It Takes Two to Tango Chapter 8 — Guilty Until Proven Innocent Chapter 9 — Uncivil Wars Chapter 10 — Head of the Class Chapter 11 — Who’s Next? ...

Lies, Damn Lies, and Lies that Unleash Hell
Post Date: 2007-06-13 23:28:20 by robin
Lies, Damn Lies, and Lies that Unleash Hell Published by cyrano2 at 6:45 pm under American Nightmare, Mainstream Media Propagandists, American Illusion, Depraved Aristocracy, Fascism, Souless Capitalists, Faux Christians, Spiritual Awakening, Capitalism, Manipulation, Plutocracy, Faux Democracy, American Dream, Propaganda By Jason Miller6/10/07Each day untold millions of US Americans unwittingly immerse themselves in an intellectual, social, cultural, economic, political and spiritual cesspool so rancid and toxic that even microbes with the most voracious appetites for human waste, vomit, and inanimate flesh would shun this infinitely repulsive sewer. Many highly qualified and ...

I hope he's not American ... he is a Jew.
Post Date: 2007-06-13 21:48:31 by tom007
I hope he's not American ... he is a Jew. Sat Feb 19, 2005 07:18 The Bush Sanhedrin of neo-zionazis just keeps expanding the murdering jewish influence in D.C. while imposing a fascist police State on the American people based upon the fear instilled on 9-11. The buildings were owned by another Jew named Larry Silverstein who has been recorded during a TV interview admitting the demolition of building 7, that fell just like WTC 1 and WTC 2. The traitorous Bush Administration is responsible for 9-11, have continually lied to Americans, distorted the facts, and waged war on defenseless countries, thus far Afghanistan and Iraq. The poppy fields are yielding their poison at ...

Remember when Bush told us he doesn't drink alcohol anymore? Well, he lied.
Post Date: 2007-06-13 19:48:32 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Remember when Bush told us he doesn't drink alcohol anymore? Well, he lied. Here's our traitor and chief expounding on some meaningless bit of wisdom, i.e. repeating what a Jew told him the day before. Watch the Jews media scramble to diffuse the implications related to these photos, they'll say it was non-alcoholic beer etc... The fact is, if our President is ridiculous enough to drink non-alcoholic beer and get photographed doing so, he's an idiot. Bush is probably snorting cocaine too, what else can explain his delusional thought processes resulting in treasonous actions? Only someone drunk, stoned or compromised by homosexual photographs in the hands of the ...

How Is Guantanamo Different From Nazi Detention Camps?
Post Date: 2007-06-13 16:52:55 by Ferret Mike
The current radical administration in the US is being humiliated day after day. It is stubbornly insisting on creating dark pages in history that would need thousands of years to be fixed and overcome. It seems as if America eliminated the old threat from countries like China, under Mao, and the Soviet Union, only to find itself mired in a worse situation than these countries. It has now surpassed them with its detention camps and torture that allow the US to accomplish what it wants by extracting confessions forcefully and brutally. The US military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba is one of these dark pages that have been created by this administration. Americans want to ...

John Negroponte Ambassador to Death Squads (Published in 2004, but very interesting to read now for Negroponte is now in Iraq )
Post Date: 2007-06-12 21:12:36 by tom007
Ambassador to Death Squads Who is John Negroponte? By GHALI HASSAN The White House has appointed Mr. John Dimitris Negroponte to be United States ambassador to Iraq. He will preside over the largest embassy in the world, and housed in the Republic Palace (misleadingly named Saddam's Palace by the U.S. occupation). He will be protected by high concrete walls, barbed wires and more than 150,000 occupation force, including several thousands of foreign mercenaries armed to the teeth with the most violent tools. Mr. Negroponte is Greek-American diplomat. He is currently leading the diplomatic war against the people of Iraq as the U.S. envoy at the United Nations (UN) in New York. ...

The GOP's Fading Populism
Post Date: 2007-06-12 12:50:37 by ...
These are tough times to be a Republican. An unpopular president, an unpopular war and a trio of ideologically impure 2008 front-runners have left the party in a funk. And running through it all is one debilitating weakness: The GOP no longer has a unifying populist cause. Since World War II, perhaps the Republican Party's greatest political achievement has been to marry conservatism -- once considered a patrician creed -- with anti-elitism. The synthesis began with Joseph McCarthy, who used conspiratorial anti-communism to attack America's East Coast, Ivy League-dominated foreign policy class. It grew under Richard Nixon, who exploited white working-class resentment against ...

Top Ten Reasons why I will not vote for Ron Paul [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-06-11 14:53:34 by can of corn
1) He's a "truther" by association - He panders and plays to that group of people who believe the events of Sep 11, were an "inside job" without going so far as to say "Fire won't melt steel!" 2) He's called for a Mcarthiesque reopening of the 9/11 Commission, basing it this time on popular opinion, conspiracy theory, and politics rather than fact. - This one goes hand in hand with item 1. 3) He's selling the "We aren't hated because of our freedoms, we are hated because of our Middle Eastern Policies" without ever acknowledging that our polices there are in direct response to the past and current policies of nation states in the ...

Note to Congress…Give me one Amendment & I’ll agree to a One-Time Amnesty
Post Date: 2007-06-10 13:08:30 by mirage
If you like bi-partisan compromise and “progress” in the form of more legislation, you’re going to love this… Since pretty much every member of congress seems convinced that simple enforcement of the existing immigration laws (that they passed) won’t work, and that rights for illegal aliens is a higher priority than the rights of legal law abiding Americans, some form of amnesty is bound to pass sooner or later. Despite Washington’s marathon effort to screw the American citizen, the Wall Street Journal reports, “By a vote of 33-63, the Senate fell far short of the 60 votes that would have been needed to limit debate on the immigration measure and put it ...

Cosby's Message - Look In The Mirror
Post Date: 2007-06-10 13:02:11 by mirage
Bill Cosby's popularity in the African American community hasn't been the same since he started speaking his mind about it. He has told parents to start parenting. Told the community it was complicit in the misogyny, vulgarity, violence and racism in black culture. Many take offense. Why blame a people still struggling with racism, inequality, poverty and crime? Their complaints can't be dismissed. But neither should Cosby. Everyone - black, white, whatever - needs to hear what he's saying - and act. Monday, Cosby joined Men United for a Better Philadelphia on an 11-block antiviolence march through West Philadelphia. Then came a frightening FBI study in which, among U.S. ...

Life in the 'triangle of death'
Post Date: 2007-06-10 12:21:58 by tom007
Life in the 'triangle of death' Guardian photographer Sean Smith, embedded with US soldiers near Baghdad and on his fifth trip to Iraq, describes the huge gap between government rhetoric and reality on the ground · In pictures: Sean Smith in Iraq Interview by Stephen Moss Friday May 11, 2007 The Guardian US soldiers from the 10th mountain division on a foot patrol in the so-called 'triangle of death' south of Baghdad US soldiers from the 10th mountain division on a foot patrol in the so-called 'triangle of death' south of Baghdad. Photograph: Sean Smith The Americans didn't attempt to patrol the so-called "triangle of death" around the ...

Voice of the White House 8 June
Post Date: 2007-06-10 12:14:29 by Eoghan
Washington, D.C., June 8, 2007: “ I have two subjects of general interest to discuss today. The first concerns the flap over the Turkish threats to invade northern Iraq in the wake of Kurdish terrorists cross-border murderous activities inside Turkey and the second deals with a very serious problem with rising sea levels and genuine economic chaos for our east and gulf coasts. First, let’s look at what could very well become a major political disaster. To reduce the problem to basics, the Kurds occupy territory in northern Iraq. There is considerable oil in northern Iraq. The Kurds hate the Shiites and Sunnis who occupy the lower part of Iraq and Saddam attacked them, gassing ...

The Strategy of Disintegration:
Post Date: 2007-06-09 19:07:41 by tom007
The Strategy of Disintegration: False flags, dirty tricks and the dismemberment of Iraq The erosion of a target country’s integrity and viability has always been a conscious goal of the Western colonial project. Creating instability and dissatisfaction with existing reality was a necessary prerequisite to “tame” and then integrate native peoples into the dominant hierarchical model. Today, of course, we are told that colonialism is a thing of the past. The leading nations of the international community no longer seek to enslave their less fortunate neighbours, but rather pursue policies of world benefaction - within the limits imposed by healthy competition, of course. ...

Iraq On The Brink (Turkey Iraq War?)
Post Date: 2007-06-09 18:55:00 by tom007
by Rowan Wolf Page 1 of 1 page(s) http://www.opednews.com Tell A Friend Iraq is teetering on the edge, but this one is not into civil war. Iraq could find itself at war with Turkey. It is stunning to imagine that a nation in name only; with (reportedly) fewer than 10,000 soldiers "combat capable;" living under a foreign occupation and an increasingly bloody struggle for power; could find itself having to defend its "sovereignty" against Turkey. The issue is the increasingly open conflict between Iraqi Kurds and Turkey. Turkey has a long history of conflict with the Kurds, and has been adamant about not allowing a Kurdish state on their border... and that Kurdish ...

Don't Trust Government
Post Date: 2007-06-09 06:10:45 by Ada
In reading an excellent book, Satanic Purses: Money, Myth and Misinformation, by R.T. Naylor, I suddenly realized why Adolf Hitler was so popular during the first years of his administration. The funny thing is that the book is not about Hitler or Germany, but about the U.S. and the bogus war on terror. It is an outstanding book, carefully researched and footnoted, and written in a reasonable manner, though with delicious dollops of sarcasm. It's the carefully detailed accounts of injustices committed by the U.S. government against American Muslims that gave me the insight about Hitler. In the early days of the Third Reich, if you weren't a criminal, a communist or a Jew, you ...

The Voice of the White House 4 June
Post Date: 2007-06-08 10:38:49 by Eoghan
Washington, D.C., June 2, 2007: “It is one thing to bluff the Iranians and spin our wheels issuing regular idle threats about sanctions, invasion, bombings and so on but quite another to mess with Putin or the Turks. Cheney, who runs Bush like a hand-puppet, loathes Vladimir Putin with a real passion. Why? Firstly, Cheney is mired in the long-dead Cold War and is incapable of realizing that Russia is no longer a Communist empire. He is also enraged that Putin stopped the oligarchs from privatizing the Russian oil and gas resources and turning control of them over to American and British interests. Cheney is an oil man (former president of Halliburton) and Putin’s forced return ...

More Proof Of Two Tiered Legal System
Post Date: 2007-06-08 00:24:24 by TommyTheMadArtist
Today, after being in prison for 3 days, and not real prison, the county lock up, Paris Hilton was released. Yes, that's right folks, the stupid whore got released. Here's the deal. The dumb cunt got a DUI, had a revoked license, was sentenced to the lightest sentence she could get, got her own private cell in solitary, had her lawyer and shrink there every fucking day and she got out because her parents have a lot of fucking money. The thing here is folks, that if you, or I, or anyone else who are working for a living were to do something stupid like that, and be sentenced to 30 days in county, we'd still fucking be there, lawyer, or shrink be damned. This proves without a ...

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