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Rudolph Guiliani, You Are A Disgrace!
Post Date: 2007-06-07 20:43:07 by Brian S
06/07/2007 Rudolph Guiliani, in Tuesday night's Republican candidates debate in New Hampshire your comments on the Iraq War constituted far more than political error. They labeled you as a disgrace unfit to serve in any political office, much less the presidency. In response to a question about the Iraq War you created a world of pathetic fantasy and sought to present this view not only as fact, but also with a tinge of counterfeit patriotism as you heralded George W. Bush's actions as a necessary means to combat world terrorism. After tossing your ceremonial bouquets at your political hero George Bush, you then declared that because of an action you heralded as courageous, ...

Republicans on repeat—except for Ron Paul
Post Date: 2007-06-06 16:53:13 by aristeides
Republicans on repeat—except for Ron Paul by LYDIA HOWELL Watching the Republicans debate was much like a flat repetition of Bushspeak—while avoiding Bush's name. But, at least, there was a lot less of the Reagan incantation from the first debate. On most issues, nine of the 10 Republicans seemed redundant to what we've already got now. They agreed on more militarism, continued Bush's tax cuts for the rich and “free market” health care--none of which is working now. Plus, these nine are in love with nukes—nuking Iran, nuclear power in response to global warming and energy independence. VP Dick Cheney's right-hand man, L. Scooter Libby (who just got ...

Three strikes and McCain is a washout
Post Date: 2007-06-06 12:13:36 by mirage
You can stick a fork in John McCain, my friends. The former Navy officer fragged himself last night. Oh sure, every other GOP candidate in Manchester wanted a piece of him on immigration, but he should have seen it coming. Nine-on-one is St. Anselm’s fun. Surely McCain knew he was going to get blistered for supporting the Kennedy-Bush amnesty bill. His unfavorability rating in Arizona is 51 percent. He took a beating on immigration at a town meeting in Gilford earlier in the day. But McCain just can’t help himself. He just keeps stepping into it, spouting nonsense about how the illegals have a “tough path,” and how they “must come into our country legally.” ...

The Truth about the Six Day War
Post Date: 2007-06-06 05:31:08 by noone222
The GREATEST HOAX IN HISTORY was put over on the American people and the world, on JUNE 5, 1967 There is now an accumulating mass of evidence to suggest that the"SIX DAY WAR" was nothing but a 60 Minute BLITZ ! This is a report of the so-called “Six Day War” of an illegally conceived and unlawfully created “State of Israel”, against the Christians and Moslems of the United Arab Republic. In reality, it was a 60-minute blitz carried out by utilizing the military might of the United States, and carried on by traitors to this nation in high governmental positions, Zionists who are loyal only to the “State of Israel”, and who bleed the Christian ...

"One woman had 72 orgasms in one hour. My male client record is 16 in a row."
Post Date: 2007-06-05 23:01:30 by tom007

Fox News: Paris Hilton’s Jail Time ‘Sounds Like Abu Ghraib’ »(The MSM at it Usually Tricks)
Post Date: 2007-06-05 21:44:20 by tom007
Fox News: Paris Hilton’s Jail Time ‘Sounds Like Abu Ghraib’ » Paris Hilton headed to the Los Angeles County jail yesterday to begin her 4523-day prison sentence. While there, she will be allowed outside her cell “for an hour each day to shower, watch television in the day room, participate in outdoor recreation or talk on the telephone.” Today on Fox News’s morning show Fox and Friends, the hosts noted that Hilton will not be allowed to speak on her cell phone while in jail. Guest host Greg Kelly then commented, “It sounds like Abu Ghraib. C’mon, that’s not cool.” Watch it: Being without a cell phone is not like Abu Ghraib. From a ...

50 Years of War (Bush's Korean War)
Post Date: 2007-06-05 21:34:16 by tom007
50 Years of War THE PROGRESS REPORT June 4th. 2007 by Faiz Shakir, Nico Pitney, Amanda Terkel, Satyam Khanna, and Matt Corley In 1964, when the Vietnam War "was only a small dark cloud on the very distant horizon," President Lyndon Johnson privately told National Security Adviser McGeorge Bundy, "I just stayed awake last night thinking of this thing, and the more that I think of it, I don't know what in the hell -- it looks like to me that we're getting into another Korea. It just worries the hell out of me." For President Johnson, Korea was the model he privately feared. For President Bush, Korea is the model he has publicly embraced. The White House announced ...

Ron Paul - America's Last Chance
Post Date: 2007-06-05 19:17:36 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Ron Paul - America's Last Chance By Ted Lang Exclusive to http://Rense.com 1-26-7 I met Congressman Ron Paul at a speaking engagement presented by the Foundation for Economic Education in Irvington, New York, in December 2003. FEE is a libertarian think tank, and as Dr. Paul's best credentials are those identifying him as a true libertarian, meaning a "classical liberal" of the anti-Federalist genre of libertarians that helped found this country, true liberals such as Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams, his qualifications to lead US out of the slimy quagmire we now find ourselves in represents a blast of fresh air. Thanks to our corrupt system of ...

Experts cast doubt on credibility of JFK terror plot
Post Date: 2007-06-05 18:19:57 by tom007
Experts cast doubt on credibility of JFK terror plot by Luis Torres de la Llosa Mon Jun 4, 8:20 PM ET NEW YORK (AFP) - An alleged plot to blow up fuel tanks and pipelines at New York's JFK airport had little chance of success, according to safety experts, who have questioned whether the plot ever posed a real threat. ADVERTISEMENT US authorities said Saturday they had averted an attack that could have resulted in "unfathomable damage, deaths, and destruction," and charged four alleged Islamic radicals with conspiracy to cause an explosion at the airport. But according to the experts, it would have been next to impossible to cause an explosion in the jet fuel tanks and ...

Adolescent Intellectuals
Post Date: 2007-06-05 02:50:59 by mirage
To a small child, the reason he cannot do many things that he would like to do is that his parents won't let him. Many years later, maturity brings an understanding that there are underlying reasons for doing or not doing many things, and that his parents were essentially conduits for those reasons. The truly dangerous period in life is the time when the child has learned the limits of his parents' control, and how to circumvent their control, but has not yet understood or accepted the underlying reasons for doing and not doing things. This adolescent period is one that some people -- intellectuals especially -- never outgrow. The widespread and fervent use of the word ...

Two Threats to Liberty
Post Date: 2007-06-05 02:35:35 by mirage
There are two clear and present dangers to liberty in America. One is known as the left, and the other is known as the right. They are dangerous because they seek to use government to mold society into a form they seek, rather than the form that liberty achieves if society is left on its own. I'm going to assume that the left and the right come to their views sincerely, that their passion for using government is driven by some fear that the absence of government would yield catastrophe. So the burden of my talk today will be to identify and explain the common thread that connects the worldview of the left and the right, and suggest that they are both wrong about the capacity of ...

Civil liberties and war in Mexico - Mexican president Felipe Calderon is instituting crackdowns that make George Bush look like a member of the ACLU.
Post Date: 2007-06-04 20:40:23 by mirage
Like George Bush, Mexico's Felipe Calderon came into office after a bitterly contested election. And he is using the same methods to unite his people behind him. Just as President Bush's war on terror successfully boosted his support during his early years, President Calderon is now declaring war on both crime and terror. Calderon's war promises to be even more destructive for civil liberties. In an attempt to combat narco- violence and discourage subversive activities, he has already ordered unilateral military takeovers of seven states and disarmed local police corps. The military has begun operating random checkpoints throughout the country. He has modified the criminal ...

Think Tank: US Exaggerating Iran Threat For Military Intervention
Post Date: 2007-06-04 19:46:32 by tom007
Think Tank: US Exaggerating Iran Threat For Military Intervention RTTNews | May 29, 2007 The United States is falsely accusing Tehran of supporting Iraqi militias in stoking violence in Iraq as a pretext for a military intervention in the Islamic republic, a leading British think-tank has said in a report. In its report, the British American Security Information Council or Basic has pointed out that there was no hard evidence to link Iran with Iraqi militancy. "Whatever the true nature of Iranian military action in Iraq, few independent analysts believes Tehran is playing a decisive role in the sectarian warfare and insurgency." The report said given the close ties between ...

An Open Letter to Barbara Bush
Post Date: 2007-06-04 18:58:21 by tom007
An Open Letter to Barbara Bush by Cindy Sheehan by Cindy Sheehan Save a link to this article and return to it at http://www.savethis.comSave a link to this article and return to it at http://www.savethis.com Email a link to this articleEmail a link to this article Printer-friendly version of this articlePrinter-friendly version of this article View a list of the most popular articles on our siteView a list of the most popular articles on our site Dear Barbara, On April 4, 2004, your oldest child killed my oldest child, Casey Austin Sheehan. Unlike your oldest child, my son was a marvelous person who joined the military to serve his country and to try and make the world a better place. ...

Sad Update on tom007's Nephew [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-06-04 18:10:48 by tom007
Mitchell: Karen spent Saturday night with us. The news from San Antonio is horrible. Below are some portions of what she told us Saturday night. She flies down this Friday. Sally and Bill can go into Adam's room. The only place not burned or had skin harvested for a graft was on Adam's stomach. The doctors would let them into the burn unit of the ICU only after Bill and Sally had full scrubs on. Sally could put her hand on Adam's stomach and talk to him. Last Thursday/Friday he had another surgery. They found more wound in his right gluteious muscle and had to remove the entire glut. muscle. The surgeons then had to put in a colostomy bag to prevent infections. So now Sally does ...

The loonies of Knoxville
Post Date: 2007-06-04 17:57:02 by Tauzero
The loonies of Knoxville It always amazes me when white people put on the victim hat. As in victim of racial oppression. By any measure — health, education, economics, employment — white Americans enjoy a superior standard of living. If that's racial oppression, sign me up. But still, one occasionally hears mewling noises from that subset of my white countrymen who feel put upon by big, bad racial minorities. This is one of those times. And Knoxville, Tenn., has become the capital city of that lunatic fringe. It seems that in January, a young white couple, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, were victims of a brutal crime. They were carjacked, kidnapped and raped. ...

Outside The Matrix
Post Date: 2007-06-04 11:52:53 by intotheabyss
This is the first in a series of articles about the "Matrix" in which we live. The concept of a "Matrix" was introduced by the 1999 Sci-Fi motion picture titled THE MATRIX, written and directed by Andy and Larry Wachowski. (Although, Sophia Stewart claims to be the "mother" of THE MATRIX, and is suing the Wachowskies.) Nonetheless, the idea of being enslaved by a manipulated reality field has gained a broader acceptance. About one year ago, I had the opportunity to attend an open-house program put on by private school in Houston, Texas . The featured speaker was John Taylor Gatto, who was formerly New York State and New York City Teacher of The Year. Gatto has ...

The Bush Implosion (Robertson's CBN)
Post Date: 2007-06-03 20:52:14 by robin
The Bush Implosion June 1, 2007 For me, the “canary in the mineshaft” of the Bush administration died at 12:00AM this morning, when the Wall Street Journal posted a piece about the President’s unpopular immigration bill by former Reagan speechwriter and influential Republican Peggy Noonan. Whether you like the immigration bill or not, you cannot deny that it is splitting the GOP. And with this bill, the White House has turned its back on its base in a way that is far more politically risky than the Iraq invasion or anything else it has attempted, and could seal Bush’s place in the history books as a failed president. Understand that Peggy Noonan has been known as a ...

A Week in Iraq
Post Date: 2007-06-03 12:00:37 by tom007
A Week in Iraq A week by week assessment of significant incidents and trends in Iraqi civilian casualties by Lily Hamourtziadou. The analyses and opinions presented in these commentaries are personal to the author. Email lily@iraqbodycount.org Causes of war States are amoral. The moral values that guide the actions of individuals in our daily lives are not what lies behind state actions. Our moral guide, moral dilemmas, moral questions and principles that make us act in the ways we do, are not among the considerations of a state as it acts in the international arena. States, unlike people, are not moral agents. A state’s decision to go to war is not informed or influenced by moral ...

Apocalypse ASAP
Post Date: 2007-06-02 20:46:26 by BeAChooser
Apocalypse ASAP By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Friday, June 01, 2007 4:20 PM PT Iraq: Democratic leaders are making it increasingly clear they'll let nothing prevent the U.S. from losing the war against al-Qaida and other terrorists in Iraq — not even victory. For them, defeat in Iraq cannot come too soon. They are that convinced a failed war blamed on President Bush would be a political gold mine in 2008. As if to prevent anyone in America from starting to think things might be going better in Iraq, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel declared in a visit to the New York Daily News editorial board last week that "the president knows it's ...

The Last of the Texas Outsiders
Post Date: 2007-06-02 14:51:44 by Eoghan
Ron Paul vs. the Throng Put together Murdoch's Fox News, a mid-May debate between Republican presidential candidates and the state of South Carolina and you have a hotbed of stupidity. But to the fury of the Republican organizers there was an intrusion of rational thought, in the person of Ron Paul, a US congressman from Texas, classed as a rank outsider in the nomination race. Texas used to send true individualists to Washington DC. One of the brightest moments of my early years, visiting the nation's capital, was watching Rep. Wright Patman, head of the House Banking Committee, tell the red-faced chairman of the federal reserve that he deserved to be locked up in the ...

The Voice of the White House 1 June
Post Date: 2007-06-02 09:41:33 by Eoghan
Washington, D.C., May 31, 2007: “The White House personnel have two private polling companies working for them. The purpose is to get very accurate analysis of public opinion. The usual method is to poll to an idea. That is, if the RNC or the DNC wants a certain impression created, they inform their pollsters that they want to show public approval of something, the pollsters dig out a list of rabid Republicans and poll them with entirely predictable results. As a case in point, about five years ago, a poll showed that only 25% of the American public believed there had been a Holocaust. These results so enraged the Jewish community, who depends on public sympathy for control purposes, ...

Dying for Nothing
Post Date: 2007-06-02 06:33:31 by Zoroaster
June 2, 2007 Dying for Nothing by Charley Reese I didn't watch any of the Memorial Day events on television. Memorial Day, it seems to me, should be only for the families of the dead. It's really impossible to remember someone we never knew. Of course, these days Memorial Day gets larded with politics and pseudo-patriotism. It's nauseating to watch a bunch of actors, entertainers and politicians who never heard a gun fired in anger put on a maudlin performance as if they really gave a rat's toenail for the dead. The fact is, war is started by old men who never go near the war, and wars are always fought by the young. The king of Belgium once noted that it takes 20 years ...

Rep. Paul and the Founders versus Our Interventionist Elite
Post Date: 2007-06-01 21:06:43 by Brian S
America’s bipartisan governing elite never expected their common interventionist foreign policy to be damned by a man who has long worked among that august group. But Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) proved himself not only a political maverick, but one of the few elected federal officials who still prizes – indeed, treasures is a better word – his status as an American citizen. Rep. Paul does not view himself as a citizen of the world who deems unrelenting U.S. intervention abroad as the acceptable price the world demands of America for this higher form of citizenship. Rep. Paul rejects that price, which is, of course, enormously expensive in monetary terms, as well as in terms of ...

Post Date: 2007-06-01 14:19:31 by gengis gandhi
RON PAUL BLASTS THE FEDERAL RESERVE Posted By: Curious Date: Thursday, 31 May 2007, 1:58 p.m. As more and more people in the United States learn about Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas), they are absolutely stunned that anyone elected to the U.S. Congress could actually NOT be a paid puppet of the lobbyists. When you hear Dr. Paul speak on the U.S. Federal Reserve, you will find that he is absolutely aligned with the same principles espoused and intended by the founding fathers of the United States. The Federal Reserve System is actually the cause of inflation and one of the primary reasons why your financial future is unstable, insecure, and likely to include inflations, recessions and ...

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