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Family Feud: Why agribusiness giants are facing off over corn ethanol
Post Date: 2007-05-26 11:09:33 by innieway
As recently as 2005, a buck fifty could get you a bushel of corn -- about three days' rations for a confined dairy cow. Today, that same bushel would run you nearly $4. That rapid price increase, inspired by a slew of federal policies that encourage transforming corn into ethanol, is rippling through the global food system, jacking up food prices and squeezing low-income people throughout the world. The situation has given rise to a renewed "food vs. fuel" debate. The discussion plays out something like this: You either support cheap corn, and thus a food supply that serves the world's vast poor population, or you support the ethanol boom, whose goal is to "break ...

Colorado Springs Police Blotter
Post Date: 2007-05-26 00:56:02 by tom007
A 19 year old women was walking in the parking lot of the Sports Authority store on N. Academy Blvd. when two vehicles (SUV & car) pulled up beside her. She did not know either of these vehicles. The driver of the SUV ordered her to get into his vehicle and when she did, he drove her to Palmer Park. There were three H/M in the SUV with her, they spoke in Spanish about using a gun and who would go first. They stopped in one of the parking lots within the park and the driver reached over and grabbed her vagina. When she fought back, he struck her with his fist. They did not know she spoke Spanish and she knew what was being planned for her, so the first opportunity for escape she took ...

Tom007 Nephew is in San Antonio
Post Date: 2007-05-26 00:02:11 by tom007
Raylene; I just talked to Sarah an hour or so ago. Adam's hands are simply black. Susan was very upset when she saw him, as you can imagine. One of the trauma nurses told her that they have much worse burns and that he'll be ok. That relieved Susan. Alice Ann is there and I believe Liz is on the way if not in San Antonio already. Please continue to keep us posted. Also, if you can think of anything that can be done to help them, let us know. I keep trying to think of what can be done and just don't know what to do. I'm taking my family to Hope this weekend and we'll visit with Susan's dad. Thanks;

Post Date: 2007-05-25 21:13:43 by robin
Congroids By Ted Lang Exclusive to http://Rense.com 5-25-7 Robots and androids and cyborgs, oh my! An old TV commercial for a major industrial corporation offered: "If it can be imagined, it can be done!" And if one thinks about that corporate motto, and applies it to the terms offered, it is beginning to appear that their actual realization is now at hand and an undeniable reality. Oh my! It is sad to note, however, that such manmade machines, made specifically to replace or enhance human capabilities, are more often than not the products of extensive intellectual effort on the part of our species' and envisioned as most strategically applicable in our never-ending quest ...

The Radical Homosexual Movement Is Run By Jews
Post Date: 2007-05-25 21:07:10 by robin
Thursday, May 24, 2007 The Radical Homosexual Movement Is Run By Jews Here is an exhaustive list proving, once and for all, that the radical homosexual movement in the United States is a Jewish movement. Jews created it and run it from top to bottom. They are pushing the perversion and degeneracy that is spreading disease, sin and sickness through America like a wildfire. -The West Larry Kramer -- co-founder of "Act Up," a homosexual/AIDS activist organization; co-founder of the Gay Men's Health Crisis Alan Klein -- co-founder of group ACT UP, co-founder of group Queer Nation, National Communications Director and chief spokesperson for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance ...

Ron Paul Brought Me Back To GOP
Post Date: 2007-05-25 12:03:15 by Brian S
I grew up in the Reagan years, and I was homeschooled back when it was illegal in my state. Yes, I had to hide from the truant officers because the state of Ohio would have arrested my parents for not sending me to public schools to be indoctrinated. I was brought up a card-carrying member of the Christian Right. Well, it worked. As a conservative Christian, I went out and voted Republican each election and helped put the Republicans in Congress under Newt Gingrich's leadership. Clinton safely neutralized, I could go back to sleep. And then sometime in 2002, I woke up. I noticed the Patriot Act and really didn't like it. I realized I couldn't support any government that would ...

Wolfowitz's Tomb
Post Date: 2007-05-25 06:31:00 by Ada
A lead architect of the Iraq war, he believed shock and awe would transform the Middle East. But his policies failed -- along with his tenure at the World Bank. May. 24, 2007 | Paul Wolfowitz's doctrines are a summa of numerous failed political dogmas of the 20th century. His notion of politics was essentially Bolshevik, but less democratic in practice than Lenin's. Wolfowitz had no concept of mass politics. Nor did he have an idea of democratic centralism, the core of Leninism, by which the vanguard led the cells of the party. Wolfowitz believed only in the vanguard. The dutiful student of obscurantist authoritarian philosopher Leo Strauss operated as a solitary intellectual at ...

tom007's nephew is on a c-130 to San Antonio (PIX)
Post Date: 2007-05-24 23:18:30 by tom007
Here is a generic pix of what my nephew is flying over to San Antonio as we speak. It is the C-130 pix I am relating to .

Think You Are A Pool Shark???? Watch This.
Post Date: 2007-05-24 21:58:18 by tom007

Bush warns of heavy bloodshed in Iraq (Cheney gives him the "High Five")
Post Date: 2007-05-24 20:35:12 by tom007
Bush warns of heavy bloodshed in Iraq Washington, United States 24 May 2007 06:34 United States President George Bush on Thursday warned of heavy fighting and bloodshed to come in the next "critical" weeks and months in Iraq, and told Iran it faces tougher sanctions over its nuclear defiance. In a White House news conference, Bush also said that US forces would pull out of Iraq if asked to do so by the Baghdad government, and called on Iraqi leaders to repay US sacrifices with political progress. "This summer is going to be a critical time for the new strategy," Bush said in the news conference in the White House Rose Garden, carried live on US television networks. ...

BeAChooser's Absence Today
Post Date: 2007-05-24 19:27:50 by Trace21231
As many of you have probably noticed, BeAChooser was absent again for most of the day. He should be back around 5:30 but you can expect him to be a bit testy. I am not sure of the entire story, but apparently he went out for a drink with two people he met at the Jewish Gay Repbublican Convention last night and somehow got a shot glass stuck in his rectum. He had to go to the HMO today at 9:30 to get it out. They were using a large set of forceps on him and he was having a bad time. They got the glass out without breaking it, but he will probably still be in a bad mood when he gets here. So go easy on him.

Ron Paul Rocks Republican Bigwigs
Post Date: 2007-05-24 11:32:03 by Brian S
One assumes that Ron Paul knows he is not going to be the next president of the United States - or even the next Republican nominee. Yet the Texas congressman is campaigning hard, aiming particular ire and fire at Rudy Giuliani. Paul is commonly regarded - by those who have heard of him - as more of a Libertarian than a Republican. That is, he believes in minimal regulation at home and minimal intervention abroad. Indeed, Paul took a detour out of the Grand Old Party back in 1988, when he ran on the Libertarian Party ticket for president; he received less than half of 1 percent of the nationwide vote. So it's little wonder, then, that Paul is viewed dimly by top Republicans - the ...

Obermann on the Democratic Wimp Out
Post Date: 2007-05-24 00:30:23 by ...
Obermann Rubs their noses in it.

Can your finances withstand a weather disaster?
Post Date: 2007-05-24 00:23:23 by tom007
Can your finances withstand a weather disaster? By Marshall Loeb Last Updated: 5/24/2007 12:01:00 AM NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes and other weather disasters wreak havoc on every part of people's lives, including their finances. Is your family financially prepared in case disaster strikes? Rande Spiegelman, vice president of financial planning at the Schwab Center for Investment Research, says there are several things you can do to protect yourself ahead of time. In addition to the basics -- creating a disaster communication plan, stocking up on food and supplies, securing property -- Spiegelman suggests going over the following checklist: ...

The entire government has failed us on Iraq
Post Date: 2007-05-24 00:04:15 by tom007
Source LINK

Why Ron Paul's Answer Terrifies "Them"
Post Date: 2007-05-23 20:10:01 by Brian S
In one short answer to a moderator's question in the South Carolina debate in which Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul suggested that U.S. foreign policy motivated the 9/11 terrorists, Paul produced an earthquake that is shaking the Republican establishment. The chairman of the Michigan Republican Party proposed banning Paul from future debates. Besieged by adverse public reaction, however, he quickly backed down. FoxNews commentator John Gibson and columnist Michelle Malkin somehow reached the warped conclusion that Paul was suggesting that U.S. officials had committed the 9/11 attacks. After bloggers pointed out the inherent contradiction between that claim and Paul's ...

Hell, No - I Won't Go!!! [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-05-23 18:50:06 by richard9151
My name is Edgar J. Steele. "Leave there. Leave there now. You don't have a lot more time..." Thus went a recent email from an expatriate American correspondent, writing from his new home of many years in Moscow, Russia. I think he is right. I - we, that is - don't have much time left before the final crackdown comes. You know - the ultimate American police state. And, yes, it can get much worse. You have no idea. Thus far, we have been complaining about the procedures, laws and bureaucracies being set into place. Just wait until they start to use them. What's It All About? Come on, it is obvious to even the most comatose couch potato that all this superstructure ...

A Dream Lay Dying
Post Date: 2007-05-23 18:01:11 by Tauzero
A dream lay dying Times columnist and editorial board member Bill Maxwell kept a promise to himself, to become a professor at a small historically black college, to nurture needy students the way that mentors had encouraged him as a young man. His second year started with promise but ended in despair. By Bill Maxwell Published May 20, 2007 After spending the summer trying to shake off the disappointment over my first year as a professor at Stillman College, I began the 2005 fall semester looking for even the smallest signs that I could make a difference in the lives of black students by setting high standards and inspiring them to rise to the challenge. The first ray of hope that August ...

U.S. Aid Wasted On Israel, Could Help Us At Home
Post Date: 2007-05-23 12:52:03 by Brian S
Because of the U. S. military aid given to Israel and the U. S. grants of military technology plus the theft of our secrets by Israeli spies, Israel’s nuclear weapons are said to be the fifth most powerful in the world. The United States has given multi-millions of dollars to Israel, combine that with the lobbying money given to congressmen and senators that will give Israel even more millions of dollars. It is a waste of money that could be used by our own people who are unemployed because of our free trade policy. Make no mistake about it; the United States went to war with Iraq to protect Israel. Now Vice Presisdent Cheney says that Iran will not dominate the Middle East with ...

State of tom007's Nephew
Post Date: 2007-05-23 10:46:39 by tom007
Please feel free to foward this information. Susan and I want to thank everyone for their prayers. It is amazing. We are trying to communicate as well as we can. Please do not reply as it is getting very difficult to manage. He is at Landstuhl Hospital in Germany and we heard from the surgeon this morning: Left arm 70 % burned - 2nd and 3rd degree Right arm 90% burned - " Back of head, back and butt - " Face - some 2nd degree burns but eyes appear to be OK Both tibias broke below knees and have been externally set. Compound with exposed bone but Ortho docs think it will be OK. A couple of broke bones in one foot All organs are OK and there are no chest injuries Brain ct scan ...

Post Date: 2007-05-23 09:51:10 by robin
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 AGAINST PRESS FREEDOM : ERNST ZÜNDEL AND PARLIAMENTARISMby Welf Herfurth* and Tom StanwellAs most readers know, the Holocaust revisionist Ernst Zündel was sentenced to five years jail by a German court - after being kidnapped, from America to Canada, held for two years without charge in a Canadian prison (under anti-terrorist legislation) and then deported to Germany, where he was charged with multiple counts of Holocaust denial. It is unknown, at this point, if the court will take into account time served. Predictably, the German media were hostile to Zündel and his defence team, but worried if the severity of the sentence - and the fact that freedom ...

Why Bush hasn't been impeached
Post Date: 2007-05-23 06:20:19 by Ada
Congress, the media and most of the American people have yet to turn decisively against Bush because to do so would be to turn against some part of themselves. May. 22, 2007 | The Bush presidency is a lot of things. It's a secretive cabal, a cavalcade of incompetence, a blood-stained Church Militant, a bad rerun of "The Godfather" in which scary men in suits pay ominous visits to hospital rooms. But seen from the point of view of the American people, what it increasingly resembles is a bad marriage. America finds itself married to a guy who has turned out to be a complete dud. Divorce -- which in our nonparliamentary system means impeachment -- is the logical solution. But ...

Just got the news that my 20 yo nephew is badly injured in Baghdad by an IED
Post Date: 2007-05-22 18:45:38 by tom007
Just got the word that Adam, my 20 yo nephew,who just enlisted six or eight months ago, was driving a Stryker Brigade Bradley that got hit by an IED, prolly today. He has two legs broken with compound fractures, second degree burns. "Bring 'e. on." - Bush

What is happening in Lebanon?
Post Date: 2007-05-22 18:42:53 by Eoghan
A survey of US television and radio news over the last 24 hours has told me the following: # Bombings and gunfights in Lebanon. Again. # Breathless analyses on US news programs about Al-Qaida's spread to the shores of the eastern Mediterranean. # Analysts using the "cookie cutter" approach to this new development by citing the events of 1975-1976 and the tensions between Lebanese and Palestinian refugees. # CNN's putative Lebanon analyst, Brent Sadler, characterized Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon as "breeding grounds for terrorism," but now, according to Mr. Sadler, it's Islamic-flavored terrorism. This is all very ominous, anxiety-provoking and ...

Ron Paul’s Patriotic Crimethink
Post Date: 2007-05-22 08:57:30 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Ron Paul’s Patriotic Crimethink Posted by Patrick Foy on May 22, 2007 The attempt by Congressman Ron Paul of Texas to discuss what happened and why--to account for the 9/11 terrorist attacks--is an enormous breakthrough on the American political landscape. The incident occurred during last week’s Republican “debate” among Presidential hopefuls and was aired live on Fox News from Columbia, South Carolina. This may be the first time that the subject has been broached in a serious, intelligent manner by any U.S. Presidential candidate. Rudy Giuliani saw his opportunity to grandstand, and he jumped on it. He chose to dodge, distort and demagogue the issue. As a result, ...

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