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Penetrating the darkness covering two Malaysian airplane disasters
Post Date: 2014-09-05 23:32:33 by Tatarewicz
Pravda... In each case, there appears to be only one explanation consistent with known facts I wrote previously of a second great mystery surrounding the disappearance over the Indian Ocean of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, and that second great mystery is the United States' utter silence surrounding its disappearance, despite its being the very nation able to offer the best information from the world's most sophisticated radars and spy satellites. There can be no question that the United States gathered data on that catastrophe because its military and intelligence surveillance is unblinking. The fact that we did not hear a word from America, and still do not, can only mean its ...

Joan Rivers Dead Two Months After Calling Obama Gay, Michelle a Tranny
Post Date: 2014-09-05 13:38:54 by Itistoolate
Conspiracy theorists think comedienne was murdered

Putin Arrives At Secret Bunker Fortress, Orders Nuclear Forces To “High Alert”
Post Date: 2014-09-05 02:10:13 by Tatarewicz
WDIM... A foreboding report sent from the Office of the President (OoP) to all Kremlin departments today states that President Putin has ordered all nuclear forces to their highest alert status and is, in effect, now running the Federation from one of Russia’s most secretive bunker complexes below Barnaul Airport located in the Altai Republic which is part of the Siberian Federal District. According to this report, while Putin was returning to Moscow from his 5-hour visit with his Mongolian counterpart Elbegdorj Tsakhia in Ulan Bator, he was “strategically redirected” to Altai whereupon the Kremlin Press Service stated that he would chair a government meeting in the Republic ...

I wish I could end EVIL.
Post Date: 2014-09-02 11:52:35 by Itistoolate

Mo'okini Heiau: Warrior Kings and Human Sacrifice on Hawai'i
Post Date: 2014-08-31 00:48:49 by Dakmar
Poster Comment:

Keep Your Friends Close … Unless They’re in Washington
Post Date: 2014-08-30 18:12:56 by X-15
Gstaad—Can somebody tell me when was the last time America got it right? Uncle Sam’s track record in selecting leaders in faraway places reminds me very much of my own, where libel is concerned: Plaintiffs 5, Taki 0. Let’s see, the good Uncle overthrew Mohammad Mossaddegh in Iran back in the early 50s in order for the Shah to become his man in Persia. The Shah went gallivanting in St. Moritz, threw very expensive parties in Persepolis, and spent money like a Saudi camel driver-turned-prince for American weapons. But once the Shah became a pariah, the home of the brave chickened out. The Shah became Shah who? Only Henry Kissinger admitted knowing him and even managed to get ...

Israel, ISIL have a lot in common
Post Date: 2014-08-27 07:20:44 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... Israel calls itself a "Jewish state". Al-Baghdadi's terrorist group calls itself "Islamic State." Both of these terrorist entities define themselves in terms of rigidly sectarian ideologies. Both are squatting on stolen land. Both brutally trample on the rights of those they consider lesser beings – simply because they hold "second-class" religious views. And both proudly commit horrendous atrocities. The world's Jews are becoming increasingly uncomfortable with so-called State of Israel, which purports to represent them without ever having asked their permission. (Israel defines itself as the so-called state of, by and for all Jews, ...

Murder by Cherry-Picking
Post Date: 2014-08-25 20:15:25 by Dakmar
A society’s understanding of history is shaped not so much by what they’re told, but by what is hidden from them. After a white police officer shot and killed the undeniably black Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO on August 9, the story blew up in the nation’s face and has dominated headlines for two weeks running now. But in South Salt Lake, UT on August 11—a mere two days after Brown was shot to death—a police officer described as “not white” shot and killed 20-year-old Dillon Taylor, whose pictures (HERE, HERE, and HERE) reveal him to be at least predominantly Caucasian, if perchance not a purebred Nordic snow bunny. Taylor appears to be mostly white ...

EPA and Clean Water Act; another step toward a Banana Republic
Post Date: 2014-08-25 01:51:46 by farmfriend
EPA and Clean Water Act; another step toward a Banana Republic Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter 11/14/13 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently renewed its ongoing crusade to control all of the nation’s land by controlling all of its water. The Agency is attempting to make its jurisdiction limitless under the authority it alleges is vested by the Clean Water Act. Its new proposed rule would usurp near complete regulatory control of water from the states on both publicly and privately owned lands. The Agency has developed a new report titled “Connectivity of Streams and Wetlands to Downstream Waters”. The report is described as a review and ...

Enemies of America: Bloomberg, Stern, and Rand Paul
Post Date: 2014-08-24 23:03:18 by X-15
There must be few occasions in history when a Fifth Column was as openly disloyal and flamboyant as is Israel First in the United States, advocating at every turn that Americans become involved in wars that are none of their concern. These Jewish and non-Jewish Americans have so corrupted the U.S. political system and media that they feel perfectly at ease in acting in ways that are certain, in the future, to get some of their fellow citizens — civilian and military — killed by Islamist insurgents. They also aggressively seek to turn more of the Muslim world against the United States, thereby deepening the war America already is losing to the Islamists. And all of this is done in ...

Source: ISIS Has Ebola In America – Hawk And Greg Evensen
Post Date: 2014-08-23 19:15:07 by Itistoolate
Source: ISIS Has Ebola In America – Hawk And Greg Evensen In this new edition of Hawk’s radio show with special guest whistleblower and former police officer Greg Evensen, Greg shares more information with us about ISIS (controlled by none other than Barack Obama according to Hawk!) gained from his inside sources. Greg and Hawk warn us that ISIS now has the weaponized ebola virus, here in America! Warning that there are no rules left, the plan that is now unfolding is an attempt by ISIS to completely disrupt whatever semblance of government is now left in the United States. Evensen joins Hawk shortly after the 1 minute 45 second mark in this bombshell show.

Vote all you want the flight plan doesn't change
Post Date: 2014-08-21 21:17:52 by Itistoolate

Obama, My Boss Did This: The Historical Perspective of the 2014 Gaza Massacre.
Post Date: 2014-08-21 21:14:30 by Itistoolate

Cell Phone Children
Post Date: 2014-08-21 20:59:51 by Itistoolate

I will not be returning to Ferguson
Post Date: 2014-08-21 19:16:38 by X-15
I had been on the ground helping Al Jazeera America** cover the protests and unrest in Ferguson, Mo., since this all started last week. After what I saw last night, I will not be returning. The behavior and number of journalists there is so appalling, that I cannot in good conscience continue to be a part of the spectacle. **A clarification edit: I am not a full-time employee of any Al Jazeera branch or network. I am a freelance journalist who contributes to several media platforms. Things I’ve seen: -Cameramen yelling at residents in public meetings for standing in way of their cameras -Cameramen yelling at community leaders for stepping away from podium microphones to better talk ...

To Understand the Ferguson Riots, Look to Africa
Post Date: 2014-08-21 13:55:42 by X-15
Western societies require Westerners. The con works like this: Blacks claim racism. They scream and demonstrate. Their leaders fly in to pump up the excitement. The lickspittle press clucks about oppression. Lickspittle whites join the demonstrations. Eventually the facts come out, and they are nothing like what was initially claimed–but it makes no difference. Blacks are so drunk on indignation that facts don’t matter, and whites are so drunk on self righteousness they can’t see they were flimflammed. We’ve seen this over and over: Trayvon Martin, the Duke Rape Hoax, the Jena Six, Tawana Brawley, the “Compton Cookout”/UC San Diego fraud, and ...

Can anyone make Israel stop killing?
Post Date: 2014-08-20 21:02:57 by Itistoolate
Comment with George Galloway: Can anyone make Israel stop killing?

To Brace Or Not To Brace, That Is The Question
Post Date: 2014-08-20 07:17:54 by Ada
I was not at my personal best that morning, I admit it, but neither was the rest of the family, and making Freudian slips, while still early-morning groggy, are easy to do. As I was to learn, everyone is all upset that I accidentally called the kids “stupid Earthling carbon units” instead of referring to them as “my wonderful, darling children,” which I admit I reflexively did NOT do because they are neither wonderful nor darling, but are instead some kind of mutant dollar-gobbling machines. The issue was about, again, getting braces for one of the kid’s teeth, I don’t remember which one. Naturally, as the caring, loving father, I patiently tried to explain ...

This map is very bad for US Citizens
Post Date: 2014-08-19 13:34:09 by Itistoolate
Unemployment Data 2007 to 2011 from Brian Duvall on Vimeo. Poster Comment:Any one good at math? 0+2 =2 2+2=4 2+4=6 4+6=10 What's next? It is called extrapolation. I will extrapolate from the 2007 to 2011 video. More people loosing jobs, more people hired by the FBI, the Home Land Security, the local Police Fores, the Post office, the CIA who BTW areall purchasing tons of ammunition. So what does that mean you may ask?

From Ferguson to Fallujah, U.S. authorities mistake arms for strength—and reap the consequences.
Post Date: 2014-08-19 06:04:26 by Ada
This has been a summer of discontent—and far worse. As the anniversary of World War I haunts the West, the world seems to be plunging into chaos. Radical Islamists hardened in the Syrian civil war with Bashar al-Assad surged into Iraq and proclaimed themselves the “Islamic State,” with lethal consequences for Christians and other religious minorities. A decade of U.S. nation-building in Iraq was wiped away in weeks. Even as U.S. air support and advisors returned to a battlefield Americans thought they had left for good in 2011, Russian forces gathered on the border of Ukraine, where violence between pro-Western and pro- Russian factions has only escalated since the downing ...

The Coming Race War Won’t Be About Race
Post Date: 2014-08-17 22:34:19 by Southern Style
The Coming Race War Won’t Be About Race Kareem Abdul-Jabbar @kaj33 7:52 PM ET Ferguson is not just about systemic racism—it's about class warfare, and how America's poor are held back You probably have heard of the Kent State shootings: on May 4, 1970, the Ohio National Guard opened fire on student protesters at Kent State University. During those 13 seconds of gunfire, four students were killed and nine were wounded, one of whom was permanently paralyzed. The shock and outcry resulted in a nationwide strike of 4 million students that closed more than 450 campuses. Five days after the shooting, 100,000 protestors gathered in Washington, D.C. And the nation’s ...

Obama Administration Allows Unvaccinated Illegals into Schools!
Post Date: 2014-08-17 15:16:55 by X-15
Dear Conservative, Illegal aliens are overrunning our country. They are coming across the border in hordes and, apparently, border patrol has orders to let as many go as possible. There are forces within the U.S. government that are conspiring to aid and abet these criminals in an attempt to dramatically alter the United States’ demographics. Well, now that the summer is winding down, we are witnessing the fruit of these traitors’ labor. Thousands and thousands of illegal alien children are packing up their lunch boxes and heading off to school. Now, I know what you’re asking: “How could they possibly go to school if they don’t pay property taxes?” Well, ...

Activate the Warrior
Post Date: 2014-08-16 09:50:11 by Itistoolate
Zen Gardner - Hour 1 - Activate the Warrior August 15, 2014 Zen Gardner began his online writing and blogging 8 years ago after a lifelong quest for truth and several major life changes. His focus is empowering humanity to reach its full potential in conscious awareness and its resultant activation in the expression of our lives. He writes on a variety of subjects from earth and human origins and our manipulated spiritual and historical context, to current political events in an effort to dismantle old mind sets in order to free and encourage the awakening of human consciousness that isreadily available to all. In this program, Zen discusses the process of awakening the warrior. ...

AdamKokesh: Robin Williams did not commit suicide
Post Date: 2014-08-15 21:45:17 by Itistoolate

Robin Williams was killed by his best friend
Post Date: 2014-08-15 14:40:00 by Itistoolate
Who was Robin Williams' best friend? Who was with him every day? Who inspired his comic powers? Robin Williams acknowledged that he had opened himself up to transformative demonic powers that aided him on stage. Without the aid of such demonic powers, it is likely that you would have never have heard of Robin Williams and many other famous celebrities. Williams told James Kaplan of US Weekly: “Yeah! Literally, it’s like possession ‑ all of a sudden you’re in, and because it’s in front of a live audience, you just get this energy that just starts going…But there’s also that thing ‑ it is possession. In the old days you’d be burned for ...

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