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patriot survival plan
Post Date: 2014-04-20 21:57:20 by Itistoolate
More than just your guns The Financial Collapse

The Importance of Saying Thank You
Post Date: 2014-04-19 12:04:13 by abraxas

Veterans and White Supremacy
Post Date: 2014-04-18 09:08:46 by Jethro Tull
EVANSTON, Ill. — WHEN Frazier Glenn Miller shot and killed three people in Overland Park, Kan., on Sunday, he did so as a soldier of the white power movement: a groundswell that united Klansmen, neo-Nazis and other fringe elements after the Vietnam War, crested with the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building in 1995, and remains a diminished but potent threat today. Mr. Miller, the 73-year-old man charged in the killings, had been outspoken about his hatred of Jews, blacks, Communists and immigrants, but it would be a mistake to dismiss him as a crazed outlier. The shootings were consistent with his three decades of participation in organized hate groups. His violence was ...

NOAH Movie
Post Date: 2014-04-18 08:36:40 by Itistoolate
NOAH Movie: Kabbalah Jew Brainwashing Just take a look at that demonic Jew above. Darren Aronofsky is the director of the movie “NOAH” now being shown in theater and hyped whenever possible on TV — probably not only to boost box office proceeds for Jew-controlled Hollywood, but to push the occultist religious views of the Nation Wrecking Jews. From what it sounds, the movie is filled with KABBALAH JEW BS! Tough guy Russell Crowe plays Noah in a new form of Hollywood Jew brainwashing movie. Look, I have to first admit I haven’t seen it since I refuse to spend dough on ANYTHING out of Jew ...

Behind Every Degenerate
Post Date: 2014-04-18 08:02:23 by Itistoolate
Behind Every Degenerate American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 12, 2014 Kevin Alfred Strom

Toeing the Line
Post Date: 2014-04-18 07:44:31 by Itistoolate
Toeing the Line American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 5, 2014

We Are Your Enemy
Post Date: 2014-04-18 06:22:42 by Itistoolate
We Are Your Enemy

The Jewish Genocide of The White Race
Post Date: 2014-04-15 09:16:34 by Itistoolate
A few years ago I ran a news page on my site, but this became somewhat onerous to update whilst I was working a full time job, and made me feel duty bound to put up a few articles a day, even though some of them were not that important.  I have decided now to just put up select must reads which will prove unequivocally that there is a war going on to kill off the white race.  Each of the links below gives you details of how this is being undertaken and the Jews behind it.  I will add more articles as and when I discover them.  So as you are not trawling through this page unnecessarily, I will put new articles at the top, I can't say how often I will update this ...

Astounding Conspiracy Theories of Wall Street Genius Mark Gorton
Post Date: 2014-04-15 01:22:45 by Tatarewicz
Mark Gorton is a prominent financier and a respected entrepreneur. He founded the music sharing site Limewire, and he runs Tower Research, a famed high-frequency trading firm. Gorton also believes that the "ruthless" secret cabal that assassinated JFK and planned 9/11 could be coming to kill his family. Mark Gorton does not have a reputation as a crackpot. Quite the opposite. He's been favorably profiled in the New York Times for his business acumen and charitable deeds. His experience as the head of Limewire—which disrupted the music industry and then lost a $100 million lawsuit as a result—was closely followed by the press. And when Michael Lewis's ...

another white wackjob does something stupid giving this administration cover for Harry Reid.
Post Date: 2014-04-13 21:36:49 by TommyTheMadArtist
With the kind of precision timing that only Neil Peart of Rush could surpass, some wackjob in Kansas decides to do something that benefits the Obama Anti Gun, Anti White agenda. This 70 year old wackjob in Kansas shoots 3 people and kills them. Where? Of all place he shoots them at two Jewish Centers. Then the dumb bastard heads to an elementary school. When I saw this as breaking news my first thought was "wow, what impeccable timing". Then this blonde woman driving a minivan is interviewed and sure as shit the first thing that comes out of her mouth was how it reminded her of Sandy Hook with all those children. Come on... really? Then you have an on the phone interview with ...

America’s Internal State of Communism
Post Date: 2014-04-12 07:45:09 by Itistoolate
America’s Internal State of Communism_Dr. James Wickstrom

The elderly are the lucky ones
Post Date: 2014-04-11 08:54:43 by Itistoolate

Post Date: 2014-04-08 07:49:53 by Itistoolate
GIGO - Garbage In Garbage Out How The ILLUMINATI uses Television to Control Your Mind

What if China plans to invade US in 2034?
Post Date: 2014-04-08 01:10:59 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... Recent American interference in Ukraine, in which America helped neo-Nazis and far right extremists overthrow a democratically elected government, is but the latest episode in a decades-long pattern of US intervention in sovereign states in order to “help” their beleaguered inhabitants. Since 1945 America has bombed 33 countries, oftentimes with the aim of saving their respective populations from their selves, a campaign of altruistic mass slaughter which has led to countless deaths and untold environmental and economic destruction. On the eve of NATO’s bombardment of Libya, President Obama declared: "All attacks against civilians must stop …. Gaddafi ...

One Word Defines U.S. Foreign Policy: Hubris
Post Date: 2014-04-07 22:19:52 by X-15
When Hannah Arendt, the famous German-American political philosopher, criticized American involvement in the Vietnam War, she said that our foreign policy “experts” fell prey to using excessive means to achieve minor aims in a region of marginal interest to the United States. You could say the same of most of America’s foreign interventions since 1945. We are a superpower with a boundless propensity for meddling in world affairs. We waste enormous amounts of money and resources intervening in areas that are of marginal importance to our national security. There are many reasons for these wasteful interventions, of course. The military-industrial-Congressional complex plays ...

Blast at U.S. LNG site casts spotlight on natural gas safety
Post Date: 2014-04-07 02:57:31 by Tatarewicz
(Reuters) - An unexplained blast this week at a liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility in rural Washington state, which injured workers, forced an evacuation and raised alarm about a potentially large second explosion, could focus attention on the risk of storing massive gas supplies near population centers. The Monday incident at Williams Co Inc's massive gas storage site is a rare safety-record blemish among the dozens of U.S. LNG plants and storage sites, including towering tanks in packed neighborhoods of New York City, and near Boston. Energy industry experts and opponents of new LNG plants alike said it may spur debate about safe handling of gas for cities increasingly reliant ...

Gun ownership has no limits
Post Date: 2014-04-05 22:26:51 by X-15
I had to write after reading the March 29 letter, “Military-style weapons out of place in personal use.” Excuse me, but who are you to choose who has guns and what guns I choose to have? Any gun is dangerous — they are made for killing. I enjoy going out and shooting guns and hunting, and yes, I will defend myself, family and house with one if needed. I have issues with people who want to tell me what gun I can or cannot have. So let’s tell you what car you can have, or you are not allowed to drink alcohol because of all of the deaths it causes, and no more smoking, fried or sugary foods. Our freedoms are total. I choose what I want and as long as I am not harming ...

The Shame Sham
Post Date: 2014-04-03 20:56:37 by X-15
Like all societies before it, our society considers nothing more shameful than to be shameless. Thus, the Internet—which binds our society together like cheese binds a colon—is crammed with so much public shaming, it should be ashamed of itself. Sticking your fist into the electronic beehive, you will be bitten by a thousand types of public shaming: age-shaming v. youth-shaming, slut-shaming v. virgin-shaming, fat-shaming v. skinny-shaming, and poor-shaming v. wealth-shaming. You will find liberals shaming liberals in the ongoing intersectionality wars, resulting in gay-on-gay shaming and black-on-black shaming. Ain’t that a shame? Yes, it is. It’s a shame indeed, but ...

If You Keep Doing the Same Thing Over and Over You Will Keep Getting What You Always Got!
Post Date: 2014-04-03 10:16:51 by James Deffenbach

US Foreign Policy, Israel and collective responsibility.
Post Date: 2014-04-02 06:27:09 by Tatarewicz
US Foreign Policy, Israel and collective responsibility 06.03.2014 US Foreign Policy, Israel and collective responsibility. 52341.jpeg Are the citizens of the United States of America aware of their country's external policymaking? Not the lies and tales peddled as the truth in their biased media but the truth, the whole truth and nothing but? Does the average American agree with a policy of bulldozing homes or with vetoing a Resolution which condemns it? The list of US vetoes of UN Security Council Resolutions condemning Israel for excesses is long and on the list are vetoes of Resolutions which guaranteed human rights, which condemned Israel for abuses, for aggression, for wanton ...

Australia biggest White Anti-Semite Brendon OConnell released from jail 2014
Post Date: 2014-04-01 08:27:51 by Itistoolate

Americans are the new Bolsheviki
Post Date: 2014-03-21 10:12:25 by christine
In 2009, Poland and Sweden, ever attentive to the US’s geostrategic goals of isolating Russia and gaining control of China thereafter, initiated the Eastern Partnership program, which its sponsors said was intended to tighten ties with former Soviet Republics, such as Moldova, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine. A trade pact is a part of the Partnership’s Association Agreement (AA) deal. What the Russians saw in the EU initiative was a repeat of the “NATO Syndrome,” in that what was promised would soon be betrayed, i.e. no NATO expansion in exchange for a Soviet agreement to the reunification of Germany. To Russian eyes, NATO’s 1999 expansion throughout Eastern ...

Something Dead Wrong Here: Investigating The Mysterious And Central Character, “Danny”. Part 2 Of 2
Post Date: 2014-03-14 08:01:31 by Ada
In part I, we reported significant discrepancies in the story of the key witness in the Boston Marathon bombing-MIT police officer killing. These discrepancies cast doubt on his credibility—and therefore on the entire public narrative around those events. We have been told that the witness was carjacked by the brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and that Tamerlan confessed to him their guilt in both crimes. Here, in Part II, we take a closer look at that witness, who has publicly remained anonymous, known only by the pseudonym “Danny.” Why “Danny” Matters The carjacking victim is an important figure in this singular national drama—and presumably could ...

What is Accepted As Value, UCC1, PREPAID CREDIT, Social Security, Birth Certificate
Post Date: 2014-03-13 08:37:31 by Itistoolate
One Peoples Public Trust - UCC Filings Tutorial by Desmond Grundy

Anonymous announcement call to arms
Post Date: 2014-03-12 15:32:38 by Itistoolate
The Peoples Trust 1776 - Anonymous announcement call to arms - Real Solutions

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