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Israel, liability not ally for Americans: Analyst
Post Date: 2014-03-12 04:06:47 by Tatarewicz
A political analyst says Israel is more of a liability than a strategic ally for the people of the United States, Press TV reports. In an interview on Tuesday, Franklin Lamb said the Tel Aviv regime falls short of an ally for the US nation. “The reality is that they (Israeli officials) are not and they have never been a strategic ally. They are a serious strategic deficit and not an ally for the American people,” he said. Pointing to a recent agreement between the US and Israel under which Washington will continue to finance Israel’s Iron Dome missile system, Lamb said the deal came as part of the US Congress commitment to expand military ties with the Tel Aviv regime. ...

America’s Greatest Threat : The Symptom and the Disease
Post Date: 2014-03-11 22:41:27 by X-15
While browsing the internet for new events and the opinions of peoples from around the world, I came across an observation reportedly posted in a Czech newspaper a couple of years back. It resounded a chord within me, and opened a door of realization that could almost be described as an “epiphany”. The article stated: "The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far ...

Barak Husan Anti=Christ
Post Date: 2014-03-11 09:58:04 by Itistoolate
Revelation 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit,..........

I got 30 months in prison. Why does Leon Panetta get a pass?
Post Date: 2014-03-10 15:16:59 by scrapper2
The confirmation in December that former CIA Director Leon Panetta let classified information slip to "Zero Dark Thirty" screenwriter Mark Boal during a speech at the agency headquarters should result in a criminal espionage charge if there is any truth to Obama administration claims that it isn't enforcing the Espionage Act only against political opponents. I'm one of the people the Obama administration charged with criminal espionage, one of those whose lives were torn apart by being accused, essentially, of betraying his country. The president and the attorney general have used the Espionage Act against more people than all other administrations combined, but not ...

America Is a Communist Country
Post Date: 2014-03-09 22:08:56 by X-15
When I was 19 I attended college briefly before dropping out and returning to my promising career of shifting aimlessly from job to job. During my initial stint at UMass I had the pleasure of meeting Col. Oliver North. I shook hands with the man, who had a firm grip and a no-nonsense demeanor. We didn’t speak about the Iran-Contra Affair. Instead, we had a short exchange about the mob braying like zoo creatures attempting to block entry to his talk. Unsurprisingly, North wasn’t much intimidated by an undisciplined mass of spoiled upper-middle-class kids from Jersey overpaying for the Commonwealth’s land-grant university. Their cacophony could scarcely be heard in the hall, ...

Where is the C in CPAC?
Post Date: 2014-03-09 21:06:17 by X-15
What are "conservatives" trying to conserve? At CPAC this year you could listen to Newt Gingrich, meet Grover Norquist, and learn about “Healthcare after Obamacare.” You could attend a lecture on “Why Conservatism is Right for Women, and listen to Erika Harold, Miss America 2003. But hardly anyone even talked about immigration. CPAC-ers seem to think the country can turn into a multi-culti hash and still be the United States. The one panel on immigration was rigged from the start. Its title was “Can there be meaningful immigration reform without citizenship?” Illegals obviously have to be legalized; the only question is whether they get citizenship. ...

My joke of the day
Post Date: 2014-03-06 20:45:04 by titorite
So a man goes to confession toask for forgiveness. He says,"bless me father for I have sinned . Today I bumped off a congressman" The padre replied " son I am here to hear your confessions not to discuss your community service work" :)

The Last Days of the BIG LIE
Post Date: 2014-03-05 13:10:43 by Itistoolate
The Last Days of the BIG LIE The Last Days of the Big Lie is a documentary which debunks the disgusting liars glorified as heroes and victims in the Steven Spielberg produced, Academy Award winning "Holocaust" documentary The Last Days. The Last Days of the Big Lie uses Spielberg's Oscar winning hoax as a jumping off point to debunk Spielberg's USC Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation as well as the greater Holocaust Hoax. Created by Eric Hunt,

What subjects are banned at godlikeProductions
Post Date: 2014-03-05 09:17:52 by Itistoolate
Godlike Productions ( is huge forum with discussions on a wide variety of topics - very much nonsense. Psychological operations even? An interesting thing is the size of the forum, and now the fact that so much is blatantly censored. Below is the result of 20 minutes of investigative Googling. No Wikipedia page exists. I think there might have been one once. They seem to have very quick moderators (how many?) that quickly removed all the posts, both new posts and replies to various threads, that I posted as an experiment, about the Tavistock Institute from various IP addresses. Banking Cartel is the Cause of Humanity's Woes... by the CIA and the British ...

The Archons and Sandy Hook - Jay Weidner
Post Date: 2014-03-04 19:07:53 by Itistoolate
DISCLAINER Two things about the title: 1- I have never heard of an "Archons" 2- Neither have I heard of Jay Weidner

Alex Jonestein Caller Blames Jews for NWO
Post Date: 2014-03-04 17:55:51 by Itistoolate
Alex Jonestein Caller Blames Jews for NWO

Post Date: 2014-03-03 07:24:52 by Ada
Let’s call a spade a spade: Western politicians have usurped an elected leader. ven in this era of rampant political spin and platitudes, where George Orwell’s claim that political language is used and abused to ‘make lies sound truthful and murder respectable’ has never been truer, the commentary on Ukraine stands out for its dishonesty. Western observers tell us there has been a revolution in that benighted nation. They claim revolutionaries have overthrown a dictator. They say the people of Ukraine have risen up and deposed their despot, and are now ‘experiencing the intense emotions expressed so eloquently by Thomas Paine in 1776 [in his writings on the ...

Ukraine - Russia :China view
Post Date: 2014-03-03 01:18:18 by Tatarewicz
BEIJING, March 3 (Xinhua) -- As the West reacted with alarm to Russia's latest approval of military action in Ukraine, tensions might further escalate. Based on the fact that Russia and Ukraine have deep cultural, historical and economic connections, it is time for Western powers to abandon their Cold War thinking, stop trying to exclude Russia from the political crisis they failed to mediate, and respect Russia's unique role in mapping out the future of Ukraine. Protests in Ukraine started on Nov. 21, 2013, with peaceful demonstrations demanding the country's European integration, but soon snowballed into a violent movement against authorities. Crimea, an autonomous ...

Steven Seagal: If The Truth Came Out, Obama Would Be Impeached
Post Date: 2014-03-02 09:13:07 by X-15

Commentary: Bitcoin mania worse than tulip craze
Post Date: 2014-03-01 00:41:16 by Tatarewicz
BEIJING, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) -- The global bitcoin community was rocked this week by a pair of tragic mishaps. MtGox, a leading bitcoin exchange headquartered in Japan, shut down deals on Tuesday. On Friday, the company filed for bankruptcy protection in Japan, with its chief executive saying it had lost around 850,000 bitcoins "due to weaknesses in the system." Adding to the woes of global buyers, the chief executive of a Singapore-based trading website, First Meta, committed suicide for reasons not yet known. The bad news should serve as solid evidence of the great risks associated with the so-called virtual currency and even the very survival of bitcoin is currently under the ...

Not safe to display American flag in American high school
Post Date: 2014-02-28 18:40:07 by Dakmar
Today’s Dariano v. Morgan Hill Unified School Dist. (9th Cir. Feb. 27, 2014) upholds a California high school’s decision to forbid students from wearing American flag T-shirts on Cinco de Mayo. (See here and here for more on this case.) The court points out that the rights of students in public high schools are limited — under the Supreme Court’s decision in Tinker v. Des Moines Indep. Comm. School Dist. (1969), student speech could be restricted if “school authorities [can reasonably] forecast substantial disruption of or material interference with school activities” stemming from the speech. And on the facts of this case, the court concludes, there was reason ...

Post Date: 2014-02-27 15:04:29 by Luke The Spook
Copyright 1996 CAROLINA FREE PRESS - Permission to print/copy and distribute is granted as long as content is not altered. Electronic reproduction and distribution is encouraged MIRIAM'S CORNER by Gooch Six hours after losing one-third of their forces to the British at Lexington, the Minute Men, still outnumbered but reinforced, regrouped at a turn in the road known as Meriam's Corner. April 19, 1775 was cold and clear as the British retreated toward Lexington after their successful advance on Concord. There the patriot militia was forced to retreat in the face of overwhelming force. As they waited and watched they surmised the worst as the British conducted house to house searches ...

No wonder they killed him-Wm Cooper
Post Date: 2014-02-24 10:17:37 by Itistoolate
The Masonic New World States Of America - Wm Cooper

AGE OF DECEIT Aliens, Fallen Angels and the New World Order
Post Date: 2014-02-23 01:38:58 by Itistoolate

How the West Won—but “Western Civ” Lost
Post Date: 2014-02-22 23:44:24 by X-15
It’s remarkably unfashionable to study—or even talk about—the West these days. Forty years ago the most important and popular freshman course at the best American colleges and universities was “Western Civilization.” It not only covered the general history of the West but also included historical surveys of art, music, literature, philosophy, science, and other matters. But this course has long since disappeared from most college catalogues on grounds that Western civilization is but one of many civilizations and it is ethnocentric and arrogant to study ours. It is widely claimed that to offer a course in “Western Civilization” is to become an apologist ...

The Fool On The Hill
Post Date: 2014-02-22 00:31:47 by Dakmar
Poster Comment:ahahahaha

The Twisted Motives Behind Political Correctness
Post Date: 2014-02-20 00:38:36 by James Deffenbach
As I have confessed in the past, in my early years I found myself active in the Democratic Party and the general liberal methodology. I had no understanding of the concept of the false left/right paradigm. I had no inkling of the dangers of globalism and central banking. I had no concept of decentralization or non-participation. I had never even heard of libertarianism. I knew only that George W. Bush was a criminal (and I was right), but the problem went far deeper than the GOP. I was astoundingly ignorant of the bigger picture. However, what I did have going for me was an almost violent sense of nonconformity. I hated collectivists, yet I found myself surrounded by them while working ...

Amerikan Stasi Police State Staring Us In The Face
Post Date: 2014-02-19 20:46:28 by christine
American taxpayers have built an entire city in Virginia so that the Pentagon, can practice occupying American cities and putting down protests by US citizens. This fake city is the training ground for the doctrine outlined in a leaked US Army document that describes how soldiers are to be trained to put down domestic disturbances and process prisoners through detainment camps where prisoners will be re-educated to appreciate US policies. In situations of “extreme necessity” the training embraces deadly force: “Warning shot will not be fired. When a firearm is discharged it will be fired with the intent of rendering the person(s) at whom it is discharged incapable of ...

This is about politicians in Brazil but the message in it applies to ours too
Post Date: 2014-02-13 00:13:08 by James Deffenbach
Poster Comment:It has English subtitles for those who don't know Portuguese. Just click on cc at the bottom.

Why House of Saud fears/hates Iran
Post Date: 2014-02-08 02:34:42 by Tatarewicz
PressTV...In countless media interviews and statements, it is clear that the Saudi rulers have an abiding obsession with Iran - an obsession that betrays an intense fear and hatred. Senior members of the House of Saud have let it be known that their real focus in Syria, for example, is not primarily the government of Bashar al Assad, and their desire for regime change, but rather the main target is Assad's closest regional ally - Iran. Everywhere in the region, the paranoid House of Saud sees the hand of Iran. In an oped piece in the New York Times in December, the Saudi Ambassador to Britain, Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz al Saud, accused Iran without any evidence, saying that it ...

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