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How America Was Lost
Post Date: 2013-11-08 17:05:05 by X-15
“No legal issue arises when the United States responds to a challenge to its power, position, and prestige.” Dean Acheson , 1962, speaking to the American Society of International Law. Dean Acheson declared 51 years ago that power, position, and prestige are the ingredients of national security and that national security trumps law. In the United States democracy takes a back seat to “national security,” a prerogative of the executive branch of government. National security is where the executive branch hides its crimes against law, both domestic and international, its crimes against the Constitution, its crimes against innocent citizens both at home and abroad, and ...

You Can’t Use Lead Ammo; You Can Use Copper Ammo, You Just Can’t Mine It
Post Date: 2013-11-07 15:46:09 by X-15
Environmental groups have been telling American hunters that we must not be allowed the use of traditional ammunition with lead components. Despite a complete and total lack of scientific evidence to support their claims, the California legislature recently embraced their worldview with the enactment of AB 711, which bans the use of traditional ammunition in hunting statewide. The groups supporting the ban — among them the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) — insisted that other alternatives, like bullets made from copper, were far superior and easily available to hunters. They ignored the fact that ATF has not yet decided whether to ban many such alternative bullets ...

A Manifesto for the Truth
Post Date: 2013-11-04 06:38:44 by Ada
This article by Edward Snowden was published Sunday in Der Spiegel. In a very short time, the world has learned much about unaccountable secret agencies and about sometimes illegal surveillance programs. Sometimes the agencies even deliberately try to hide their surveillance of high officials or the public. While the NSA and GCHQ seem to be the worst offenders – this is what the currently available documents suggest – we must not forget that mass surveillance is a global problem in need of global solutions. Such programs are not only a threat to privacy, they also threaten freedom of speech and open societies. The existence of spy technology should not determine policy. We have ...

LAX shooter DUMMY proof of Hoax [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2013-11-02 21:03:32 by Itistoolate

THings are wrong starting at the bottom
Post Date: 2013-10-29 15:29:28 by titorite
So why is it that the US constitution insists upon an establishment of a postal service but the US postal service refuses to acknowledge that it is a part of the government. Secure mail is a cornerstone to government. Thats why postal service is always government ran. Others may compete but "the man" has to make sure your summons to show up in court got to you. Some how some way the US postal service has been mislead and in turn has mislead a nation. The postal service is not for profit. I REPEAT THE US POSTAL SERVICE IS NOT A FOR PROFIT CORPORATION. They won't be franchising any time soon. They are beholdent to us as tax payers. They are reimbursed for what ever our stamps ...

Guest Post: Culture Of Ignorance - Part I
Post Date: 2013-10-29 10:37:29 by christine
“Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.” - Thomas Edison The kabuki theater that passes for governance in Washington D.C. reveals the profound level of ignorance shrouding this Empire of Debt in its prolonged death throes. Ignorance of facts; ignorance of math; ignorance of history; ignorance of reality; and ignorance of how ignorant we’ve become as a nation, have set us up for an epic fall. It’s almost as if we relish wallowing in our ignorance like a fat lazy sow in a mud hole. The lords of the manor are able to retain their power, control and huge ill-gotten riches ...

China will start a war, if it does not fall apart
Post Date: 2013-10-29 05:51:06 by Tatarewicz
Pravda: First signs of a new information war against China were registered in Hong Kong, where the media traditionally, since the days of the British rule, tested various methods to undermine the ideological unity of China. Today, because of the special status, the local media is testing ideas that can be used by the internal Chinese opposition. Almost simultaneously two papers with forecasts were published in Hong Kong. One article from Frontline magazine is dedicated to internal Chinese issues, while the other one published by the newspaper Wenweipo (it is described as close to the PRC authorities) in accordance with the rules of the information wars analyzes China's foreign policy. ...

Obama Encourages Spying on World Leaders
Post Date: 2013-10-29 02:48:00 by Stephen Lendman
Obama Encourages Spying on World Leaders by Stephen Lendman He lied claiming otherwise. He's a serial liar. He's a moral coward. He's a war criminal multiple times over. He did what supporters thought impossible. He exceeds the worst of George Bush. He plans lots more ways to prove it through 2016. Humanity may not survive the ordeal. On October 27, Deutche Welle (DW) headlined "Media reports suggest Obama knew NSA spied on Merkel." Der Spiegel said NSA's Special Collection Service (SCS) monitored her cell phone conversations since 2002. Obama lied telling Merkel he knew nothing about it. He encourages global spying. He wants world leaders monitored. He wants ...

KSA nervous about Syria developments: Analyst
Post Date: 2013-10-29 00:14:07 by Tatarewicz
Interview with Mark Dankof Press TV has conducted an interview with Mark Dankof, a political commentator from San Antonio, about Saudi spy chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz al-Saud’s remarks that Riyadh plans to make a major shift from its alignment with Washington, frustrated with US inaction on Syria and its warming toward Iran. The following is an approximate transcript of the interview. Press TV: Riyadh seems to be quite serious about what it’s calling a shift in policy, but John Kerry has ruled out any serious conflict of interest. How serious do you see the current disagreements that have been voiced by Saudi Arabia? Dankof: I think in principle the United ...

Is Glenn Greenwald the Future of News?
Post Date: 2013-10-28 07:48:37 by Ada
Much of the speculation about the future of news focuses on the business model: How will we generate the revenues to pay the people who gather and disseminate the news? But the disruptive power of the Internet raises other profound questions about what journalism is becoming, about its essential character and values. This week’s column is a conversation — a (mostly) civil argument — between two very different views of how journalism fulfills its mission. Click for Full Text!

America's Most Beloved War Criminals
Post Date: 2013-10-28 07:26:58 by Ada
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is set to be named officially next month as a member of the College Football Playoff selection committee, charged with selecting the four teams that will compete in the first playoffs following the 2014 season. Rice's appointment, which, according to ESPN, brings some "star power" to the committee, was made possible by the generally favorable impression of her among the public and in the media. Rice has never been a particularly polarizing figure, unlike Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld, two other high-profile players in the Bush administration, who, even if they were equally serious and informed about college football, would never be ...

The paradox of Sweden's 'lower' taxes - explained
Post Date: 2013-10-28 04:01:57 by Tatarewicz
Tax cuts have long been the hallmark of Sweden's Moderate Party. Why then, is the party no longer campaigning on a promise to reduce taxes further? Liberal commentator Nima Sanandaj explains. Government U-turn on further tax cuts (16 Oct 2013) New bid to put more cash in pensioners' pockets (3 Sep 2013) Swedes urged to rally against lower taxes (20 Aug 2013) The Swedish election debate continues along a predictable, slightly boring, track. Except of course that a major transformation has occurred. The Moderates are no longer campaigning on the promise to reduce taxes; historically their most important issue. These days Anders Borg boasts about the fact that public expenditure ...

PressTV Poll
Post Date: 2013-10-28 00:32:09 by Tatarewicz
Poll Where are anti-austerity protests in Europe headed? 1) They will continue amid more government cuts. 27 % 2) They will die down as people will accept cuts. 18 % 3) The will intensify into a European revolution. 55 % Poster Comment:Revolution seems to be the current fad.

"Serpent Head" James carville praises that guy, oh what's his name......
Post Date: 2013-10-27 13:50:50 by Itistoolate
James Carville Praise on Ted Cruz: 'Most Talented And Fearless' GOP Politician of Last 30 Years

Race-Hustling Results
Post Date: 2013-10-26 12:29:59 by BTP Holdings
Race-Hustling Results By Thomas Sowell Wednesday, October 23, 2013 Years ago, someone said that, according to the laws of aerodynamics, bumblebees cannot fly. But the bumblebees, not knowing the laws of aerodynamics, go ahead and fly anyway. Something like that happens among people. There have been many ponderous academic writings and dour editorials in the mainstream media, lamenting that most people born poor cannot rise in American society any more. Meanwhile, many poor immigrants arrive here from various parts of Asia, and rise on up the ladder anyway. Often these Asian immigrants arrive not only with very little money, but also very little knowledge of English. They start out ...

Post Date: 2013-10-25 06:03:18 by Itistoolate
I met the former U.S. Congressman Jim Traficant at the June Conspiracy Con conference where we were both speaking. His story is fascinating and revealing not only because it demonstrates the role and the power of the Israel lobby in America but because as a Congressman he acted with the courage of his convictions. A rare thing indeed. Framed, and imprisoned in the U.S. for a crime he did not commit for nearly eight years, he is now a free man and he is talking. This man is a true White Hat and a real American patriot standing up for what is right.

The Smell of Fear
Post Date: 2013-10-24 07:23:25 by Ada
Either as a result of their hyper-acute sense of smell, or an instinctive ability to decipher behavioral cues, dogs have an uncanny ability to detect fear. Owing to the relentless indoctrination they undergo regarding the primacy of “officer safety” and the supposedly all-encompassing threat environment in which they operate, cops exude a dense musk of fear that dogs can probably detect. This might help explain why casual encounters between dogs and cops frequently end with the dog being shot and left to die. On October 7, Cherrie Shelton of Albany, Georgia saw Patches, her two-year-old Jack Russell Terrier, gunned down by a probation officer named Antoine Jones on her front ...

Americans Are Being Treated to Political Theater: Forget the Government Shutdown – It’s About Shutting YOU Down
Post Date: 2013-10-22 10:43:04 by GreyLmist
The government is red, the middle class is dead & they want us all dead Americans are being treated to political theater at its finest. It’s not a theater of entertainment, however, but a coliseum of enslavement where in the world of deception, perception becomes reality. This theater requires audience participation, where we, the theater-goers, become part of the play. We are a truly captive audience, entranced into mindlessly choosing sides at the frenzied urging of the corporate media and partisan cheerleaders firmly seated behind the microphones and television cameras of the nationally syndicated media. As the play progresses, we, the American people, become part of each act, ...

Rape Case Against Politician’s Grandson Dropped Despite So Much Evidence, It’s Ridiculous
Post Date: 2013-10-22 10:39:32 by wudidiz
An online storm has erupted pressuring a new look at the case, in part thanks to efforts by the hacker collective Anonymous, to bring attention to a rape victim whose family was run out of town while all charges were dropped against her assailant without cause. Watch the video: It is the strange and nightmarish case in the Missouri town of Maryville. After the rape, then 14-year-old Daisy Coleman was dumped on her front lawn in below freezing weather, drunk and beaten. Her assailants confessed to police over their role in a wild high school party – the act in question was even caught on tape – but the accused Matthew Barnett, then a senior, would not be prosecuted. Instead, ...

Revolution: Iran versus Egypt
Post Date: 2013-10-20 23:04:14 by Tatarewicz
Related Interviews: 'Israel, US want Russia outside ME' 'US hostile to independent governments' Failure of the Egyptian revolution has automatically focused attention on the success of Iranian revolution. Political analysts have expressed varied opinions with some seeking to even discredit Iranian revolution for its alleged “failure” to produce meaningful (read pro-America) democracy for its people. Obviously the latter is Western narrative that doesn’t have many buyers in rest of the world, in particular the Muslim world. Iranian revolution succeeded fundamentally for three reasons. First, Iranians submitted themselves to a single leadership that also ...

Jimmy Carter unveils truth about Israel
Post Date: 2013-10-20 16:50:32 by Itistoolate

Christie ducks blame for his own gun bill veto: Editorial (New Jersey)
Post Date: 2013-10-18 15:41:03 by X-15
Gov. Chris Christie went on television this week and blamed Democrats for forcing him to veto a ban on future sales of a powerful sniper rifle, a measure he’d called for himself months earlier. When asked during his second gubernatorial debate why he quashed the ban on sales of the .50-caliber Barrett rifle and similar models, Christie said it was all because of his opponents’ political treachery. For “political reasons,” he said, Democratic legislators decided to make the ban more broad, which was unacceptable. “They need to understand that if they break a deal with me, then there’s going to be ramifications for it,” he blustered. The Democrats later ...

Jay Knott’s Unethical View of Ethnocentrism
Post Date: 2013-10-18 15:31:47 by X-15
In a review of three books on the construction of races and nations, Jay Knott accepts that there is a biological basis for racial identity and ethnocentrism, but nevertheless views them as immoral: I would like to challenge this view, and state that the opposite is, in fact, true: racial identity and ethnocentrism are moral, and condemning them is immoral. We must first of all distinguish between racial identity / ethnocentrism and bigotry or supremacism. The state, media, academic, and institutional focus on racism has caused the public to think of ethnocentrism in such terms, but, while the latter may be expressions of racial ...

This is good to teach the people to stupid to learn about 'The Fed, ' the Rothschilds and the Bank of England
Post Date: 2013-10-17 12:14:33 by Itistoolate
The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money Episode 4

Ex-Navy SEAL Drops Bombshell On FOX: Says Government Is CREATING Conditions To Impose Martial Law (Oct 15, 2013 Video Report)
Post Date: 2013-10-16 23:13:10 by Itistoolate
Ex-Navy SEAL Drops Bombshell On FOX: Says Government Is CREATING Conditions To Impose Martial Law (Oct 15, 2013 Video Report) Ex-US Navy SEAL Ben Smith joins Fox News and drops a bombshell on the US government by revealing that the government ITSELF is CREATING the conditions necessary to impose martial law here in America. This is a must watch video for those who feel martial law is merely believed by conspiracy theorists. Veterans and US Navy SEALS see the same thing! Published on Oct 16, 2013

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