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Texas Women: Stop Having Sex With Men Who Vote Against Your Best Interests
Post Date: 2013-07-03 13:16:11 by PSUSA2
"A sex strike, sometimes called a sex boycott, is a strike, a method of non-violent resistance in which one or multiple persons refrain from sex with their partner(s) to achieve certain goals. It is a form of temporary sexual abstinence. Sex strikes have been used to protest many issues, from water resources to employment equity." (Wikipedia) In Kenya, when violence broke out after political elections a few years back, the women in Kenya stopped having sex with the men until the violence ended. Guess what? The men quit fighting one another. We've all been there, attracted to that man who does not mean well for us. We sure would not want our daughters dating or married to ...

19 surveys show US population is made up of totally clueless sheeple
Post Date: 2013-07-02 02:03:01 by Tatarewicz
PressTV: Are we too stupid to continue as a nation? Even though we have more access to information today than ever before, it seems like the U.S. population just keeps becoming more ignorant. So at what point does a society become so “dumbed-down” that it can no longer function effectively? We like to complain about our leaders, but the truth is that we are the ones that elected them. They are a reflection of who we are as a society. And when you compare Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner to men like George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, they don’t fare too well. Sadly, the truth is that most of our founding ...

Asking for a 'date' or telling him how she really feels
Post Date: 2013-07-01 13:52:22 by Itistoolate
Fed Goberment punishing Brewer and Arizona and Sherrif Joe with devistating fires? Poster Comment:we need a 'conspiracy' category

Just a question to see if there is anyone here with dicernment
Post Date: 2013-06-28 21:15:54 by Itistoolate
In the Mark Lavin show tonight he posed this question: Why is the MSM all covering the Travon/Zimmerman case. I didn't listen to the full show but I was wondering the same thing. Could it be Bengazi Gate, IRS Gate, Bummer's war on 'JOURNALISTS, Fast and Furious NSA SPYING on EVERYONE ETC ETC?

Philosopher Renata Salecl: 'Capitalism Is Humanity's Neurosis'
Post Date: 2013-06-28 03:18:20 by Tatarewicz
Is too much choice stressing us out? REUTERS Freedom is a good thing, isn't it? Not always, argues Slovenian philosopher Renata Salecl. The liberty to choose from an unlimited number of career options or coffee brands ultimately becomes a burden. Our modern capitalist society is ruled by a "tyranny of choice." SPIEGEL ONLINE: Ms. Salecl, at the fast food chain Subway we have to make half a dozen decisions before we can finally enjoy our sandwich. Is that what you mean when you speak in your lectures about the "tyranny of choice?" ANZEIGE Salecl: I try to avoid places like Subway, and if I end up there I always order the same thing. When I speak about the ...

Which country has the most freedom of speech?
Post Date: 2013-06-27 21:02:38 by Tatarewicz
25 June, 0:00 15 % USA 13 % Russia 8 % Great Britain 6 % Germany 46 % Iceland 5 % Ecuador 3 % Venezuela 3 % Cuba 3 % China/Hong Kong Voted in this poll: 1199 . Poll archive

The Secret War
Post Date: 2013-06-25 06:05:26 by Itistoolate
The Secret WarINFILTRATION. SABOTAGE. MAYHEM. FOR YEARS, FOUR-STAR GENERAL KEITH ALEXANDER HAS BEEN BUILDING A SECRET ARMY CAPABLE OF LAUNCHING DEVASTATING CYBERATTACKS. NOW IT’S READY TO UNLEASH HELL.Illustrations by Mark Weaver, Mike Theiler/Corbis, Enzo Signorelli/Getty Images, Nick Servian/AlamyInside Fort Meade, Maryland, a top-secret city bustles. Tens of thousands of people move through more than 50 buildings—the city has its own post office, fire department, and police force. But as if designed by Kafka, it sits among a forest of trees, surrounded by electrified fences and heavily armed guards, protected by antitank barriers, monitored by sensitive motion detectors, and ...

Massive Banking Collapse Imminent
Post Date: 2013-06-24 19:47:48 by Itistoolate
Massive Banking Collapse Imminent Ask yourself: How can something of nothing have value? How can nations thrive on an illusion of value? They don't. Inevitably, they fail. The game of money is just that — A game. We are printing excessive amounts of paper money out of thin air, further diluting what little value our currency has left. The mainstream media is doing its part as well: It's keeping the lie alive. However, we're already experiencing the beginning of a total collapse. My hat is off to Greenspan, Bernanke, Rockefeller, Rothchild and Morgan for their magic over the years. They've managed to pull of a coop so innovative that most people are unaware of what it ...

Obama is a F*****G FRAUD
Post Date: 2013-06-23 21:43:05 by farmfriend
Obama is a F*****G FRAUD By liquidstokeFollow I gave this man $5000 in 2007 and spent many hours to canvass and phonebank for him. I gave him another $500 in 2011 and again voted for him. I bought the boohoo story of those meanie Republicans obatructing everything. I bought the story that we "won" with the ACA passing and broadended gay rights, but had to give up $800 billion of our hard earned money to bank crooks and let them drive away in their Bentleys to their 20 room mansions because he just couldn't do anything about it-- too big to fail. While us peons were left to fall. They hoard and hide over $32 Trillion of wealth in the Caymans to avoid contributing to the ...

Too Much 'Surveillance'...This Could Happen [title at Rense.com]
Post Date: 2013-06-21 05:39:38 by GreyLmist
Feds'Deconfliction.wmv: A funny clip about different members of our national security going after a "Terrorist" Comment at the site: "I see, this is a documentary." :]

It's Probably Much Worse Than You Think
Post Date: 2013-06-17 13:13:05 by X-15
There is something fishy about the recent disclosures of the National Security Agency’s (NSA) “metadata” monitoring of telephone calls, Internet traffic, and credit card transactions of innocent U.S. citizens. Start with the press. The Guardian, a London newspaper that bills itself as “the world’s leading liberal voice,” first disclosed that Verizon had turned over, pursuant to an order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, millions of phone records to the NSA. The source of its gift-wrapped scoop was Edward Snowden, an apparently idealistic 29-year-old American, formerly a technical assistant for the CIA and currently employed by defense contractor Booz Allen ...

Glenn Beck Arrives In NYC Searching For Big Breaking New Secret.That Will Change History
Post Date: 2013-06-13 18:59:30 by Itistoolate
Glenn Beck Arrives In NYC Searching For Big Breaking New Secret….That Will Change HistoryThursday, June 13, 2013 10:54 Does Glenn Beck really have a secret document that will soon change history or is this just more fluff from Beck? This video just released on YouTube by WeAreTheSavageNation is the most recent word we have gotten straight from Glenn on what could turn out to be a truly historic night as Glenn fills us in on the ‘behind the scenes’ events that have happened leading up to this ‘event’. Let’s hope Glenn delivers the goods.

The most viewed and least commented on-2296 VIEWS and 22 replies
Post Date: 2013-06-13 10:34:12 by Itistoolate

Call your Rep. and Senator and ream them out....
Post Date: 2013-06-10 12:10:37 by X-15
I just lit up my representatives' office in D.C. (Rep. Ralph Hall, sorry old bastard from North Texas): the dirty bitch who answered the phone tried to put it all on Obama and I really layed the whip into her hide and told her it was ALL of Congress who was in on the gang-bang of the Constitution. They're circling the wagons, folks, and it's us against them. I also called my Senators' offices (John Cornyn and Ted Cruz) and reamed those two bastards. Marco Rubio's office got an earful from me about his support for illegal immigration. Fuck'em, what've we got left to lose?? Voice your displeasure with FedGov and don't hold back, they need to feel the heat ...

Obamas Mentor Was a Satan Worshipper, What Does That Make Obama?
Post Date: 2013-06-08 22:20:08 by Itistoolate
Obama’s Mentor Was a Satan Worshipper, What Does That Make Obama?Posted on May 28, 2011 by Dr. Eowyn | 11 Comments Many of us know that Saul Alinsky, the leftwing guru of community organizers such as Barack Obama, had dedicated his book, Rules for Radicals, to Lucifer. Lucifer was the name of the fallen angel who rebelled against his Creator and so became Satan. In other words, Alinksy dedicated his book to Satan. Worse than that, in a 1972 Playboy interview before he died, Alinsky so admired Satan he professed he’d rather go to Hell than Heaven. Reverend/Dr. James David Manning, of Atlah World Missionary Church in Harlem, makes a thought-provoking observation in the video ...

Rush Limbaugh: America in the Midst of a Coup d'Etat
Post Date: 2013-06-07 21:11:48 by Itistoolate
America in the Midst of a Coup d'Etat Rush Limbaugh.Com BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Late yesterday afternoon I was sitting in the library at home, and I was just swamped. It seemed like every 90 seconds somebody needed something, or somebody had a question or somebody had a comment, requiring my response. It was during the period of time that I generally devote to reading my tech blogs, you know, where I abandon all of this and get away from it and start spending time on, quote, unquote, my hobby. But it was one of those days. I'm sure you have them. They may happen every day, but if I had been watching a TV show I would have hit the pause button every minute to deal with something. ...

United States Govt. Declares Secession From The People
Post Date: 2013-06-07 12:07:12 by Itistoolate
Dear State Representative, The US Federal Government is a now a Full-term abortion. It is over. The American dream is dead, and ”when the music’s over, turn out the lights.” (~Jim Morrison) Every single time I turn on the news or get on the internet, there is some new scandal being announced. There is corruption, there are lies, there is nepotism, there is theft, and there is fraud. I could spend hours listing all that has surfaced during the past month alone, but there is one topic that has been trampled on way too many times, and that is the Bill of Rights. I am only 40 years old, but never in my short life has the question of basic, natural rights come up so often in ...

DHS/FEMA Set Up Silent Martial Law while Economy Secretly Crashed
Post Date: 2013-06-02 12:18:08 by X-15
A source in the Deutsche Bank claims that in 2008 our financial and monetary system completely collapsed and since that time the banking cartels have been “propping up the system” to make it appear as if everything was fine. In reality our stock market and monetary systems are fake; meaning that there is nothing holding them in place except the illusion that they have stabilized since the Stock Market Crash nearly 5 years ago. Since this time, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in conjunction with FEMA and other federal agencies have been quickly working to set in place their directives of control under a silent martial law. The Deutsche Bank informant says that the cause ...

Sandy Hook Massacre Uncovered? (With Evidence) 1/2
Post Date: 2013-06-01 13:32:56 by Itistoolate
Sandy Hook Massacre Uncovered? (With Evidence) 1/2 We present other youtubers’ videos that people found making use of what we’re feeling is conclusive evidence the shooting was indeed an incorrect flag event to have the capacity to enact weapon control laws and limitations. The Newtown massacre, which left 20 elementary young children and 6 grown ups dead, required only 5 minutes. New particulars emerging from research in towards Sandy Hook shooting now says shooter Adam Lanza fired 154 bullets within the Bushmaster .223-model rifle together which has a final bullet, fired in the Glock 10mm hand gun, to think about his or her existence. Sandy Hook Massacre Exposed? (With ...

The Politically-Incorrect Dictionary
Post Date: 2013-05-31 13:13:14 by Prefrontal Vortex
The Politically-Incorrect Dictionary By John "Birdman" Bryant All definitions are original, save for ones given attribution. Affirmative action: Legalized racial discrimination against whites. Africa: The proof that, by being enslaved by whites, blacks never had it so good. African-Americans: (1) A people who were once enslaved, but who now enjoy special privileges as a result of constantly whining that they are oppressed; (2) A people who keep changing their name -- niggers, darkies, colored people, negroes, blacks, Afro-Americans, African-Americans -- because they keep trying to run away from all the unpleasant associations which their behavior keeps attaching to them. ...

Dancing on a Heros Grave
Post Date: 2013-05-29 17:32:34 by Dakmar
As a college student I would buy copies of The New Yorker to sample the sparkling prose of James Thurber and S. J. Perelman and to appreciate the clever cartoons that graced each issue. Despite the magazine’s veering toward the trendy left thereafter, I could still find material in it worth reading well into the 1980s, such as John Updike’s elegantly phrased erotica or the occasional vignettes of interwar Hungary by John Lukacs. Then The New Yorker took a further slide into sheer madness, and the results are visible in a libelous obit that came out last Wednesday by a certain Judith Thurman. Seething with rage syndrome, Thurman announced the “Final Solution” of my ...

Crisis Actor Caught During Explosion - Boston Bombing
Post Date: 2013-05-28 19:03:53 by Itistoolate

.... It is a strange day here today.
Post Date: 2013-05-27 00:25:58 by titorite
Alot of strange articles today.

The Cure
Post Date: 2013-05-26 17:57:37 by X-15

Memorial Day
Post Date: 2013-05-26 17:13:22 by boonie rat
MEMORIAL DAY Memorial Day is their day, isn't it? It is supposed to be the day a grateful nation pauses to quietly thank the more than one million men and women who have died in military service to their country since the Revolutionary War. Or is it the day the beach resorts kick into high gear for the summer season, the day the strand is covered by fish-belly white people basting themselves in coconut oil, the day the off-season rates end and the weekend you can't get in a seaside seafood restaurant with anything less than a one hour wait. Or is is one of the biggest shopping center sales days of the year, a day when hunting for a parking space is the prime sport for the ...

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