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George Zimmerman lawyers will report "negative, hate or prejudice-based" web content to "proper authorities"
Post Date: 2013-05-26 10:31:11 by Artisan
With the Trayvon Martin- George Zimmerman case back in the news and sure to be the next circus-trial distraction, I came across this yesterday and thought it was hilarious, harkening back to the point I made about Zimmerman when the case first broke. A website operated Zimmerman's lawyers has warned that they are "working hard to identify negative, hate or prejudice-based web presence and will report those to the proper authorities." What "authorites" are they referring to, and what recourse could they possibly purport to have against "negative," "hate," or "prejudice-based" internet content? What a joke. There's nothing wrong with ...

Hodi Airyass Story book
Post Date: 2013-05-26 01:06:54 by James Deffenbach

General Motor's Hatred of Heterosexuals
Post Date: 2013-05-25 14:50:58 by Buzzard
Illuminati Jewish bankers control most major corporations and use advertising for social engineering: to neuter the goyim herd. I was reminded of this May 2007 article because Cadillac is running another more subtle heterophobic ad. Maybe you've seen it. A lithe young lady is caught in a rainstorm. She seeks shelter under the umbrellas of a series of different eligible young men until she reaches her final destination, her Cadillac SUV. The meaning is clear. Women can seek temporary protection from males, but ultimately they will find financial and sexual independence represented by the luxury car. This is subliminal mind control. Is GM selling cars or lesbianism to women and impotence ...

Top ten warning signs of 'liberal imperialism'
Post Date: 2013-05-23 14:24:08 by X-15
Are you a liberal imperialist? Liberal imperialists are like kinder, gentler neoconservatives: Like neocons, they believe it's America's responsibility to right political and humanitarian wrongs around the world, and they're comfortable with the idea of the United States deciding who will run countries such as Libya, Syria, or Afghanistan. Unlike neocons, liberal imperialists embrace and support international institutions (like the United Nations), and they are driven more by concern for human rights than they are by blind nationalism or protecting the U.S.-Israel special relationship. Still, like the neocons, liberal imperialists are eager proponents for using American hard ...

Jeffrey Nugent, guest columnist: Irresponsible gun owners are bad for everyone
Post Date: 2013-05-22 20:42:21 by X-15
I’m a member of the National Rifle Association and a former Army officer with assignments in the military police, artillery, and operations research and intelligence at the Pentagon. I’m also Ted Nugent’s older brother. Ted and I recently attended the NRA convention in Houston, where he delivered the gathering’s final speech and continued his ardent defense of the Second Amendment. Ted and I have hunted together for decades, and we legally own a large number of guns. We both understand that guns constitute deadly force, so safety is foremost in our minds. It’s part of responsible gun ownership. And I agree with Ted that our constitutional right to bear arms ...

The Progressive Glossary
Post Date: 2013-05-20 17:33:11 by Dakmar
I’ve recently been made aware of a strange new tribe who refer to themselves collectively—they do everything collectively—as “progressives.” I think they used to call themselves “liberals” until it became clear that they don’t care much for liberty. Males and females in this tribe both tend to wear beards and gather in urban coastal areas, where they pay too much for apartments, water, coffee, and bean sprouts. They speak a strange and exotic tongue unfamiliar to my ears. But they repeat certain terms so frequently, I feel as if I’ve begun to get a handle on what they’re driving at. To the best of my ability, I will try to decipher ...

Literal Drug Commercial
Post Date: 2013-05-18 10:49:58 by abraxas

EXPOSED: Angelina Jolie part of a clever corporate scheme to protect billions in BRCA gene patents, influence Supreme Court decision (opinion)
Post Date: 2013-05-18 08:02:30 by Tatarewicz
(NaturalNews) Angelina Jolie's announcement of undergoing a double mastectomy (surgically removing both breasts) even though she had no breast cancer is not the innocent, spontaneous, "heroic choice" that has been portrayed in the mainstream media. Natural News has learned it all coincides with a well-timed for-profit corporate P.R. campaign that has been planned for months and just happens to coincide with the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision on the viability of the BRCA1 patent. This is the investigation the mainstream media refuses to touch. Here, I explain the corporate financial ties, investors, mergers, human gene patents, lawsuits, medical fear mongering and the ...

On the Arrested Development of the Left
Post Date: 2013-05-13 20:20:42 by X-15
Canvassing the craven and deviant (which is to say, left-oriented, mainstream) response to the Boston Marathon bombing among media and intellectual elites — yes, the Tsarnaev brothers killed and mutilated but they were displaced, troubled, resentful of Western domination, etc. — Bruce Bawer offers an astute diagnosis. The progressive multiculturalism to which these elites adhere, he writes, is both decadent and jejune, enabling them to remain mental and emotional children who preen themselves on their kindness. “What made multiculturalism attractive to these people,” Bawer continues, “is that it’s tailor-made for spoiled, narcissistic grown children who ...

Post Date: 2013-05-09 11:17:25 by christine
The title of today’s column, “There Is A Conspiracy,” is a direct quote from Ezekiel 22:25. In this passage, God instructed Ezekiel to blow the whistle on the conspiracy of Israel’s prophets to deny people truth, to devour people’s souls, to defraud people’s substance, and to destroy people’s lives. I dare say this conspiracy is still alive and well today. Many pastors and religious leaders in 2013 America are as guilty of Ezekiel’s charges as were Israel’s ancient prophets. However, use the word “conspiracy” today and even most Christians will roll their eyes in disbelief. And, of course, the mainstream media is so paranoid of the ...

well that was fast.
Post Date: 2013-05-09 07:11:45 by TommyTheMadArtist
Well, the media black out on this was no surprise to me, but most if not all the articles on Drudge are gone. Wonder if he got the memo to shut this down, and make it all go down the memory hole? let's see what talk radio has to say today. I knew that this was going nowhere.

Right leg on, right leg off, right leg on again - 100% proof of actors at Boston Marathon [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2013-05-04 03:11:10 by RickyJ

Energy Wars, GMOs, & Geopolitcs: - C2C
Post Date: 2013-05-03 04:19:44 by Tatarewicz
May 2, 2013 On Wednesday's show, author William Engdahl discussed potential new 'energy wars' in the Mediterranean, issues around GMO crops, and how a group of global elite are gaining control over the world's oil, agriculture and currencies. "The essential strategy of the cartel of banks and big oil companies...is to create a myth of energy scarcity...and one of the means to do that is creating these wars," such as by taking countries like Iraq and Iran, which have huge untapped oil reserves, off the market for years, via wars or threats of war, he explained. For the first time, we are beginning to see 'wars' over natural gas, as the EU increasingly ...

The Art of Catching Government False Flags in Real Time (nah, these conspiracies don't exist (off sarcasm))
Post Date: 2013-04-29 17:07:44 by christine
With the topic of government false-flag operations being discussed throughout the country with the recent slow but progressive mass awakening to such events occurring in America it seems like good timing to ruminate on the issue and discuss just how the average person can develop the skills required to skillfully predict and catch government false-flag attacks in real-time and awaken others around you to these events and the political motives behind them. I use the word ‘art’ because I believe being right about such high-level events deserves attention for the cognitive and intellectual skills required and the ‘delivery of truth’ skills required to share these truths ...

I don't need justification because the American people wont do shit.
Post Date: 2013-04-28 01:54:51 by titorite
In March of 2011 A tyrant despot ordered the launch of over 100 missiles at a nation the USA was not at war with and had not attacked us. LIBYA HAD DONE NOTHING TO NOBODY. People cooking goulash and watching their satellite TV with no ill will toward anyone got the children exploded from missiles shot from naval ships.... Their was no terroristic event to motivate invasion. They did not offer aid to Iraq. THE US blew the shit outta them Libyans for no justifiable reason. To date the evil tyrant despot responsible remains in power. His kids live while he considers the death of other children acceptable. Fuck em for being libyan eh? This is not right folks. The president of the ...

WTC “Boeing landing gear”: Lamest planted evidence ever?
Post Date: 2013-04-27 13:05:02 by wudidiz
WTC “Boeing landing gear”: Lamest planted evidence ever? The New York Daily News photo of where the “Boeing landing gear” was lowered by ropes and then “discovered” – in order to generate the New York Post “news story” reporting the “discovery” The Israeli Ministry of Propaganda’s (IZMOP’s) favorite New York newspaper (and they have plenty to choose from) is the New York Daily News, which recently reported the discovery of alleged Boeing landing gear – allegedly from one of the alleged Boeing 767s that allegedly hit the World Trade Center. The lead sentence: “The horrors of 9/11 were revisited Friday when landing ...

Carr: Another day in alien nation (Boston bombers)
Post Date: 2013-04-26 22:47:22 by X-15
Suppose the marathon bombings had been committed by born-again Christian Tea Party members on the dole. Do you really think that Gov. Deval Patrick would be hanging on to those terrorists’ welfare files even tighter than he clutches Lt. Gov. Tim Murray’s state cellphone logs from the morning of Nov. 3, 2011? If these were “domestic” terrorists, I guarantee you Deval would have coughed up everything by now, up to and including whether they were getting on-the-arm brand-name or generic prescription drugs. Hey Deval, I’ve got some news for you. Tamerlan doesn’t care if you release his welfare records. He’s got his hands full right about now with the 72 ...

Boston Marathon: Federal Horror Movie By Ron Avery [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2013-04-26 00:59:02 by christine
You no longer have to go to stuffy dark theaters to watch a new movie complete with special effects like explosions and injured people with limbs blown off with real live cops, FBI, CIA, SWAT, Blackwater, Craft, Navy Seals, Special Ops, and a cast of thousands. You might even get a bit part in it yourself if you’re there when the Director yells “action!” Did you see the guy that had both his legs blown off below the knee? Talk about gory! That was even sicker than the soldier that had his arm severed off and looks around for it and picks it up and walks on the beech with it in his other hand in Saving Private Ryan. Well that was a real amputee that was in that movie and can ...

Boston Bombs, The Fed Goes “Terminator”
Post Date: 2013-04-24 21:34:40 by wudidiz
Click Here

A Warning to All Gun Bloggers and Forums – Boston Marathon Explosions
Post Date: 2013-04-23 00:20:36 by X-15
Dear Friends, Please be aware that there are what we call “Bloomberg shills” lurking in the comments of gun blogs and forums at present. It has been going on since before the election, and we first noticed it as far back as our January 8th, 2012 article “2nd Amendment Voters Should Vote Ron Paul.” At first it seemed like fun because they got a lively discussion going, and many of our articles have over 400 comments just because of a few anti-gun comments peppered in by a shill here and there. But as more and more of them have come in, we have begun to realize that it is better to delete them. The anti-gunners have a plan, and that plan is to make gun people look stupid, ...

I found a pattern.
Post Date: 2013-04-17 23:15:41 by TommyTheMadArtist
Monday, April 19the 1993. The siege at Waco. Wednesday, April 19th, the Oklahoma City Bombing. Friday of this year, April 19th. We will see a new terror attack. This is a script. This is a frame up of any and all militias. This is how they will destroy the second amendment. They will make militias illegal thus nullifying the necessity for the 2ndend Amendment. If I am wrong, I will be happy, but if I am right, there will be something catastrophic happening on Friday.

How Einstein Commits A Homicide
Post Date: 2013-04-16 01:46:27 by James Deffenbach
One of the finest gems that came out of yesterday’s testimony was the revelation that murderess Jodi Arias considers herself an intellectual equal to genius theoretical physicist Albert Einstein. Just take a moment to wrap your head around that. Having trouble? Let me help… Remember that time award winning physicist Albert Einstein took pictures while he murdered someone? And then left both the camera and memory card at the scene of the crime? That was genius. I also read that one time, shortly after discovering the theory of relativity and redefining the way we perceive the universe, Einstein stole a gun from his grandpa’s house, and used it on his ex days later, despite ...

Fox News’ Liz Trotta Sounds Off: Jodi Arias Trial ‘Got Hijacked By Feminists’
Post Date: 2013-04-14 01:26:40 by James Deffenbach

Post Date: 2013-04-12 10:26:52 by christine
Are women equal to men? Are Jews equal to gentiles? Are blacks equal to Italians, Irish, Polish and other white people? The answer is probably a big fat no, and the pretense or assumption that we are equal -- or should be equal -- is foolhardy and creates mischief. Let's look at it. Male geniuses outnumber female geniuses 7-to-1. Female intelligence is packed much closer to the middle of the bell curve, whereas men's intelligence has far greater variability. That means that though there are many more male geniuses, there are also many more male idiots. The latter might partially explain why more men are in jail than women. Watch any Saturday afternoon college basketball game and ...

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