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Rand Paul, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham Are All Wrong
Post Date: 2013-03-09 14:34:15 by X-15
So Senator Rand Paul held a thirteen-hour filibuster to protest the Obammunists' assertion of a "right" to murder American citizens with drones. Senators McCain and Graham predictably defended the murder of American citizens without any due process because, well, because they are fascists, as is the hysterical David Frum and quite a few other equally-hysterical neoconmen. Sorry guys, but this "debate" was ended more than 140 years ago when the U.S. government established the precedent of murdering hundreds of thousands of American citizens and imprisoning thousands of Northern-state political dissenters without any due process. In fact, neocons like Frum, McCain and ...

nuclear attack
Post Date: 2013-03-09 10:19:08 by TommyTheMadArtist
With all this talk of nukes and North Korea, anyone remember the missing Nukes from Minot AFB? Back in August 29, 2007 we had nuke go mssing. Anyone here see the movie "John Dies At The End"? The question asked in that film is "when will America have a nuclear attack on American Soil". Later in the film, you get the date. Pay attention people to what is going on right now. We are being led to slaughter because we are the only country capable of being a threat to Israel. It's why we're going to be destroyed. Destroy America, and the rest of the upstarts will fall in line.

AP: Chavez Wasted His Money on Healthcare When He Could Have Built Gigantic Skyscrapers
Post Date: 2013-03-08 06:59:35 by tom007
AP: Chavez Wasted His Money on Healthcare When He Could Have Built Gigantic Skyscrapers By Jim Naureckas March 07, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - "FAIR" --- One of the more bizarre takes on Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's death comes from Associated Press business reporter Pamela Sampson (3/5/13): Chavez invested Venezuela's oil wealth into social programs including state-run food markets, cash benefits for poor families, free health clinics and education programs. But those gains were meager compared with the spectacular construction projects that oil riches spurred in glittering Middle Eastern cities, including the world's tallest building in ...

Chavez: Another CIA Assassination Victim?
Post Date: 2013-03-08 06:56:33 by tom007
Chavez: Another CIA Assassination Victim? Dr. Kevin Barrett March 07, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - The Venezuelan president himself, before he died, wondered aloud whether the US government - or the banksters who own it - gave him, and its other leading Latin American enemies, cancer. A little over a year ago, Chavez went on Venezuelan national radio and said: “I don’t know but… it is very odd that we have seen Lugo affected by cancer, Dilma when she was a candidate, me, going into an election year, not long ago Lula and now Cristina… It is very hard to explain, even with the law of probabilities, what has been happening to some leaders in Latin ...

Are Attorney General Holder’s Statements on Banks and Drones Connected?
Post Date: 2013-03-08 06:41:20 by tom007
Are Attorney General Holder’s Statements on Banks and Drones Connected? Posted on March 7, 2013 by WashingtonsBlog HO-LAND SECURITY Image by William Banzai How Far Will the Government Go to Defend the Too Big to Fail Banks? Update: After a 13-hour filibuster by Senator Paul asking for a yes-or-no answer, the Attorney General finally said that drones would not be used to kill U.S. citizens who were not engaged in combat. Or did he? The Attorney General of the United States made the following 2 statements within 48 hours: The president can assassinate American citizens on U.S. soil The big banks shouldn’t be prosecuted, as that would destabilize the economy These statements ...

Jamie Dimon Dong-Slaps Inquisitive Analyst in Hilarious Exchange
Post Date: 2013-03-04 07:52:29 by tom007
Jamie Dimon Dong-Slaps Inquisitive Analyst in Hilarious Exchange POSTED: February 27, 2:24 PM ET Comment 81 Jamie Dimon CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co. Jamie Dimon. Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images You just can't make this stuff up. So JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is participating in an investor conference call. This is the semi-regular ritual where a financial executive throws out some already heavily-airbrushed numbers for a select group of financial analysts and then proceeds, over the course of an extended conference call, to further verbally airbrush the already-airbrushed company data. Some of the analysts in these calls mostly toss softballs at the bankers, but some ...

Washington Republican: Bicycles cause more pollution than cars By Stephen C. Webster
Post Date: 2013-03-04 07:20:59 by tom007
Washington Republican: Bicycles cause more pollution than cars By Stephen C. Webster Sunday, March 3, 2013 19:18 EST Print Friendly Share on facebookShare on redditShare on diggShare on twitterShare on farkShare on stumbleupon221 Washington State Rep. Ed Orcutt (R). Photo: Public. Topics: Seattle Bike Blog The ranking Republican member on Washington state’s House Transportation Committee thinks that riding bicycles causes more pollution than driving cars, the Seattle Bike Blog reported Saturday. State Rep. Ed Orcutt (R), pictured, wrote an email to a constituent who disagreed with his support for a new tax on the sales of bicycles, a proposal being considered as part of a larger ...

Did JPM's CIO Intentionally And Maliciously Start The Margin Call Avalanche That Crushed Lehman?
Post Date: 2013-03-03 20:06:50 by tom007
Did JPM's CIO Intentionally And Maliciously Start The Margin Call Avalanche That Crushed Lehman? Tyler Durden's picture Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/03/2013 18:50 -0500 CDS Lehman Lehman Brothers Markit New York Fed Reality recovery Testimony It is conventional wisdom that in the days leading to Lehman's bankruptcy filing on the night of September 15, 2008, sheer panic and utter confusion ruled ever back- and middle-office, over concerns that a counterparty, any counterparty, but especially Lehman, would end up being "not money good", and the result was that trigger-happy margin clerks had the potential to make or break a company, by demanding just enough ...

Bradley Manning deserves a medal The prosecution of the whistleblower and alleged WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning is an exercise in intimidation, not justice
Post Date: 2013-03-03 18:39:03 by tom007
Bradley Manning deserves a medal The prosecution of the whistleblower and alleged WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning is an exercise in intimidation, not justice Share 5701 inShare20 Email Glenn Greenwald Glenn Greenwald The Guardian, Wednesday 14 December 2011 16.00 EST Jump to comments (235) Danielle Greene Bradley Manning supporters demonstrate outside FBI headquarters in Washington. Photograph: Jacquelyn Martin/AP After 17 months of pre-trial imprisonment, Bradley Manning, the 23-year-old US army private and accused WikiLeaks source, is finally going to see the inside of a courtroom. This Friday, on an army base in Maryland, the preliminary stage of his military trial will start. He ...

2013: The Year So Far in Corruption
Post Date: 2013-03-03 16:43:57 by Ada
Lord Acton’s famous maxim that “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is such a nakedly accurate observation of human nature that one might assume no one ever needed to articulate it, much less keep reminding anyone about it. But a cornerstone of the Grand Leftist Delusion is the notion that when you give human beings the power to legally extort a significant chunk of other human beings’ productive income, this will bring out their best behavior rather than their worst. And yet, as luck and magic would have it, wherever there is government on Earth, there is corruption. And it’s almost an inviolable law of physics that the bigger the ...

Are Wal-Mart’s Financials A Light Bulb Moment?
Post Date: 2013-03-03 07:58:33 by tom007
Are Wal-Mart’s Financials A Light Bulb Moment? By: Yellow Dog YankeeFeb. 25th, 2013more from Yellow Dog Yankee 12 1 Print Friendly light-bulb There was a little glimmer of light in the Southern skies last week. It wasn’t exactly a light bulb flashing on over Wal-Mart Corporate Headquarters, but it did look as though someone was fumbling with the switch. The company released its financial results for FY 2013 on Thursday and as usual, the results were boffo. Sales were up $10 billion, international sales rose 7.4 percent and the company gained market share in food, consumables, entertainment, toys, and health and wellness. Of course the company did its version of sharing ...

Are Big Banks a Bunch of Organized Criminal Conspiracies? The record of deceit and deception that has surfaced in just the past two months points to yes.
Post Date: 2013-03-03 07:48:15 by tom007
Are Big Banks a Bunch of Organized Criminal Conspiracies? The record of deceit and deception that has surfaced in just the past two months points to yes. Photo Credit: Songquan Deng / February 27, 2013 | Are too-big-to-fail banks organized criminal conspiracies? And if so, shouldn't we seize their assets, just like we do to drug cartels? Let's examine their sorry record of deceit and deception that has surfaced in just the past two months: Loan Sharking You want to get really, really pissed off? Then read "Major Banks Aid in Payday Loans Banned by States" by Jessica Silver-Greenberg in the New York Times (2/23/13). In sickening detail, she describes ...

Were Early Christians Really Persecuted? Historian Reveals the Surprising Truth. A new book says under the Roman empire, "Christians were never the victims of sustained, targeted persecution."
Post Date: 2013-03-03 07:33:54 by tom007
Were Early Christians Really Persecuted? Historian Reveals the Surprising Truth. A new book says under the Roman empire, "Christians were never the victims of sustained, targeted persecution." February 25, 2013 | In the immediate aftermath of the Columbine High School massacre, a modern myth was born. A story went around that one of the two killers asked one of the victims, Cassie Bernall, if she believed in God. Bernall reportedly said “Yes” just before he shot her. Bernall’s mother wrote a memoir, titled “She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall,” a tribute to her daughter’s courageous Christian faith. Then, just as the book was ...

Time To Register Books And Put Reasonable Restrictions On The 1st Amendment
Post Date: 2013-03-01 23:59:35 by Dakmar
President Obama and his progressive allies have recently told us that even the most draconian of gun laws must be passed because “If we save even one life from gun violence, it’s worth it.” While that’s an amazingly ignorant, infantile, and even downright silly statement, it does neatly sum up a nanny-state philosophy that is fueling a nationwide assault on the second “shall not be infringed” amendment as well as law-abiding gun owners across the nation. By such simplistic liberal logic, the printed word is far too dangerous to be allowed outside the hands of a privileged few or the auspices of government control. In fact, entire cultures, nations, and peoples ...

Does the Republican Party Have a Future?
Post Date: 2013-02-23 22:04:16 by Southern Style
February 23, 2013 googletag.cmd.push(function () { googletag.display('div-gpt-1243858216-2'); }); Does the Republican Party Have a Future?By Star Parker2/11/2013  The United States, from day one, was a project about principles and ideals. The super power that emerged and grew from the handful of colonists that began settling here was not the product of where those colonists happened to land, but the ideals and principles in their head and heart – applied in how they lived their lives. The Republican Party was founded in 1854 to address one great blot on the nation’s founding legacy – the existence of slavery in a nation founded under the ideal of freedom ...

Friday, February 22nd, 2013 | Posted by Editor An armed, disposable, and dangerous system 6 To Live and Die in L.A. What’s shocking is that it doesn’t happen more often.
Post Date: 2013-02-23 12:33:35 by tom007
Latest Posts: Ben Zygier, RIP US-Iran Rapproachement An armed, disposable, and dangerous system Friday, February 22nd, 2013 | Posted by Editor An armed, disposable, and dangerous system 6 To Live and Die in L.A. What’s shocking is that it doesn’t happen more often. By Ted Rall When a heartless system refuses to listen or help, when it crushes and grinds down millions of people day after day, year after year, everywhere, it’s illogical and unreasonable to assume that all its victims will pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and reinvent themselves. (Job retraining! Start a business! Win the lotto!) Some people will crack. Others will explode. It’s ...

Calling Out the Misleaders of the Phony 'Progressives' and the Fake U.S. 'Left'
Post Date: 2013-02-21 20:49:00 by Southern Style
Calling Out the Misleaders of the Phony 'Progressives' and the Fake U.S. 'Left'“It is both sad and simultaneously horribly fascinating to observe so many euphorically pinning their hopes and dreams on Barack Obama, a chameleon who speaks liberally of 'change' but who is, himself, beholden to the very same blood-sucking corporate vampires (including Lockheed and others) who are ravaging the people of America, and the entire planet...Many Black Americans and our Brown and Red sisters and brothers will, I fear, come to be deeply disappointed in Barack Obama, once he demonstrates who he really is. There will be no peace or justice under an Obama presidency. Even the ...

The Era Of Giant Chain Stores Is Over — And They've Ruined America
Post Date: 2013-02-18 17:18:48 by tom007
The Era Of Giant Chain Stores Is Over — And They've Ruined America James Kunstler, | Feb. 18, 2013, 10:36 AM | 15,399 | 68 inShare28 Email More walmart James Kunstler URL James Kunstler is the editor of Recent Posts The Real State Of The Union Is Bleak Cattle Drive The Master Meme RSS Feed Scale Implosion State of the Union Cattle Drive Back in the day when big box retail started to explode upon the American landscape like a raging economic scrofula, I attended many a town planning board meeting where the pro and con factions faced off over the permitting hurdle. The meetings were often raucous and wrathful and almost all the time the pro forces ...

5 Outrageous Revelations from Matt Taibbi's Takedown on HSBC's Drug Money Laundering In the latest issue of Rolling Stone, Taibbi takes on the most criminal bank yet.
Post Date: 2013-02-18 08:18:13 by tom007
5 Outrageous Revelations from Matt Taibbi's Takedown on HSBC's Drug Money Laundering In the latest issue of Rolling Stone, Taibbi takes on the most criminal bank yet. February 15, 2013 | Matt Taibbi’s most recent Rolling Stonearticle unpacks one of last year’s most shocking bank cases in our era of “Too Big to Jail.” In December, HSBC was punished with a $1.9 billion settlement on drug laundering charges, the largest in American history, yet only five weeks worth of profits for the world’s third largest bank. U.S. Assistant Attorney Lanny Breuer was uncharacteristically candid when explaining why he refused to pursue criminal charges: “HSBC would ...

A PETITION From the Manufacturers of Candles, Tapers, Lanterns, sticks, Street Lamps, Snuffers, and Extinguishers, and from Producers of Tallow, Oil, Resin, Alcohol, and Generally of Everything Connected with Lighting
Post Date: 2013-02-18 05:40:18 by James Deffenbach
Open letter to the French Parliament, originally published in 1845 (Note of the Web Publisher) To the Honourable Members of the Chamber of Deputies: Gentlemen: You are on the right track. You reject abstract theories and have little regard for abundance and low prices. You concern yourselves mainly with the fate of the producer. You wish to free him from foreign competition, that is, to reserve the domestic market for domestic industry. We come to offer you a wonderful opportunity for your — what shall we call it? Your theory? No, nothing is more deceptive than theory. Your doctrine? Your system? Your principle? But you dislike doctrines, you have a horror of systems, as for ...

Perform Criminal Background Checks at Your Peril
Post Date: 2013-02-16 13:59:05 by X-15
Should it be a federal crime for businesses to refuse to hire ex-convicts? Yes, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which recently released 20,000 convoluted words of regulatory "guidance" to direct businesses to hire more felons and other ex-offenders. In the late 1970s, the EEOC began stretching Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to sue businesses for practically any hiring practice that adversely affected minorities. In 1989, the agency sued Carolina Freight Carrier Corp. of Hollywood, Fla., for refusing to hire as a truck driver a Hispanic man who had multiple arrests and had served 18 months in prison for larceny. The EEOC argued that the only ...

Best Definition of “Political Correctness”.
Post Date: 2013-02-16 10:22:30 by Horse
There's an annual contest at the Griffiths University, Australia, calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term. This year's term was “political correctness”. The winning student wrote: “Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rapidly promoted by mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end.”

Is Any Industry’s Interests More at Odds With Those of Taxpayers?
Post Date: 2013-02-16 08:36:31 by tom007
Is Any Industry’s Interests More at Odds With Those of Taxpayers? by Ed Silverman February 15, 2013 0 0 Just hours after President Barack Obama revived a proposal to require drugmakers to provide Medicare with the same sort of discounts that are given to Medicaid, a new analysis claims taxpayers could save even more money if the US government directly negotiates prescription drug prices with the pharmaceutical industry. In his State of the Union address this week, Obama called for reforming Medicare but was not specific. However, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of the Inspector General estimates that Medicare Part D gets a 19 percent discount on ...

Secret donors funded media campaign against wind farms (Koch Brothers - Surprise Surprise)
Post Date: 2013-02-15 11:08:51 by tom007
Secret donors funded media campaign against wind farms By Suzanne Goldenberg, The Guardian Friday, February 15, 2013 9:36 EST Print Friendly Share on facebookShare on redditShare on diggShare on twitterShare on farkShare on stumbleupon5 Wind farm with birds photo via WDG Photo/ Topics: Donors Trust Secretive funding network channelled millions to stop state governments moving towards renewable energy Conservatives used a pair of secretive trusts to fund a media campaign against windfarms and solar projects, and to block state agencies from planning for future sea-level rise, the Guardian has learned. The trusts, Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund, served as the ...

Elizabeth Warren presses financial regulators: Why no trials for Wall Street?
Post Date: 2013-02-15 10:45:01 by tom007
Elizabeth Warren presses financial regulators: Why no trials for Wall Street? By Eric W. Dolan Thursday, February 14, 2013 22:04 EST Print Friendly Share on facebookShare on redditShare on diggShare on twitterShare on farkShare on stumbleupon178 Elizabeth Warren screenshot Topics: elizabeth warren ♦ financial regulators At a Senate Banking Committee hearing on Thursday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) asked the nation’s top financial regulators why Wall Street firms who broke the law were not taken to trial. “We face some very special issues with big financial institutions,” she said. “If they can break the law and drag in billions and billions in profits, and ...

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