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The Gay Solution to Urban Blight
Post Date: 2013-02-13 17:48:27 by Dakmar
Since the 1950s a multitude of solutions to revitalize decaying inner cities have come and gone. If anything, matters have grown worse—brave souls should visit Detroit, Cleveland, Gary, East St. Louis, Memphis, and countless others to see for themselves. The repertoire of solutions appears exhausted. Big cities have favored massive urban renewal schemes in which whole neighborhoods were destroyed and replaced with award-winning expensive failures such as Detroit’s Renaissance Center. Conservatives continue to embrace tax breaks and similar fiscal incentives, though these seldom performed as advertised. The root cause of past and continuing failures at breathing life into a dead ...

Western propaganda and Libya revolution
Post Date: 2013-02-13 04:59:10 by Tatarewicz
PressTV: The Western leaders censor Western media to only report news they want the world to hear and Western media knows how to put it across nations of the earth fancifully and convincingly with no regards for psychological damage to listeners, and those networks that did not join the bandwagon suffered a witch hunt.” My memory of Col. Muammar Gaddafi was that of a Libyan revolutionary and socialist politician who does not beat around the bush, telling it straight to your face and of course such attitude can be perceived by some as dictatorial. If I look around Africa Continent, the closest to Col. Gaddafi is late Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana who identified that African Continent is ...

State of the Union Commentary
Post Date: 2013-02-12 17:58:08 by titorite
OK. This is is the pregame show for what shall be coming out of the mouth of the office of the president. Will he reassure us about his vacation spending with frequent flyer miles and travel specials? Will we get new hints as to the next nation we shall be invading? What shall fall out of his mouth?

Just so you know how to kill the tyranny
Post Date: 2013-02-12 17:41:15 by titorite
I thought it worth saying... just so you know. After this next war when yall are putting it back together again, Do not vote for multiple presidents. DONT! The only thin that will kill tyranny for good is by taking up the reigns of responsibility and directly participating in the legislation that shall govern us all. Like prohibition. We should of all had a vote on that. Or anything constitutional. Voting is not enough. That as been proven over and over again. WE must be willing must insist upon speaking for ourselves. Representives can never fully convay what we have to say for ourselves nor are they under any obligation to pay attention to us. ALSO IT MUST BE REMEMBERED... It is ...

A Choice For Corporate America: Are You With America Or The Cayman Islands
Post Date: 2013-02-12 10:40:49 by tom007
A Choice For Corporate America: Are You With America Or The Cayman Islands By Sen. Bernie Sanders Independent U.S. Senator from Vermont February 10, 2012 "Huffington Post" - - When the greed, recklessness, and illegal behavior on Wall Street drove this country into the deepest recession since the 1930s, the largest financial institutions in the United States took every advantage of being American. They just loved their country - and the willingness of the American people to provide them with the largest bailout in world history. In 2008, Congress approved a $700 billion gift to Wall Street. Another $16 trillion in virtually zero interest loans and other financial assistance came ...

Wanted: Dead, Not Alive: The LAPD is Afraid of What Renegade Cop Chris Dorner has to Say
Post Date: 2013-02-12 09:57:50 by tom007
Wanted: Dead, Not Alive: The LAPD is Afraid of What Renegade Cop Chris Dorner has to Say By Dave Lindorff February 12, 2013 "This Can't Be Happening" -- Let’s not be too quick to dismiss the “ranting” of renegade LAPD officer Chris Dorner. Dorner, a three-year police veteran and former Lieutenant in the US Navy who went rogue after being fired by the LAPD, has accused Los Angeles Police of systematically using excessive force, of corruption, of being racist, and of firing him for raising those issues through official channels. By all media accounts, Dorner “snapped” after his firing, and has vowed to kill police in retaliation. He allegedly has ...

Drones and Our National Religion
Post Date: 2013-02-12 09:45:11 by tom007
Drones and Our National Religion By David Swanson February 12, 2013 "War Is A Crime" -- The national religion of the United States of America is nationalism. Its god is the flag. Its prayer is the pledge of allegiance. The flag's powers include those of life and death, powers formerly possessed by traditional religions. Its myths are built around the sacrifice of lives to protect against the evils outside the nation. Its heroes are soldiers who make such sacrifices based on unquestioning faith. A "Dream Act" that would give citizenship to those immigrants who kill or die for the flag embodies the deepest dreams of flag worship. Its high priest is the Commander in ...

Here's How Many User-Tracking Devices Ann Coulter Has On Her Website Right Now
Post Date: 2013-02-11 21:31:05 by tom007
Here's How Many User-Tracking Devices Ann Coulter Has On Her Website Right Now Jim Edwards | Feb. 11, 2013, 4:25 PM | 2,292 | 27 inShare3 Email More Ann Coulter Ann Coulter See Also Etch A Sketch Made One Of The Saddest Ads You'll Ever See To Honor Its Late Inventor Etch A Sketch Made One Of The Saddest Ads You'll Ever See To Honor Its Late Inventor How Facebook's Impending Deal For Microsoft's Atlas Fits In With Its Plan For World Domination How Facebook's Impending Deal For Microsoft's Atlas Fits In With Its Plan For World Domination Robin Williams Is The New Don Draper In A CBS Pilot Robin Williams Is The New Don Draper In A CBS Pilot Visitors to ...

10 Jokes That People Took Seriously
Post Date: 2013-02-08 19:21:01 by Dakmar
On Tuesday, the “progressive news site” Raw Story did a piece about a three-year-old in North Carolina who was killed while playing with a pink handgun. The site, which claims to feature “stories that get ignored in an infotainment culture,” used the dead child to tell us that gun manufacturers are evil for making guns that look like toys. Among their examples was the new Hello Kitty assault rifle that doesn’t exist. The writer saw a picture of the gun and assumed it was real. What kind of humorless ass-hat thinks Hello Kitty would license their product to a gun manufacturer? Did he think the Care Bear bulletproof vest was real, too? I wouldn’t be surprised if ...

How I Reached my Breaking Point Ten Years Ago Today
Post Date: 2013-02-06 19:07:32 by tom007
How I Reached my Breaking Point Ten Years Ago Today By Simon Black February 07, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - Exactly ten years ago to the day, I was in the Kuwaiti desert waiting for George W. Bush to ‘make his decision’. You may remember the circumstances. Ever since labeling Iraq, Iran, and North Korea the ‘Axis of Evil’ in January 2002, the President had been gradually advocating war with Iraq based on the threat of nuclear weapons. We knew it was going to happen. At the time, I was a rising intelligence officer, my head still filled with ideals of national duty from my time at West Point. One of the generals that I served under gathered together his ...

The Unhappy, Big-Government Feeding 100th Birthday of America’s Income Tax
Post Date: 2013-02-05 23:01:06 by X-15
A century ago Americans ratified the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The result was the income tax. February 2, 1913, when New Mexico and Wyoming put the amendment over the top, is another day which should live in infamy. Yesteryear’s income tax advocates would not recognize their handiwork today. The tax code is mind-numbingly complex, as dedicated to manipulating individual behavior as to raising government funds. By raising nearly a trillion dollars annually it has become the chief fiscal engine of government growth. Today policymakers assume there is no program, no matter how ill-considered or ineffective, for which money is not available. Even the latest budget ...

Proof the US Government Is A Criminal Enterprise Organization
Post Date: 2013-02-03 16:19:24 by Itistoolate
Proof the US Government Is A Criminal Enterprise Organization The CIA Mafia The American government is a criminal enterprise organization, not an alleged criminal enterprise operation, a proven criminal enterprise operation. Meanwhile, you and I are treated like the real criminals as we are detained, In this article I have chosen to provie one example of how the government has been corrupted beyond belief, while at the same time the government is engaged in destroying our traditional freedoms and liberties.   The Duplicity of the Border Patrol Every day in America, our citizens are subject to unconstitutional searches of their vehicles and their persons by Border Patrol. ...

Not even a gun range had enough good guys with a gun to stop one bad guy with a gun
Post Date: 2013-02-03 15:03:26 by Itistoolate
The Assholedness of the “Daily Koshole” CommunityHome - by BigFurHat - February 3, 2013 - 10:54 America/New_York - 20 Comments The news of the murder of American war-hero sniper Chris Kyle is a sad one, and I was positive nary a tear would be shed over at the Koshhole. These morons never disappoint, and “diarist” Lefty Coaster was all aboard the stupid train and picking up passengers along the way. Not even a gun range had enough good guys with a gun to stop one bad guy with a gun One thing is sure. If there’s not enough of Wayne LaPierre’s “good guys with a gun” at a shooting range where ALL of the good guys have a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun, ...

Oh crap another Sandy Hook Hoax vid
Post Date: 2013-02-01 10:27:21 by Itistoolate

Makers, Takers, Fakers
Post Date: 2013-01-28 13:46:34 by tom007
Makers, Takers, Fakers By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: January 27, 2013 580 Comments Facebook Twitter Google+ Save E-mail Share Print Reprints Republicans have a problem. For years they could shout down any attempt to point out the extent to which their policies favored the elite over the poor and the middle class; all they had to do was yell “Class warfare!” and Democrats scurried away. In the 2012 election, however, that didn’t work: the picture of the G.O.P. as the party of sneering plutocrats stuck, even as Democrats became more openly populist than they have been in decades. Enlarge This Image Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times Paul Krugman Go to Columnist Page » ...

Texas Public Schools: Still Teaching Creationism
Post Date: 2013-01-28 13:36:13 by tom007
Texas Public Schools: Still Teaching Creationism —By Josh Harkinson | Mon Jan. 28, 2013 3:01 AM PST 85 Williac/Flickr In Texas public schools, children learn that the Bible provides scientific proof that Earth is 6,000 years old, that the origins of racial diversity trace back to a curse placed on Noah's son, and that astronauts have discovered "a day missing in space" that corroborates biblical stories of the sun standing still. These are some of the findings detailed in Reading, Writing & Religion II, a new report by the Texas Freedom Network that investigates how public schools in the Lone Star State promote religious fundamentalism under the guise of ...

Pentagon, Prosecutors Clash Over Gitmo Charges in Wake of Appeals Court Ruling
Post Date: 2013-01-28 07:55:34 by Ada
Pentagon Won't Let Prosecutors Drop Conspiracy Charges From KSM Case Last week’s US Court of Appeals decision throwing out the Guantanamo conviction of Osama bin Laden’s publicist for creating videos that “glorified attacks on the United States” has created a huge precedent, and a major headache for prosecutors in other tribunals. The ruling was based on the fact that the charge of “conspiracy” as a war crime related to material support for terrorism was not passed by Congress until 2006, whereas the detainee was captured in 2002, and the crimes committed well before that. The ruling, in essence, was an affirmation of the Constitutional ban on ex post ...

Polish Refugee Warns of Communism Taking Over America
Post Date: 2013-01-27 21:21:51 by Itistoolate
Polish Refugee Warns of Communism Taking Over America

School Shootings
Post Date: 2013-01-27 20:50:35 by Itistoolate
SCHOOL SHOOTINGS HAVE A PATTERN THAT IMPLICATE THE PRESIDENT AND HIS GOVERNMENT -- GUN CONTROL IS THE OBJECTIVE! BLACK MAGICK WITCHCRAFT IS THE POWER! The information we are about to share with you demonstrates the harsh reality of the Illuminist government and President we now have, and the even harsher reality that lies ahead for all mankind. Gun Control utilizing powerful Black Magick Witchcraft is loose in the land. SCHOOL SHOOTING IN LAKE WORTH, FLORIDA, FALLS ON THE LINE OF THE HEXAGRAM OF SCHOOL SHOOTINGS AND PLANNED DISASTERS! In NEWS1350, we demonstrate that the disasters of school shootings, Waco, Oklahoma City, aircraft disasters, and weather disasters that have occurred ...

Israeli Official Hints Pentagon Plans May Make Lone Strike on Iran Unnecessary
Post Date: 2013-01-27 01:20:41 by tom007
Israeli Official Hints Pentagon Plans May Make Lone Strike on Iran Unnecessary By ISABEL KERSHNER Published: January 26, 2013 Facebook Twitter Google+ Save E-mail Share Print Reprints JERUSALEM — Israel’s departing defense minister, Ehud Barak, said that the Pentagon had prepared sophisticated blueprints for a surgical operation to set back Iran’s nuclear program should the United States decide to attack — a statement that was a possible indication that Israel might have shelved any plans for a unilateral strike, at least for now. Enlarge This Image Johannes Eisele/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images Ehud Barak, Israel’s defense minister, at the World ...

Americans aren’t living beyond their means It's just a myth propagated by groups like Fix the Debt to keep the country's wealth in the hands of the few
Post Date: 2013-01-27 01:02:17 by tom007
Americans aren’t living beyond their means It's just a myth propagated by groups like Fix the Debt to keep the country's wealth in the hands of the few By Robert Reich, ROBERTREICH.org 329 109 3 more Topics: RobertReich.org, Social Security, Medicare, Simpson-Bowles, Walmart, Business News, Politics News Americans aren't living beyond their meansDebt Commission co-chairmen Erskine Bowles, and former Wyoming Sen. Alan Simpson. (Credit: AP/Alex Brandon) This originally appeared on Robert Reich's blog. Brace yourself. In coming weeks you’ll hear there’s no serious alternative to cutting Social Security and Medicare, raising taxes on the middle class, and ...

Lewrockwell was wrong about gun confiscartion.
Post Date: 2013-01-26 03:46:46 by titorite
Recently lewrockwell has released a few WTF articles saying in essence that the US population would roll over and give up their guns with out a fight. That the US was nothing but fluff and bluster regarding our rights. They were wrong. to quote: Activists involved in the state-wide boycott against the unconstitutional statute who spoke to the Post almost taunted authorities, saying gun owners would essentially dare authorities to “come and take it away.” According to the paper, leaders of some of the state’s hundreds of gun clubs, dealers, and non-profit organizations, citing the New York Constitution’s guarantee that gun rights “cannot be infringed,” are ...

A top CEO plan to curb social programmes will be bad for everyone - except them.
Post Date: 2013-01-25 00:10:45 by tom007
Top CEOs plan to loot US social programmes A top CEO plan to curb social programmes will be bad for everyone - except them. Last Modified: 24 Jan 2013 12:54 inShare Email Article Email Print Article Print Share article Share Send Feedback Feedback Listen to this page using ReadSpeaker The Fix the Debt campaign comprised of over 80 powerful CEOs is attempting to cut corporate tax rates by cutting social programme spending [AP] The new recommendations for Social Security and Medicare released by the Business Round Table are beyond belief. It's as if the people who wrote them never gaze outside of the tinted windows in their limousines. As I wrote earlier in "Stop Obama's Grand ...

Arms Control
Post Date: 2013-01-23 11:25:10 by titorite
4 more long years of obama. Why hasnt he been impeached yet? He wants gun controls, second amendment restrictions, but has no problem launching over 200 missiles unprovked at a netrual nation. No word yet on missile control. STRICT CONSTITUTIONAL ADHERENCE!!! we do not need civil war. We need impeachment. Kicking crooked politicians out of office is an integral part of politics. One need not even really physically kick them.. just stop obeying them

Joyce Riley Interviews Mike Powers Sandy Hook Investigation (Edited version no commercials)
Post Date: 2013-01-21 18:58:52 by Itistoolate
Published on Jan 19, 2013Former US Naval Law Enforcement Veteran and US Army Infantry/Reconnaissance Military Veteran MIKE POWERS has found glaring inconsistencies regarding the Sandy Hook shooting and will be breaking it down for us. We must understand that this is the elephant in the living room and must be shared with everyone that you know. This is a CAN'T MISS SHOW and of the utmost importance that we understand what is really going on.

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