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Will Rand Paul hi-jack the Pro-Israeli GOP
Post Date: 2012-11-12 00:25:41 by X-15
For the past generation, Republicans have been able to argue with justice that their party is more consistently pro-Israel than that of the Democrats. That wasn’t just the result of President Obama’s antagonism toward Jerusalem and George W. Bush’s friendship. Rather, it was an acknowledgement that a significant portion of the influential left wing of the Democrats was hostile to the Jewish state, while those few Republicans who were not friends of Zion had been marginalized. While Pat Buchanan had been more or less kicked out of the GOP in the 1990s, left-wingers like the ones who booed the adoption of a platform plank on Jerusalem at the Democratic National Convention this ...

The Party of Great Moral Frauds (GOP)
Post Date: 2012-11-11 21:46:07 by X-15
For the past century and a half the Republican Party has gratuitously labeled itself as "The Party of Great Moral Ideas." The Party of Great Moral Frauds is more like it. The party began as the party of mercantilism, corporate welfare, protectionist tariffs, constitutional subterfuge, central banking, and imperialism. Its 1860 presidential platform promised not to disturb Southern slavery; its first president supported the Fugitive Slave Act and the proposed "Corwin Amendment" to the Constitution that would have prohibited the federal government from ever interfering with Southern slavery; the party committed treason by "levying war upon the states" (the ...

'IT'S NOT WORTH IT': Ad Exec's Brutal Rant Before He Died Of Cancer Is Absolutely Chilling
Post Date: 2012-11-11 21:30:29 by tom007
'IT'S NOT WORTH IT': Ad Exec's Brutal Rant Before He Died Of Cancer Is Absolutely Chilling Jim Edwards | Nov. 8, 2012, 10:10 AM | 164,668 | 92 Email More Linds Redding Linds Redding Linds Redding, owner of The Department Of Motion Graphics See Also Linds Redding Cancer-Stricken Ad Exec Who Said His Career Was 'A Scam' Describes How He Was Told He Would Die This Is What Ads For Gas Look Like In Romania This Is What Ads For Gas Look Like In Romania NBA Cleveland Cavaliers New Jersey Nets Anderson Varejao Kris Humphries NBA Says Yes To $100 Million Plan For Ads On Uniforms [The Brief] Linds Redding, a New Zealand-based art director who worked at BBDO and Saatchi ...

GOP glad to have another Bush to attract Hispanics
Post Date: 2012-11-11 16:06:56 by X-15
The George P. Bush bandwagon is rolling. But which direction, and how fast? The Fort Worth Republican, a son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, stirred national interest Friday just by filing the paperwork to run for an office, probably Texas land commissioner. "With his name and his Hispanic heritage, it's the perfect time for him to take a larger role," said Republican consultant Juan Hernandez of Fort Worth, back from doing election-night commentary on CNN en Español. "A moreno [dark brown] Bush! What a wonderful combination." Bush, 36, an investor and business consultant, is just beginning his first term in office. He's a school trustee in his first ...

A Message From Us Rich Plutocrats To All You Little People
Post Date: 2012-11-10 19:57:02 by tom007
A Message From Us Rich Plutocrats To All You Little People Nick Hanauer, Contributor | Nov. 9, 2012, 9:21 PM | 27,682 | 111 inShare29 Email More nick hanauer ted WatchExtraVideo via YouTube Nick Hanauer See Also Island MILLIONAIRE'S ISLAND: A Simple Example Of Why 'Rich People' Don't Create Jobs 60 minutes child homelessness truck Finally, A Rich American Destroys The Fiction That Rich People Create The Jobs henry blodget I Love It When People Say I Can't Understand Romney Because I've 'Never Started Or Run A Business'... This is a response to an excerpt from Chrystia Freeland’s Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of ...

Matt Taibbi: Mitt Romney Would Have Won If Republicans 'Were Self-Aware At All'
Post Date: 2012-11-09 11:21:00 by tom007
Matt Taibbi: Mitt Romney Would Have Won If Republicans 'Were Self-Aware At All' The Huffington Post | By Bonnie Kavoussi Posted: 11/09/2012 10:52 am EST Updated: 11/09/2012 10:52 am EST Share on Google+ Matt Taibbi Obama 6 2 0 5 39 Get Business Alerts: Sign Up Follow: Mitt Romney, Video, Matt Taibbi Rolling Stone, Matt Taibbi, Matt Taibbi GOP, Matt Taibbi Mitt Romney, Matt Taibbi Mitt Romney GOP, Matt Taibbi Republican Party, Matt Taibbi Republicans, Matt Taibbi Romney, Mitt Romney 2012, Business News Mitt Romney could have easily won the presidential election if he and his party had realized that they were turning people off, according to Matt Taibbi. "If they were ...

Post Date: 2012-11-08 17:45:14 by Itistoolate
Die America Die!: The Illuminati Plan to Murder America, Confiscate Its Wealth, and Make Red China Leader of the New World Order The economic misery index is at an all-time high. Millions of Americans are out of work with few prospects. Protesters and demonstrators occupy our streets demanding the politicians do something—anything, to fix America's grave financial condition. But political gridlock prevails and, in fact, there is really no difference between the Republican Party and the Democrats. Incompetence, graft, corruption, and scandal are found everywhere. America seems to be sinking into a hell-hole of defeat, and a final economic cataclysmic event may soon be at hand. ...

C.F.R. telling you what to think about Sandy and what it says about [Climate Change / Global Warming]
Post Date: 2012-11-08 12:51:00 by farmfriend

I would be interested in what Rick Adams has to say about the election. You might be too
Post Date: 2012-11-07 21:03:48 by Itistoolate
RICK ADAMS UNCENSORED Host(s): Rick Adams Call In Number: 800-313-9443 Show Time: Monday - Friday 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM CST republicbroadcasting.org/32k.pls

Obama’s Won: Gun Sales Off The Scale: Whites Preparing For Obamageddon
Post Date: 2012-11-07 19:22:15 by Itistoolate
Obama’s Won: Gun Sales Off The Scale: Whites Preparing For ObamageddonTuesday, November 6, 2012 21:32 For most people, putting out signs on Election Day means touting the politician of their choice. At Johnson Firearms in Wynwood, however, it means selling guns. But that’s not to say there’s nothing political about it.   “Ever since the second debate, when [Obama] mentioned the assault rifle ban, people have been coming in here and buying guns like crazy,” said one Johnson Firearms employee who did not want to be quoted by name. READMOREHERE   Thomasville, GA- Rex Smith has owned Rex Tools, Guns & Consignment in Thomasville for nearly 5 years. ...

Mitt Is Doing Well
Post Date: 2012-11-07 00:57:52 by tom007
Class act so far. Loves Ann and sons Not cracking

Is Mitt Going To Crack??
Post Date: 2012-11-07 00:55:24 by tom007

I voted today, and there was an irregularity.
Post Date: 2012-11-06 09:30:00 by TommyTheMadArtist
This morning I voted at the Church where our polling station was. When I filled out the form, and got ready to vote, I was told to put it into the side of the machine, because it was "Broken" and they were waiting for someone to come fix it. I refused, and asked to talk to the Voting Supervisor, who then came over in a huff and said she had called someone at 6:30 this morning to come fix it, then got someone on the phone, who then told her to turn on the machine, and allow me to insert the ballot, because it would work just fine. The funny thing here, is that I am pretty sure if she called someone at 6:30 in the morning, they would have told her the same thing. TURN ON THE ...

Dear America, Please Don't Fall for This Shit Again
Post Date: 2012-11-06 08:55:44 by tom007
Dear America, Please Don't Fall for This Shit Again Posted: 11/05/2012 9:34 pm React Important Funny Typical Scary Outrageous Amazing Innovative Finally Follow Barack Obama , George W Bush , Mitt Romney , Republican Party , Democrats , Elections 2012 , Barack Obama , Republicans , Election Day 2012 , Politics News share this story 1,690 265 233 Submit this story This election season there's a billowing cloud of misinformation being sprayed into the American psyche like a burping tail pipe on a primered Vega. And its smoke is thicker and blacker than ever before thanks to the Citizen's United Supreme Court decision. Billions have been spent for one purpose and one purpose ...

Let me make this perfectly clear. If I wanted to vote for a pro-big government, pro-war, and pro-police state candidate I would vote for Obama
Post Date: 2012-11-05 20:43:57 by F.A. Hayek Fan
I'm tired of all these "libertarian" pundits telling me that the only "sane" thing for me to do is vote for George W. Robama's mini-me, George W. Obamney. Cycle after cycle I'm given the lessor of two evil's line by Republicrat morons trying to justify their unwillingness to vote for candidates that represent what they claim to believe in. Within a year of their vote, cycle after cycle, these same moron's are whining about how much they regret their vote and swear they will never do it again, only to act in the exact same way come the next election cycle. While moron's like LP's out damned spot cry their crocodile tears, whine about being ...

Marijuana Legalization, If It Passes In States, Will Incite Conflict With Feds, Says Ex Obama Weed Warrior
Post Date: 2012-11-05 17:26:55 by tom007
Marijuana Legalization, If It Passes In States, Will Incite Conflict With Feds, Says Ex Obama Weed Warrior Posted: 11/05/2012 4:44 pm EST Updated: 11/05/2012 5:00 pm EST Share on Google+ 5 12 3 76 Get Politics Alerts: Sign Up React: Important Funny Typical Scary Outrageous Amazing Innovative Finally Follow: Barack Obama , Eric Holder, Elections 2012, Medical Marijuana, Off The Bus, Video, 4-20, 420, 420, Federal Crackdown On Medical Marijuana, Off The Bus, Marijuana, Colorado, Marijuana, Obama Weed, offthebus2012, Pot, Washington, Politics News With measures to legalize pot leading in Washington and Colorado polls, one of the president's former senior drug policy advisers is ...

Yes, Virginia, the election is almost over.... Posted By Stephen M. Walt Monday,
Post Date: 2012-11-05 15:21:56 by tom007
Yes, Virginia, the election is almost over.... Posted By Stephen M. Walt Monday, November 5, 2012 - 11:31 AM Share Today we're all obsessed with -- and exhausted by -- the U.S. election. There's a lot wrong with America's political institutions -- starting with the absurd Electoral College -- but right up there with the EC is the ridiculous length of the campaign season itself. No other modern democracy spends at least twenty-five percent of a presidential term determining who the next president will be, and this feature both inflates the cost of elections (thereby increasing the clout of well-heeled donors and lobbies) and distracts us all from the broader issues of the ...

Elizabeth Warren Suggests Breaking Up The Banks By Reinstating Glass-Steagall
Post Date: 2012-11-05 13:30:29 by tom007
Elizabeth Warren Suggests Breaking Up The Banks By Reinstating Glass-Steagall The Huffington Post | By Bonnie Kavoussi Posted: 11/05/2012 11:11 am EST Updated: 11/05/2012 11:11 am EST Share on Google+ Elizabeth Warren Banks 161 10 0 5 250 Get Business Alerts: Sign Up Follow: Elizabeth Warren, Video, Elizabeth Warren Glass-Steagall, Elizabeth Warren 2012, Elizabeth Warren Banks, Elizabeth Warren Big Banks, Elizabeth Warren Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren Senate, Elizabeth Warren Wall Street, Glass-Steagall, Business News Breaking up the big banks is a Wall Street reform that Elizabeth Warren may work to implement if she's elected to the U.S. Senate Tuesday. "They have been lobbying ...

Food companies Monsanto, Dupont, Pepsico and Nestle spend $45 million to defeat California GM label bill Prop 37
Post Date: 2012-11-05 10:14:24 by tom007
Food companies Monsanto, Dupont, Pepsico and Nestle spend $45 million to defeat California GM label bill Prop 37 By Suzanne Goldenberg, The Guardian Monday, November 5, 2012 8:01 EST Print Eating tomatoes can dramatically reduce the risk of having a stroke, according to a new study out on Monday that provided more support for diets rich in fruits and vegetables. File photo via AFP. Topics: Monsanto The contentious measure would require labels on GM food sold in supermarkets, but would not cover restaurants Monsanto and other agribusiness and food companies have spent more than $45m (£28m) to defeat a California ballot measure that would require labelling of some GM foods. The ...

REPORT: Bain Capital Used Dutch Loophole To Dodge A $100 Million Tax Bill (Believe In Burmuda!!)
Post Date: 2012-11-05 09:50:55 by tom007
REPORT: Bain Capital Used Dutch Loophole To Dodge A $100 Million Tax Bill Adam Taylor | 41 minutes ago | 386 | 6 Email More mitt romney bain capital Bain Capital/Boston Globe See Also GIULIANI: Obama 'Should Resign' Over Hurricane Sandy GIULIANI: Obama 'Should Resign' Over Hurricane Sandy Heartbreaking Photos Of The Shuttered GM Plant In Paul Ryan's Wisconsin Hometown Heartbreaking Photos Of The Shuttered GM Plant In Paul Ryan's Wisconsin Hometown ohio-state-miniatures One Of The Most Respected Polls In Ohio Shows Obama Barely Hanging Onto A Lead Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant and the website Follow the Money have today published a report detailing how Bain ...

"When you're borrowing money just to pay the interest, you are f*cked!"
Post Date: 2012-11-04 19:54:57 by Esso
Poster Comment:Quote at about 03:00 minutes in.

Insane Feds Insist "Cash Is Best!" After Demonizing Cash For Years As Criminally Suspicious Terrorist Behavior
Post Date: 2012-11-04 19:41:41 by Artisan
In a dramatic change of course, the U.S. Federal government is repeatedly stating that "CASH IS BEST! and is "the most efficient method" of helping disaster victims in the wake of hurricane Sandy. This despite the fact that same government has been demonizing cash for years as "SUSPICIOUS" terrorist behavior and has been accusing those who keep cash on hand as being criminals who need to be turned in to the FBI and police. "For Those Who Want to Help, Cash is best: the best way to support survivors of Hurricane Sandy", states the FEMA website. If power is out throughout the east coast and ATMS are down, how are people supposed to use, or even access, ...

How Hollywood Helps to Obscure the Ugly Truth about American Militarism
Post Date: 2012-11-04 16:12:18 by tom007
Will the Real Destro Please Stand Up? How Hollywood Helps to Obscure the Ugly Truth about American Militarism Sunday, 04 November 2012 07:46 By Jeff Nall, Truthout | Op-Ed 26 font size decrease font size increase font size Print Email A patron passes the Beretta booth at the Shot Show gun trade show at the Sands Convention Center in Las Vegas, on January 18, 2011. (Photo: Isaac Brekken / The New York Times) A patron passes the Beretta booth at the Shot Show gun trade show at the Sands Convention Center in Las Vegas, on January 18, 2011. (Photo: Isaac Brekken / The New York Times) While Hollywood invariably depicts the US and its military as the good guys (or loses access to Pentagon ...

Where are the FEMA Camps when you need them?
Post Date: 2012-11-04 05:01:52 by Artisan
Whether one is a conspiratorial researcher who views government as our biggest threat as the founders taught, or a 'statist' type who believes whatever the hero government tells them, the fact is that government FEMA CAMPS are an acknowledged and documented fact. There have been military documents, congressional budget reports, and corporate press releases which affirm that FEMA camps have existed for many years and are continuing to be built nationwide, sometimes even openly referred to as 're-education' centers and 'civilian inmate work camps'. In 2006, MarketWatch reported that KBR, a subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded Homeland Security contract worth up to ...

A letter from Athens
Post Date: 2012-11-04 00:55:43 by tom007
A letter from Athens Barnaby Phillips Barnaby Phillips has 20 years of experience in television and radio journalism. November 3, 2012 - 20:01 A coast guard officer takes part in an anti-austerity protest with members of the police in Athens [Reuters] On a narrow street in the run-down Athens neighbourhood of Aghios Panteleimonas, a crowd gathers outside a barber's shop. They are nervous, and talk in whispers. The shop is closed, and the lights are off, but I'm able to peer inside, and see a shocking sight. Blood is smeared across the floor, and has collected in a large pool in the middle. I'm told that a black man stabbed the owner the previous evening, and made off with a ...

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