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Major donors to Netanyahu campaign also supported Romney campaign (Surprise Surprise)
Post Date: 2012-11-03 10:20:28 by tom007
Major donors to Netanyahu campaign also supported Romney campaign Fri Nov 2, 2012 1:22PM Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Left, and Mitt Romney. More than half the people who donated money to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s reelection campaign are Americans who also donated to the Romney campaign and/or the Republican Party. “According to records published by Israel’s State Comptroller office,” reports McClatchy, “Netanyahu has received donations from 47 individuals. Only one of them was Israeli, and 42 were American. Twenty-eight of the American donors also gave to Romney and/or the Republican Party. Romney and Netanyahu have known ...

New Jersey to use US military vehicles as polling places
Post Date: 2012-11-03 09:56:50 by tom007
New Jersey to use US military vehicles as polling places Sat Nov 3, 2012 1:14PM This photo made available by the New Jersey Governor's Office shows flooding and damage in Seaside Heights, N.J., after Sandy made landfall. With close to two million people in New Jersey without power in the aftermath of hurricane Sandy, and a national election due next week, it has been determined that the best way forward is to hand over the reign to the Department of Defense. Many polling stations will have no power and therefore no means of conducting their duties on Election Day. The deadline for processing mail in ballots has been extended until Friday, however many will still have no means of ...

Is Benghazi a neocon reverse october surprise against Obama campaign
Post Date: 2012-11-03 00:33:24 by RickyJ
By Jason Charles | Truth Alliance | Nov. 2, 2012 Are we witnessing a neocon take over of the Presidency…once again? Or, maybe they never really gave Barry any power at all, only time. Just enough time to take the heat off the Republicans for their own betraying of the Constitution for eight long years. This Benghazi incident has all of the hallmarks of a neocon false flag staged attack. Five quick points that don’t add up and could equate to a surprise inside attack on the Obama campaign, as more info breaks daily about this tragedy. CIA drones watching prior to the attack Unarmed drones are for surveillance and intelligence to watch a attack unfold, the damning thing here is ...

The Sinaloa Mexican Drug Cartel Is A CIA Subsidary
Post Date: 2012-11-02 00:04:25 by tom007
The Sinaloa Mexican Drug Cartel Is A CIA Subsidary Just another WordPress.com site Video Rebel's Blog Posted on November 1, 2012 America’s greatest National Security threat is from CIA run drug cartels. There are 1.4 million gang members in America. They commit 80% of serious crime. Of these 1.4 million gang bangers 250,000 work for Mexican drug cartels. The Mexican cartels are in the news because they have killed over 50,000 Mexicans since Chapo Guzman was allowed to escape from prison. Chapo Guzman had been convicted of killing Cardinal Posadas-Ocampo but won on appeal to a friendly court. Guzman goes to restaurants with at least 15 bodyguards armed with AK-47s yet cannot be ...

Iran Offers to Send Emergency Aid Crew to New York After Hurricane Sandy
Post Date: 2012-11-01 23:48:30 by tom007
Iran Offers to Send Emergency Aid Crew to New York After Hurricane Sandy 6 Comments Read the Daily Intel Hub News Brief: (Ad) Pre-Order Your Copy of SHADE the Motion Picture DVD Now! — Click HERE By JG Vibes theintelhub.com November 1, 2012 In the wake of the destruction caused by hurricane Sandy the people of Iran are reaching out in a variety of ways, by offering help and emergency aid relief. Even the Red Crescent Organization of Iran has offered to send an emergency response team to help with the rescue and clean up effort. Mahmud Mozaffar, the leader of the Red Crescent Organization told the Fars News Agency that: “We are ready to help the flood-stricken people of ...

Romney Exposed
Post Date: 2012-11-01 21:38:22 by RickyJ

Hurricane Exposes Economic Fallacies
Post Date: 2012-11-01 06:14:02 by Tatarewicz
Throughout the next few days in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy you will repeatedly hear two great untruths: We need government to protect us from natural disasters. Natural disasters are good for the economy. Regarding the first fallacy, let us consider today's New York Times op-ed commentary, which is predictably fawning about centralized political power. “Most Americans have never heard of the National Response Coordination Center, but they’re lucky it exists on days of lethal winds and flood tides. The center is the war room of the Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA], where officials gather to decide where rescuers should go, where drinking water should be ...

We Can't Risk Putting Liars In The White House
Post Date: 2012-10-31 19:54:02 by tom007
We Can't Risk Putting Liars In The White House Robert Reich, Contributor | Oct. 31, 2012, 10:00 AM | 2,412 | 44 inShare6 Email More mitt romney ohio Getty Images Robert Reich URL Robert Reich is one of the nation’s leading experts on work and the economy, is Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley. He has served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton. Recent Posts Airlines Exploited The Heck Out Of Passengers Trying To Escape The... The Final Days, The Biggest Issue, And The Clearest Choice If You Succumb to Cynicism, The ...

I miss OKCsubmariner
Post Date: 2012-10-31 05:01:22 by titorite
I miss OKCsubmariner. I do. I remember. I'll never forget!

US military planned mutiny on the Bounty to topple Obam
Post Date: 2012-10-29 13:12:43 by tom007
US military planned mutiny on the Bounty to topple Obama Cadets listen as US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney (C) delivers a foreign policy speech at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia, on October 8, 2012. Cadets listen as US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney (C) delivers a foreign policy speech at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia, on October 8, 2012. Mon Oct 29, 2012 4:41PM GMT 3 6 0 By Gordon Duff His real intent is to occupy Iraq and attack Iran. In the process, America intends on “neutralizing” the nuclear capability of Pakistan. This is the plan, it is known, not just in the Department of Defense, but by ...

U against Iranian media telling truth to Westerners: Poll
Post Date: 2012-10-29 13:08:30 by tom007
EU against Iranian media telling truth to Westerners: Poll Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:18PM Related Interviews: 'Bankers guilty of Iran channel ban’ 'Israel complicit in EU ban on Iran TV' Related Viewpoints: Sheep’s clothing: The plot to silence Iran The majority of respondents taking part in the latest Press TV survey believe that the European Union (EU) is banning Iranian media in a bid to prevent them from telling the truth to the Westerners. The opinion poll was conducted on October 16-28 with results indicating that nearly 76 percent (8,332 respondents) of the 11,032 participants believe that the EU does not want the Iranian media to tell Westerners what the truth ...

On The Fullness And Boldness Of QE's Manipulation Of American's Behavior
Post Date: 2012-10-29 09:43:53 by tom007
On The Fullness And Boldness Of QE's Manipulation Of American's Behavior Tyler Durden's picture Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/28/2012 15:54 -0400 Bond Central Banks Equity Markets Fail Federal Reserve Housing Market Housing Prices Lehman Lehman Brothers Monetary Policy Moral Hazard New Normal Reality Seth Klarman Volatility With equity markets having reverted to pre-Draghi and pre-Bernanke levels, retail mortgage rates and MBS spreads now above pre-QEtc. levels, and the fundamental reality of the world's credit-driven growth peeking through into the new normal 'muddle-through'; it seems increasingly evident that central banks' actions (or the anticipation ...

Army Col. says GOP wants Obama out because of color of his skin Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/335627#ixzz2AYEtB9p2
Post Date: 2012-10-27 21:09:11 by RickyJ
Lawrence Wilkerson, a retired United States Army Colonel and former chief of staff for Colin Powell, says the GOP is "full of racists". A 31 year veteran of the U.S. Army , Wilkerson served in various capacities during the Republican administrations of Presidents Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. He is also a registered Republican who is not overly happy with his party. Wilkerson recently publicly criticized the GOP and defended former Secretary of State Colin Powell's decision to endorse President Obama. During an interview on MSNBC's The Ed Show, Wilkerson told host Ed Schultz that his party was "full of racists". Wilkerson's comments came in ...

Institutionalized State Assassinations and the November 6 Election
Post Date: 2012-10-27 10:03:50 by tom007
Institutionalized State Assassinations and the November 6 Election By Bill Van Auken October 27, 2012 "WSWS" -- With barely a week and a half to go until the November 6 presidential elections, the entire spectrum of the American pseudo-left is exerting maximum efforts to turn out votes for Obama with the claim that the reelection of the incumbent Democrat would represent the “lesser of two evils.” If there was any need for a further refutation of this shabby political argument it has been provided in the form of the exposé run by the Washington Post this week on the Obama administration’s institutionalization of assassinations orchestrated from the White ...

Why I Don't Think A Mormon Should Be President
Post Date: 2012-10-27 09:52:31 by tom007
Why I Don't Think A Mormon Should Be President Nathan Nebeker, Contributor | Oct. 27, 2012, 8:20 AM | 2,176 | 51 Email More mitt romney Flickr/Gage Skidmore Nathan Nebeker is a technology executive and entrepreneur. He was born in Salt Lake City, and his family descends from some of the early Mormon pioneers. The opinions expressed below are his own. The founders of the United States had a lot of good ideas, but undoubtedly one of the best was the decoupling of religion from government. In principle, someone from any religion can be President of the United States. So even though all but one president has been a member of some flavor of Protestant Christianity, Mitt Romney’s ...

Why Romney’s Mormonism Matters
Post Date: 2012-10-27 09:45:17 by tom007
Why Romney’s Mormonism Matters by RENATO WARDLE It came as no surprise that Mitt Romney secured the GOP nomination for the 2012 elections. The current Republican Party is dominated by right-wing extremists hell-bent on galvanizing the United States into a militant Christian hegemony. Because of this fanatical atmosphere, it is completely natural that a Mormon would not only be running for president, but would also win the GOP nomination. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka the Mormons), with its history of religious severity, appears to be a perfect fit for the über-orthodoxy of the Tea Party-controlled GOP. Despite misgivings that many non-Mormon Republicans ...

A Culture Of Delusion by PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS
Post Date: 2012-10-27 09:43:42 by tom007
A Culture Of Delusion by PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS A writer’s greatest disappointments are readers who have knee-jerk responses. Not all readers, of course. Some readers are thoughtful and supportive. Others express thanks for opening their eyes. But the majority are happy when a writer tells them what they want to hear and are unhappy when he writes what they don’t want to hear. For the left-wing, Ronald Reagan is the great bogyman. Those on the left don’t understand supply-side economics as a macroeconomic innovation that cured stagflation by utilizing the impact of fiscal policy on aggregate supply. Instead, they see “trickle-down economics” and tax cuts for the rich. ...

The Fairness of Whites as a Critical Weakness
Post Date: 2012-10-26 18:12:18 by X-15
Here is the essence of what I feel is the primary weakness that has somehow been implanted within the genetic makeup of White European people. This foolish idea that seems to exist within the vast majority of our people’s minds – our Aryan sense of fairness, and the clearly stupid idea that Whites can expect to receive fairness and be treated honorably by non-Whites, if only we can manage to explain to them how they are being unfair to us. Our enemies, primarily the Jews, but in the long run – all non-white races who constitute our racial competition – have very cleverly sensed this weakness in our people and they have done everything possible to pour fertilizer on it, ...

More Americans delaying retirement until age 80
Post Date: 2012-10-26 12:23:38 by tom007
More Americans delaying retirement until age 80 Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:53PM GMT As they struggle to save for retirement, a growing number of middle-class Americans plan to postpone their golden years until they are in their 80's. Nearly one-third, or 30%, now plan to work until they are 80 or older -- up from 25% a year ago, according to a Wells Fargo survey of 1,000 adults with income less than $100,000. "It is so tough for Americans to save for retirement that the answer seems to be to work longer," said Joe Ready, director of Wells Fargo Institutional Retirement and Trust. Overall, 70% of respondents plan to work during retirement, many of whom plan to do so because ...

ThinkProgress Smears Coverage of Voting Machine Concerns as "Conspiracy Theory"
Post Date: 2012-10-25 22:30:20 by tom007
ThinkProgress Smears Coverage of Voting Machine Concerns as "Conspiracy Theory" Tuesday, 23 October 2012 16:52 By Brad Friedman, Brad Blog | Report 70 font size decrease font size increase font size Print Email "I think you’d be right to call out Romney and his son for having a financial interest in this company. It doesn’t look good." - Former Democratic OH Sec. of State Jennifer Brunner to MSNBC, 10/22/12 To be frank, while it's no secret that the Center for American Progress has always been an outside extension of the Democratic Party, their important blog site, Think Progress, has served as a crucial, and journalistically sound fact-checker on the ...

The Grimmest Story You’ll Hear Today About Wall Street Pay, This Guy Is The Mittster's Sec of Treasury - Really
Post Date: 2012-10-25 17:18:10 by tom007
The Grimmest Story You’ll Hear Today About Wall Street Pay By Eliot Spitzer | Posted Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012, at 5:34 PM ET 116 130644172 Former Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain in 2011 Photo by Rob Kim/Getty Images. Sheila Bair, former chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., one of the few heroes to emerge from the financial crisis, has written a marvelous new book, Bull by the Horns: Fighting to Save Main Street from Wall Street and Wall Street From Itself. Bair was in the room when the major bailout decisions were made, and she was one of the few pushing for real accountability from Wall Street and real protection of homeowners. In the book, and on Wednesday night on my ...

Elizabeth Warren 2016?
Post Date: 2012-10-25 10:38:55 by tom007
Elizabeth Warren 2016? By Jonathan Karl, Richard Coolidge & Sherisse Pham | Power Players – 3 hrs ago Email 1 Print Save this List Spinners and Winners The marquee Senate race this year is in Massachusetts, where Democrat Elizabeth Warren is challenging incumbent Republican Sen. Scott Brown. "I never thought I'd run for public office, but I feel the urgency of this moment," says Warren. "If we don't make some important changes and make them soon, this country is going to change fundamentally, and it's not for the better." Democrats took notice of the former Harvard professor late last year, when a video of Warren speaking on fair taxation and ...

Joe Klein's Sociopathic Defense of Drone Killings of Children
Post Date: 2012-10-25 06:57:41 by tom007
Joe Klein's Sociopathic Defense of Drone Killings of Children Reflecting the Obama legacy and US culture, the Time columnist says: "the bottom line is: 'whose 4-year-olds get killed?'" By Glenn Greenwald October 23, 2012 "The Guardian" -- On MSNBC's Morning Joe program this morning, which focused on Monday's night presidential debate, the former right-wing Congressman and current host Joe Scarborough voiced an eloquent and impassioned critique of President Obama's ongoing killing of innocent people in the Muslim world using drones. In response, Time Magazine's Joe Klein, a stalwart Obama supporter, offered one of the most nakedly ...

In Amerika There Will Never Be A Real Debate
Post Date: 2012-10-25 06:46:57 by tom007
In Amerika There Will Never Be A Real Debate By Paul Craig Roberts October 24, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - God help them if Obama and Romney ever had to participate in a real debate about a real issue at the Oxford Union. They would be massacred. The “debates” revealed that not only the candidates but also the entire country is completely tuned out to every real problem and dangerous development. For example, you would never know that US citizens can now be imprisoned and executed without due process. All that is required to terminate the liberty and life of an American citizen by his own government is an unaccountable decision somewhere in the executive ...

Obama adviser defends killing US boy with drone
Post Date: 2012-10-25 06:03:51 by tom007
Obama adviser defends killing US boy with drone Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:2AM GMT When Robert Gibbs, former White House Press Secretary and a senior adviser to the Obama campaign, was asked why the administration killed the 16-year old son of suspected al-Qaeda member and U.S. citizen Anwar al-Awlaki via a drone strike last year, he said it was the boy’s fault for having a father like Awlaki. Anwar al-Awlaki was killed last year in a drone strike in Yemen ordered by the Obama administration. The killing made headlines particularly because Awlaki was an American citizen, but his constitutional rights to due process were thrown out the window in favor of simply assassinating him. ...

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