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Presstitute Media Cover-up Culture
Post Date: 2012-09-23 10:00:39 by tom007
Latest Posts: Presstitute Media Cover-up Culture Pussy Riot, The Unfortunate Dupes of Amerikan Hegemony The Next Election: High Stake Outcomes Based on Non-issues Tuesday, August 21st, 2012 | Posted by Paul Craig Roberts Presstitute Media Cover-up Culture “The day we see truth and do not speak is the day we begin to die.” - Martin Luther King by Paul Craig Roberts Conspiracy theories have now blossomed into what the smug presstitute media calls a“conspiracy culture.” According to the presstitutes, Americans have to find some explanation for their frustrations and failings, so Americans shift the blame to the Bilderbergers, the Rothschilds, the New World ...

En route to a local mosque, an Iranian cleric saw a woman he
Post Date: 2012-09-23 09:36:53 by tom007
(Newser) – En route to a local mosque, an Iranian cleric saw a woman he believed was inappropriately dressed, so he warned her to cover up. "You, cover your eyes," she replied, instead putting her dukes up and giving him a shove. "I fell on my back on the floor,” the cleric said, according to a state news report obtained by Bloomberg. “I don’t know what happened after that, all I could feel was the kicks of this woman who was insulting me and attacking me." He was hospitalized for three days, but he says "commanding right and forbidding wrong" is a religious obligation and he'd do it again. He does call the incident "the worst ...

GOP Congressman Blows Up At CNN Host: ‘I Don’t Care What Fact Check Says,’ Obama Apologizes For America!
Post Date: 2012-09-23 09:31:52 by tom007
GOP Congressman Blows Up At CNN Host: ‘I Don’t Care What Fact Check Says,’ Obama Apologizes For America! By Igor Volsky on Sep 17, 2012 at 9:13 am During an appearance on CNN’s Starting Point on Monday, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) could not explain when President Obama “apologized” for the United States, despite repeatedly claiming that he went on an “apology tour” across the Middle East shortly after becoming president. Since violence broke out across the region, Republicans have charged that Obama’s “defeatist” policies have caused the unrest and contributed to the death of Libyan ambassador Christopher Stevens. But pressed to detail ...

HFA Threatens Strategic Defaulters With Prison: "We're Going To Lock People Up" "We're not just going to demand repayment, we're going to lock people up."
Post Date: 2012-09-23 09:10:54 by tom007
FHFA Threatens Strategic Defaulters With Prison: "We're Going To Lock People Up" "We're not just going to demand repayment, we're going to lock people up." Check out this fear-mongering nonsense published by the Chicago Tribune over the weekend. So a 45-person enforcement office at the FHFA has the resources and incentive to put strategic defaulters in jail, but mention the name Jon Corzine to the 5,000 prosecutors at the Eric Holder Covington & Burling Department of Justice and they stick their heads so far down in the sand, their asses sprout beach umbrellas. --- Mortgage Cops Taking Tough Stance Chicago Tribune Strategic defaulters, beware. The ...

Why Support the Troops? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2012-09-22 12:45:35 by F.A. Hayek Fan
One of the most fascinating phenomena of our time is the extreme reverence that the American people have been taught to have for the military. Wherever you go -- airports, sports events, church -- there is a god-like worship of the military. "Let us all stand and express our sincerest thanks to our troops for the wonderful service they perform for our country," declare the sports broadcasters. "Let us pray for the troops, especially those in harm's way," church ministers exhort their parishioners. "Let us give a big hand to our troops who are traveling with us today," exclaim airline officials. Every time I see this reverence for the military being ...

The Warning- Long before the meltdown, one woman tried to warn about a threat to the financial system.
Post Date: 2012-09-21 21:00:36 by Itistoolate
Watch The Warning on PBS. See more from FRONTLINE.

Mormon church threatens to excommunicate member who criticized Romney
Post Date: 2012-09-21 15:50:12 by tom007
Mormon church threatens to excommunicate member who criticized Romney By David Edwards Friday, September 21, 2012 12:59 EDT Print Share on facebookShare on redditShare on diggShare on twitterShare on farkShare on stumbleupon0 The Book of Mormon (Shutterstock.com) Topics: Brother Twede ♦ Mormon church ♦ Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney A member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints says that church leadership is on a witch hunt against him after he criticized Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. David Twede, a fifth-generation Mormon, told The Daily Beast that on Sunday his bishop and three other church leaders in Orlando ordered him to ...

Disdain for Workers
Post Date: 2012-09-21 09:35:54 by tom007
Disdain for Workers By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: September 20, 2012 323 Comments By now everyone knows how Mitt Romney, speaking to donors in Boca Raton, washed his hands of almost half the country — the 47 percent who don’t pay income taxes — declaring, “My job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.” By now, also, many people are aware that the great bulk of the 47 percent are hardly moochers; most are working families who pay payroll taxes, and elderly or disabled Americans make up a majority of the rest. Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times Paul Krugman Go to ...

Governor Romney Is Correct
Post Date: 2012-09-20 11:09:03 by F.A. Hayek Fan
As readers of this column and viewers of Fox News Channel may know, I have not hesitated to criticize Gov. Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign and the governor himself. I have argued that his message is muddled and his values are unknown beyond his ardent wish to improve economic conditions through the use of free market mechanisms rather than central economic planning, a position with which I agree entirely. I have also maintained that his willingness to abandon, or not to accept, first principles has made these questions reasonable: If Romney is elected president, which Romney will show up for work on Jan. 20, 2013? Will it be the Romney who ran to the left of Ted Kennedy in 1994, ...

Who May Tax and Spend?
Post Date: 2012-09-17 21:14:33 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Within the past decade, I've written columns titled "Deception 101," "Stubborn Ignorance" and "Exploiting Public Ignorance," all explaining which branch of the federal government has taxing and spending authority. So here it is again: The first clause of Article 1, Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution, generally known as the "origination clause," reads: "All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills." Constitutionally and by precedent, the House of Representatives has the exclusive prerogative to originate bills to appropriate money, as ...

Wisconsin Anti-Worker Law Struck Down
Post Date: 2012-09-17 03:53:14 by Stephen Lendman
Wisconsin Anti-Worker Law Struck Down by Stephen Lendman It happened last year as well. On May 27, 2011, Circuit Court Judge Maryann Sumi rescinded Walker's bill. In a 33-page decision, she ruled Republican lawmakers violated Wisconsin's open meetings law. On March 18, she placed it on temporary hold. Victory was short-lived. Republican lawmakers immediately appealed to Wisconsin's Supreme Court. They urged a prompt ruling. They faced a June 30 budget deadline. They warned without prompt resolution they'd include anti-worker provisions in the budget bill. They practically intimidated the High Court to accommodate them. It didn't disappoint. On June 14, the Supreme ...

General Shelton: Rumsfeld was the devil in the form of a defense secretary
Post Date: 2012-09-16 16:12:51 by tom007
General Shelton: Rumsfeld was the devil in the form of a defense secretary Posted By Thomas E. Ricks Thursday, August 2, 2012 - 12:11 PM Share While Tom Ricks is away from his blog, he has selected a few of his favorite posts to re-run. We will be posting a few every day until he returns. This originally ran on October 11, 2010. That's basically the impression I took away from reading Without Hesitation, the memoirs of retired Gen. Hugh Shelton, who was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1997 to 2001. Boy is he steamed. There are plenty of other people Shelton pings in the book, most notably John McCain. But the unquestionable No. 1 villain of the book is the former ...

Why Americans don't understand the Middle East
Post Date: 2012-09-16 15:23:06 by tom007
Why Americans don't understand the Middle East Posted By Stephen M. Walt Friday, September 14, 2012 - 11:25 AM Share I hardly ever watch network news, but I happened to stumble across this appalling report on NBC's "Rock Center" last night. In this clip, reporter Richard Engel blames this week's anti-American violence on "conspiracy theories" that Arab populations have been fed over the years by their rulers, including the idea that the United States and Israel are colluding to control the Middle East. It's no secret there are conspiracy theories circulating in the Middle East (as there are here in the good old USA: Remember the "birthers?") ...

Doug Casey: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Today's Journalism
Post Date: 2012-09-16 05:59:40 by Tatarewicz
In this interview by Louis James, legendary speculator Doug Casey offers both bad news and good news regarding the activities of the Fourth Estate, and tells us why he believes that 300 million Americans are starving for talk straight from the heart. Louis: Hola Doug. What's on your mind this week? Doug: The color yellow. As in "yellow journalism" – which seems almost the only kind we have these days. Of course, to be fair, inflammatory, shamelessly dishonest "man bites dog" journalism has always been the dominant kind, simply because it sells papers. But we'll see more than the usual amount in the next couple of months, simply because elections lend ...

China view of current Islamic anti-Americanism
Post Date: 2012-09-15 23:29:52 by Tatarewicz
Even after the tragic death of US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens on Tuesday, violent anti-American protests have continued in the Middle East, further complicating the muddle in the region and raising doubts over the United States' strategy. Stevens and three other Americans were killed in Benghazi, Libya, amid attacks on US diplomatic missions in Egypt and other Middle East cities. The 52-year-old diplomat became the first American ambassador to be killed in the course of duty in 24 years. That the killing coincided with the anniversary of the Sept 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the US has prompted many to ask whether America and the rest of world are safer 11 years on. ...

US media angrily marvels at the lack of Muslim gratitude NBC News, along with a leading US newspaper, insist that Egyptians should be grateful to the US for having 'freed' them
Post Date: 2012-09-15 09:54:23 by tom007
US media angrily marvels at the lack of Muslim gratitude NBC News, along with a leading US newspaper, insist that Egyptians should be grateful to the US for having 'freed' them Share Tweet this Email Glenn Greenwald Glenn Greenwald guardian.co.uk, Friday 14 September 2012 11.51 EDT Jump to comments (…) An injured Egyptian protester looks on during clashes with riot police near the US embassy in Cairo. An injured Egyptian protester looks on during clashes with riot police near the US embassy in Cairo. Photograph: Khaled Desouki/AFP/Getty Images One prominent strain shaping American reaction to the protests in the Muslim world is bafflement, and even anger, that those ...

America the Gutted: What's middle-income to Mitt Romney? On ABC's Good Morning America, Mitt Romney says "middle income is $200,00 to $250,000."
Post Date: 2012-09-15 09:50:24 by tom007
America the Gutted: What's middle-income to Mitt Romney? On ABC's Good Morning America, Mitt Romney says "middle income is $200,00 to $250,000." T According to the Census Bureau this week, real median household income in the United States fell to $50,054 in 2011. That number is down 1.5 percent from the previous year and, when adjusted for inflation, is at a 17-year low. It's about 9 percent lower from its 1999 peak, the Census Bureau said in a new report. The downward income trend is another unpleasant reminder of just how difficult it's been for middle class Americans in recent years, particularly since the start of the Great Recession. Enter Mitt Romney, ...

Romney’s Adviser Complains About Company’s High Taxes — But It Pays Just 2.2 Percent
Post Date: 2012-09-13 15:21:35 by tom007
Romney’s Adviser Complains About Company’s High Taxes — But It Pays Just 2.2 Percent By Rebecca Leber on Sep 13, 2012 at 1:45 pm In a congressional hearing Thursday, Continental Resources CEO and Mitt Romney’s chief energy adviser Harold Hamm asked to preserve the oil industry’s billions in tax breaks, although his company pays little in federal taxes. The oil firm has earned more than $1.8 billion profit over five years by dominating the oil shale boom in North Dakota. In his prepared testimony, Hamm defends tax breaks by pointing to his own company, saying, “Continental’s effective tax rate is 38%!” But according to Citizens for Tax Justice, ...

“Libya Surprise” Could Be Death Knell for Romney Campaign
Post Date: 2012-09-13 13:36:07 by tom007
“Libya Surprise” Could Be Death Knell for Romney Campaign Posted by John Cassidy Romney-libya.jpg Harold Wilson, who was Prime Minister of Britain twice, in the sixties and seventies, famously said a week is a long time in politics. Sometimes, so is a day. This time yesterday, the conventional wisdom, faithfully trotted out by yours truly among many, was that Obama was coasting to victory in a Presidential sweepstakes that was threatening to peter out in tedium. So much for that. After last night’s “September surprise,” Obama is still home free, and Mitt Romney is still trailing. In fact, this might well be the death knell for his campaign. But what an uproar. ...

British PM's love of banksters like brain virus from cat poop
Post Date: 2012-09-13 12:53:02 by Itistoolate
Watch the full Keiser Report E340 later on Thursday! In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss David Cameron appointing former bankers to Treasury. We look at another former banker who became a Treasury Secretary only to become a bankster - Robert Rubin - and his role in Citigroup bilking Abu Dhabi of billions. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Reggie Middleton about Facebook, fraud and financialization. British PM's love of banksters like brain virus from cat poop

MF Global Criminal Charges Unlikely As CFTC Looks To Civil Cases
Post Date: 2012-09-13 09:29:46 by tom007
MF Global Criminal Charges Unlikely As CFTC Looks To Civil Cases Reuters | Posted: 09/12/2012 7:41 pm Updated: 09/13/2012 8:15 am Share on Google+ Mf Global 16 1 0 0 23 Get Business Alerts: Sign Up React: Inspiring Greedy Typical Scary Outrageous Amazing Innovative Infuriating Follow: Bankruptcy , Video, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Edith O'Brien, Jon Corzine, MF Global, Cftc, Mf Global Criminal Probe, Mg Global Collapse, Reuters, Business News * Prosecutors met with former CEO Jon Corzine-sources * Criminal case still appears unlikely * Move paves way for civil cases By Aruna Viswanatha and Alexandra Alper WASHINGTON, Sept 12 (Reuters) - Prosecutors investigating the ...

(The Flag Wavers and the Little People) Dear Slaves
Post Date: 2012-09-12 15:12:07 by X-15
Excuse me, not “slaves.” How could I be so callously imprecise? For slavery has long been outlawed. I’d call you simply employees, but seeing how you aren’t likely employees of mine, that too would seem presumptuous. The public relations specialists will figure it all out later down the editing chain, anyway. How about “little people?” You, the little people of the world, good evening. I know it seems like your political clowns are the bought and paid for employees of an extensive system of graft and corruption. I know that the appearance of conflicts of interest, of sugar daddies funding political campaigns, of foreign interests subverting the will of the ...

Richard Dawkins: Romney a ‘massively gullible fool’ for practicing Mormonism
Post Date: 2012-09-11 19:16:57 by tom007
Richard Dawkins: Romney a ‘massively gullible fool’ for practicing Mormonism By David Edwards Monday, September 10, 2012 14:04 EDT Print Richard Dawkins interviewing with British newspaper The Guardian. Topics: mitt romney ♦ richard dawkins Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins on Sunday asked how anyone could vote for a “massively gullible fool” like Mitt Romney who could not see that Mormonism’s founder was a “fraud.” “Romney’s prophet Joseph Smith a fraud,” Dawkins said in an hours-long Twitter rant, quoting from the Book of Mormon and adding, “Romney falls for it.” “No matter how much you agree with ...

How to Break the Chicago Teachers (i.e. union scum) Strike in 7 Days
Post Date: 2012-09-11 14:48:15 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Reality Check (Sept. 11, 2012) "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. Things that we had postponed for too long, that were long-term, are now immediate and must be dealt with. This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before." -- Rahm Emanuel (Nov. 2008). He said that when he was President Obama's Chief of staff. Today, he is Mayor of Chicago. The teachers union is on strike. 350,000 students have no schools to go to. They are being looked after in churches and other private facilities. If he were not a screaming liberal, he could solve this in 7 days. It requires a 30-day program to make it stick. Permanently. Here is Dr. ...

Obstruct and Exploit
Post Date: 2012-09-10 14:44:51 by tom007
Obstruct and Exploit By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: September 9, 2012 890 Comments Facebook Twitter Google+ E-mail Share Print Reprints Does anyone remember the American Jobs Act? A year ago President Obama proposed boosting the economy with a combination of tax cuts and spending increases, aimed in particular at sustaining state and local government employment. Independent analysts reacted favorably. For example, the consulting firm Macroeconomic Advisers estimated that the act would add 1.3 million jobs by the end of 2012. Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times Paul Krugman Go to Columnist Page » Blog: The Conscience of a Liberal Related After a Disappointing Jobs Report, Romney Attacks ...

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