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Pentagon OK with selling U.S. drones to 66 countries (What Could Go Wrong?)
Post Date: 2012-09-09 20:37:45 by tom007
You are here: Home > Pentagon OK with selling U.S. drones to 66 countries Military Buildup, News September 7, 2012 Pentagon OK with selling U.S. drones to 66 countries Pentagon OK with selling U.S. drones to 66 countries S ource: BizJournal As many as 66 countries would be eligible to buy U.S. drones under new Defense Department guidelines but Congress and the State Department, which have a final say, have not yet opened the spigots for exports, a senior Pentagon official said on Wednesday. The 66 countries were listed in a Defense Department policy worked out last year to clear the way for wider overseas sales of unmanned aerial systems, as the Pentagon calls such drones, said ...

How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless, and the Middle Class Got Shafted.
Post Date: 2012-09-09 09:16:13 by tom007
How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless, and the Middle Class Got Shafted. By Bill Moyers and Mike Lofgren The growing power of the religious right is one reason my guest left the Republican Party and became an Independent. "The mixture of politics and religion," he says, "debases both, and has turned the GOP into an apocalyptic sect." He has his problems with Democrats, too. For one thing, he says, both parties “are captives to corporate loot.” Posted September 06, 2012 BILL MOYERS: The growing power of the religious right is one reason my guest left the Republican Party and became an Independent. "The mixture of politics and ...

The Message From Both Parties Is That Americans Are Disposable
Post Date: 2012-09-09 08:49:32 by tom007
The Message From Both Parties Is That Americans Are Disposable By Paul Craig Roberts September 08, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - If political conventions are ranked on a one to ten scale for intelligence, I give the Republican Convention zero and the Democrats one. How can the United States be a superpower when both political parties are unaware of everything that is happening at home and abroad? The Republicans are relying for victory on four years of anti-Obama propaganda and their proprietary programed electronic voting machines. For nearly four years Republican operatives have flooded the Internet with portraits of Obama as a non-US citizen, as a Muslim (even while ...

Actual socialist Bernie Sanders: No, Obama is not a socialist
Post Date: 2012-09-08 19:12:11 by tom007
Actual socialist Bernie Sanders: No, Obama is not a socialist By Stephen C. Webster Friday, September 7, 2012 17:01 EDT Print Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), appearing on "Moyers & Company." Photo: Screenshot via BillMoyers.com. Topics: bernie sanders ♦ Bill Moyers ♦ Obama Speaking to talk show host Bill Moyers this week, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who self-identifies as a Democratic socialist, explained that no matter how many times Republicans say it, President Barack Obama is not a socialist as well. Democratic socialism (PDF), he explained, “means that health care should be a right of all people,” he said. “That higher education should be a ...

6 Reasons We Need to Protect America from Texas Politicians Perhaps a fence would be in order.
Post Date: 2012-09-07 15:34:43 by tom007
6 Reasons We Need to Protect America from Texas Politicians Perhaps a fence would be in order. September 4, 2012 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. It looks like the influence of Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the right-wing nutcase-creation machine might have tipped Texas Republicans over the edge and into dangerous territory. Their politicians are flying right off the rails. Is it time to think about setting up border checkpoints around Texas to protect ourselves? Even better, maybe we should just build a big fence around the state to keep their elected officials in. Here are six reasons why we should think ...

This guy must get in control of himself
Post Date: 2012-09-07 14:37:16 by Itistoolate
he makes too much sense Obama and Romney Should Fight in WW3!!! Poster Comment:Alex Jones is making more Alex Joneses

Bain and Mitt Romney: What’s Fact and What’s Opinion
Post Date: 2012-09-07 13:24:39 by tom007
Bain and Mitt Romney: What’s Fact and What’s Opinion POSTED: September 5, 6:15 PM ET Comment 195 Mitt Romney at Bain Capital Mitt Romney at Bain Capital in the early 1990's David L Ryan/The Boston Globe via Getty Images A few people wrote to me this morning asking me about Dan Primack’s critique of my Romney piece ("Greed and Debt," August 29) on CNN.com. His article ("Greed, Debt, and Matt Taibbi") purports to provide a list of factual inaccuracies, but like a lot of these pieces that pore through long features in search of mistakes, the resultant list ends up mainly being a discussion of non-factual issues where Primack and I simply disagree. For ...

Cleaning Up the Economy By PAUL KRUGMAN
Post Date: 2012-09-07 12:23:44 by tom007
Cleaning Up the Economy By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: September 6, 2012 137 Comments Facebook Twitter Google+ E-mail Share Print Reprints Bill Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention was a remarkable combination of pretty serious wonkishness — has there ever been a convention speech with that much policy detail? — and memorable zingers. Perhaps the best of those zingers was his sarcastic summary of the Republican case for denying President Obama re-election: “We left him a total mess. He hasn’t cleaned it up fast enough. So fire him and put us back in.” Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times Paul Krugman Go to Columnist Page » Blog: The ...

Catherine Austin Fitts-They’re Going to Depopulate or Bankrupt the Rest of Us
Post Date: 2012-09-07 11:11:06 by Itistoolate
Catherine Austin Fitts-They’re Going to Depopulate or Bankrupt the Rest of Us By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com Catherine Austin Fitts calls what happened to the U.S since the market meltdown of 2008 a “fiscal coup d’état.” Fitts should know because she is a former Wall Street insider who has managed investments worth $300 billion. She is also a government insider. Catherine Austin Fitts was an Assistant Secretary for HUD in the first Bush Administration more than 20 years ago. She says our leaders are “. . . doing a number of things that are going to depopulate or bankrupt the rest of us.” Why are people so ill-informed? Fitts says it’s ...

Religious cults and US presidential politics
Post Date: 2012-09-05 12:00:15 by tom007
Religious cults and US presidential politics Wed Sep 5, 2012 3:52AM By Wayne Madsen Romney insists that he would govern as president without allowing his Mormon beliefs to color his decision-making. But if the earlier influence of the Moonies over Bush are any indication, Romney’s past as a bishop of the Mormon Church, coupled with the Mormon’s track record of nepotism involving Mormon family members and friends and the dubious business practices of the Mormon-heavy investment firm of Bain Capital, points to a Romney foreign and domestic policy not only influenced by many re-tread neocons from the prior Bush administration but dominated by a number of Mormons placed into key ...

Elena Kagan’s “diversity problem” and Jewish privilege
Post Date: 2012-09-02 21:48:27 by X-15
The reaction to the appointment of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court in 2010 was a case study in how taboos are maintained in our society regarding the 600-pound gorilla of Jewish power. It is not just that little was said about the fact that she would be the third Jewish justice on the nine-member court in a country barely two percent Jewish, leaving the majority-Protestant country without a Protestant on the high court. It is not just that she was generally lacking in qualifications for the appointment and for pretty much every other job she has ever gotten. What was really interesting was how the Jewish media diverted attention from the phenomenon of Jewish power and privilege by raising ...

Homeland-Insecurity Rise of the Police State
Post Date: 2012-09-02 19:13:36 by Itistoolate
tinyurl.com/8twrso5 2 plus hrs

Protest At The White House - NOT Work Safe, I guess
Post Date: 2012-09-02 16:48:18 by tom007

N avy Se als in Action
Post Date: 2012-09-02 14:06:14 by tom007

The evidence proving the role of Israel, Zionists and Jews in 9/11 is overwhelming. Given the scientific impossibility of the official "nineteen Arabs with box cutters" conspiracy theory and the associated forensic evidence such as molten iron and unreacted nano-thermite, the reality denier must eit
Post Date: 2012-09-02 11:44:36 by tom007
The evidence proving the role of Israel, Zionists and Jews in 9/11 is overwhelming. Given the scientific impossibility of the official "nineteen Arabs with box cutters" conspiracy theory and the associated forensic evidence such as molten iron and unreacted nano-thermite, the reality denier must either deny the physical evidence, postulate new laws of physics, or pretend not to have noticed the facts and continue living in a dream-like state in the hope that 9/11 truth will go away. It won't. Denying Israel's role in 9/11 is like denying the fact that the Sun heats the earth. There needs to be a truly independent investigation into the events of 9/11, that bases its ...

Once Upon a Time....
Post Date: 2012-09-01 20:11:56 by tom007

Wall Street’s War Against the Cities: Why Bondholders Can’t – and Shouldn’t – be Paid
Post Date: 2012-09-01 13:34:59 by tom007
Wall Street’s War Against the Cities: Why Bondholders Can’t – and Shouldn’t – be Paid By Michael Hudson August 31, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - The pace of Wall Street’s war against the 99% is quickening in preparation for the kill. Having demonized public employees for being scheduled to receive pensions on their lifetime employment service, bondholders are insisting on getting the money instead. It is the same austerity philosophy that has been forced on Greece and Spain – and the same that is prompting President Obama and Mitt Romney to urge scaling back Social Security and Medicare. Unlike the U.S. federal government, most states ...

Mitt Romney, the first Mormon president of the united states?
Post Date: 2012-09-01 12:14:10 by tom007
Mitt Romney, the first Mormon president of the united states? US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks on the final day of the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, August 29, 2012. US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks on the final day of the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, August 29, 2012. Sat Sep 1, 2012 10:57AM By Webster G. Tarpley His victory marks the first time that the Republicans have failed to nominate a Protestant Christian, and the first time that a major US party has nominated a person who is not a Christian at all." Mitt Romney has now been officially nominated as the Republican candidate for ...

Fuel Pool 4 - Species Assured Destruction SAD
Post Date: 2012-08-31 18:03:11 by tom007
Fuel Pool 4 - Species Assured Destruction SAD On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 11:38 PM, A friend of mine sent me an e-mail last night. The message began, "Please don't shoot the messenger! She quoted an article where this statement was made by Robert Alvarez, former Senior Policy Adviser to the Secretary and Deputy Assistant Secretary for National Security and the Environment at the U.S. Department of Energy. Mr. Alvarez was discussing the precarious condition of the Fukushima Daichi spent fuel pool at Reactor #4, and the serious threat to human existence which would result from its collapse. (See article link below for a full discussion of the scenario.) According to Robert Alvarez, ...

How Romney Keeps Lying Through His Big White Teeth
Post Date: 2012-08-31 17:54:50 by tom007
Lies Robert Reich, Contributor | Aug. 29, 2012, 9:51 AM | 5,143 | 55 inShare5 Email More national review mitt romney National Review Online Robert Reich, Contributor URL Robert Reich, Contributor , one of the nation’s leading experts on work and the economy, is Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley. He has served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton. Recent Posts Why Inequality Is The Biggest Economic Threat To America Romney’s and Ryan’s Economic Plan George W. Bush as Hurricane Isaac RSS Feed Labor Day 2012 and the ...

Matt Taibbi Lambastes Romney's Time At Bain—Here Are The Highlights!
Post Date: 2012-08-31 13:02:01 by tom007
Matt Taibbi Lambastes Romney's Time At Bain—Here Are The Highlights! Linette Lopez | Aug. 31, 2012, 10:09 AM | 5,089 | 40 inShare3 Email More mitt romney bain capital Bain Capital/Boston Globe See Also Look How Much Romney Spends On Twitter Ads Every Day Look How Much Romney Spends On Twitter Ads Every Day home forclosure Here's Why Both Presidential Candidates Are Ignoring The Housing Issue Scaramucci & Romney ANTHONY SCARAMUCCI: Clinton's Endorsement Of Obama Looks Like A Hostage Video We knew Matt Taibbi was working something, we didn't know that it was about Republican Presidential nominee, Mitt Romney. More specifically, it's about Romney's time ...

Paul Ryan's Speech Proves The New Political Truth: It's Fine To Lie
Post Date: 2012-08-30 14:12:49 by tom007
Paul Ryan's Speech Proves The New Political Truth: It's Fine To Lie Henry Blodget | Aug. 30, 2012, 12:04 PM | 3,714 | 57 inShare4 Email More There was once a time when lying in a political speech--and getting called out on it by the media--was shameful or embarrassing. Not anymore. Now, says Jeff Greenfield, the veteran political analyst and Yahoo News columnist, the media is held in such low regard by Americans that getting called out for lying merely serves to confirm a widespread belief that the "liberal media" has an axe to grind against conservative politicians. As a result, the whoppers that dominated Republican VP candidate Paul Ryan's convention speech ...

GOP Elite Fear 1880 Convention Redux with Ron Paul
Post Date: 2012-08-29 22:42:19 by Buzzard

The 99% Take on the Republican National Convention
Post Date: 2012-08-28 15:56:00 by tom007
Truthout Tuesday, 28 August 2012 / TRUTH-OUT.ORG The 99% Take on the Republican National Convention Despite mixed feelings about Obama, protesters fight Mitt Romney, the "King of the 1%." Changing Minds, But Not Policy Paul Krugman: Fiscal austerity while the economy is depressed was an obviously bad idea from day one. Home News Opinion Progressive Picks Video Art BuzzFlash About Us Contact Donate The 99% Take on the Republican National Convention Tuesday, 28 August 2012 12:58 By Arun Gupta, AlterNet | Report 20 font size decrease font size increase font size Print Email 99% protesters demonstrate against the Republican National COnvention in Tampa, Florida, August, 20 ...

RNC to Open With Politician Who "Should Be in Jail"
Post Date: 2012-08-28 15:26:13 by tom007
RNC to Open With Politician Who "Should Be in Jail" Monday, 27 August 2012 16:10 By Greg Palast, Truthout | News Analysis 587 font size decrease font size increase font size Print Email Robert F Kennedy Jr. looks over Tim Griffin's caging e-mails. (Photo via Greg Pallast)Robert F Kennedy Jr. looks over Tim Griffin's caging emails. (Photo via Greg Pallast)"Tim Griffin should be in jail." That's the conclusion of civil rights attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. after going through the evidence I asked him to review. But Griffin's not in jail: he's in Congress. And Tuesday, he'll be the first Congressman the Republicans have chosen to bring to their ...

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