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The Republican "Small Government" Fraud
Post Date: 2012-08-28 15:11:20 by tom007
The Republican "Small Government" Fraud Tuesday, 28 August 2012 13:53 By Lawrence S Wittner, History News Network | Op-Ed 2 font size decrease font size increase font size Print Email One of the most widely-advertised but falsest claims in American politics is that the modern Republican Party stands for "small government." In the distant past, leading Republicans were indeed sharp critics of statism. And even today a few marginal party activists, like U.S. Representative Ron Paul, have championed limited government -- even libertarian -- policies. But this is not at all the norm for the contemporary GOP. For example, the Republican Party has stood up with remarkable ...

Murray Energy Miners Allege They Had To Give Up Pay To Attend 'Mandatory' Romney Rally
Post Date: 2012-08-28 14:40:10 by tom007
Murray Energy Miners Allege They Had To Give Up Pay To Attend 'Mandatory' Romney Rally (AUDIO) T Would you give up a day’s pay to see Mitt Romney in the flesh? Workers at one Ohio coal mine might not have had a choice. Earlier this month, Mitt Romney was welcomed for a campaign event at the Century Mine in Beallsville, Ohio, by hundreds of coal workers and their families. Now many of the mine's workers are saying they were forced to give up a day-worth of pay to attend the event, and they feared they might be fired if they didn’t, according to local news radio WWVA. The claims have been mostly denied by Rob Moore, Chief Financial Officer of Murray Energy Company, ...

Post Date: 2012-08-27 16:55:55 by HOUNDDAWG
The following essay appeared in the March, 2000 issue of Citizens Informer. It is reprinted at SecondAmendment.net with permission of the author. “We are in a strange state when you can insult someone by accusing him of having told the truth - which he then strenuously denies” Jared Taylor, July 1996. During the first week of March there was a great brouhaha raised by liberals, led by their front-person, William Jefferson Clinton: Gun locks, licensing of gun owners, background checks for all sales at gunshows, move toward outlawing all guns, and more of the same. What caused this latest outbreak of anti-gun hysteria? Two more perps used handguns to kill innocents. One in ...

Presstitute Media Cover-up Culture
Post Date: 2012-08-27 10:18:09 by tom007
Presstitute Media Cover-up Culture “The day we see truth and do not speak is the day we begin to die.” - Martin Luther King by Paul Craig Roberts Conspiracy theories have now blossomed into what the smug presstitute media calls a“conspiracy culture.” According to the presstitutes, Americans have to find some explanation for their frustrations and failings, so Americans shift the blame to the Bilderbergers, the Rothschilds, the New World Order and so forth and so on. Readers will not be surprised that I disagree with the presstitutes. Indeed, the conspiracy culture is the product of the presstitute media’s failure to investigate and to report truthfully. I ...

America’s Descent into Poverty
Post Date: 2012-08-26 19:25:12 by tom007
America’s Descent into Poverty By Paul Craig Roberts August 25, 2012 "Information Clearing House" ---- The United States has collapsed economically, socially, politically, legally, constitutionally, and environmentally. The country that exists today is not even a shell of the country into which I was born. In this article I will deal with America’s economic collapse. In subsequent articles, I will deal with other aspects of American collapse. Economically, America has descended into poverty. As Peter Edelman says, “Low-wage work is pandemic.” Today in “freedom and democracy” America, “the world’s only superpower,” one fourth of the ...

Top Ten Most Distasteful things about Romney Trip to Israel Posted on 07/29/2012 by Jua
Post Date: 2012-08-26 18:49:34 by tom007
Thoughts on the Middle East, History and Religion About Biography of Juan Cole Books on Mideast Comment Rules Contact Maps Online Books Sitemap Wiki Library Feed Top Ten Most Distasteful things about Romney Trip to Israel Posted on 07/29/2012 by Juan The trip of Republic Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney to Israel is in bad taste for lots of reasons. 1. He is holding a fundraiser at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. It is distasteful for an American political candidate to hold a high profile fundraiser abroad, implying a commitment to a foreign country as a means of reaching out to American interest groups (in Romney’s case, Christian Zionists among the evangelicals and the ...

Here Are Some of Our Masters
Post Date: 2012-08-26 18:29:20 by tom007

US drone strike kills 18 in North Waziristan
Post Date: 2012-08-26 17:14:03 by tom007
US drone strike kills 18 in North Waziristan Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:37PM GMT Share U.S. assassination drone aircraft killed at least 18 people on Friday in an attack in northwest Pakistan, Pakistani officials said, just a day after the government summoned an American diplomat to protest drone strikes in the country’s northwest tribal region. The strike took place at about noon time when U.S. drones reportedly fired at least two missiles at a living compound in the Shawal area of North Waziristan, destroying many houses inside the compound. The U.S. has carried out seven drone strikes in the past week in North Waziristan, ignoring Pakistani protests that they violate the ...

Architect rejects official account of WTC 7 collapse on 9/11
Post Date: 2012-08-26 17:11:56 by tom007
Architect rejects official account of WTC 7 collapse on 9/11 Wed Aug 22, 2012 5:11PM GMT Share Download | Embed A prominent American architect says the collapse of World Trade Center 7 on September 11, 2001 was the result of an explosive-controlled demolition, rejecting the official account which claims the building’s freefall was due to fire. “World Trade Center 7 was the 47-story skyscraper that collapsed straight down uniformly, symmetrically almost into its own footprint on the afternoon of 9/11 at 5:20. We were told by officials that this is due to normal office fires but when you look at the videos of these fires they are fairly scattered and relatively small,” said ...

A World of Hillbilly Heroin: The Hollowing Out of America, Up Close and Personal In a new book Chris Hedges and Joe Sacco explore the poorest pockets of the United States. In West Virginia they found communities ravaged by drugs.
Post Date: 2012-08-26 16:25:58 by tom007
A World of Hillbilly Heroin: The Hollowing Out of America, Up Close and Personal In a new book Chris Hedges and Joe Sacco explore the poorest pockets of the United States. In West Virginia they found communities ravaged by drugs. August 21, 2012 | Photo Credit: Fabio Berti/ Shutterstock.com Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Illustration by Joe Sacco To stay on top of important articles like these, sign up to receive the latest updates from TomDispatch.com here. During the two years Joe Sacco and I reported from the poorest pockets of the United States, areas that have been sacrificed before the altar of unfettered and ...

Galt, Gold and God By PAUL KRUGMAN
Post Date: 2012-08-26 13:46:45 by tom007
Galt, Gold and God By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: August 23, 2012 804 Comments Facebook Twitter Google+ E-mail Share Print Reprints So far, most of the discussion of Paul Ryan, the presumptive Republican nominee for vice president, has focused on his budget proposals. But Mr. Ryan is a man of many ideas, which would ordinarily be a good thing. Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times Paul Krugman Go to Columnist Page » Blog: The Conscience of a Liberal Related in Opinion Op-Ed Contributor: Atlas Spurned (August 15, 2012) More on United States Elections » Opinion Twitter Logo. Connect With Us on Twitter For Op-Ed, follow @nytopinion and to hear from the editorial page editor, Andrew ...

Law Professor Says One Of Romney's Tax-Avoidance Schemes Is Illegal
Post Date: 2012-08-26 13:29:29 by tom007
Law Professor Says One Of Romney's Tax-Avoidance Schemes Is Illegal Henry Blodget | Aug. 26, 2012, 7:19 AM | 6,248 | 109 inShare13 Email More Mitt Romney Uriel Sinai/Getty Images Legal experts continue to crawl through the massive cache of Mitt Romney's Bain fund documents that Gawker published on Thursday. And one law professor, Victor Fleischer of the University of Colorado, believes he has found a tax-avoidance trick used by the funds that is illegal. As expected, the Bain funds appear to have employed pretty much every sophisticated tax-dodging scheme in the book, including: creating "blocker" corporations that allow the funds to avoid business taxes, entering ...

This weekend marks the anniversary of the most brutal confrontation in the history of the American labor movement, the Battle of Blair Mountain.
Post Date: 2012-08-26 10:38:35 by tom007
Dear thomas: This weekend marks the anniversary of the most brutal confrontation in the history of the American labor movement, the Battle of Blair Mountain. For one week during 1921, armed, striking coal miners battled scabs, a private militia, police officers and the US Army. 100 people died, 1,000 were arrested, and one million shots were fired. It was the largest armed rebellion in America since the Civil War. This is how it happened. In the Twenties, West Virginia coal miners lived in "company towns." The mining companies owned all the property. They literally ran union organizers out of town - or killed them. In 1912, in a strike at Paint Creek, the mining company forced ...

A Grand Old Party in Panic
Post Date: 2012-08-26 01:55:03 by X-15
Whittaker Chambers said that "the great failing of American conservatives is they do not retrieve their wounded." He had it right, as Todd Akin can testify. In an interview that aired last Sunday, Akin, the Republican candidate for Senate in Missouri, was asked whether he opposed abortions for women who had been raped. Akin's reply: "From what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. ... If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down ... . "But let's assume that maybe that didn't work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking ...

Obama Nation
Post Date: 2012-08-26 00:14:23 by Itistoolate
Ray Stevens - Obama Nation

Hebrew Bible: Plagiarized Mythology and Defaced Monotheism
Post Date: 2012-08-25 13:47:07 by tom007
Hebrew Bible: Plagiarized Mythology and Defaced Monotheism August 19, 2012 13 Votes Many are the stories that were told in the Hebrew Bible, but the greatest story that is yet to be told is the story of the Hebrew Bible itself. Dr. Ashraf Ezzat The relationship with gods/god has always been one of man’s oldest preoccupations, and still is till this very day. And while it’s fair to assume that Modern day man owes his advancement in philosophy and science to ancient Greece and its earliest thinkers, it’s equally fair, when it comes to the development of religion and the evolution of religious thinking, to give credence to the ancient civilizations of Egypt and ...

Disneyland acclimates Americans to troops on streets
Post Date: 2012-08-24 22:08:05 by Artisan
Kids and adults alike interact with friendly 'Army troops' daily Disneyland, billed by some as "the happiest place on earth" is subliminally acclimating Americans to having troops patrol the streets. Located in Anaheim California, a focus of local protests since police shot three people in one month, the corporate behemoth marches out green Army men every day to interact with the kids in Disney's California Adventure Park. The parades, launched under the pretext of a nearly twenty year old movie "Toy Story", occur multiple times daily. The green Army characters march about, drive down the streets in their Army vehicle, play drums and interact with ...

Casey Anthony Nears End of Probation: Do You Still Think She's Guilty?
Post Date: 2012-08-24 12:47:50 by James Deffenbach
We were all mesmerized with the strange story of Casey Anthony and her missing daughter, Caylee, whose body was later found in a wooded area... and the seemingly odd fashion in which the young mom dealt with the news of her daughter's disappearance and death. After a trial that was televised and covered on all major news platforms, Casey Anthony was found not guilty of the murder of her 2-year-old daughter and most of the country was in shock. Now, it's been a year since the trial verdict and Casey Anthony is nearly done with her one-year probation for check fraud, which means that soon, she will be a completely free woman. Do you still have doubts about the trial verdict? Do you ...

Highway Robbery Why do Mitt Romney and Barack Obama want to hand over so much of your money to men with guns?
Post Date: 2012-08-23 12:39:22 by tom007
BY OTHER MEANS PRINT | TEXT SIZE Share on email | EMAIL | SINGLE PAGE Highway Robbery Why do Mitt Romney and Barack Obama want to hand over so much of your money to men with guns? AUGUST 22, 2012 In August 2003, some colleagues and I were held up by armed bandits on the highway in Fallujah, Iraq. (Don't ask why I was dumb enough to be wandering around Fallujah.) My bandit -- there were quite a few of them, but I like to think of the guy who stuck a gun in my face as my bandit -- was straight out of central casting, complete with a red kerchief around his mouth and nose to disguise his facial features. COMMENTS (11) SHARE: Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Bookmark and ...

Professional Malpractice by GOP Economists
Post Date: 2012-08-23 12:18:58 by tom007
Professional Malpractice by GOP Economists Thursday, 23 August 2012 09:27 By Paul Krugman, Krugman & Co. | Op-Ed 51 font size decrease font size increase font size Print Email Economists.(Credit: CartoonArts International / The New York Times Syndicate) A big story among the dismal science set has been the Romney campaign's white paper on economic policy, which represents a concerted effort by three economists — Glenn Hubbard, Greg Mankiw and John Taylor — to destroy their own reputations. (Yes, there was a fourth author, Kevin Hassett. But the co-author of "Dow 36,000" doesn't exactly have a reputation to destroy.) And when I talk about destroying ...

Major General: Why Are Domestic Government Agencies Purchashing Enough Lethal Ammunition to Put 5 Rounds In Every American?
Post Date: 2012-08-20 21:51:52 by tom007
Major General: Why Are Domestic Government Agencies Purchashing Enough Lethal Ammunition to Put 5 Rounds In Every American? George Washington's picture Submitted by George Washington on 08/20/2012 11:40 -0400 Federal Reserve Iraq Martial Law Middle East national security New York Times NOAA Ron Paul SPY Preface: There might be an innocent explanation. But given recent trends, this is worrisome. Retired Major General Jerry Curry wrote Friday: The Social Security Administration (SSA) confirms that it is purchasing 174 thousand rounds of hollow point bullets to be delivered to 41 locations in major cities across the U.S. *** Those against whom the hollow point bullets are to be ...

‘US instigating violent crackdown on whistleblowers, dissent’
Post Date: 2012-08-20 21:07:18 by tom007
‘US instigating violent crackdown on whistleblowers, dissent’ Get short URL email story to a friend print version Published: 19 August, 2012, 06:14 Reuters / Keith Bedford (101.2Mb) embed video TRENDS: Defense Authorization Act TAGS: Protest, Politics, Human rights, Law, Mass media, USA, Marina Portnaya, WikiLeaks, Assange With the world closely watching the rapidly developing case of Julian Assange, RT sat down with American author Naomi Wolf to discuss why journalists are finding it increasingly difficult to publish data the US government doesn’t want them to. Last month, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta ordered Pentagon officials to keep a close eye on major US media ...

The Global 1%: Exposing the Transnational Ruling Class
Post Date: 2012-08-20 18:15:22 by tom007
The Global 1%: Exposing the Transnational Ruling Class Add this Page to Facebook! Submit to Twitter Submit to Reddit submit Submit to Stumble Upon Tell A Friend Become a Fan SAVE AS FAVORITE VIEW FAVORITES Get Embed HTML Code By Peter Phillips (about the author) Become a Fan Become a Fan -- Page 8 of 11 page(s) opednews.com As seen in our extractor sector and investment sector samples, corporate elites are interconnected through direct board connections with some seventy major multinational corporations, policy groups, media organizations, and other academic or nonprofit institutions. The investment sector sample shows much more powerful financial links than the extractor sample; ...

An Unserious Man
Post Date: 2012-08-20 13:34:49 by tom007
An Unserious Man By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: August 19, 2012 832 Comments Mitt Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan as his running mate led to a wave of pundit accolades. Now, declared writer after writer, we’re going to have a real debate about the nation’s fiscal future. This was predictable: never mind the Tea Party, Mr. Ryan’s true constituency is the commentariat, which years ago decided that he was the Honest, Serious Conservative, whose proposals deserve respect even if you don’t like him. Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times Paul Krugman Go to Columnist Page » Blog: The Conscience of a Liberal Related Both Campaigns Seize Role of Medicare Defender (August 19, ...

Former Biden Staffer's New Book Suggests The Justice Department Was Hardly Thinking About Going After Wall Street
Post Date: 2012-08-20 13:03:30 by tom007
Former Biden Staffer's New Book Suggests The Justice Department Was Hardly Thinking About Going After Wall Street Linette Lopez | Aug. 20, 2012, 8:50 AM | 1,485 | 7 inShare Email More Eric Holder Getty Eric Holder See Also matt taibbi Matt Taibbi Totally Went Off On Attorney General Eric Holder For Deciding Not To Prosecute Goldman Sachs Mitt Romney OBAMA CAMPAIGN: Mitt Romney Seems 'Unhinged And Demonstrably Strange' car dumpster clunkers The Biggest Names In The Hedge Fund World Have Officially Gone Sour On Financials A former staffer for Vice President Joe Biden and ex-Senator Ted Kaufman (D-DE) is out with a new book called 'The Payoff: Why Wall Street Always ...

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