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Israel as Popular as North Korea According to BBC Poll Gilad Atzmon Salem-News.com
Post Date: 2012-05-18 16:19:24 by tom007
Israel as Popular as North Korea According to BBC Poll Gilad Atzmon Salem-News.com 74% of Spanish respondents (an increase of 8% from last year) and 56% of French respondents (an increase of 9%), see Israel in a negative light. Israel world popularity http://www.deliberation.info/ (LONDON) - Ha'aretz reported yesterday that, “Israel, Iran, Pakistan and North Korea were ranked most negatively by 24,000 people surveyed in an annual BBC poll.” It would appear that in spite of the extensive Hasbara campaign and the Jewish lobby buying every morally lax living politician, people of the world increasingly see Israel for what it is. The broad international survey was an ...

Financial Markets Panic, Euro Riots Rage, While US Obsesses Over Gay Marriage
Post Date: 2012-05-17 18:27:13 by F.A. Hayek Fan
World stocks register double digit losses as worries grow that Greece may exit the single currency union. The escalating eurozone debt crisis and deepening economic slowdown in China are crashing commodity prices. After promising it would not bail out anymore banks, depression ravaged Spain is bailing out Bankia, it’s fourth largest lender. Day after day, week after week, massive citizen protests erupt in depression/recession ravaged cities across Europe. On the geopolitical front, America expands its military involvement and drone strikes in Yemen. The civil war in Syria rages as “rebels” terrorize Damascus, killing scores and wounding hundreds. Rhetoric between China and ...

Is There a Drone in Your Backyard?
Post Date: 2012-05-17 18:10:45 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Earlier this week, the federal government announced that the Air Force might be dispatching drones to a backyard near you. The stated purpose of these spies in the sky is to assist local police to find missing persons or kidnap victims, or to chase bad guys. If the drone operator sees you doing anything of interest (Is your fertilizer for the roses or to fuel a bomb? Is that Sudafed for your cold or your meth habit? Are you smoking in front of your kids?), the feds say they may take a picture of you and keep it. The feds predict that they will dispatch or authorize about 30,000 of these unmanned aerial vehicles across America in the next 10 years. Meanwhile, more than 300 local and state ...

Shocking News Cast
Post Date: 2012-05-16 00:04:52 by Amandil
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Post Date: 2012-05-15 12:37:20 by tom007
Eurodämmerung Some of us have been talking it over, and here’s what we think the end game looks like: 1. Greek euro exit, very possibly next month. 2. Huge withdrawals from Spanish and Italian banks, as depositors try to move their money to Germany. 3a. Maybe, just possibly, de facto controls, with banks forbidden to transfer deposits out of country and limits on cash withdrawals. 3b. Alternatively, or maybe in tandem, huge draws on ECB credit to keep the banks from collapsing. 4a. Germany has a choice. Accept huge indirect public claims on Italy and Spain, plus a drastic revision of strategy — basically, to give Spain in particular any hope you need both guarantees on ...

Benjamin Netanyahu, Crowned King of the United States
Post Date: 2012-05-14 09:52:50 by tom007
Benjamin Netanyahu, Crowned King of the United States Posted on May 14, 2012 by Rick Bronson Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu struck a deal last week to bring one of his main rivals, the Kadima Party, into his coalition. In consolidating his power, Netanyahu is now being called “The King of Israel”. This being said the United States must be considered nothing more than an Israeli colony as the Israeli Zionists have effectively seized absolute control over our government and our nation’s resources. Anyone who thinks this so called King of Israel is not intent on conquering the entire Middle East is a fool. On March 5, 2012, the King of Israel stood before the US Congress ...

Make Friends with Pingunite As Fast As U Can
Post Date: 2012-05-13 19:34:17 by tom007
Chief Engineer: I’m telling my friends on West Coast of US to watch Unit No. 4 like a hawk — Wake up everyday and make sure it’s standing… have a plan to move somewhere (VIDEO) Published: May 11th, 2012 at 7:28 pm ET By ENENews Email Article Email Article 106 comments Tweet Arnie Gundersen Interviewed by Mike Adams May 11, 2012 At 41:40 in I’m telling my friends on the [US] west coast, you gotta watch it like a hawk everyday get up and make sure Unit 4 is standing… if it’s not, have a plan B to move somewhere. See also: Gundersen: Move south of equator if Unit 4 fuel pool goes dry, that's probably the lesson there -- Like cesium from all 800 ...

Barry Goldwater vindicated
Post Date: 2012-05-12 12:45:14 by farmfriend
Barry Goldwater vindicated By Steven Hayward Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute Barry Goldwater shocked the nation’s political class, and is said to have thrown away his chances at winning the 1964 election, with his infamous line that “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in the defense of justice is no virtue.” Today a growing chorus of analysts are saying the Republican Party has become a wholly “extremist” party dedicated to the obstruction of all compromise, a shift that became most pronounced starting with the insurgent mentality of Newt Gingrich in the 1980s and 1990s, and accelerating under George W. Bush and Barack ...

The Right’s False Prophet
Post Date: 2012-05-11 21:35:47 by Dakmar
When writing about the work of an academic historian or philosopher—as opposed to a polemicist, a politician, or a popularizer—there is an obvious threshold question with which to begin: is the writer’s work intrinsically interesting or compelling in some way? If this question is answered in the negative, then there is usually no reason to carry on. The strange case of Leo Strauss, however, proves that there are definite exceptions to this rule. Strauss’s work is almost universally dismissed by philosophers and historians, yet he has attracted a following amongst political theorists (hybrid creatures most often associated with political science departments) and ...

Post Date: 2012-05-11 11:08:30 by tom007
AND NOW WE KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT WALL STREET: It's Just Kids Playing With Dynamite Henry Blodget | 33 minutes ago | 1,290 | 21 A A A Building Collapse See Also Goldman Vampire Squid How Goldman Sachs Blew The Facebook IPO timothy geithner GEITHNER'S FULL OF CRAP: The Bank Bailout Wasn't "Profitable" -- It Will Cost Taxpayers $120 Billion jamie dimon obama barack Jamie Dimon Takes A Massive Shot At All Politicians Yesterday's JP Morgan implosion has now put any lingering questions to rest. Wall Street banks simply cannot be trusted to manage the massive risks they are taking. After the financial crisis, when most of the world's banks were revealed to have ...

MK Ultra 2012 – Cops Caught Mass Drugging Teens And Dropping Them At Occupy Minnesota
Post Date: 2012-05-10 17:06:55 by tom007
MK Ultra 2012 – Cops Caught Mass Drugging Teens And Dropping Them At Occupy Minnesota Posted by Alexander Higgins - May 2, 2012 at 9:53 pm - Permalink - Source via Alexander Higgins Blog MK Ultra 2012 - Cops Caught Feeding Teens Drugs And Dropping Them At Occupy Minnesota Tweet Share Tweet Police in Minnesota have been caught on video picking up teenagers, doing drug experiments on them, and the dropping them off at the local Occupy protest to discredit the movement. It’s the CIA’s famed MK Ultra mind control drug program all over again, but this time the drug experiments are being conducted on teenage volunteers who are dropped off at the local Occupy protest after ...

A citizens guide to understanding corporate media propaganda techniques
Post Date: 2012-05-10 15:05:09 by tom007
A citizens guide to understanding corporate media propaganda techniques By George Orwell | earthblognews | 01.09.2010 A few decades ago, there were thousands of independent media outlets in the US. Today in America, six multinational global media mega corporations run by six individuals control 96% of the content Americans see on TV and watch at the movies; read in books, magazines and newspapers, and hear on the radio. Time Warner VIACOM CBS Walt Disney News Corp General Electric Click the link below to see the details of who owns what. Media Ownership Chart: The Big Six These 6 corporations own the major entertainment theme parks, movie studios, television and radio broadcast ...

You Must See This Link....They Hate Us BC Were FREE
Post Date: 2012-05-10 09:36:06 by tom007

Bad for America, Bad for Israel, Bad for the World (Dr. Ron Paul) [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2012-05-10 08:12:53 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Mr. Speaker: I rise in opposition to H.R. 4133, the United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act, which unfortunately is another piece of one-sided and counterproductive foreign policy legislation. This bill’s real intent seems to be more saber-rattling against Iran and Syria, and it undermines U.S. diplomatic efforts by making clear that the U.S. is not an honest broker seeking peace for the Middle East. The bill calls for the United States to significantly increase our provision of sophisticated weaponry to Israel, and states that it is to be U.S. policy to “help Israel preserve its qualitative military edge” in the region. While I absolutely believe that Israel ...

CHALLANGE - What IS This Thing and WHAT IS It Doing????
Post Date: 2012-05-09 18:21:45 by tom007

S Korea cracks down on 'human flesh capsules' Officials seize thousands of smuggled capsules containing powdered flesh of fetuses from China thought to cure disease. ( I am running a special on these right now , $3.99 /50 featus capsules.
Post Date: 2012-05-07 21:49:24 by tom007
S Korea cracks down on 'human flesh capsules' Officials seize thousands of smuggled capsules containing powdered flesh of fetuses from China thought to cure disease. Last Modified: 07 May 2012 18:45 Tweet Email Article Email Print Article Print Share article Share Send Feedback Feedback South Korea has seized thousands of smuggled drug capsules filled with powdered flesh from dead babies, which some people believe can cure disease, in a series of crackdowns since August 2011, officials have said. Authorities said on Monday that they would strengthen customs inspections to boost the crackdown on the capsules, which were made in northeastern China from babies whose bodies were ...

VIDEO: Should I Even Be in College in the First Place 101
Post Date: 2012-05-06 16:54:52 by wakeup

You are being royally ripped off by your cell phone carrier
Post Date: 2012-05-06 10:14:25 by tom007
You are being royally ripped off by your cell phone carrier By John Aravosis on 5/03/2012 01:02:00 PM | Reddit | Tumblr | Digg | FARK What's wrong with this picture? This is my iPhone with my French plan that costs only $26 a month. How much is yours? Unless you're paying $26 a month for unlimited phone calls, unlimited text, free international calls, and 3 gigs of data, per month, you are being royally ripped off. Because that's what they pay in France for far more service on their iPhones, and other phones, than we pay in the states for three times as much. I pay $89 a month or so for my Verizon iPhone mobile plan in the states. That covers 450 minutes of call time a month, ...

CISPA: The Keyboard Cops The clampdown on Internet freedom comes in the guise of a new bill that should give online entrepreneurs nightmares.
Post Date: 2012-05-06 09:21:02 by tom007
CISPA: The Keyboard Cops The clampdown on Internet freedom comes in the guise of a new bill that should give online entrepreneurs nightmares. Microsoft dropped its support for the law after realising it would allow the US government to force any Internet business to hand over information about its users' online activities [REUTERS] New York, NY - Almost no one had read the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) before it was rushed through the United States House of Representatives in late April and sent to the Senate. CISPA is the successor to SOPA, the "anti-piracy" bill that was recently defeated after an outcry from citizens and Internet companies. SOPA, ...

The Economist: Japan is without nuclear power for first time in 50 years — “A silent majority speaks” — Analysts say anti-nuclear party could soon vault to national prominence
Post Date: 2012-05-05 18:54:33 by tom007
The Economist: Japan is without nuclear power for first time in 50 years — “A silent majority speaks” — Analysts say anti-nuclear party could soon vault to national prominence Published: May 3rd, 2012 at 12:18 pm ET By ENENews Email Article Email Article 9 comments Tweet Power politics in Japan: A silent majority speaks The Economist May 5th 2012 print edition For the first time in half a century, Japan is without nuclear power [...] by May 5th at the latest, the last of Japan’s 54 nuclear reactors will be switched off. Besides those permanently disabled in the Fukushima disaster, the rest have been taken offline for “routine maintenance” and kept ...

More from Sen. Wyden: Fukushima spent fuel absolutely a national security issue — Radiation caused by pool failure “could reach the West Coast within days”
Post Date: 2012-05-05 18:47:48 by tom007
More from Sen. Wyden: Fukushima spent fuel absolutely a national security issue — Radiation caused by pool failure “could reach the West Coast within days” Published: May 5th, 2012 at 9:33 am ET By ENENews Email Article Email Article 45 comments Tweet The Worst Yet to Come? Why Nuclear Experts Are Calling Fukushima a Ticking Time-Bomb Alternet Brad Jacobson May 4, 2012 [...] Alarmed by the precarious nature of spent fuel storage during his recent tour of the Fukushima Daiichi site, Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Oregon subsequently fired off letters to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko and Japanese ambassador to the U.S. ...

Gundersen: Move south of equator if Unit 4 fuel pool goes dry, that’s probably the lesson there — Like cesium from all 800 nuclear bombs ever dropped on Earth, except all at once
Post Date: 2012-05-05 18:46:07 by tom007
Gundersen: Move south of equator if Unit 4 fuel pool goes dry, that’s probably the lesson there — Like cesium from all 800 nuclear bombs ever dropped on Earth, except all at once (VIDEO) Published: May 4th, 2012 at 7:20 am ET By ENENews Email Article Email Article 177 comments Tweet Follow-up to: Caldicott: If Spent Fuel Pool No. 4 collapses I am evacuating my family from Boston (VIDEO) Arnie Gundersen Interview KGO Radio’s Pat Thurston April 15, 2012 Gundersen at ~25:00 in There’s more cesium in that [Unit 4] fuel pool than in all 800 nuclear bombs exploded above ground… But of course it would happen all at once. It would certainly destroy Japan as a ...

BOGOTA, Colombia — A woman who says she was the prostitute who triggered the U.S. Secret Service scandal in Colombia said Friday that the agents involved were "idiots" for letting it happen
Post Date: 2012-05-04 19:38:52 by tom007
BOGOTA, Colombia — A woman who says she was the prostitute who triggered the U.S. Secret Service scandal in Colombia said Friday that the agents involved were "idiots" for letting it happen, and declared that if she were a spy and sensitive information was available, she could have easily obtained it. The woman said she spent five hours in a Cartagena, Colombia, hotel room with an agent, and while she barely got cab fare out of him, she could have gotten information that would have compromised the security of U.S. President Barack Obama if the agent had any. "Totally," she replied when asked. "The man slept all night," said the woman, who was identified ...

Safe driving tips for motorists around big rigs
Post Date: 2012-05-04 12:24:06 by Artisan
The tragic 2010 accident described below which occurred in Southern California should serve as a precautionary warning to both motorists and professional commercial truck drivers. All across America, little white crosses are embedded in fields and roadsides in memorium of victims of tragic auto accidents- lives cut short in an instant, in the blink of an eye. The victims of these accidents were undoubtedly going about their business and certainly never expected to die that day. This recap is presented not to place blame, but rather in the sincere hopes that people remain actively vigilant, conscious and particularly careful when they drive. Look at this photo. This is what happened ...

Drug czar: There are no good reasons to legalize marijuana (Here's the truth we all know)
Post Date: 2012-05-02 23:52:50 by tom007
Drug czar: There are no good reasons to legalize marijuana By Eric W. Dolan Wednesday, May 2, 2012 17:13 EDT Print Gil Kerlikowske official portrait Topics: center for american progress ♦ R. Gil Kerlikowske ♦ reasons to legalize marijuana R. Gil Kerlikowske, the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, on Tuesday denied there was any reason the United States should regulate marijuana the same way it regulates alcohol. “There are no good reasons to legalize marijuana,” he said at an event hosted by the Center for American Progress. “I often hear about tax, regulate and control as an answer,” Kerlikowske continued. “And then I look at ...

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