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After Receiving $45,000 In Meat Industry Cash, Rep. Steve King Comes To Pink Slime’s Defense
Post Date: 2012-04-06 08:55:48 by tom007
After Receiving $45,000 In Meat Industry Cash, Rep. Steve King Comes To Pink Slime’s Defense By Scott Keyes on Apr 5, 2012 at 5:25 pm ALGONA, Iowa — The meat industry has been hammered for the weeks after it was revealed that some companies had been controversially using beef scraps mixed with ammonia hydroxide, called “pink slime”, as hamburger filler. This week, one passionate defender of pink slime emerged: Rep. Steve King (R-IA). As we know, King enjoys touting his carnivorous habits while beating up on people who don’t eat meat. But meat producers have also been major financial backers of King, who sits on the House Agriculture Committee, throughout his ...

ROBERT REICH: We Really Are Living In A Plutocracy
Post Date: 2012-04-06 08:36:21 by tom007
ROBERT REICH: We Really Are Living In A Plutocracy Robert Reich, Contributor | Apr. 6, 2012, 6:50 AM | 635 | 6 A A A Robert Reich, Contributor URL Robert Reich, Contributor is an economist, a professor, and former Clinton labor secretary Recent Posts America Is Opening The Floodgates On Organized Gambling Your Choice In 2012 Is Social Darwinism Versus A Decent Society The Choice in 2012: Social Darwinism or a Decent Society RSS Feed The Fable of the Century The Choice in 2012: Social Darwinism or a Decent Society Turning America Into a Giant Casino Imagine a country in which the very richest people get all the economic gains. They eventually accumulate so much of the nation’s ...

(US) State-dominated media and Iran
Post Date: 2012-04-06 08:27:43 by F.A. Hayek Fan
The New York Times this morning is prominently featuring a long article documenting the Terroristic aggression of Iran, as evidenced by that country’s attempts to exert influence and foment unrest in Afghanistan: because, as all decent people know, only tyrannical fanatics would attempt to interfere in Afghanistan (similarly, a couple months ago, President Obama and Secretary Clinton both sternly warned the rest of the world, particularly Iran, not to “interfere” or “meddle” in Iraq; they did so as Clinton simultaneously announced that the U.S. “will have a robust continuing presence throughout the region“). The International Community knows that ...

Report: Rick Perry used painkillers to get through GOP debates Texas Gov. Rick Perry was under the influence of painkillers during televised presidential debates over the last year to help relieve severe back pain,
Post Date: 2012-04-03 19:20:54 by tom007
Report: Rick Perry used painkillers to get through GOP debates Texas Gov. Rick Perry was under the influence of painkillers during televised presidential debates over the last year to help relieve severe back pain, according to a soon-to-be released eBook. Tweet Texas Gov. Rick Perry was under the influence of painkillers during televised presidential debates over the last year to help relieve severe back pain, according to a soon-to-be released eBook on the 2012 Republican race for president obtained by The Daily Caller. “It became an open secret that he was using painkillers in sufficient dosages to keep him standing through the two-hour debates,” write the authors of ...

We Have Plenty of Money - Look at the Data Center the NSA will be Using
Post Date: 2012-04-02 12:33:17 by tom007

Someone You Love: Coming to a Gulag Near You
Post Date: 2012-04-02 11:47:27 by tom007
Someone You Love: Coming to a Gulag Near You Email this item Email Print this item Print Share this item... Share Posted on Apr 2, 2012 By Chris Hedges The security and surveillance state does not deal in nuance or ambiguity. Its millions of agents, intelligence gatherers, spies, clandestine operatives, analysts and armed paramilitary units live in a binary world of opposites, of good and evil, black and white, opponent and ally. There is nothing between. You are for us or against us. You are a patriot or an enemy of freedom. You either embrace the crusade to physically eradicate evildoers from the face of the Earth or you are an Islamic terrorist, a collaborator or an unwitting tool ...

Pink Slime Economics
Post Date: 2012-04-02 09:12:30 by tom007
Pink Slime Economics By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: April 1, 2012 Recommend Twitter Linkedin comments (178) Sign In to E-Mail Print Reprints Share The big bad event of last week was, of course, the Supreme Court hearing on health reform. In the course of that hearing it became clear that several of the justices, and possibly a majority, are political creatures pure and simple, willing to embrace any argument, no matter how absurd, that serves the interests of Team Republican. Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times Paul Krugman Go to Columnist Page » Blog: The Conscience of a Liberal Related News House Passes G.O.P. Budget Plan, Mostly Along Party Lines (March 30, 2012) Related in Opinion ...

How Dare They Lie To The American People
Post Date: 2012-04-02 06:49:05 by GreyLmist
The US media are blatantly lying to us. Not just little white lies, but lies for which members of an upcoming generation of America’s youth are being killed. What kind of human beings are these men and women who accept money to tell lies to their neighbors and to millions of their fellow citizens? How are they raising their own children? They lied when they told veterans there was a necessary and patriotic job to be done. They are lying to students, to teachers, to farmers and workers, and to all who came to this country looking for peace, hoping against hope for freedom from abusive and tyrannical government. Television news, upon which the vast majority of Americans depend for ...

Detroit High School Protest: Students Suspended After Demanding 'An Education'
Post Date: 2012-04-01 19:59:45 by tom007
Detroit High School Protest: Students Suspended After Demanding 'An Education' Posted: 03/30/2012 4:16 pm Updated: 03/31/2012 9:53 am Share on Google+ Seniors at Detroit's Frederick Douglass Academy Walk Out in Protest: Education Reform, Teachers, Video, Education Protest, College Readiness, Detroit High School, Detroit School Protest, Detroit Public Schools, Frederick Douglass Academy, High School Students, High School Students Protest, Students Protest For Education, Teacher Sick Days, Education News High School Protest About 50 students were suspended Thursday from the all-boys Frederick Douglass Academy in Detroit, Mich. for walking out of classes in protest, demanding ...

Justice For Andrew Braun
Post Date: 2012-03-31 13:17:34 by TommyTheMadArtist
On March 19th of this year, in my neighborhood, a guy named Andrew Braun was found dead on his front porch. On the 19th, the news didn't elaborate much about the guy, other than saying he'd been found unresponsive on his porch and later died. A week later, an update came out saying that he had been hacked on with a Samurai Sword, Stabbed repeatedly with a knife, and beaten with a hammer, and had bled out on the porch, and all over his front lawn. Shoe prints, and of course DNA recovered from the scene were used to catch the killers. First some background on Andrew Braun. Andrew was just a white guy with a drug problem. It happens. People who do drugs, invariably make a mess of ...

Turtle's Syrian Revolutionary Weponry
Post Date: 2012-03-30 20:03:14 by tom007

Post Date: 2012-03-30 20:00:19 by tom007

America’s bankrupt morality It's not just Wall Street. Every profession from medicine to academia has been corrupted by our money obsession
Post Date: 2012-03-30 11:26:06 by tom007
America’s bankrupt morality It's not just Wall Street. Every profession from medicine to academia has been corrupted by our money obsession By Thomas Frank, The Baffler Members of Occupy Sacramento march through downtown Sacramento as part of the "National Day of Action to Stop and Reverse Foreclosures," Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2011 Members of Occupy Sacramento march through downtown Sacramento as part of the "National Day of Action to Stop and Reverse Foreclosures," Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2011 (Credit: AP/Rich Pedroncelli) Topics:The Baffler The following article is an excerpt of a piece that first appeared in The Baffler. Click here to subscribe to The Baffler and read ...

BARRY RITHOLTZ: This Is What Caused The Financial Crisis And This Is How We Fix It
Post Date: 2012-03-30 10:41:12 by tom007
BARRY RITHOLTZ: This Is What Caused The Financial Crisis And This Is How We Fix It The Browser | 18 minutes ago | 308 | 3 inShare6 A A A The Browser URL The Browser curates writing worth reading Recent Posts Former Obama Advisor Says We Can't Prevent Terrible Economic... The Problem Is, Regular People Don't Actually Understand Inequality DAVID SPIEGELHALTER: Probability And Statistics Really Are... RSS Feed FiveBooks Barry Ritholtz on Causes of the Financial Crisis Nancy Goldstone on Strong Women in Bad Marriages John Gray on Critiques of Utopia and Apocalypse Ed Smith on My Life and Luck Leo Hollis on Why Cities Are Good For You The Wall Street money manager diagnoses the ...

Turtle Performes
Post Date: 2012-03-29 23:44:17 by tom007

Police discovers firearms in US embassy van in Bolivia A policeman outside the US embassy in La Paz, Bolivia
Post Date: 2012-03-28 11:19:01 by tom007
Police discovers firearms in US embassy van in Bolivia A policeman outside the US embassy in La Paz, Bolivia (file photo) Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:18AM Bolivian police officers have discovered firearms in a van belonging to the US embassy during a routine search in the country's northeast. Bolivia's Interior Minister Carlos Romero said that the firearms, including three shotguns, a revolver and more than two-thousand cartridges, were found in the northeastern city of Trinidad on Tuesday, AFP reported. Police stopped the vehicle for inspection following a tip from intelligence services, the minister said, calling the incident a matter of “national security.” “We're ...

Empires Then and Now
Post Date: 2012-03-28 10:49:58 by christine
Great empires, such as the Roman and British, were extractive. The empires succeeded, because the value of the resources and wealth extracted from conquered lands exceeded the value of conquest and governance. The reason Rome did not extend its empire east into Germany was not the military prowess of Germanic tribes but Rome’s calculation that the cost of conquest exceeded the value of extractable resources. The Roman empire failed, because Romans exhausted manpower and resources in civil wars fighting amongst themselves for power. The British empire failed, because the British exhausted themselves fighting Germany in two world wars. In his book, The Rule of Empires (2010), Timothy ...

Will Bernanke Become 'Hurricane Ben'?
Post Date: 2012-03-26 21:02:24 by F.A. Hayek Fan
This report will deal with quantitative easing (QE). To prepare you for this report, I ask you to watch a short video. It is under 3 minutes. This video is the best thing I have seen on quantitative easing. I wish Bernanke would be this forthright, but I suppose this will never happen. I will assume from this point on that you have seen the video. If you deal with colleagues who have been confused about what QE really means, forward it to them. The problem with the video is this: the economics profession, the financial services industry, the financial media, and Paul Krugman have not been able intellectually to make the connection that the interviewer did. He did it effortlessly, but the ...

Take a bite out of Iran at your peril
Post Date: 2012-03-26 11:49:38 by F.A. Hayek Fan
You'd have thought the reality of Afghanistan and Iraq might act as a break on the instinctive lunge by hawks to compare apples with oranges as they try to gull us into a belief that war is a doddle. Remember the neo-con parsing of the proposed invasion of Iraq as a ''cakewalk'' - to address the ''mushroom cloud'' that Condoleezza Rice saw in Iraq's non-existent nuclear arsenal and Tony Blair's wild warning that Saddam Hussein could unleash a WMD strike in just 45 minutes? It's the same with Iran now. We are being asked to pair a best-case scenario of going to war (neat, surgical strikes; no blood on the ground; and little or no Iranian ...

Gangster Banks Keep Winning Public Business. Why?
Post Date: 2012-03-25 09:03:09 by tom007
Gangster Banks Keep Winning Public Business. Why? POSTED: March 22, 9:40 AM ET Comment 46 jp morgan A man walks in front of the JP Morgan Chase building in New York. Chris Hondros/Getty Images A friend of mine sent this article from Bloomberg, along with the simple comment: "Perfect." What's perfect? That the banks that have been caught repeatedly ripping off communities and munipalities -- banks that have paid hefty settlements for rigging bids, bribery and other sordid misdeeds -- keep winning the most public business. Apparently, our public officials aren't concerned about whom they hire to serve as the people's investment bankers. From the piece, entitled ...

J.P. Morgan Chase's Ugly Family Secrets Revealed
Post Date: 2012-03-25 08:44:50 by tom007
J.P. Morgan Chase's Ugly Family Secrets Revealed POSTED: March 13, 9:18 AM ET Comment 53 chase bank People exit a Chase branch at the company's Manhattan headquarters. Spencer Platt/Getty Images In a story that should be getting lots of attention, American Banker has released an excellent and disturbing exposé of J.P. Morgan Chase's credit card services division, relying on multiple current and former Chase employees. One of them, Linda Almonte, is a whistleblower whom I've known since last September; I'm working on a recount of her story for my next book. One of the things we were promised by the lawmakers who passed the Dodd-Frank reform bill a few years back ...

Tungsten-Filled 1 Kilo Gold Bar Found In The UK
Post Date: 2012-03-24 17:03:49 by tom007
Tungsten-Filled 1 Kilo Gold Bar Found In The UK Tyler Durden's picture Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2012 16:50 -0400 Australia Central Banks Germany Hyperinflation Roman Empire United Kingdom The last time a story of Tungsten-filled gold appeared on the scene, was just two years ago, and involved a 500 gram bar of gold full of tungsten, at the W.C. Heraeus foundry, the world's largest metal refiner and fabricator. It also became known that said "gold" bar originated from an unnamed bank. It is now time to rekindle the Tungsten Spirits with a report from ABC Bullion of Australia, which provides photographic evidence of a new gold bar that has been drilled out and ...

The medieval, unaccountable Corporation of London is ripe for protest
Post Date: 2012-03-23 20:09:21 by tom007
Comment is free The medieval, unaccountable Corporation of London is ripe for protest Working beyond the authority of parliament, the Corporation of London undermines all attempts to curb the excesses of finance Share 11966 reddit this Comments (726) George Monbiot George Monbiot guardian.co.uk, Monday 31 October 2011 17.00 EDT Article history Daniel Pudles 01112011 Illustration by Daniel Pudles It's the dark heart of Britain, the place where democracy goes to die, immensely powerful, equally unaccountable. But I doubt that one in 10 British people has any idea of what the Corporation of the City of London is and how it works. This could be about to change. Alongside the Church of ...

Courts Split on Right to Carry Firearms Outside the Home
Post Date: 2012-03-23 10:42:56 by James Deffenbach
Unquestionably the hottest issue in Second Amendment litigation today is whether the Second Amendment protects a right to carry firearms outside the home for personal protection—and if so, what might be the limits on that right. Until recently, far too many courts have wrongly claimed that because the Supreme Court’s decisions in District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. City of Chicago only struck down bans on handgun possession in the home, that’s all there is to the Second Amendment. Now, there are signs that this resistance is weakening. In a big win for gun owners’ rights in Maryland, on March 5, a federal judge ruled in the case of Woollard v. Sheridan that a ...

Paranoia Strikes Deeper
Post Date: 2012-03-23 10:17:47 by tom007
Paranoia Strikes Deeper By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: March 22, 2012 Recommend Twitter Linkedin comments (174) Sign In to E-Mail Print Reprints Share Stop, hey, what’s that sound? Actually, it’s the noise a great political party makes when it loses what’s left of its mind. And it happened — where else? — on Fox News on Sunday, when Mitt Romney bought fully into the claim that gas prices are high thanks to an Obama administration plot. Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times Paul Krugman Go to Columnist Page » Blog: The Conscience of a Liberal Related News Price of Gas Matters to Voters, but Doesn’t Seem to Sway Votes (March 17, 2012) Related in Opinion ...

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