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hy Iran can’t stop covering Occupy Wall Street Iran's government-controlled press gets back at America for Green Revolution coverage with wall-to-wall OWS news
Post Date: 2011-11-02 09:42:44 by tom007
Why Iran can’t stop covering Occupy Wall Street Iran's government-controlled press gets back at America for Green Revolution coverage with wall-to-wall OWS news By Alex Pareene Occupy Wall Street Occupy Wall Street protesters shout slogans during a protest at Times Square in New York. Right: Supporters of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi, as they listen to his speech at a demonstration in Tehran on Thursday June, 18, 2009. (Credit: Reuters/AP) Topics:Occupy Wall Street, Iran, Arab Spring, Green Revolution, Media, Media Criticism The Occupy Wall Street protest, inspired in part by uprisings against corrupt power in Egypt and the rest of the Arab world, has in turn inspired ...

Despite Scott Olsen's Cracked Skull, DoJ And Eric Holder See No Evil In Occupy Crackdown
Post Date: 2011-11-02 09:32:10 by tom007
Despite Scott Olsen's Cracked Skull, DoJ And Eric Holder See No Evil In Occupy Crackdown Source - Wired After Scott Olsen, a two-tour Iraq war veteran, suffered a skull fracture Tuesday when police shot Occupy Oakland protestors with rubber bullets and threw flash bang and tear gas grenades at them, you might think that the Justice Department would investigate. After all, the Justice Department has the power and responsibility to investigate state and local police violations of Americans’ constitutional rights. Sorry, Scott Olsen. Sorry, Occupy. No such luck. The Obama Justice Department has not opened an investigation, spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa told Wired. That’s ...

Regulators Investigating MF Global For $700 Million In Missing Client Funds - Was It Stolen By Management?
Post Date: 2011-11-02 09:18:54 by tom007
Regulators Investigating MF Global For $700 Million In Missing Client Funds - Was It Stolen By Management? This is not looking good for former New Jersey Senator and Governor, and previously Goldman Sachs CEO Jon Corzine. More than $700 million of supposedly safeguarded client funds have gone missing from MF Global. If it was stolen from client accounts to support MF Global's trading positions, Jon Corzine should go to prison. And if it was stolen, and Corzine escapes without a Federal ID number and associated orange jumpsuit due to fundraising ties with Obama and Eric Holder, then the game is over. The rule of law is dead. --- NYT Excerpt: Federal regulators have discovered that ...

BREAKING - MF Global Admits Using Client Money
Post Date: 2011-11-02 09:06:12 by tom007
BREAKING - MF Global Admits Using Client Money This is not looking good for former New Jersey Senator and Governor, and previously Goldman Sachs CEO Jon Corzine. More than $700 million of supposedly safeguarded client funds were stolen by MF Global to support besieged trading positions. Jon Corzine should go to prison. If Corzine escapes without a Federal ID number and associated orange jumpsuit due to fundraising ties with Obama and Eric Holder, then the game is over. The rule of law is dead. --- The admission is here: AP WASHINGTON (AP) — MF Global, the failed securities firm led by Jon Corzine, admitted using clients' money as its financial troubles mounted, a federal ...

There Is An Eerie Calm In Fukushima As Everyone Ignores The Elevated Radiation Levels
Post Date: 2011-11-02 07:51:26 by tom007
There Is An Eerie Calm In Fukushima As Everyone Ignores The Elevated Radiation Levels Simon Black, Sovereign Man | Nov. 2, 2011, 6:49 AM | 133 | A A A inShare Simon Black URL Simon Black is an international investor, entrepreneur, permanent traveler, and self-described free man Recent Posts What’s a young person supposed to do? What’s a young person supposed to do? The -critical- importance of international diversification RSS Feed Boots on the ground in Fukushima, Japan What’s a young person supposed to do? The -critical- importance of international diversification November 1, 2011 Fukushima, Japan I had to come see for myself. What does the worst radiation and ...

Keiser Report #204 - RT
Post Date: 2011-11-02 04:17:32 by angK
Poster Comment:Every week Max Keiser looks at all the scandal behind the financial news This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at bank stocks ablaze and a Grecian vortex. They also discuss speculators responding to falling prices by smashing showrooms in Shanghai and holding Congress hostage in America. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser interviews Leah McGrath Goodman about Occupy Wall Street, the Koch Brothers and oil derivatives and the new market in water derivatives.

6 things no one will tell you about MF Global Commentary: This is what’s wrong with the economy
Post Date: 2011-11-01 20:01:46 by tom007
6 things no one will tell you about MF Global Commentary: This is what’s wrong with the economy Stories You Might Like MF Global bankruptcy sends client funds into limbo ‘Puss in Boots’ crushes DreamWorks MarketWatch First Take: 3 big questions for… MarketWatch First Take: MF Global from bad to worse Share: More Email Print Comment 112 By Brett Arends, MarketWatch BOSTON (MarketWatch) — Here’s a brain-teaser for you. Which corporate honcho bragged recently about his company’s strong resources, positive outlook and outstanding “execution” skills? Who said he was “particularly pleased” at recent developments, and predicted ...

FBI to probe MF Global's use of client money (Massive Fraud By X GS CEO)
Post Date: 2011-11-01 19:50:04 by tom007
FBI to probe MF Global's use of client money By DANIEL WAGNER, Associated Press – 10 hours ago WASHINGTON (AP) — MF Global, the securities firm led by former New Jersey governor Jon Corzine, admitted using clients' money as its financial troubles mounted, a U.S. official says. The FBI is expected to investigate whether the firm's actions violated criminal laws, according to two people familiar with the situation. MF Global is the first big Wall Street casualty of the European debt crisis. It filed for bankruptcy protection Monday, after a big bet on European debt threatened to topple it. An MF Global executive told regulators early Monday that the company had ...

Joe Rogan on The True Reason Pot is illegal
Post Date: 2011-11-01 19:43:22 by angK

Everybody Put On Your Seatbelts
Post Date: 2011-11-01 17:04:20 by Itistoolate
Everybody Put On Your Seat Belts WERE GOING FOR A RIDE

Social Security Bait And Switch, A Continuing Series
Post Date: 2011-10-31 09:53:48 by tom007
Social Security Bait And Switch, A Continuing Series Dean Baker is angry at the Washington Post for spreading disinformation about Social Security. He’s right, of course — and it’s shocking that a well-known fallacy is the subject of a “news analysis” that purports to inform readers. You see, the WaPo makes a big deal of the fact that Social Security is currently taking in less in payroll taxes than it’s paying out in benefits. Yet this means nothing, except as a favorite point used to create confusion by those who want to kill the program. I’ve written about this repeatedly in the past, but here it is again: Social Security is a program that is part of ...

Americans: Awash In Spin By Paul Craig Roberts
Post Date: 2011-10-30 17:01:44 by tom007
Americans: Awash In Spin By Paul Craig Roberts October 28, 2011 "Information Clearing House" - I have come to the conclusion that Big Brother’s subjects in George Orwell’s 1984 are better informed than Americans. Americans have no idea why they have been at war in the Middle East, Asia and Africa for a decade. They don’t realize that their liberties have been supplanted by a Gestapo Police State. Few understand that hard economic times are here to stay. On October 27, 2011, the US government announced some routine economic statistics, and the president of the European Council announced a new approach to the Greek sovereign debt crisis. The result of these funny ...

Nigel Farage(England's Jim Trafficant) touches quite a few nerves in the EU Parliament
Post Date: 2011-10-30 16:15:33 by Itistoolate
Nigel Farage fighting the NWO EU Nigel Farage of UKIP & his great sense of humour :) in the EU Parliament on 25th November 2009.

Illegal to be in a Hurry
Post Date: 2011-10-30 15:56:42 by Ferret
-- a short and simple little clip where the police are shown to use any excuse to try and retrieve something from the poor man

The Republican War on Trick-or-Treating The right doesn't want our kids to take handouts.
Post Date: 2011-10-30 09:27:12 by tom007
The Republican War on Trick-or-Treating The right doesn't want our kids to take handouts. By Dahlia Lithwick|Posted Friday, Oct. 28, 2011, at 5:07 PM ET Trick or treaters. Republicans are taking a stand against the “Perpetually Lazy, Spoiled Rotten" kids who trick-or-treat each and every year. Photograph by Jupiterimages/Thinkstock. This week, Republicans in Congress have decided to take some time off from taking time off to announce a bold new jobs initiative: As part of the effort to reward the nation’s hardest working job creators, and punish the “growing mobs” of whining, entitled, spoiled youngsters who have taken to the streets with their irrational, ...

Gerald Celente - on the euro collapse, trade wars & currency wars
Post Date: 2011-10-30 02:00:10 by RickyJ
This guy so good at predictions that he made this one last November!

Bank Of America Makes Taxpayers Insure 75 Trillion Dollars in Risky Derivative Schemes
Post Date: 2011-10-29 10:28:18 by tom007
Bank Of America Makes Taxpayers Insure 75 Trillion Dollars in Risky Derivative Schemes Submitted by mark karlin on Sat, 10/22/2011 - 9:33am. EditorBlog MARK KARLIN, EDITOR OF BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT Consistent with the Wall Street standard operating procedure of privatized profits and socialized risks, the Bank of America has allegedly transferred 75 trillion dollars in potentially toxic derivatives to enable the money to be covered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). What does this mean in plain English? It means that we, the taxpayers, are once again insuring the casino gambling financial bets of another bank too big to fail. So, while the Tea Party and the Republicans ...

Occupy Oakland: Jean Quan 'I don't know everything'
Post Date: 2011-10-29 09:44:03 by tom007
Occupy Oakland: Jean Quan 'I don't know everything' Matthai Kuruvila, Chronicle Staff Writer Thursday, October 27, 2011 Print E-mail Share Comments (169) Font | Size: 1232 Carlos Avila Gonzalez / The Chronicle Oakland interim Police Chief Howard Jordan and Mayor Jean Quan answer questions about the Occupy Oakland camp raid at City Hall. Images Oakland interim Police Chief Howard Jordan and Mayor Jean...Occupy Oakland protesters hold a general assembly in Fran...Oakland Mayor Jean Quan listens as Deanna Santana, off ca... View All Images (47) Related Content CBS 5 Poll finds Oakland residents upset with Quan over h... CBS 5 Poll finds Oakland residents upset with Quan over ...

Growth of government and giant corporations creating massive wealth inequality
Post Date: 2011-10-29 07:18:06 by Tatarewicz
Today, there are protests all over America that are targeting "the one percent" and all of the wealth and power that they have accumulated. Unfortunately, many of the solutions that these protesters are advocating simply will not work and will not lead to less wealth inequality. To understand this, you have to understand how we got to this point. Over the past several decades, our federal government has exploded in size and our large corporations have exploded in size. In fact, we have seen this pattern happen pretty much all over the world. Governments and corporations all over the globe are getting much bigger. Whenever you have very, very large concentrations of money and ...

Wall Street Isn't Winning – It's Cheating
Post Date: 2011-10-28 11:47:47 by tom007
Wall Street Isn't Winning – It's Cheating POSTED: October 25, 9:26 AM ET Comment 300 occupy wall street london sign A protestor's sign expresses the sentiment of the Occupy Wall Street movement at a Occupy Wall Street protest in London. BEN STANSALL/AFP/Getty Images I was at an event on the Upper East Side last Friday night when I got to talking with a salesman in the media business. The subject turned to Zucotti Park and Occupy Wall Street, and he was chuckling about something he'd heard on the news. "I hear [Occupy Wall Street] has a CFO," he said. "I think that's funny." "Okay, I'll bite," I said. "Why is that ...

'US 1% funded Iraq war with 99% money'
Post Date: 2011-10-28 11:09:48 by tom007
'US 1% funded Iraq war with 99% money' Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:56PM GMT Reddit Tehran's interim Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati A senior Iranian cleric says the billions of dollars Washington spent on killing civilians in Iraq belonged to the 99 percent who are now protesting in US streets today. "The 99 percent (of the US nation) have stood up against the one percent. It is not in your (US officials) interest to consider the benefits of the one percent and suppress the 99 percent," Tehran's interim Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati was quoted by IRNA. The senior cleric cautioned the US to stop trying to quell protests through the use of ...

Just my opinion, but any one interested should watch "Meltdown" from Al Jazeera
Post Date: 2011-10-28 09:26:33 by tom007

Google Refuses Law Enforcement Request To Remove Videos Of Police Brutality From YouTube* (Ignorance Will Set You Free)
Post Date: 2011-10-28 09:08:25 by tom007
Google Refuses Law Enforcement Request To Remove Videos Of Police Brutality From YouTube* Noah Davis | Oct. 27, 2011, 11:03 AM | 3,635 | 22 A A A inShare31 olsen down at occupy oakland wall street See Also: android secret shhh 11 Killer Features That Android Users Don't Want The Apple Fanboys To Know About Here's What Sparked 'Occupy' Movements From Chile To Germany Here's What Sparked 'Occupy' Movements From Chile To Germany linette on piers morgan The TRUTH About Being An Audience Member On Piers Morgan's Michael Moore And Occupy Wall Street Special Videos of police brutality at Occupy Oakland are all over the Internet. A few local law enforcement ...

Marine Scott Olsen Will Undergo Brain Surgery, And OccupyMARINES Are Making Demands [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-10-28 08:54:49 by tom007
Marine Scott Olsen Will Undergo Brain Surgery, And OccupyMARINES Are Making Demands Robert Johnson and Linette Lopez | Oct. 28, 2011, 7:51 AM | 732 | 13 A A A inShare3 Occupy Oakland Image: YouTube After suffering being struck by a projectile at Tuesday's Occupy Oakland evictions, Iraq war veteran Scott Olsen is lucid and awaiting brain surgery. The Guardian reports Olsen "responded with a very large smile" when his parents arrived from Wisconsin to visit him at the hospital. Medical officials say Olsen's able to write and hear, but is having trouble speaking. Meanwhile, Oakland's Mayor Jean Quan who left town after authorizing the raid, has separated herself ...

Marine With Crowd Control Training Points Out Oakland Used Methods Prohibited In War Zones
Post Date: 2011-10-28 08:50:02 by tom007
Marine With Crowd Control Training Points Out Oakland Used Methods Prohibited In War Zones Robert Johnson and Linette Lopez | Oct. 28, 2011, 8:28 AM | 104 | 1 A A A inShare Tear Gas gun 40mm tear gas launcher Image: wikipedia commons As the events that led to Scott Olsen's injury continue to unfold and investigations begin, we thought it important to offer some perspective. This comment is from a former Marine with special operations in crowd control. He points out that shooting canisters such as those that likely hit Scott Olsen is prohibited under rules of engagements in Iraq and Afghanistan. Regardless of any political position on the Occupy protests, these are some Interesting ...

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