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Santorum: Dead foreign scientists a ‘wonderful thing’ (Mr "Pro Life")
Post Date: 2011-10-28 08:45:30 by tom007
Santorum: Dead foreign scientists a ‘wonderful thing’ By David Edwards Thursday, October 27, 2011 Print 44 Rick Santorum in Greenville, SC Topics: foreign scientists ×0; leon panetta ×0; pennsylvania senator In Rick Santorum’s world, the culture of life apparently doesn’t extend to the scientific community. The Republican presidential candidate told supporters in Greenville, South Carolina that it was a “wonderful thing” when scientists in Iran lose their lives. “On occasion, scientists working on the nuclear program in Iran turn up dead,” he explained. “I think that’s a wonderful thing, candidly.” The former ...

Pat Robertson: Christians should not join ‘Occupy Wall Street’
Post Date: 2011-10-28 08:34:05 by tom007
Pat Robertson: Christians should not join ‘Occupy Wall Street’ By Eric W. Dolan Thursday, October 27, 2011 Print 72 patrobertson-screen Topics: barack obama ×0; street demonstrations ×0; televangelist pat robertson Televangelist Pat Robertson said Thursday on The 700 Club that Christians should not be involved in the “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrations in cities around the nation. His comment was picked up by the liberal watchdog website RightWingWatch.org. “I think this is a rebellion,” he said. “I think it is atavistic. Nobody knows exactly what it is, they don’t know what they’re doing, why are they there? Well they’re ...

The Truth Has A Well-Known, Well, You Know
Post Date: 2011-10-27 16:16:13 by tom007
The Truth Has A Well-Known, Well, You Know Greg Sargent takes us to Paul Ryan’s latest speech, in which Ryan expresses outrage over what President Obama is saying: Just last week, the President told a crowd in North Carolina that Republicans are in favor of, quote, “dirtier air, dirtier water, and less people with health insurance.” Can you think of a pettier way to describe sincere disagreements between the two parties on regulation and health care? Just for the record: why is this petty? Why is it anything but a literal description of GOP proposals to weaken environmental regulation and repeal the Affordable Care Act? I mean, to the extent that the GOP has a coherent ...

No Surprise Here: A New Scandal at News Corporation
Post Date: 2011-10-27 15:29:32 by tom007
No Surprise Here: A New Scandal at News Corporation Thursday 27 October 2011 by: Paul Krugman, Krugman & Co. | Op-Ed (Photo: Kitra Cahana / The New York Times ) I see that the Murdoch empire is facing another scandal — this time involving misleading advertisers rather than readers, by inflating circulation numbers. Nick Davies reported in an article for The Guardian published on Oct. 12: “One of Rupert Murdoch’s most senior European executives has resigned following Guardian inquiries about a circulation scam at News Corporation’s flagship newspaper, The Wall Street Journal. The Guardian found evidence that The Journal had been channeling money through European ...

Post Date: 2011-10-27 10:40:40 by Itistoolate
It's not the first time the streets were occupied. The socialist element that controls the event Occupy Wall Street is deeply disturbing. In chess you sacrifice a few pieces to win the match. The money brokers are financing the event. Out of the chaos will come ORDER - NEW WORLD ORDER. OCCUPY THE STREET If we look to the past, most social revolutions replaced one corrupt order with another more ruthless and diabolical order. There is nothing wrong with capitalism. There is nothing wrong with socialism. What is wrong is evil elements bent on domination use the systems as an umbrella to conceal their true motives. They desire to take over the world. I think it is safe to assume the ...

Oakland Police "Serving and Protecting"
Post Date: 2011-10-27 09:53:19 by tom007

Immunity and impunity in elite America
Post Date: 2011-10-27 09:15:28 by tom007
Immunity and impunity in elite America The top one per cent of US society is enjoying a two-tiered system of justice and politics. Larry Ellison, the third richest man in the US, can rely on set of standards unavalible for most citizens [GALLO/GETTY] As intense protests spawned by Occupy Wall Street continue to grow, it is worth asking: Why now? The answer is not obvious. After all, severe income and wealth inequality have long plagued the United States. In fact, it could reasonably be claimed that this form of inequality is part of the design of the American foundation - indeed, an integral part of it. Income inequality has worsened over the past several years and is at its highest ...

Putin determined to avoid Occupy Moscow, but at what cost?
Post Date: 2011-10-26 19:15:50 by tom007
Putin determined to avoid Occupy Moscow, but at what cost? Posted By Ian Bremmer Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 11:20 AM Share By Jenia Ustinova The Occupy Wall Street campaign is spreading from New York to other American cities, Europe, and Asia. But Vladimir Putin says there will be no Occupy Moscow. Speaking this month to foreign investors, the presumptive president elect of Russia downplayed the likelihood of protests emerging in his country. His argument was simple: such protests develop when citizens don't feel the impact of government largesse in their everyday lives, and Moscow will maintain ample spending on pensions, salaries, and social welfare to keep its people off the ...

After Police Attack Occupy Oakland Iraq War Vet Reportedly in Critical Care Wednesday 26 October 2011 (Possible Same Body In Outragous Video)
Post Date: 2011-10-26 19:02:47 by tom007
After Police Attack Occupy Oakland Iraq War Vet Reportedly in Critical Care Wednesday 26 October 2011 by: Roberto Lovato, Colorlines | News Report Update @ 5:15pm ET: A YouTube video (below) is circulating of a protester who appears to have been struck in the face by a projectile fired by police, presumably one of many tear gas canisters police fired into the crowd during last night’s march. Huffington Post reports that the man is an Iraq war vet named Scott Olson, 24. Olson is reportedly in critical care, with swelling in his brain. In the video, as others rush to Olson’s aid, an officer fires what appears to be a flash-bang grenade into the crowd of people helping him. ...

China's OWS nerves Chinese censors ban references to US protests from social media
Post Date: 2011-10-26 18:37:39 by tom007
China's OWS nerves Chinese censors ban references to US protests from social media Kathleen E. McLaughlinOctober 24, 2011 03:38 Ads by Google Cooking ClassesColorado Springs - learn to cook Chinese & Thai in your own kitchen! www.AsianCookery.net China occupy wall street 2011 10 05 "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrators occupy a park near Wall Street in New York, October 3, 2011. (EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP/Getty Images) At first, China looked at America's Occupy Wall Street protests as a chance to scold, with official media here criticizing US news outlets for ignoring the story. How things change in just a few weeks. These days, mentions of the OWS movement are absent from ...

Outragous video, help embed. War Declared On CWS By Oakland Cops
Post Date: 2011-10-26 18:22:49 by tom007
www.youtube.com/embed/Qng...?feature=player_embedded"</a> frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Help to embed

NYT Bureau Chief To Appear On Panel For Islamophobic Organization’s Film
Post Date: 2011-10-26 17:58:47 by tom007
NYT Bureau Chief To Appear On Panel For Islamophobic Organization’s Film By Eli Clifton posted from ThinkProgress Security on Oct 26, 2011 at 4:00 pm The New York Times Jerusalem Bureau Chief, Ethan Bronner, has stirred up controversy over recent speaking engagements. But an announcement on the 92nd St. Y’s website shows that Bronner is now scheduled to appear on a panel hosted by the Clarion Fund, an Islamophobic organization, to discuss the “threat of a nuclear Iran.” The invitation, as it appears on the Clarion Fund’s website, reads: On Monday, November 7, 2011, at 7:30 PM, the 92nd Street Y in Manhattan, NY will host a panel discussion about the threat of a ...

Reckless Endangerment Totally Corrupt America by PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS
Post Date: 2011-10-26 10:16:47 by tom007
Reckless Endangerment Totally Corrupt America by PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS Last March I reviewed Matt Taibbi’s important book Griftopia, an entertaining account of the through-going financial fraud that gave us the financial crisis. Taibbi shows that the US “superpower” can match any third world backwater in the magnitude of greed and fraud that is endemic in business and government. Taibbi’s Griftopia was published last year. This year Henry Holt publishers have provided us with Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner’s Reckless Endangerment. Morgenson and Rosner tell the story again, but with less drama and provocation. Possibly, it might be more acceptable to those ...

The Man Who Knew Too Much Libyans may be celebrating the killing of Muammar al-Qaddafi, but you'd better believe that Western governments are breathing a sigh of relief themselves.
Post Date: 2011-10-26 08:42:31 by tom007
The Man Who Knew Too Much Libyans may be celebrating the killing of Muammar al-Qaddafi, but you'd better believe that Western governments are breathing a sigh of relief themselves. BY DAVID RIEFF | OCTOBER 24, 2011 Whether the NATO countries -- who had only a few years ago welcomed Col. Muammar al-Qaddafi back into the international fold in exchange for his renouncing his chemical and nuclear weapons programs and allowing U.S. and British experts to come and help dismantle them -- played any role in what certainly appeared in first reports from the scene to have been the summary execution of the Libyan dictator will probably never be known. What the video evidence does prove is that ...

British reporter tells of time in Syrian jail Journalist with London-based broadcaster tells of arrest and interrogation last week while on assignment in Damascus.
Post Date: 2011-10-25 19:05:39 by tom007
British reporter tells of time in Syrian jail Journalist with London-based broadcaster tells of arrest and interrogation last week while on assignment in Damascus. Last Modified: 25 Oct 2011 22:23 Filmmaker Sean McAllister was arrested last week in a Damascus cafe and interrogated in a Syrian prison [Channel 4] A British journalist detained in Syria last week has described his interrogation at the hands of government officials and given a vivid account of the punishments meted out to other inmates. Sean McAllister of London-based Channel 4 News was arrested at a Damascus cafe while working on a report on the country's anti-government uprising, which the United Nations claims has left ...

Confessions of an Actual Man
Post Date: 2011-10-25 17:13:10 by Critter
Very Sincere Too Like a wolverine digging at a rabbit's hole, this column seeks truth, wherever it lies. (Of course, if truth lies, how can you trust it? These are deep waters.) To this end, I have been reading feminists about what slugs men are, and bandits, and slaves of vanity, and cause loose fillings and sunspots and roach infestations. In the past I dismissed these tiresome viragos as mere creatures of bile and ill-breeding. This time, I thought, maybe I should listen to them. After all, ugly short-haired unmarried women are people too. Pretty close anyway. AsI pondered, I was overcome by the consciousness of sin. Yes, I thought, it is true. We men are the slaves of vanity. I ...

Anonymous’ vows to ‘destroy’ Fox News website on Nov. 5th
Post Date: 2011-10-25 09:18:27 by tom007
Anonymous’ vows to ‘destroy’ Fox News website on Nov. 5th By Stephen C. Webster Monday, October 24, 2011 Print 184 Protesters wearing 'Anonymous' masks on Feb. 14, 2011. Topics: gunpowder plot ×0; guy fawkes ×0; stunning successes In a video statement carried recently by several official channels maintained by members of the hacker activist group “Anonymous,” a digitally generated voice explains that the online collective has decided to take down the Fox News website on Nov. 5th of this year. The date, Nov. 5, is significant for its dramatic placement in the film and comic book “V for Vendetta,” about a freedom-loving terrorist who ...

New York's Mayor Bloomberg says to expect more OWS arrests (The Jewish Boot On The Face Of Humanity)
Post Date: 2011-10-25 09:01:46 by tom007
New York's Mayor Bloomberg says to expect more OWS arrests Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:59PM GMT Reddit Mayor Mike Bloomberg New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg has suggested that he feels he's been going too easy on the Occupy Wall Street protesters and that more arrests may lie in their future. During his weekly appearance on WOR-AM radio, Bloomberg stated, “We will start enforcing that more,” with reference to regulations requiring permits for marches and rallies. In response to the mayor's remarks, OWS media coordinator Thorin Caristo issued a statement charging that “his inability to create a clear and definitive opinion or position on OWS just shows he's ...

WikiLeaks cables and the Iraq War By Glenn Greenwald
Post Date: 2011-10-25 08:28:16 by tom007
WikiLeaks cables and the Iraq War By Glenn Greenwald From a CNN report on why the Iraqi Government rejected the Obama administration’s conditions for keeping U.S. troops in Iraq beyond the 2011 deadline: U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and other top brass have repeatedly said any deal to keep U.S. troops in Iraq beyond the withdrawal deadline would require a guarantee of legal protection for American soldiers. But the Iraqis refused to agree to that, opening up the prospect of Americans being tried in Iraqi courts and subjected to Iraqi punishment. The negotiations were strained following WikiLeaks’ release of a diplomatic cable that alleged Iraqi civilians, including ...

Post Date: 2011-10-25 06:23:12 by HOUNDDAWG
"Kennedy, the 38-year-old son and namesake of America's 35th president, was flying with his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, 33, and his sister-in-law, Lauren Bessette, 34, when his six-seat, single-engine Piper Saratoga crashed seven miles south of his Martha's Vineyard home. All three were killed. A report by the National Transportation Safety Board blamed pilot error for the crash, saying Kennedy, who had been flying for 15 months, was not skilled enough for low-visibility nighttime flying and became disoriented in the hazy sky." The Assassination of JFK Jr - Full Version Poster Comment:John John Had been flying for 17 years, he had already passed the quals for IFR, ...

Doesn't this remind you of Rumsfeld and Saddam?
Post Date: 2011-10-24 17:39:02 by Itistoolate

New York mayor visits Jerusalem, dedicates first aid station, meets Israeli premier
Post Date: 2011-10-24 09:00:58 by tom007
New York mayor visits Jerusalem, dedicates first aid station, meets Israeli premier Smaller Text Larger Text Text Size Print E-mail Reprints By Associated Press, Published: October 23 JERUSALEM — New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is in Jerusalem to dedicate a first aid station and meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Bloomberg dedicated the station, built with the help of donations from him and other Americans and named for his father, in a ceremony Sunday. 13 Comments Weigh In Corrections? inShare ( Jim Hollander, Pool / Associated Press ) - New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, left, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu embrace prior their meeting at ...

Yet Another Wall Street Billionaire Asks Working Americans to Sacrifice -- Why Do the Media Still Listen to These Guys?
Post Date: 2011-10-23 20:06:44 by tom007
Yet Another Wall Street Billionaire Asks Working Americans to Sacrifice -- Why Do the Media Still Listen to These Guys? By Joshua Holland, AlterNet Posted on September 12, 2011, Printed on October 23, 2011 www.alternet.org/story/15...till_listen_to_these_guys Working America has sacrificed a great deal in the last 40 years: its share of the national income, its economic security and the dignity that comes with decent health and retirement benefits. Those at the top of the pile have sacrificed nothing – they're grabbing more income and paying less in taxes today than they did during the mid-century boom years. Yet, we are being asked by those very elites for “shared ...

DAVID FRUM: It's Time We Republicans Finally Admitted That Paul Krugman Has Been Right
Post Date: 2011-10-23 18:47:06 by tom007
DAVID FRUM: It's Time We Republicans Finally Admitted That Paul Krugman Has Been Right Henry Blodget | Oct. 23, 2011, 12:51 PM | 8,313 | 84 A A A inShare65 unemployment line great depression Image: Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, FSA-OWI Collection See Also: krugman KRUGMAN: Austerity Has Failed -- It's Time For Debt Restructuring In Europe chart PAUL KRUGMAN: This Chart Disproves The GOP Fantasy About Reagan Tax Cuts Hitler KRUGMAN: I'm Terrified About This Europe Situation (And Bored) Few economists have been more correct about the economic crisis of the last several years than the proudly liberal Paul Krugman. Krugman spotted the "liquidity ...

Ahmadinejad reacts to the USA: ' Murder is your thing'
Post Date: 2011-10-23 15:22:01 by tom007
Ahmadinejad reacts to the USA: ' Murder is your thing' 17.10.2011 Ahmadinejad reacts to the USA: ' Murder is your thing'. 45638.jpegIranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reacted Sunday to the release by the U.S. government that accused Tehran of sponsoring a terrorist plot in the United States and used the occasion to blame Washington for the frequent bilateral crises. "The Iranian nation does not need educated articulate plans of murder. Murder is your thing," said Ahmadinejad, speaking at the Iranian Parliament, The Iranian President's remarks were reported by the official news agency, IRNA. The onslaught from the leader responds to U.S. charges that the ...

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