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Woman Photographs Cop Kicking Handcuffed Man Lying On Ground, Cop Seizes Her Camera, Deletes Evidence, Arrests Her & Files Charges Against Her: Lawsuit
Post Date: 2011-10-09 18:10:32 by tom007
Woman Photographs Cop Kicking Handcuffed Man Lying On Ground, Cop Seizes Her Camera, Deletes Evidence, Arrests Her & Files Charges Against Her: Lawsuit posted 10/09/2011, 6:32 AM (InformationLiberation) [Category: Tyranny/Police State] An Atlanta cop went against the police's own stated policy prohibiting cops from interfering with citizens filming police in order to steal a woman's camera and delete the evidence she got of him kicking a handcuffed man lying on the ground, according to a recently filed lawsuit. The cop did not stop there, according to the suit, he then decided to arrest the woman and file charges against her "for having no driver's license," ...

The Smithsonian Air & Space Museum 'invaders'
Post Date: 2011-10-09 16:47:32 by X-15
The snot-nosed brats who tried to bum-rush the museum should have been executed with their heads held in the gutter. I would have conducted napalm experiments on them to see if they would scream like jews in an oven. They're nothing but jewish scum or golem's of the damn chutzpathic Red Sea pedestrians. Any scum who try to invade an aviation museum just to tear shit up as if they were wild niglets should be exterminated with extreme prejudice.

US Senator Dick Durbin Tells Americans to Boycott the Bank of America for Ripping Off Customers
Post Date: 2011-10-09 13:46:27 by tom007
US Senator Dick Durbin Tells Americans to Boycott the Bank of America for Ripping Off Customers Submitted by BuzzFlash on Thu, 10/06/2011 - 9:09pm. EditorBlog MARK KARLIN, EDITOR OF BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) took to the Senate floor this week to denounce how Bank of America is gouging Americans through excessive charges on debit card "swipe fees." Debit card swipes, according to the Federal Reserve Bank, cost at most 12 cents (as low as 4 cents) to process, but the banks have historically charged, according to Durbin, on average 44 cents to the retailer. On October 1, a new law went into effect that put a ceiling on the swipe fees at about 24 cents. ...

Robert Fisk: For 10 years, we've lied to ourselves to avoid asking the one real question
Post Date: 2011-10-09 12:06:31 by tom007
Robert Fisk: For 10 years, we've lied to ourselves to avoid asking the one real question By their books, ye shall know them. I'm talking about the volumes, the libraries – nay, the very halls of literature – which the international crimes against humanity of 11 September 2001 have spawned. Many are spavined with pseudo-patriotism and self-regard, others rotten with the hopeless mythology of CIA/Mossad culprits, a few (from the Muslim world, alas) even referring to the killers as "boys", almost all avoiding the one thing which any cop looks for after a street crime: the motive. Why so, I ask myself, after 10 years of war, hundreds of thousands of innocent ...

Rep. Peter King (R-NY): Do Not Allow Any Legitimacy For Wall Street Protests, Or It Will Be Like 1960s Again
Post Date: 2011-10-09 11:02:19 by tom007
Rep. Peter King (R-NY): Do Not Allow Any Legitimacy For Wall Street Protests, Or It Will Be Like 1960s Again By Lee Fang on Oct 9, 2011 at 12:03 am Congressman Peter King (R-NY) Speaking with right-wing radio show host Laura Ingraham on Friday, Rep. Peter King (R-NY), the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, blasted the media for providing fair coverage to the Occupy Wall Street protests. “They have no sense of purpose other than a basically anti-American tone,” he said. King also explained that he is “old enough to remember what happened in the 1960s when the left-wing took to the streets and somehow the media glorified them and it ended up shaping policy.” ...

Editorial: Vaccination refusal endangers all of us
Post Date: 2011-10-09 02:31:59 by farmfriend
Editorial: Vaccination refusal endangers all of us California is the "epicenter of vaccine refusal" in the United States, Dr. Blaise Congeni of Akron Children's Hospital in Ohio told ABC News last year. That became an issue with last year's whooping cough epidemic – with 9,143 reported cases, the most in 50 years. Lawmakers acted appropriately, passing a law requiring all seventh- to 12th-graders to get vaccinated starting this school year. The Bee has reported, however, that some districts, such as Folsom Cordova Unified, were defying the law by allowing unvaccinated students to come to school. Others, such as Natomas Unified, were allowing unvaccinated students ...

Wall Street Protests
Post Date: 2011-10-08 20:18:32 by tom007
Wall Street Protests Posted: 10/7/11 04:02 PM ET 49 79 5 Add to collections Collect articles and browse other HuffPost members' collections. Learn More > Get Politics Alerts Sign Up Submit this story The Occupy Wall Street protests are shining a national spotlight on the most powerful, dangerous and secretive economic and political force in America. If this country is to break out of the horrendous recession and create the millions of jobs we desperately need, if we are going to create a modicum of financial stability for the future, there is no question but that the American people are going to have to take a very hard look at Wall Street and demand fundamental reforms. I hope ...

Confronting the Malefactors
Post Date: 2011-10-08 20:02:07 by tom007
Confronting the Malefactors By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: October 6, 2011 There’s something happening here. What it is ain’t exactly clear, but we may, at long last, be seeing the rise of a popular movement that, unlike the Tea Party, is angry at the right people. Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times Paul Krugman Go to Columnist Page » Blog: The Conscience of a Liberal Related News Protests Offer Obama Opportunity to Gain, and Room for Pitfalls (October 7, 2011) Times Topic: Occupy Wall Street (Wall St. Protests, 2011) Related in Opinion Op-Ed Contributor: Occupied Wall Street, Seen From Abroad (October 6, 2011) Room For Debate Is It Effective to Occupy Wall Street? The ...

Whose Side Are You On: The Moral Clarity of Occupy Wall Street
Post Date: 2011-10-08 19:35:01 by tom007
Whose Side Are You On: The Moral Clarity of Occupy Wall Street Posted: 10/7/11 12:00 PM ET R Once Occupy Wall Street demonstrations started to sweep across America, the mainstream media began to pay attention -- and sounded a chorus of criticism. The movement was disorganized; it had no agenda. It wasn't organized like the Tea Party. Fox News trotted out ace reporter Geraldo Rivera -- really -- to charge that European anarchists, paid illegal aliens, and out and out leftists were behind the innocent kids. Herman Cain led disapproving Republicans, calling the movement "un-American," when he should have been celebrating what it was doing for pizza sales. Virtually everything ...

The US Empire: A Tragic Comedy in Three Acts
Post Date: 2011-10-07 06:57:30 by Tatarewicz
What a delight it is to have an empire! Do the Swiss get to send out drones to kill people they don’t know in countries they’ve never been? No! The poor yodelers go around with long faces and visit their shrinks. Americans have troops in 170 countries. Where are the Swiss? Only in Switzerland and the Vatican. Alas, they will never know the joys of nation building and people murdering. We hear that Ron Paul was booed in the Republican presidential debates. Why? He suggested that we get out of the empire business, bring the troops home and become a civilized nation again. What a party pooper...a wet blanket...a killjoy! An empire is so much more entertaining. We already have ...

Surreal Post Of The Day Nomination
Post Date: 2011-10-06 23:23:46 by tom007
#29. To: Eric Stratton (#28) LOL! Sorry, I really had no idea the mere mention of moose would cause you such emotional distress. Usually only some grass-eating emotional misfit will get so upset when I do that. I'll try not to do it again. Anyhow, tonight it is caribou. eskimo posted on 2011-10-06 19:04:07 ET Reply Trace Private Reply #30. To: eskimo (#29) Well, it's not every day that someone's retort to an argument not involving anything having to do with wildlife throws out a blanket reprisal that he's slain a moose and gutted it w/ his, or her I suppose as the case may be, bare hands. Since the ambiance is more of a challenged insecure young man in this case, ...

The Folly of Long Term Investing
Post Date: 2011-10-06 07:55:09 by Itistoolate
The Folly of Long Term Investing Long Term Investing How's that working out for you? We're entering a deflationary period where the bankers will call in their loans and expropriate our property. If there are riots, they'll take our freedom and independence too. by Henry Makow, Ph.D. Being a "long term" investor these days requires steady nerves. Since July 22, your gains for the year have been wiped out and you are down at least 10%. You could be down 25-40% if you are in commodities. But you're not about to panic because you've invested for the long term. Your mantra is "buy and hold." You're not going to "time the market." You ...

The story behind a Miami Beach cop’s liquor-fogged, wrong-way ride, The liquor-fogged car crash of Miami Beach Sgt. Jesse Barrenechea and the strange feud that followed
Post Date: 2011-10-04 18:07:27 by James Deffenbach
Claudia Costa was driving her Ford Explorer north on Interstate 95, after picking up two girlfriends in Fort Lauderdale. It was a little after 4 a.m. on a Thursday in December 2007. Traffic was light. Costa’s friends had been clubbing. The swimsuit model and Playboy playmate was the designated driver. Suddenly, she saw two headlights barreling straight toward her. Costa cursed, then braced for a collision. Upon impact, the Explorer spun around and smacked another car, which kept going north. The SUV came to rest up against the median. If getting hit by a wrong-way driver wasn’t shocking enough, what happened next was even more jarring. An occupant of the wrong-way car, a 2006 ...

The MORE to BETTER paradigm shift
Post Date: 2011-10-04 07:27:33 by Tatarewicz
The age of easy growth is over. You probably won’t make any money buying stocks. And your house will never return to the levels of ’05-’06. And oh yes...you may not be able to get a job. But that’s the good news. We’ll deal with the bad news some other day. Today, we’re going to stick with this good news. People in the developed countries are going to stop thinking so much about GDP, which measures the gross amount of economic activity. Instead, they will be thinking about the quality of it. They’ll switch from thinking about their standard of living, measured in dollars or pounds or euros, and begin worrying more about the quality of their lives. ...

Police State Justice Under Obama
Post Date: 2011-10-03 04:21:28 by Stephen Lendman
Police State Justice Under Obama - Stephen Lendman Lawlessness, injustice, and contempt for democratic values define his administration. He delivered change all right - for the worst, and nothing ahead looks promising. Obama-style "rules of engagement" include bullets, bombs, slit throats, knives in the back, or drone attacks justice. Targeted victims are declared guilty by accusation. Due process and judicial fairness are discarded artifacts. US citizens are as vulnerable as global enemies. No one is safe anywhere in a world ruled by rogue leaders, taking the law into their own hands with impunity. As a result, freedom and security were jettisoned to memory hole oblivion. ...

Slippery when read Posted By Stephen M. Walt
Post Date: 2011-10-02 16:47:09 by tom007
Slippery when read Posted By Stephen M. Walt Friday, September 30, 2011 - 4:25 PM Share Writing in the Washington Quarterly, Kenneth Pollack and Ray Takeyh have a rather bizarre piece calling for the United States to "double down" on Iran, including direct efforts to destabilize the clerical regime. While rejecting preventive war -- at least for the moment -- they call for a variety of new pressures, including the use of Special Forces and other military means to ramp up the pressure. Although filled with protective caveats, their article portrays these escalated pressures as something of a last-ditch effort to convince Iran to give up its nuclear enrichment program. Like U.S. ...

Occupy Wall Street’ Protesters Harassed While Banker Crooks Go Free
Post Date: 2011-10-02 15:22:06 by tom007
Occupy Wall Street’ Protesters Harassed While Banker Crooks Go Free It had to be a case of mistaken identity. Protesters had been swarming Wall Street and Lower Manhattan for a week. There were at least six arrests the first day Occupy Wall Street camped out and chanted near the New York Stock Exchange. There were dozens more by the weekend. By Saturday, the hundreds of protesters appeared to have lit a fuse with New York City police. There were rough arrests that bordered on brutality. Pepper spray brought tears and pain. And to a nation’s shock, not one of the police targets was a banker. So much for law and order. If you want to know how a nation supposedly by and for the ...

‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protesters Harassed While Banker Crooks Go Free
Post Date: 2011-10-02 10:22:16 by tom007
‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protesters Harassed While Banker Crooks Go Free It had to be a case of mistaken identity. Protesters had been swarming Wall Street and Lower Manhattan for a week. There were at least six arrests the first day Occupy Wall Street camped out and chanted near the New York Stock Exchange. There were dozens more by the weekend. By Saturday, the hundreds of protesters appeared to have lit a fuse with New York City police. There were rough arrests that bordered on brutality. Pepper spray brought tears and pain. And to a nation’s shock, not one of the police targets was a banker. So much for law and order. If you want to know how a nation supposedly by and ...

Iran PressTV poll on US economy
Post Date: 2011-10-01 02:47:53 by Tatarewicz
Given the US government's repeated protection of the Wall Street, which caused the economic crisis, do you think… a) the United States is headed for a double-dip recession 18 % b) the US economy will slowly recover at the expense of global economies 9 % c) the US will plunge into recession again and spark another global financial crisis 36 % d) the burden of the economic woes will prompt a popular revolution in the US 37 % US economic collapse may be best thing for the planet. US will "run out of money" and stop attacking Israel's enemies. Leaders then will be able to concentrate on economic development instead of preoccupying themselves with the illegal Israeli ...

Facebook vs US establishment: who controls whom?
Post Date: 2011-09-30 09:12:15 by tom007
Facebook vs US establishment: who controls whom? permalink email story to a friend print version Published: 14 September, 2011, 16:06 U.S. President Barack Obama (L) talks with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (R) during a town hall style meeting at Facebook headquarters. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/AFP) U.S. President Barack Obama (L) talks with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (R) during a town hall style meeting at Facebook headquarters. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/AFP) TRENDS: UK riots TAGS: Politics, Europe, Internet, Information Technology, USA, Corporate news, Social networks As Facebook continues to hire current and former White House employees to enhance its lobby in state ...

Who won the war in Iraq? (Here's a big hint: It wasn't the United States)
Post Date: 2011-09-30 08:30:31 by tom007
Who won the war in Iraq? (Here's a big hint: It wasn't the United States) Posted By Thomas E. Ricks Thursday, September 29, 2011 - 11:41 AM Share Peter Van Buren also has a story in Foreign Policy today about his own experiences as a Foreign Service officer in Iraq. By Peter Van Buren Best Defense guest unraveller When wars end, usually there is a winner and a loser. Greeks burn down the city for the win; Trojans accept a dummy horse for the epic loss, like that. As we near the end of the U.S. military campaign in Iraq, and note the beginning of the State Department occupation (the formal mission handover is Oct. 1), it is a good time to decide who lost and who won, and what ...

The Welfare/Warfare Confidence Game
Post Date: 2011-09-30 07:46:44 by Tatarewicz
A Look at the Long-Term Trends in Government Spending If you believe the papers, markets fall because of “uncertainty surrounding the Eurozone debt crisis...” or “an unexpected rise in jobless claims...” or “some other unexpected economic phenomenon that threw experts for a loop.” Conversely, if we are to believe the mainstream media, markets rally due to “renewed confidence in the Eurozone...” or “a hunky dory jobs report...” or “because something finally fell in line with what a panel of experts had predicted.” None of this is true, of course. At least not on purpose. Call it reactive reporting...sometimes known as ...

Eliminate The FDA, Insurance Companies, And Medical Education To Save Lives
Post Date: 2011-09-29 17:25:53 by tom007
JAMES ALTUCHER: Eliminate The FDA, Insurance Companies, And Medical Education To Save Lives James Altucher | Sep. 28, 2011, 8:00 AM | 237 | 3 I’m a doctor. That’s not quite enough. Some might take that to mean I’m a “Doctor of Philosophy”. A PhD. In fact, I was rudely thrown out of graduate school. I asked to at least use the office for the summer but they said, “No.” I needed to pack all my stuff and be out by afternoon. While packing my desk I found a woman’s earring underneath but that’s another story. No, what I really mean is I’m a “MEDICAL” Doctor. In other words, you can come to me with your ailment, I can either ...

Rothschilds Bolster Third Party
Post Date: 2011-09-28 19:02:12 by Itistoolate
Rothschilds Bolster Third Party AFP VIDEO - In this special video report, AFP correspondent Michael Collins Piper makes the case that powerful figures in the Rothschild empire are throwing their money behind a third party effort in an attempt to oust President Barack Obama from the White House. For more on the Rothschilds and the secret power behind the New World Order, get a copy of Piper’s book, The New Babylon, which can ordered online by clicking here or visiting our bookshop at shop.americanfreepress.net. Watch the video below:

Anita Perry Defends Her Husband’s Job Creation Record: ‘People Are Hungry For’ Minimum Wage Jobs
Post Date: 2011-09-28 19:00:16 by tom007
Anita Perry Defends Her Husband’s Job Creation Record: ‘People Are Hungry For’ Minimum Wage Jobs By Marie Diamond on Sep 28, 2011 at 4:30 pm Anita Perry, the wife of presidential contender and Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R), took to the campaign trail in Iowa today to defend her husband against a growing wave of criticism and scrutiny from the right. In between brushing away criticism of her husband’s debate performance and positions on immigration and the HPV vaccine, she made a surprising admission. While parroting her husband’s jobs claims, she also conceded that not all the jobs Texas has created during her husband’s tenure are high-paying jobs — in ...

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