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Latest Articles: Dead Constitution

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Media Scoundrels Ignore NY Primary Irregularities
Post Date: 2016-04-20 08:19:41 by Stephen Lendman
Media Scoundrels Ignore NY Primary Irregularities by Stephen Lendman America resembles a banana republic. Its sham political process has no legitimacy, democracy in name only, voters with no say whatever. Democrat party bosses intend nominating Clinton at their July convention - rigging primaries to assure it, perhaps the tainted NY one the latest example. Republican counterparts want anyone but Trump, despite overwhelming GOP voter support he enjoys. America’s political process is rigged, too debauched to fix, a vital issue media scoundrels ignore. Instead they pretend US elections show democracy works - for the privileged few alone, excluding most others. A same day article ...

Did Clinton Steal the NY Primary?
Post Date: 2016-04-20 08:09:00 by Stephen Lendman
Did Clinton Steal the NY Primary? by Stephen Lendman So-called elections in America are farcical by any standard, mocking real democracy - Tuesday’s NY primary the latest example, a travesty of electoral legitimacy for Democrat party voters. Political power brokers, Wall Street monied interests and war-profiteers are going all-out to assure Clinton becomes Democrat party standard bearer and America’s next president. The fix is in. Trump is right about a rigged system. He’s the overwhelming GOP voter favorite. Yet primary shenanigans and a possible brokered convention may deny him the Republican nomination. I’ve said many times America’s political system is too ...

Widespread Public Distrust of Mainstream Media
Post Date: 2016-04-19 12:27:40 by Stephen Lendman
Widespread Public Distrust of Mainstream Media by Stephen Lendman Americans have little faith in so-called major media news and information, a collective lying machine by any standard, suppressing what’s most important to report, substituting managed news misinformation rubbish. Gallup and other polls show Americans’ trust in mass media around an all-time low. A new American Press Institute (API) report said around half of respondents surveyed expressed “some confidence” in media reporting, over 40% virtually none, API saying: “Over the last two decades, research shows the public has grown increasingly skeptical of the news industry.” “The study ...

Husband of State Rep DeLemus in Nevada, Being Tortured in Solitary
Post Date: 2016-04-19 11:22:40 by Horse
See what the law says in section 23-2.6 and 23-2.7 regarding segregated housing, and and 23-3.5 regarding provision of necessities, where it states: (c) Correctional authorities should provide prisoners, without charge, basic individual hygiene items appropriate for their gender, as well as towels and BEDDING, which should be exchanged or laundered at least weekly. Prisoners should also be permitted to purchase hygiene supplies in a commissary. Jerry DeLemus, after being swatted by the FBI in NH FULLY TWO YEARS after attempting to mediate a protest at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada, was transported back to Henderson in that state and placed in solitary confinement. It is reported that he is ...

Two Russian Nationals Imprisoned in Ukraine on Phony Terrorism Charges
Post Date: 2016-04-19 08:32:10 by Stephen Lendman
Two Russian Nationals Imprisoned in Ukraine on Phony Terrorism Charges by Stephen Lendman US installed Ukrainian putschists systematically spurn rule of law principles with full Washington support and encouragement.   They rule illegitimately, continue waging war on their own people, shelling Donbass over 300 times in the last 24 hours alone, according to local reports, along with committing other appalling human rights abuses unaccountably. Russian nationals Evgeny Erofeev and Aleksander Aleksandrov detained in Ukraine last May were wrongfully indicted on false charges of “participation in a terrorist act or a terrorist organization, waging aggressive war, and actions ...

What If the Government Followed Its Own Constitution?
Post Date: 2016-04-19 07:58:31 by Ada
Conservatives hold sacred the Constitution, or at least they maintain they do. Republicans profess to be the “party of the Constitution.” They claim to revere the Constitution, to love the Constitution, to honor the Constitution. They castigate “activist” judges for broadly reading the Constitution. They criticize those who advocate a “living Constitution.” They talk about the necessity of discovering the “original intent” or “original meaning” of the Constitution. Conservatives and Republicans even insist, with a straight face, that they believe in following the Constitution, when, of course, they do nothing of the kind. Libertarians ...

Neoliberal Coup Attempt in Brazil
Post Date: 2016-04-18 13:00:37 by Stephen Lendman
Neoliberal Coup Attempt in Brazil by Stephen Lendman Washington still thinks of Latin and Central America as its backyard. Colonial thinking never fades. Make no mistake. Its dirty hands are behind the attempt to oust democratically elected Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. She’s not neoliberal enough to suit US policymakers. Her social justice programs have to go. The scheme to oust her has nothing to do with corruption or other alleged wrongdoing - everything to do with manipulated power-grabbing. On Sunday, Brazil’s lower house voted 342 - 127 to impeach Rousseff, a bloodless attempt to oust her, requiring a simple Senate majority on whether to approve or reject ...

Negative Views About US Presidential Aspirants
Post Date: 2016-04-18 08:55:55 by Stephen Lendman
Negative Views About US Presidential Aspirants by Stephen Lendman Imagine holding a US election one day with no one showing up. Pew Research (PR) shows less than one in five Americans trust government. Three-fourths say most elected officials serve their own interests, not popular ones. Over half believe ordinary people would do a better job solving problems. According to PR, “the American public is deeply cynical about government, politics and the nation’s leaders” for good reason. Trust in government is “among the lowest levels in the past half-century.” Elected officials are called self-serving and dishonest. A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll showed ...

Turkey and Israel Wage War on Press Freedom
Post Date: 2016-04-17 12:55:28 by Stephen Lendman
Turkey and Israel Wage War on Press Freedom by Stephen Lendman Turkey imprisons more journalists than any other country, scores languishing in gulag conditions for doing their jobs responsibly. Erdogan tolerates no dissent. Critics risk imprisonment on charges ranging from insulting the president to terrorism, espionage or treason. Previous articles discussed Turkey’s war on press and other forms of free expression - police state viciousness by any standard. Israel treats Occupied Palestinian journalists critical of its institutionalized brutality the same way. During its 51-day 2014 Gaza aggression, 16 Palestinian journalists and Italian AP photojournalist Simone Camille were ...

Iran Accuses US of Violating Nuclear Deal
Post Date: 2016-04-16 12:23:15 by Stephen Lendman
Iran Accuses US of Violating Nuclear Deal by Stephen Lendman America’s history shows trustworthiness isn’t its long suit, treaties and other deals agreed to systematically violated - culpability ignored or counterparties wrongfully blamed for its breaches. After last year’s nuclear deal was consummated, Obama lied, saying “(h)istory shows that America must lead not just with our might, but with our principles. It shows we are stronger not when we are alone, but when we bring the world together.” According to a complaint filed last August with the IAEA, Iran said Washington breached nuclear deal principles straightaway - three days after the deal was reached. At ...

NYT Support for Nazi-Infested Ukraine
Post Date: 2016-04-16 12:13:06 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Support for Nazi-Infested Ukraine by Stephen Lendman The Times consistently supports what demands condemnation, its discussion of US installed Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s ouster the latest example. He didn’t resign. He outlived his usefulness, didn’t performed as expected, and was sacked - parliament speaker Volodymyr Groysman replacing him. He’s a US appointed oligarch president Petro Poroshenko favorite, part of Ukraine’s illegitimate regime, Nazis posing as democrats - The Times going along with the charade. Fascist dictatorship, police state repression, massive corruption and naked aggression on its own people are airbrushed from its reports. Anyone opposing ...

Obama's Plea To The Supreme Court
Post Date: 2016-04-16 10:39:28 by BTP Holdings
President Obama has a plea for the U.S. Supreme Court: "Help me grant illegal immigrants Social Security and Disability." That's because the Supreme Court's decision on United States v. Texas could determine whether or not over four million illegal immigrants will be given access to several entitlements. In four days, the Supreme Court will hear arguments over Obama's executive amnesty. Obama created the so-called "Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents" (DAPA) to declare over four million illegal immigrants as "lawfully present." But that's just another term for amnesty. When an illegal alien becomes a ...

NYT: Imperial Mouthpiece
Post Date: 2016-04-16 08:30:04 by Stephen Lendman
NYT: Imperial Mouthpiece by Stephen Lendman Instead of news and analysis “fit to print,” The Times is a mouthpiece for wealth, power, privilege, suppressing hard truths, proliferating misinformation and Big Lies, ignoring America’s high crimes, causing so much harm to so many worldwide. It supports endless US wars of aggression, attacks independent states opposed to its megalomaniacal rage for unchallenged dominance. Russia bashing is Exhibit A, notably Vladimir Putin, the world’s preeminent peacemaker, forthrightly challenging America’s imperial agenda while seeking mutual cooperation at the same time on issues affecting all nations. “Russian Forces ...

Merkel OK's Prosecuting Journalist for Insulting Erdogan
Post Date: 2016-04-15 11:47:18 by Stephen Lendman
Merkel OKs Prosecuting Journalist for Insulting Erdogan by Stephen Lendman Merkel’s action is the latest example of how tyranny is replacing freedom in Western countries - fundamental rights being eliminated altogether. Free expression is most important. Without it all other rights are endangered. In response to German TV host Jan Bohmermann reading a satirical poem on ZDF television criticizing Erdogan, he filed a criminal complaint demanding prosecution for insulting a foreign head of state. Under a long outdated 1880s law, it carries a three-to-five year prison term. Enforcing it is a flagrant free expression violation. Germany’s constitution guarantees it without making ...

Trump Reinventing Himself As Populist Falls Flat
Post Date: 2016-04-15 08:42:47 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Reinventing Himself As Populist Falls Flat by Stephen Lendman Trump didn’t become super-rich by being anti-establishment and populist. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, he wants voters to believe otherwise. He justifiably blasted Colorado’s rigged “ ‘election’ without voters,” party bosses handing Cruz all state delegates, shutting out the will of the people. “Let me ask America a question,” he said. “How has the ‘system’ been working out for you and your family?” During years growing super-rich, Trump never spoke out publicly for the rights of ordinary people. Has he turned a new leaf? Don’t bet on it. “I, for ...

Erdogan's War on Press, Academic and Other Forms of Free Expression
Post Date: 2016-04-15 08:22:56 by Stephen Lendman
Erdogan’s War on Press, Academic, and Other Forms of Free Expression by Stephen Lendman Erdogan rules despotically, a megalomaniacal tyrant, tolerating no dissent, targeting opponents and critics for elimination. He’s waging war on his own people, supporting ISIS and other terrorists in Syria and Iraq. The world community turns a blind eye to his high crimes, supporting them by complicity and silence. His latest affront targeted Russia’s Sputnik News (SN) web site, blocking it, authorities saying they acted “(a)fter technical analysis and legal consideration” - failing to explain Erdogan’s war on fundamental international law affirmed rights. Blocking ...

Device (Stingray) used to trick cellphones into revealing location raises legal issue, lawmaker ( Rep. Jason Chaffetz) says
Post Date: 2016-04-14 15:18:52 by X-15
An electronic device that tricks cellphones into revealing a user's location is becoming a key weapon for law enforcement in its battle against drug traffickers, terror suspects and other dangerous criminals -- but its potential misuse against innocent Americans and the secrecy surrounding which agencies have the devices is of growing concern by civil liberties watchdogs and lawmakers. Cellular site simulators — known as "StingRay tracking" — basically are fake cell towers that use digital signals to trick a cellphone into revealing its location and other information. Law enforcement typically places the device near the location of a known suspect -- but they also ...

NYT Debate On If Banking Giants Still Too Big to Fail Ignores the Core Issue
Post Date: 2016-04-14 08:37:36 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Debate On If Banking Giants Still Too Big to Fail Ignores the Core Issue by Stephen Lendman Too big to fail or not ignores what’s most important. Predatory bankers make serial killers look good by comparison. Their business model creates crises, facilitates grand theft, financial terrorism, and debt entrapment. They steal material wealth, systematically scam investors, and strip mine economies for self- enrichment. They demand they get paid first, holding nations hostage, turning crises into catastrophes - facilitating the greatest ever wealth transference in history to super-rich elites already with too much, at the same time creating mass impoverishment, high unemployment, ...

Establishment Defender David Brooks
Post Date: 2016-04-13 08:19:11 by Stephen Lendman
Establishment Defender David Brooks by Stephen Lendman He makes painful reading, nonsense instead of good sense, rubbish unfit to print, one of many examples of the deplorable state of today’s major media. If mainstream journalists like Brooks did their jobs responsibly, we’d have vital long overdue revolutionary change in America - instead of government of, by, and for its privileged few alone. Each electoral season highlights the crisis. Voters want what no duopoly party candidates represent at all levels of government. Americans paying attention, knowledgeable about US history, know campaign promises are made to be broken. Their choices are among varying shades of evil, ...

Erdogan Hardening Dictatorial Rule
Post Date: 2016-04-13 08:10:33 by Stephen Lendman
Erdogan Hardening Dictatorial Rule by Stephen Lendman Erdogan is one of the world’s most ruthless despots, Turkey a NATO member, a valued US ally. Washington largely ignores his tyrannical rule, his abolition of press freedom, imprisoning critics, his war on Turkish, Syrian and Iraqi Kurds. Turkish lawmakers have immunity from prosecution. Erdogan wants pro-Kurdish Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) members (the country’s third largest parliamentary bloc) stripped of their fundamental right for opposing ruthless regime policies. Kurds are Turkey’s largest ethnic minority, representing up to 25% of the population, ruthlessly treated since the 1923 creation of the modern ...

FOIA Obtained Documents Reveal Gitmo in Chicago Torture and Abuse
Post Date: 2016-04-12 11:43:06 by Stephen Lendman
FOIA Obtained Documents Reveal Gitmo in Chicago Torture and Abuse by Stephen Lendman London’s Guardian published information gotten from its FOIA lawsuit, documented evidence of “how Chicago police used punches, baton blows and Tasers at (its) off-the-books (Homan Square) interrogation site” - largely terrorizing Blacks. Last year, it reported twice on the “abuse-laden ‘black site,’ “ much like what goes on at secret CIA torture prisons. Police abuse victims disappear into a nondescript warehouse several miles west of where I live downtown. They’re lawlessly arrested detained, denied access to lawyers up to 24 hours, and tortured during secret ...

Kerry in Bahrain: Ignores Horrific Human Rights Abuses
Post Date: 2016-04-12 11:32:32 by Stephen Lendman
Kerry in Bahrain: Ignores Horrific Human Rights Abuses by Stephen Lendman Bahrain is home to America’s Fifth Fleet - its regime responsible for some of the world’s most appalling human rights abuses. Ruling Al Khalifa family despotism resists democratic change, cracking down viciously on political opponents, human rights activists, independent journalists, academic freedom and medical professionals treating nonviolent protesters brutalized by regime harshness. Washington considers Bahrain a close US ally. On April 7, Kerry visited its capital, Manama, turning truth on its head, calling the country “a leader within the region in trying to break through on creating change ...

America's Money Controlled Political Process
Post Date: 2016-04-12 08:28:45 by Stephen Lendman
America’s Money Controlled Political Process by Stephen Lendman From inception, America was never beautiful or democratic. Rich and powerful interests run things exclusively for their own benefit, ordinary people entirely shut out. Secrecy and backroom deals substitute for a free, fair and open process. Candidates are pre- selected. Big money owns them. Rare exceptions prove the rule. Duopoly power excludes independents. Key outcomes are predetermined. Horse race journalism substitutes for discussing issues mattering most. Voter disenfranchisement is rife. Millions of Americans are denied because of past criminal records, including innocent people wrongfully imprisoned, others for ...

Tax Cheat David Cameron Called Dodgy Dave During PM's Questions
Post Date: 2016-04-12 08:16:39 by Stephen Lendman
Tax Cheat David Cameron Called Dodgy Dave During PM’s Questions by Stephen Lendman Cameron admitted profiting from funds held secretly offshore in Panama, one of many notorious havens tax cheats use - including enabling ill-gotten wealth money-laundering. During Wednesday’s Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs), feisty 84-year-old veteran New Labour MP Dennis Skinner blasted him, demanding full disclosure of his shady financial affairs, including his Notting Hill home and mortgage - calling him “dodgy Dave.” Responding to Speaker John Bercow’s demand to withdraw his remark or be ordered out of Commons, he shouted “(t)his man has done more to divide this ...

Media Scoundrels on Ukrainian PM's Ouster Ignored His Illegitimacy
Post Date: 2016-04-11 07:47:34 by Stephen Lendman
Media Scoundrels on Ukrainian PM’s Ouster Ignored His Illegitimacy by Stephen Lendman US installed Ukrainian PM Yatsenyuk is out. Did he resign or was he ousted? The latter most likely to install a new puppet, serving Washington’s interests, using the country as a dagger targeting Russia’s heartland. Media scoundrels tell readers and viewers everything except what they most need to know - the truth about major world and national issues directly or indirectly affecting their lives and welfare. Commenting on Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s ouster, The New York Times ignored Washington’s February 2014 coup, Nazi putschists replacing democratic governance - referring instead to ...

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