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Latest Articles: Dead Constitution

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US Installed Ukrainian PM's Ouster
Post Date: 2016-04-11 07:11:50 by Stephen Lendman
US Installed Ukrainian PM’s Ouster by Stephen Lendman US installed putschists running Ukraine govern by mob rule - gangsters guilty of virtually every imaginable high crime. They staged the most brazen European coup d’etat since Mussolini’s 1922 march on Rome - in short order becoming the most reviled Ukrainian regime since Stalinist days and Nazi occupation during WW II. Until his announced Sunday resignation, an inevitability in the works for weeks, Arseniy Yatsenyuk served as Ukraine’s illegitimate prime minister, one of Obama’s post-coup new friends - welcomed at the White House in March 2014 after Washington installed him. Did he resign or did Obama oust ...

SHOCKING: Leaked Audio Reveals Hillary’s Real Gun Control Agenda
Post Date: 2016-04-10 12:56:19 by BTP Holdings
SHOCKING: Leaked Audio Reveals Hillary’s Real Gun Control Agenda Mar 31, 2016 Walk into any room of people in America and tell them Hillary Clinton is a bald faced liar; you probably won’t get much of a response, because practically everybody already accepts that statement as fact. The Clintons are well-known for a lot of things, but lying has to be the thing they’re known the most for. They represent the classic slippery politician. One day they’re saying one thing, and the next they’re saying another. All the while, they actually believe something else altogether! Such is the case with Hillary Clinton’s stance on gun control. To nobody’s surprise, ...

New Pistol Shootout at the Cost Overrun Corral
Post Date: 2016-04-09 10:12:58 by Ada
Well, prepare yourself for cost overruns, out-of-the-box failures, book-cooking, and test trial fakery! The United States Army is looking for a new weapon! This time, they’re looking for a new pistol to replace the M-9 that replaced the perfectly good M1911A1. I think we can all see how this one will turn out. Whoever shows the army brass the best time at five-star restaurants and cathouses and provides the best season tickets for ball games will win the bid. Who knows, we could end up with a .25ACP as the new service pistol if the manufacturers of that stopping power “gems” can cough up enough dark money ducats to “convince” the whiz-kids out at Aberdeen ...

NYT Editors Ignore US Financial Criminality
Post Date: 2016-04-09 10:05:58 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Editors Ignore US Financial Criminality by Stephen Lendman America is the world’s leading tax haven, encouraging foreign high net worth individuals to invest here tax free, secrecy assured. OECD standards aren’t observed. America welcomes dirty money, trillions hidden in private accounts. NYT editors discussed financial secrecy, largely ignoring the world’s leading scofflaw, diverting attention elsewhere. They lied, saying “(t)he United States and European governments (are) concerned about banks being used by tax cheats and criminals in a shadowy international financial system” instead of explaining America is the leading global haven for tax cheats. It ...

Clinton and Sanders Shift Criticism to Praise
Post Date: 2016-04-09 07:53:46 by Stephen Lendman
Clinton and Sanders Shift Criticism to Praise by Stephen Lendman Days earlier, both candidates calling each other unfit to be president was meaningless campaign bluster - a tempest in a teapot now forgotten. More on this below. Clinton said he “hadn’t done his homework…obviously hadn’t…studied or understood” the issues…the law or the practical ways you get something done.” Sanders called her unqualified to be president. He blasted her raising huge sums from Wall Street and other special interests, along with supporting war in Iraq - ignoring his own deplorable voting record, backing what he claims to oppose, showing he’s a con man like Obama, ...

UK Prime Minister Cameron Admitted Evading Taxes
Post Date: 2016-04-08 12:24:47 by Stephen Lendman
UK Prime Minister Cameron Admitted Evading Taxes by Stephen Lendman He profited from his late father’s Panama tax haven account, selling shares valued 31,500 pounds before becoming prime minister in 2010 - without declaring 19,000 pounds in capital gains for tax purposes. His claim about not knowing if 300,000 pounds he inherited from his father benefitted from tax avoidance rang hollow. He danced around the issue for days after Panama Papers documents implicated his father, giving one evasive explanation after another, including saying “I don’t have anything to hide.” Exposed deception proved him a liar. What other Cameron wealth might be hidden in tax haven ...

Clinton/Sanders Call Each Other Unfit to be President
Post Date: 2016-04-08 12:10:32 by Stephen Lendman
Clinton/Sanders Call Each Other Unfit to Be President by Stephen Lendman They’re both right, maybe the first honest assessment expressed by any duopoly aspirant since campaigning began last year. Trump ad hominem attacks on other Republican candidates throughout the campaign are in a category of their own - along with similar retorts directed at him. Clinton and Sanders went at it ahead of the April 19 New York primary. Clinton said “I think he hadn’t done his homework, and he’d been talking for more than a year about doing things that he obviously hadn’t really studied or understood.” Asked if Sanders is a “real Democrat, she said “I’m not ...

Camille Paglia: Feminists have abortion wrong, Trump and Hillary miscues highlight a frozen national debate
Post Date: 2016-04-08 07:39:42 by Ada
Reproductive rights have become ideological tool ruthlessly exploited by my party to inflame passions, raise money Like stumbling twin mastodons, both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton fell into the abortion tar pit this past week. Trump blundered his way through a manic inquisition about abortion by MSNBC’s resident woodpecker, Chris Matthews, while Hillary committed an unforced error on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” where she referred to the fetus as an “unborn person,” scandalizing the vast pro-choice lobby, who treat all attempts to “humanize” the fetus as a diabolical threat to reproductive rights. While the Hillary flap was merely a blip, given the ...

PA Funds of Mahmoud Abbas' Son in Foreign Tax Haven
Post Date: 2016-04-08 07:32:43 by Stephen Lendman
PA Funds of Mahmoud Abbas’ Son in Foreign Tax Haven by Stephen Lendman Leaked Panama Papers’ documents show Tareq Abbas has shares in a British Virgin Islands registered Arab Palestinian Investment Company (APIC) worth nearly $1 million. The company is registered on the Palestinian stock exchange, PA involvement considerable, holding 18% of the firm’s shares. Its stated/dubious objective is “strengthen(ing) the local economy through strategic investments, while maximizing long-run returns for its ultimate shareholder, the people of Palestine” - without any achievements throughout its existence benefitting them. As president, Abbas issued a decree, usurping ...

Unrelenting Iran Bashing
Post Date: 2016-04-07 12:35:09 by Stephen Lendman
Unrelenting Iran Bashing by Stephen Lendman Longstanding US hostility toward Iran continues despite last year’s nuclear deal. Regime change remains official US policy. Iranian sovereign independence won’t ever be tolerated. Nor will a rival to Israel’s quest for regional hegemony, partnered with Washington. Congressional critics and media scoundrels want new sanctions imposed, citing Iran’s legal ballistic missile program and tests, in strict compliance with JCPOA provisions and Security Council Resolution 2231, making the agreement binding international law, prohibiting any nation from unilaterally abrogating it. Iran is only forbidden from developing missiles ...

America: World's Leading Tax Haven
Post Date: 2016-04-07 08:22:32 by Stephen Lendman
America: World’s Leading Tax Haven by Stephen Lendman Obama publicly criticizes tax avoidance while quietly encouraging high-net worth foreigners to shift wealth to America, free from taxation. The Lectric Law Library says “(s)ince the ‘80s, the US has been the largest tax and regulatory haven for non-resident foreign nationals in the world.” Foreign-based individuals “can buy the newly issued Reg. S stock of a US company at a discount because the company does not have to register those shares with the Securities Exchange Commission.” “Foreigners can sell those shares back into the US forty days later without paying any tax on the trading profits to ...

Panama Papers Ignore Massive Corruption and Racketeering in America
Post Date: 2016-04-07 08:06:49 by Stephen Lendman
Panama Papers Ignore Massive Corruption and Racketeering in America by Stephen Lendman America is the epicenter of world public and private corruption and gangsterism - a kleptocracy run by criminals complicit with corporate crooks, headquartered on Wall Street, profiting at the public’s expense. Monied interests transformed the nation into an unprecedented money making racket, scamming ordinary people of their savings, jobs, homes and futures so privileged elites can get richer and more powerful. From inception, the business of America has always been business - meaning license to pillage, defraud and benefit extralegally, including tax avoidance more than anywhere else worldwide, ...

Dutch Voters Reject EU/Kiev Association Agreement
Post Date: 2016-04-07 07:31:53 by Stephen Lendman
Dutch Voters Reject EU/Kiev Association Agreement by Stephen Lendman It’s a signed, not yet in force, agreement between EU states and Ukraine, pending required ratification by all signatories, not the Netherlands so far. It commits parties to cooperate politically and economically, notably through so-called free trade, allows visa-free movement and access to the European Investment Bank. It benefits monied interests exclusively at the expense of ordinary Ukrainians. It commits Kiev to bringing its political and economic policies in line with EU standards - along with all parties allying in their collective defense, threatening Russian security. Discussions for closer ties began ...

Panama Papers: Tip of a Hugely Dirty Iceberg
Post Date: 2016-04-06 07:45:37 by Stephen Lendman
Panama Papers: Tip of a Hugely Dirty Iceberg by Stephen Lendman The world’s rich and powerful public and private figures have top lawyers, accountants and others advising on how to avoid taxes and keep their wealth hidden from public view, including legal and other ways to use money to make more of it. Governments protect their privileged class, including the US Treasury, Department of Justice and Congress. The Constitution’s commerce clause gives lawmakers the power to regulate banks and cash flows. They can block money transfers to destinations offshore known to hide and protect ill-gotten or suspect wealth. They can authorize investigations to uncover criminality and hold ...

A Likely Clinton-Sanders Ticket?
Post Date: 2016-04-06 07:32:01 by Stephen Lendman
A Likely Clinton-Sanders Ticket? by Stephen Lendman Trends forecaster Gerald Celente predicts it, a year ago saying she’ll be Democrat nominee with Sanders her running mate - “in the absence of a major scandal.” As things now stand, his popularity among young voters combined with most women for her look likely to defeat any Republican challengers. Supporters ignore their permanent war advocacy. Sanders’ opposition to Bush’s Iraq war belies his overall hawkishness, including supporting: • the rape of Yugoslavia;
 • naked aggression on Afghanistan;
 • endless war on Iraq under Obama, currently on the phony pretext of combating ...

Fabricated Putin Link to Leaked Panama Papers
Post Date: 2016-04-04 12:43:23 by Stephen Lendman
Fabricated Putin Link to Leaked Panama Papers by Stephen Lendman The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) calls itself an initiative “focusing on…cross-border crime, corruption, and the accountability of power.” Its financial backers include George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation, Australian billionaire Graeme Wood and other dubious sources, tainting its credibility. It was used to facilitate the largest ever financial leak, a reported 11.5 million documents, revealing secret offshore holdings of current and former world leaders, along with numerous other high- profile public and private figures. The Panama-based Mossack ...

Turkey Promotes Fanaticism
Post Date: 2016-04-04 05:46:23 by Stephen Lendman
Turkey Promotes Fanaticism by Stephen Lendman Turkey under Erdogan threatens regional and world peace. Its ministry of religion uses cartoons to manipulate young minds, glorifying Islamic martyrdom. One titled “may god bless our martyrs, may their graves be full with holy light” shows a father telling his son “(h)ow good it is to be a martyr…to gain the right to go to heaven.” Another one shows a girl saying “I wish I could be a martyr.” Her mother replies “(i)f you desire enough, Allah will give you that opportunity.” A statement adds “(o)ur prophet says: a martyr feels the pain of dying as much as you feel pain when being ...

Third Party Trump Run if Denied GOP Nomination?
Post Date: 2016-04-04 05:35:56 by Stephen Lendman
Third Party Trump Run if Denied GOP Nomination? by Stephen Lendman National polls show him way out in front, up to 20 points over Cruz. You’d think he’d be unstoppable. Not if party bosses intend blocking him. More on this below. America’s political system is deplorable, the best democracy money can buy, insiders deciding who’ll be president and fill key congressional posts, ordinary people having no say whatever. Elections are farcical, theater, not democracy in action, meaningless exercises, why half the electorate usually opts out. Choices this year for the nation’s highest office show why - between a political anomaly bombastic billionaire real estate ...

CNN Features World-Class Thug Erdogan
Post Date: 2016-04-03 07:55:26 by Stephen Lendman
CNN Features World-Class Thug Erdogan by Stephen Lendman CNN mocks legitimate journalism, a mouthpiece for wealth and power like its scoundrel media counterparts. Credible news, information and analysis are systematically suppressed, banished from its broadcasts, state-sponsored propaganda and rubbish not fit to air substituting. On March 31, CNN disgracefully gave notorious despot Erdogan a platform to lie. Imperial cheerleader Christiane Amanpour interviewed him without challenging his litany of Big Lies, state-sponsored terror, support for ISIS and other terrorist groups, used to wage proxy war on Syria. “We have never done anything to stop freedom of expression or freedom of ...

Thanks, VA! Over 260,000 Veterans Stripped Of Right To Own Guns
Post Date: 2016-04-02 15:51:24 by BTP Holdings
Thanks, VA! Over 260,000 Veterans Stripped Of Right To Own Guns 52168614_s Once again our military veterans find their Second Amendment rights violated by the VA. Vets who have appointed a fiduciary trustee to act on their behalf have been automatically declared “mentally defective”. They’ve been reported to the Federal NICS (National Instant Criminal Backgroud Check System), which essentially marks them as prohibited to posses firearms. U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, an Iowa lawmaker who is currently the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman, finds this unacceptable. “Our military heroes risked their lives to protect and defend this country and all that we stand for, ...

Cruz Most Despised US Senator
Post Date: 2016-04-02 10:52:00 by Stephen Lendman
Cruz Most Despised US Senator by Stephen Lendman Of the original 16 main Republican presidential contenders, Cruz remains the last one challenging Trump. Party bosses support him by default - even though he’s widely detested. He antagonizes friends and foes, called arrogant, abrasive, mean-spirited, insufferable and obnoxious. A freshman senator since 2013, he’s disliked for blasting fellow Republicans. He once call party members resigned to Obamacare as national law Nazi appeasers. Former House Speaker John Boehner silently blasted him last spring by raising his middle finger. Many politicians anger peers. Cruz’s combative style generates extreme antipathy. He calls ...

Now that the government’s made toast of the others, it sticks a fork in the 1st Amendment, too
Post Date: 2016-04-01 20:50:46 by BTP Holdings
Now that the government’s made toast of the others, it sticks a fork in the 1st Amendment, too Posted on April 1, 2016 by Becky Akers billofrights0624_image A filmmaker recently revealed why he shot his movie abroad rather than at home: he fears his government. Can you identify the regime he escaped? “We moved to Germany, because we did not feel comfortable in _____. We felt like we were at risk [in ____]. We didn’t know what [____‘s agents] might do, so we ended up in Munich…” Was the producer referring to North Korea? China? Russia, perhaps? Nope. Oliver Stone was speaking about the good ol’ USSA. He “didn’t know what the NSA might ...

Post Date: 2016-04-01 17:14:40 by Ada
On Friday, March 25, Governor Butch Otter signed SB 1389, making Idaho the ninth state to adopt constitutional carry (aka unrestricted carry or permitless carry). Back in the day, we knew this as Vermont carry, after the one-and-only state whose residents were legally free to tuck guns in their pockets or purses or under their clothing without first asking their state government for permission. Vermont had been that way for generations. And for all those generations, they remained alone. But now … oh my. In some ways Idaho’s bill isn’t a huge change from its existing laws. Idaho residents already had constitutional carry outside city limits; SB 1389 merely extended it to ...

Appalling EU/Turkish Refugee Deal
Post Date: 2016-04-01 11:43:56 by Stephen Lendman
Appalling EU/Turkish Refugee Deal by Stephen Lendman The deal agreed on in Brussels last month amounts to a premeditated high crime against humanity -  willfully inflicted on desperate people unable to contest it. Amnesty International (AI) blasted what it called “fatal flaws” in flagrant violation of Turkish, EU and international law. Turkish authorities forcibly rounded up and expelled thousands of desperate refugees since mid- January, 100 or more daily. AI obtained testimonies from affected victims, an “open secret” practice in the region. Brussels conspired with Turkey, ignoring its horrendous human rights abuses, endorsed them by the sinister deal struck ...

Erdogan at Brookings
Post Date: 2016-04-01 08:15:07 by Stephen Lendman
Erdogan at Brookings by Stephen Lendman Establishment organization Brookings represents America’s dark side - deploring peace, promoting war and color revolutions, featuring speakers disdainful of rule of law principles and democratic values like Erdogan. He’s in Washington for the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS). Obama declined to meet with him officially during his stay. Brookings invited him to speak. His security guards made Washington look like Ankara, clashing with peaceful demonstrators outside the venue, protesting his crackdown on press freedom, other human rights abuses, war on Turkish Kurds and support for ISIS in Syria. They assaulted several journalists covering ...

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