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The Surprising Reason You Might Agree With 1 Democrat’s Fight to Put Guns in Criminals’ Hands
Post Date: 2016-03-31 19:39:26 by BTP Holdings
The Surprising Reason You Might Agree With 1 Democrat’s Fight to Put Guns in Criminals’ Hands Screen Shot 2016-03-21 at 2.35.01 PM The United States of America has a funny way of guaranteeing the rights of its citizens. In essence the constitution protects your rights while you remain a law abiding citizen. If you’re ever guilty of a crime many of those rights are taken from you. You essentially become property of the state and are treated differently than a private citizen. When released some of the rights afforded to the convicted are restored to them. Things like freedom of speech, freedom from self incrimination. One of the rights not returned to you, no matter what ...

EXCLUSIVE: Failed Reagan Assassin Secretly Lives In Lap Of Luxury, And Nobody Seems To Know
Post Date: 2016-03-31 09:17:43 by Ada
The man responsible for shooting then-President Ronald Reagan spends much of his time in a posh, gated resort residence near Virginia’s scenic James River located just outside of Williamsburg. John Hinckley Jr., 60, could observe the 35th anniversary Wednesday of his attempted assassination of Reagan from a luxurious community astride the 13th hole of a PGA championship golf course, complete with a picturesque view of a tranquil lake, an investigation by The Daily Caller News Foundation has found. “This is absolutely so wrong. To let this guy go free. He almost killed the 40th President of the United States, coming within an inch of his heart,” Jim Kuhn, top executive ...

Dark Forces Behind Anti-Trumpism
Post Date: 2016-03-31 08:02:49 by Stephen Lendman
Dark Forces Behind Anti-Trumpism by Stephen Lendman America is a one-party state with two wings, its bipartisan supported rogue state agenda threatening world peace, its money controlled electoral process too corrupted to fix. Democracy is pure fantasy. Voters have no say whatever. Party bosses complicit with Wall Street, war profiteers and other corporate interests decide who’ll be president, hold top congressional posts and be chosen for the nation’s courts, notably its highest. Government in America serves its privileged class exclusively. No matter who succeeds Obama, the incumbent will follow tradition. Trump is like the rest. His unorthodox style makes him appear ...

Supreme Court Issues Stunning Decision On Second Amendment (Stun guns)
Post Date: 2016-03-30 20:22:23 by BTP Holdings
Supreme Court Issues Stunning Decision On Second Amendment If you thought your second amendment rights weren’t going to be protected by the Supreme Court then you thought wrong. That’s because in a landmark decision the Supreme Court has just ruled in favor of our rights for self defense…even when the object in question isn’t a traditional handgun. The decision to allow a stun gun to be covered by the second amendment means millions of people who want to defend themselves can do so with the full protection of the law. As The Conservative Tribune writes: A decision released Monday, however, has been hailed a victory for gun rights, and conservatives everywhere will ...

Trump-Bashing Battery Charge Against His Campaign Manager
Post Date: 2016-03-30 12:54:57 by Stephen Lendman
Trump-Bashing Battery Charge Against His Campaign Manager by Stephen Lendman The underlying theme of this year’s US presidential campaign is stop Trump, no trick too dirty considered out-of-bounds. Expect lots more ahead as July nominating conventions draw nearer, the dirtiest perhaps while Republicans meet in Cleveland from July 18 - 21 - anything to choose someone else as party standard bearer. For now, Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, was arrested and charged with misdemeanor battery on Tuesday - allegedly for grabbing and bruising Breitbart News reporter Michelle Fields’ arm, at a March 8 campaign event when she approached Trump to ask a question. He ...

8 character traits and skills that are hard to find during a crisis
Post Date: 2016-03-29 21:27:30 by BTP Holdings
8 character traits and skills that are hard to find during a crisis Posted on March 29, 2016 by Brandon Smith generic red figure leading circle of generic white figures I have never lived through a national scale crisis and like most people, I hope I never have to. That said, with the growing instability present in the state of the world today it would be rather foolish to assume that the near future holds nothing but fairy dust, unicorns and gumdrops. Preparation is a necessity. thinkafasd Many Americans cannot yet relate to the concept of full spectrum crisis, but most of us have at least experienced localized disasters. In order to understand what a national emergency might look ...

Watch: BMX dude asserts rights, cop’s ego dies
Post Date: 2016-03-29 21:07:15 by BTP Holdings
Watch: BMX dude asserts rights, cop’s ego dies Posted on March 29, 2016 by Sam Rolley youtube screenshot of officer In a video recently posted to YouTube, a California man confronted by a Long Beach police officer attempting a bit of impromptu legislating illustrates the importance of being an informed citizen when dealing with government officials. The incident occurred at the Rainbow Harbor Esplanade boardwalk in Long Beach. The video begins with the officer, identified as Lt. Mark Steven Coble, telling a group of BMX riders to “walk your bikes” because he doesn’t want them riding in the area due to complaints. “If you’re doing tricks up here I ...

Fidel Rips Imperial America
Post Date: 2016-03-29 12:38:08 by Stephen Lendman
Fidel Rips Imperial America by Stephen Lendman Approaching age 90 this summer, Fidel Castro’s physical capability isn’t what it used to be. His intellect remains keen, his judgment sound, his passion for keeping Cuba free from US predation and control uncompromising. On March 20, Obama arrived in Cuba representing former US colonial control over the island state, wanting it regained in new form - intolerable for the vast majority of Cubans, unwilling to sacrifice their socially responsible sovereign state to yankee imperialism. Obama snubbed Fidel during his visit, disgracefully meeting with anti-government dissidents instead, symbolic of US hubris and arrogance. On March 28, ...

Post Date: 2016-03-29 12:11:43 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
LYING TO OUR CHILDREN AND OURSELVES (III) “The financiers’ motives in the war were not as glorious as the motives of many fine young men when they marched in ranks mowed down at Second Manassas, Fredericksburg, the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Second Cold Harbor, and other such battles. The true object, for which those boys were uncaringly and needlessly sacrificed, was to transform national debt into private control of banking and currency in the United States.” ~John Remington Graham, Blood Money: the Civil War and the Federal Reserve (Emphasis added) “The capitalists and stock gamblers in Europe, by their alliance with the political adventurers of America, carefully ...

Obama’s Witness for the Prosecution
Post Date: 2016-03-29 07:28:03 by Ada
Merrick Garland's appointment to the Supreme Court would ensure deference to bipartisan executive overreach. President Obama’s pick to replace the late Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court is, perhaps surprisingly, a consensus candidate who up until now has enjoyed strong support from both Republicans and Democrats in Congress. But constitutional scholars say behind Merrick Garland’s centrist profile is a pattern of reinforcing government and police powers that civil libertarians may find a bit difficult to live with. “His record on the DC Circuit suggests he is highly deferential to administrative agencies and possibly overly pro-government when it comes to the rights ...

From my cold, dead hands
Post Date: 2016-03-28 22:17:56 by BTP Holdings
From my cold, dead hands Posted on March 28, 2016 by Rick Sapp murder I admired Charlton Heston. He was a fine man and a fine actor in the style of the 50s. Of course, some of that stage style is timeless and some of it makes one laugh now because it is so unnatural. He was a solid Democrat who became a solid Republican. We may best remember him for his role as president of the NRA and his 2000 “from my cold, dead hands” comments. What did that commentary mean — from my cold, dead hands? Heston meant that you had to get involved; you had to join with like-minded others; you had to express your opinion; you had to contribute to political campaigns and you had to vote. ...

Obama Won't Meet with Erdogan in Washington
Post Date: 2016-03-28 11:59:34 by Stephen Lendman
Obama Won’t Meet with Erdogan in Washington by Stephen Lendman They’re close allies, partnering in each other’s high crimes. They last met in Washington for a state visit in 2013. Not this time on the occasion of Erdogan attending a DC Nuclear Security Summit (NSS 2016) on March 31 and April 1. According to the Wall Street Journal, Obama declined to “join him for the inauguration of a Turkish-funded mosque in Maryland” or at the White House for a formal visit. They last met at the G20 summit in Turkey last November and spoke by phone last month. Delegations from 51 nations will attend the summit. Obama has only one scheduled face-to-face meeting with Chinese ...

Why do the US media lie so much?
Post Date: 2016-03-28 10:05:34 by Ada
After serving in the Georgia Legislature, in 1992, Cynthia McKinney won a seat in the US House of Representatives. She was the first African-American woman from Georgia in the US Congress. In 2005, McKinney was a vocal critic of the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina and was the first member of Congress to file articles of impeachment against George W. Bush. In 2008, Cynthia McKinney won the Green Party nomination for the US presidency. Either by omission or by commission, the US media actively misinforms the public on crucial issues that matter. The reason they do this is because they legally can. My mentor and dissertation committee member, Dr. Peter Dale Scott, recently ...

Turkey's War on Press Freedom
Post Date: 2016-03-28 07:34:23 by Stephen Lendman
Turkey’s War on Press Freedom by Stephen Lendman Police states give no quarter, Turkey under Erdogan one of the worst. Criticizing his policies risks arrest, prosecution, imprisonment or assassination. Dissent is a criminal offense. A previous article said journalists, academics, public figures, human rights activists, even young children criticizing regime policy face charges ranging from insulting the president to terrorism, espionage or treason. Turkey imprisons more journalists than any other country. Cumhuriyet editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Ankara bureau chief Erdem Gul face espionage and treason charges, longterm imprisonment if convicted for doing their jobs responsibly. ...

Secret White House Visitor Right After SCOTUS Nomination Reveals True Intentions
Post Date: 2016-03-27 17:55:51 by BTP Holdings
Secret White House Visitor Right After SCOTUS Nomination Reveals True Intentions Screen Shot 2016-03-19 at 12.52.30 PM President Obama has nominated a Supreme Court Justice to replace deceased Justice Antonin Scalia. Judge Merrick Garland has been touted as a moderate – presumably to make him more appealing to both sides of the aisle. However, shortly after the announcement, a secret visitor to the White House may have broadcast a much more compelling position of this nominee. According to Conservative Tribune: Even setting aside the election year complications of this nomination to the highest court, conservatives would be hard-pressed to offer up their support for the moderate ...

Supreme Court Stuns Millions of Gun Owners With First Post-Scalia Ruling
Post Date: 2016-03-27 14:29:50 by BTP Holdings
Supreme Court Stuns Millions of Gun Owners With First Post-Scalia Ruling Since the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia, conservatives have grown increasingly concerned about the fate of their 2nd Amendment rights. Scalia was a staunch advocate for gun rights, and the Justice nominated to replace him, Merrick Garland, doesn’t come close to matching his zeal for the 2nd Amendment. It would be an understatement to say that gun rights became exceedingly vulnerable when Scalia left the court. Thankfully though, it appears that the situation may not be as dire as we first thought. In fact, the Court just shocked everyone by releasing a decidedly pro-gun decision. The Conservative Tribune ...

Media War on Russia
Post Date: 2016-03-27 07:15:34 by Stephen Lendman
Media War on Russia by Stephen Lendman Western presstitutes I call media scoundrels make street whores look good by comparison - bashing Russia relentlessly, substituting state-sponsored propaganda for responsible journalism. Print and electronic media march in lockstep, mouthpieces for power, blasting Big Lies worldwide about nonexistent “Russian aggression,” Russian hoards threatening Europe, Russian warplanes in Syria killing nonexistent “moderate rebels” and civilians, not ISIS and other terrorist fighters. Hillary Clinton compared Putin to Hitler. She’s militantly anti-Russian. If elected president to succeed Obama, maybe direct confrontation will follow, ...

Does The United States Still Exist?
Post Date: 2016-03-26 17:09:02 by Ada
An address delivered to the Libertarian Party of Florida on March 23, 2016 in Destin, Florida To answer the question that is the title, we have to know of what the US consists. Is it an ethnic group, a collection of buildings and resources, a land mass with boundaries, or is it the Constitution. Clearly what differentiates the US from other countries is the US Constitution. The Constitution defines us as a people. Without the Constitution we would be a different country. Therefore, to lose the Constitution is to lose the country. Does the Constitution still exist? Let us examine the document and come to a conclusion. The Constitution consists of a description of a republic with three ...

Brussels Police State Witch-Hunts
Post Date: 2016-03-26 07:50:16 by Stephen Lendman
Brussels Police State Witch-Hunts by Stephen Lendman Official reports and scoundrel media ones lack credibility, intended solely to deceive, not inform, hyping fear with a diabolical agenda in mind. Brussels blasts had clear earmarks of state-sponsored terrorism, a false flag like other recent ones in Europe and America - more sure to follow, maybe a Big One more devastating than 9/11, possibly using radiological, biological and/or chemical weapons on Western soil. Expect the worst. It’s coming. In what form, when and where remain to be seen. No scheme is too outrageous for lunatics running Western countries, especially in America - plotting one diabolical high crime after another. ...

Islamophobic Response in America to Violent Incidents Like Brussels Blasts
Post Date: 2016-03-25 12:43:25 by Stephen Lendman
Islamophobic Response in America to Violent incidents Like Brussels Blasts by Stephen Lendman The post-9/11 climate was the wrong time to be Muslim in America. Disturbing witch-hunt persecution and injustice followed. Muslims threatening no one were and continue to be hounded for their faith, ethnicity, and at times prominence and charity. They’re hunted down, rounded up, held in detention, kept in isolation, denied bail, restricted in their right to counsel, tried on secret evidence, convicted on bogus charges, given long sentences, then incarcerated for extra harsh treatment as political prisoners in segregated Communication Management Units (CMUs) in violation of US Prison ...

Clinton Stole Arizona Primary
Post Date: 2016-03-25 07:22:52 by Stephen Lendman
Clinton Stole Arizona Primary by Stephen Lendman America’s political process is too corrupted to fix, election rigging commonplace throughout the nation’s history. Power brokers control things. Ordinary people have no say whatever, voting a waste of time, why half the electorate usually opts out. Clinton is heading toward gaining the Democrat party nomination with considerable electoral fraud help. Sanders appears being denied what he might win if the process was fair and square. A Clinton presidency is the worst of all possible outcomes, a greater nuclear war risk with her in power than any previous nuclear age US leader - especially with neocons infesting Washington, ...

Radovan Karadzic's Sham Trial and Conviction
Post Date: 2016-03-25 06:47:32 by Stephen Lendman
Radovan Karadzic’s Sham Trial and Conviction by Stephen Lendman Bosnian Serb leader Karadzic during Washington’s rape of Yugoslavia in the 1990s was wrongfully convicted by the Western controlled International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) on 10 of 11 false charges - sentencing him to virtual life in prison unjustly. Victor’s justice assures victims pay for their high crimes, Karadzic charged with two counts of genocide, five counts of crimes against humanity, and four counts of violations of the laws of war in his capacity as the Bosnian Serb Republika Srpska president from 1992 - 1996, part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Alleged genocide at Srebrenica ...

Merrick Garland, Richard W. Roberts, and the Kenneth Trentadue Murder: The Deep State Takes Care of Its Own
Post Date: 2016-03-24 09:39:57 by Ada
“You have to trust the government,” Justice Department attorney Richard Roberts unctuously told Jesse Trentadue. Seeking to understand why his younger brother Kenneth had died while in federal custody, Jesse, a trial attorney in Salt Lake City, had asked to see the findings of a federal grand jury investigation of the case. In an incandescent response to Roberts’s patronizing dismissal, Trentadue reminded the Justice Department functionary that the proper relationship between citizens and the government is not one of “trust,” but rather of “accountability from that government to the citizens.” “The Department of Justice has yet to account to the ...

The Scourge of State Terrorism
Post Date: 2016-03-24 07:25:49 by Stephen Lendman
The Scourge of State-Sponsored Terrorism by Stephen Lendman Brussels blasts like similar incidents in US and other European cities have clear earmarks of state- sponsored false flags - 9/11 the mother of them all, acts initiated with internal and geopolitical aims in mind, governments blaming convenient patsies for their crimes. State-sponsored terrorist acts are declarations of war on fundamental freedoms, used to achieve objectives not otherwise possible to attain - including transforming free societies into tyrannical ones, waging wars on humanity at home and abroad on the phony pretext of protecting security, things made less secure, unstable and intolerable. America’s war on ...

Fear-Mongering Following Brussels Blasts
Post Date: 2016-03-23 08:07:42 by Stephen Lendman
Fear-Mongering Following Brussels Blasts by Stephen Lendman When one news story blocks out virtually all others, notably on television reaching the largest audience, be wary. Were multiple Tuesday blasts rocking Brussels terrorism or a state-sponsored false flag? As expected, all Western reports are largely similar, hyping terrorism at the expense of credible independent analysis. Holes already appeared in the official narrative. Reports about ISIS claiming responsibility aren’t independently verified. Nor is a statement attributed to the group saying “caliphate soldiers, strapped with suicide vests and carrying explosive devices and machineguns” struck multiple Brussels ...

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