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New Hampshire House Passes Jury Nullification Bill, 184-145
Post Date: 2016-03-13 17:04:50 by Ada
PROVIDENCE, N.H. (March 9, 2016) – The New Hampshire House has passed a bill that would require courts to inform juries of their right to vote “not guilty” when “a guilty verdict will yield an unjust result.” A coalition of nine representatives, led by Rep. Daniel Itse, introduced House Bill 1270 (HB1270) in January. The legislation would amend current law on jury nullification and require the court to explain that right to the jury upon request of the defense. State law, RSA 519:23-a, currently reads, “In all criminal proceedings the court shall permit the defense to inform the jury of its right to judge the facts and the application of the law in relation ...

Bashing Iran's Legitimate Missile Tests
Post Date: 2016-03-13 12:15:13 by Stephen Lendman
Bashing Iran’s Legitimate Missile Tests by Stephen Lendman America, other Western countries and Israel routinely test missiles, including ballistic ones, other weapons in their arsenals and ones they’re developing. No uproar claiming illegality follows, legitimate Iranian tests wrongfully called violations of last year’s nuclear deal. Earlier, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Seyyed Abbas Araqchi said Tehran’s “missile tests are by no means a violation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).” None of its missiles, including ballistic ones, are designed to carry nuclear warheads, Araqchi stressed. Their development, production and testing complies ...

Blacks Sorry to See Obama Go?
Post Date: 2016-03-13 07:16:45 by Stephen Lendman
Blacks Sorry to See Obama Go? by Stephen Lendman Based on dubious anecdotal evidence alone, The New York Times claims Black Americans are “proud of Obama’s presidency.” They’re “sad to see him go.” They’re worse off economically than any time since the Great Depression. Nationwide unemployment is 23%, for Blacks much higher, for Black youths around 50%. Shocking levels of homelessness, hunger and deprivation harm Native Americans, Blacks and Latinos most, growing millions affected. Throughout his tenure, Obama betrayed the public trust, a con man exceeding the worst of George Bush. Promising “change you can believe in,” he broke every major ...

Are Paid Provocateurs Disrupting Trump Rallies?
Post Date: 2016-03-12 07:14:34 by Stephen Lendman
Are Paid Provocateurs Disrupting Trump Rallies? by Stephen Lendman Disrupting popular movements in America (and elsewhere) using agent provocateurs is longstanding practice. The FBI notoriously targets groups out of step with accepted establishment practices - infiltrating, disrupting, sabotaging and destroying their activism for ethnic justice, racial emancipation, as well as economic, social and political equality across gender and color lines. Occupy Wall Street protests were systematically disrupted nationwide, undermining the campaign altogether. Efforts to re-jump-start it never gained traction. Former Louisiana Governor Huey Long outspokenly proposed wealth distribution to curb ...

Old Guard Republicans Respond to Front-Runner Trump
Post Date: 2016-03-12 07:04:49 by Stephen Lendman
Old Guard Republicans Respond to Front-Runner Trump by Stephen Lendman Washington Post editors featured them in a Friday op-ed, their latest anti-Trump broadside. Former Mississippi governor, Republican National Committee chairman Haley Barbour’s comments were the most tepid of bunch, saying little time remains to choose an alternative. He doubts a brokered convention will decide things, believing one candidate will win the necessary 1,237 votes to be nominated on the first ballot. Former House Speaker/failed presidential aspirant Newt Gingrich called the Republican run for the White House the season of “an insurgent outsider” - more concerned about the fate of the party ...

Readers Respond to Turkish Publication Zaman Takeover
Post Date: 2016-03-12 06:51:01 by Stephen Lendman
Readers Respond to Turkish Publication Zaman Takeover by Stephen Lendman Days after Erdogan’s latest assault on press freedom, seizing control of Zaman and its English language Today’s Zaman edition, readership of Turkey’s most popular broadsheet plunged 99% to a tiny fraction of its former circulation. Perhaps it’s heading for journalism’s trash bin, Zaman readers wanting real news and information, not state-sponsored propaganda. RT International reported Zaman journalists saying they “feel like captives,” police closely monitoring their activities. Foreign editor Mustafa Edip Yilmaz told the London Times “(i)t is like the paper died on Friday ...

All of America’s Wars Begin with False Flags (and WWIII Will Too)
Post Date: 2016-03-11 20:39:47 by NeoconsNailed
This D.C. think tank jerk off blatantly admitted all of America’s wars have traditionally begun with false flag events, and they know they will need another one to get the war with Iran started that they’ve been working on for so long. This video is a few years old now, but it’s more relevant today with what’s going on in the Middle East than ever. Whatever happens over there, just know how absolutely manufactured all of it is. Same site: Click for Full Text!

Anti-Trump Tactics Ahead of Key March 15 Primaries
Post Date: 2016-03-11 13:06:07 by Stephen Lendman
Anti-Trump Tactics Ahead of Key March 15 Primaries by Stephen Lendman If Trump sweeps Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio on March 15, the Republican race is over. Polls show him ahead, narrowly in Ohio. Rubio and Kasich are set to drop out, leaving Trump and Cruz last candidates standing. Kasich perhaps will hang on a little longer if he surprises in Ohio - possible with Rubio camp reports about him urging Buckeye state supporters to back the Republican governor in his home state. Both candidates are way behind with virtually no chance to be Republican nominee, perhaps conspiring to undermine a possible Trump March 15 sweep - Cruz alone with a chance to catch up, ...

Erdogan's Genocidal War on Turkish Kurds
Post Date: 2016-03-11 07:20:18 by Stephen Lendman
Erdogan’s Genocidal War on Turkish Kurds by Stephen Lendman Turkey is waging slow-motion genocide on its Kurdish population the way America ravished its native people, populations of nations it attacks, as well as how Israel massacres Palestinians. Turkish Kurdistan is a war zone, home for about a fourth of the country’s population, around 20 million people. Targeted cities and towns are trapped under siege - without food, electricity, medical supplies and other essentials. Wrongfully designated terrorists, PKK freedom fighters want local autonomy in Turkey’s southeast. Erdogan vowed to annihilate them, destroy their homes and buildings, saying “(o)ur security ...

Fascist Venezuelan Lawmakers Announce Plan to Oust President Maduro
Post Date: 2016-03-11 07:00:45 by Stephen Lendman
Fascist Venezuelan Lawmakers Announce Plan to Oust President Maduro by Stephen Lendman America’s democracy is the best money can buy, a sham by any standard, Big Money controlled to serve elitist interests exclusively. Venezuelans have the real thing. Last March, Obama issued an executive order targeting Venezuelan officials, freezing their assets, blocking their entry into America - at the same time, absurdly declaring a national emergency, calling Venezuela an “extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States…” Last week he renewed his EO, condemned by the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States last year for ...

Iran Lawlessly Assessed $10.5 Billion in Damages for US-Sponsored 9/11 Attack
Post Date: 2016-03-11 06:46:27 by Stephen Lendman
Iran Lawlessly Assessed $10.5 Billion in Damages for US-Sponsored 9/11 Attack by Stephen Lendman Longstanding US anti-Iranian hostility continues unabated - the latest example coming from US District Court Judge George Daniels. On Wednesday, he issued a default judgment, relating to Iran not appearing in court to defend against charges of involvement in 9/11. Despite no legal basis for it to appear, he ordered the Islamic Republic to pay the following damages for the 9/11 false flag attack it had nothing to do with: • $7.5 billion to families and estates of 9/11 victims, covering pain and suffering as well as punitive damages; and
 • $3 billion to insurers for ...

Scoundrel Media Jihad to Stop Trump
Post Date: 2016-03-10 11:17:03 by Stephen Lendman
Scoundrel Media Jihad to Stop Trump by Stephen Lendman This political season’s presidential campaign is unprecedented, unlike anything before in memory - a single polarizing candidate relentlessly bashed. Republican aspirant Trump is in the eye of the storm, every dirty trick in the book trying to stop him - media scoundrels one-sidedly denigrating him for breaking the mold of political campaigning, coming across as anti-establishment. Anybody but Trump! Dump Trump! Stop him. The more he’s demeaned, the stronger he gets. Bashing fuels his campaign, rank-and-file supporters furious about being manipulated to oppose him, hardening their backing. A Washington Post editorial ...

America's Diabolical Agenda
Post Date: 2016-03-10 07:29:56 by Stephen Lendman
America’s Diabolical Agenda by Stephen Lendman Bipartisan lunatics infesting Washington and gunslinger Pentagon commanders represent the greatest threat to world peace, international law, democratic values and fundamental rights too vital to lose. Wealth, power and unchallenged dominance alone matter, popular interests be damned, social justice and fundamental freedoms on the chopping block for elimination. Whichever wing of America’s one-party state prevails in November, ordinary people lose, issues mattering most to them ignored. Washington’s geopolitical agenda should scare everyone. All sovereign independent countries are targeted for regime change, premeditated ...

Republican, Corporate and Media Heavyweights Conspire to Dump Trump
Post Date: 2016-03-10 07:19:47 by Stephen Lendman
Republican, Corporate and Media Heavyweights Conspire to Dump Trump by Stephen Lendman Never before in US political history has so much muscle, big money and determination gone into undermining the campaign of an aspirant to America’s highest office. Scores of GOP faithful say they’ll support Hillary Clinton if he’s nominated. Neocons infesting the party fear they’ll be unable to control him. Millions of dollars are being spent on Trump bashing attack ads in key battleground states Florida, Ohio and Illinois holding March 15 primaries. On March 7, the Huffington Post (HP) reported on “(b)illionaires, tech CEOs and top members of the Republican ...

Obama “Insulted American Values” When He Erected This
Post Date: 2016-03-10 06:13:18 by BTP Holdings
Obama “Insulted American Values” When He Erected This screenhouse Chalk another one up to Obama’s White House as it puts up screens to keep onlookers from seeing the President of China arrive, and protect the President of China from seeing protestors across the street from the White House. It seems Obama’s administration is only happy offending USA-born, freedom-loving, hard-working Americans…everyone else is entitled to special treatment and subsidies. According to The Blaze: White House representative did not immediately return a request for comment from TheBlaze Friday night. In a rally in front of the White House, Smith called upon the president to bring up ...

From Showdown to Show Trial: The Bunkerville Crackdown is Just Beginning
Post Date: 2016-03-09 10:12:05 by Ada
What happened at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts on April 19, 1775, was an eruption of terrorist violence against the forces of order and decency, insisted Peter Oliver, a former Massachusetts Bay Superior Court Judge. His history of the American rebellion was published in 1781, but it has an oddly contemporary flavor – almost as if it had been published by an 18th Century analog of the so-called Southern Poverty Law Center. General Gage, “having intelligence that a quantity of warlike stores was collected at Concord … judged it most prudent to seize them,” Oliver narrated. The troops acted with efficient professionalism, only to find themselves under assault by an ...

Turkey Seizes Independent Cihan News Agency
Post Date: 2016-03-09 06:26:41 by Stephen Lendman
Turkey Seizes Independent Cihan News Agency by Stephen Lendman Press freedom in Turkey is pure fantasy. Media operations critical of state policies risk regime takeover. Independent journalists reporting information authorities want suppressed risk arrest, prosecution, imprisonment or assassination. Last Friday’s takeover of Zaman and its English language Today’s Zaman edition was a serious blow to press freedom. World community and Western media reaction was deplorably mute. Scant coverage followed Erdogan’s latest outrage. The New York Times and Wall Street Journal ignored his takeover of independent Cihan news agency. The Washington Post ran a brief AP story ...

Sanders Stuns Clinton in Michigan
Post Date: 2016-03-09 06:03:32 by Stephen Lendman
Sanders Stuns Clinton in Michigan by Stephen Lendman Despite polls showing him around 20 points behind, Sanders defeated Clinton by around a two- point margin, stunning her, slowing but not stopping her near-certain Democrat party nomination. She won Mississippi overwhelmingly. Trump scored an easy victories over rivals Cruz, Rubio and Kasich in Michigan, Mississippi and Hawaii caucuses, maintaining his so far unstoppable momentum. Polls show him favored next week in Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina, and Ohio. If he sweeps the field, expect Rubio and Kasich to drop out, Cruz given pause about whether to continue. He took Idaho on Tuesday. Michigan exit polls showed Sanders ...

Just Shut Up and Vote: The Futility of Representative Government in an Age of Robber Barons
Post Date: 2016-03-08 21:59:38 by Ada
“That’s the way the ruling class operates in any society. They keep the lower and the middle classes fighting with each other… Anything different—that’s what they’re gonna talk about—race, religion, ethnic and national background, jobs, income, education, social status, sexuality, anything they can do to keep us fighting with each other, so that they can keep going to the bank!”—Comedian George Carlin “We the people” have been utterly and completely betrayed. The politicians “we the people” most trusted to look out for our best interests, protect our rights, and ensure that the nation does not slip into tyranny have cheated ...

Two-Candidate Republican Presidential Race?
Post Date: 2016-03-08 08:16:34 by Stephen Lendman
Two-Candidate Republican Presidential Race? by Stephen Lendman Ben Carson dropped out. The retired neurosurgeon never got the hang of political campaigning. Trump, Cruz, Rubio and Kasich remain in the race, the latter two stumbling along, faring poorly in primaries and caucuses so far - perhaps set to drop out before March ends or shortly thereafter. The race is down to real estate tycoon Trump v. neocon Cruz. The former Texas solicitor general upset Lt. Governor David Dewhurst in the July 2012 primary runoff, then defeated state Rep. Paul Sadler in November to become to become the first Texas Latino senator - with Tea Party backing. He’s being sued over his Calgary, Canadian ...

Turkey's Zaman to Be Published in Germany
Post Date: 2016-03-08 06:30:06 by Stephen Lendman
Turkey’s Zaman to Be Published in Germany by Stephen Lendman Last Friday, Turkish authorities seized control of Zaman’s operations, including its English language Today’s Zaman edition, the nation’s largest circulation broadsheet. State prosecutors and rubber-stamp courts ordered its independent voice silenced, part of longstanding Turkish war on free media, unprecedented under Erdogan, a notorious world-class thug, welcomed as a valued ally in Western capitals. Dissent is criminalized in Turkey. A previous article said criticizing regime policy risks imprisonment on charges ranging from insulting the president to terrorism, espionage or treason. Turkey imprisons ...

Saudi Crown Prince Awarded France's Highest Award
Post Date: 2016-03-07 05:15:27 by Stephen Lendman
Saudi Crown Prince Awarded France’s Highest Honor by Stephen Lendman Saudi Arabia is a family dictatorship masquerading as a nation-state. It’s one of the world’s most tyrannical regimes, infamous for public beheadings and whippings, as well as numerous other high crimes. Torture and physical abuse are commonplace. So are arbitrary arrests, along with denial of fundamental human and civil rights. State terror is official regime policy internally and abroad. So is religious extremism, Wahhabi clerics enforcing their theofascist interpretation of Islam. Shias are considered heretics. Saudi tyrants want Shia Iran and Syria replaced by totalitarian Sunni dominance, ...

Pursuing drugs and guns on scant evidence, D.C. police sometimes raid wrong homes — terrifying the innocent
Post Date: 2016-03-06 07:45:54 by Ada
Sallie Taylor was sitting in her apartment in Northeast Washington one evening in January 2015 watching “Bible Talk” when her clock fell off the wall and broke. She turned and looked up. Nine D.C. police officers smashed through her door, a shotgun was pointed at her face and she was ordered to the floor. “They came in like Rambo,” said Taylor, a soft-spoken 63-year-old grandmother who was dressed in a white nightgown and said she has never had even a speeding ticket. The heavily armed squad thought they were searching the residence of a woman arrested two miles away the previous night for carrying a half-ounce vial of PCP. Taylor, who did not know the woman, was ...

Erdogan's Heavy Hand
Post Date: 2016-03-06 07:16:12 by Stephen Lendman
Erdogan’s Heavy Hand by Stephen Lendman His high crimes are too grave to ignore. Washington and NATO partners turn a blind eye. Turkey is a valued Alliance member, partnering with Washington’s war on Syria. It’s raging. Cessation of hostilities and so-called peace talks beginning later this week changed nothing. Multiple ceasefire breaches occur daily, US-supported terrorists entirely responsible. Western sources largely blame Moscow and Damascus. Turkish forces continue shelling cross-border on the phony pretext of protecting national security - attacking Kurdish YPG forces, supporting ISIS terrorists, supplying them with weapons and other material support, with full US ...

Justice Clarence Taking Heat from Liberals Over Comments on Gun Rights Case
Post Date: 2016-03-05 22:43:41 by BTP Holdings
Justice Clarence Taking Heat from Liberals Over Comments on Gun Rights Case You might not realize this, but Justice Clarence Thomas hasn’t asked a question from the bench in over 10 years. That’s a pretty long streak. The reason he’s been notably silent is because up until a few weeks ago Justice Anton Scalia often asked the questions he was thinking. So he never felt the need to ask them knowing they’d be attended to later. Now that Scalia is gone it’s put the onus of question asking back on Thomas. And the first question he asked happened in 10+ years happens to be a question regarding a high profile case on the second amendment. Guns.com writes: In one of ...

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