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Latest Articles: Dead Constitution

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Longstanding Hillary Clinton Ties to Monsanto
Post Date: 2016-02-25 12:03:57 by Stephen Lendman
Longstanding Hillary Clinton Ties to Monsanto by Stephen Lendman Her presidency would be nightmarish for world peace, popular interests and what remains of fundamental freedoms, a disaster risking full-blown tyranny and global war - vital to go all-out to oppose. Her biotech/agribusiness ties began during the 1980s as a Rose Law firm lawyer. Monsanto and Tyson Foods were clients. During her years as first lady in the 1990s, she supported harmful to health genetically modified foods and ingredients - while banning them from White House menus. The Clinton and Bush II families ate organic foods, free from genetic manipulation and toxic pesticides. As Obama’s secretary of state, she ...

What happened to Twitter? Turning the screws on social media
Post Date: 2016-02-24 02:56:23 by NeoconsNailed
What happened to Twitter? A new algorithm...in other words a new way to screw users. The great "bait and switch" revealed: Turning the screws on social media. Who is the second biggest owner of Twitter? Saudi Arabia. Introducing the new "Trust and Safety Council" (Page also links to youtu.be/t7Exb1X8Pe8 ) Click for Full Text!

Tragic "American flag" irony: signs of happy times in huge old abandoned house
Post Date: 2016-02-24 01:55:13 by NeoconsNailed
(It's basically intact, somewhere in NY state. Inside are furniture, toys, home- canned goods, restorable grand piano, computer equipment. Kudos to this guy for documenting it and giving the DC-shaming story...... DC ate a huge piece of Stafford County, Va., to expand the QUANTICO BASE during the GOOD WAR and gave my ancestors mere weeks to get off property they'd farmed for generations. Life under imperial power, gang! Think of that the next time you see the barber pole flag snapping in the breeze, please...... The worst of it is that the victims of these "TAKINGS" were prolly apolitical or even jingoistic before and afterward. I put sarc quotes around "American ...

Obama Cracks Scalia Death Joke
Post Date: 2016-02-24 00:57:05 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
HT to Itistoolate Published on Feb 22, 2016 On February 22, 2016, President Obama delivered remarks to the National Governors Association at the White House during which he cracked a joke about having to appoint a supreme court justice as a result of Justice Scalia's untimely death.

Post Date: 2016-02-23 18:26:44 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS; IT IS THE DEATH OF LIBERTY  “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee…” Hosea 4:6 Yesterday, I received an email touting the defense of our Constitution by recently deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. The first paragraph went on to sing the praises of Scalia although no evidence of this support was found in the body of the email. The author of this piece then claimed Scalia to be the greatest person to ever wear the black robe, with the possible exception of John Marshall. The author of this email did remark with praise on Scalia’s defense of our Second ...

The Motive Behind the Murder of Justice Scalia
Post Date: 2016-02-23 18:24:16 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
I was a day late and a dollar short in terms of my timing in weighing in on the death of Supreme Court Justice Scalia. On the first day following his death, I just did not feel that there was enough evidence to fall in line with many others who were calling this a murder as opposed to death of natural causes. At least that is how I felt until I discovered that Scalia did not have an autopsy and his body was cremated. At the end of the day, I will not be a day late on the motive behind the murder of a Supreme Court Justice. Once the facts supporting that there should have been a murder investigation complete with a full autopsy, I immediately knew the motive because I had extensively ...

Obama's Latest Phony Guantanamo Closure Scheme
Post Date: 2016-02-23 12:01:06 by Stephen Lendman
Obama’s Latest Phony Guantanamo Closure Scheme by Stephen Lendman In August 2007, candidate Obama lied, saying “(a)s president, I will close Guantanamo, reject the Military Commissions Act and adhere to the Geneva Conventions.” “Our Constitution and our Uniform Code of Military Justice provide a framework for dealing with the terrorists.” Straightaway in office in January 2009, he vowed to close Guantanamo within one year, lying again, saying: “This is me following through on not just a commitment I made during the campaign, but I think an understanding that dates back to our founding fathers, that we are willing to observe core standards of conduct, not ...

The Age of Authoritarianism: Government of the Politicians, by the Military, for the Corporations
Post Date: 2016-02-23 08:38:39 by Ada
“I was astonished, bewildered. This was America, a country where, whatever its faults, people could speak, write, assemble, demonstrate without fear. It was in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights. We were a democracy… But I knew it wasn’t a dream; there was a painful lump on the side of my head… The state and its police were not neutral referees in a society of contending interests. They were on the side of the rich and powerful. Free speech? Try it and the police will be there with their horses, their clubs, their guns, to stop you. From that moment on, I was no longer a liberal, a believer in the self-correcting character of American democracy. I was a radical, ...

Americans Mindless About the Grave Dangers They Face
Post Date: 2016-02-22 05:44:45 by Stephen Lendman
Americans Mindless About the Grave Dangers They Face by Stephen Lendman Never before in history has the danger of possible humanity destroying nuclear war been greater. Fundamental rights Americans think they have don’t exist. They’re deplorably out-of-touch, the most over-entertained, uninformed people anywhere, controlled by neocon infested bipartisan governance, lunatics threatening their welfare, security and world peace. Public ignorance is shocking, why America gets away with high crimes at home and abroad. Lawless interventionism is longstanding policy. Endless US wars on humanity rage. Human and civil rights are fast eroding en route toward disappearing altogether. ...

A Dozen Insufferable Abuses.
Post Date: 2016-02-22 03:51:37 by Horse
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government... US Declaration of Independence The United States is going past the stage Claire Wolfe wrote about in 1996: "America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work ...

America's Farcical Political Season Rolls On
Post Date: 2016-02-21 06:49:22 by Stephen Lendman
America’s Farcical Political Season Rolls On by Stephen Lendman America’s Big Money-controlled political process is hopelessly corrupted - mocking democratic legitimacy. None exists. Duopoly power one-party-rule with two wings excludes it - independents entirely shut out, voters having no say whatever. Primary season is pure theater with no substance. Voters thinking their choice matters in all US elections are delusional. Believing otherwise is pure fantasy. Media scoundrels, notably deplorable US cabal television, feature horserace politics exclusively, along with shamelessly bashing non-establishment candidates. Major world and national issues go unaddressed. A truth ...

Longtime Political Prisoner Albert Woodfox Free at Last
Post Date: 2016-02-20 12:22:56 by Stephen Lendman
Longtime Political Prisoner Albert Woodfox Free at Last by Stephen Lendman Woodfox was one of the so-called “Angola Three,” Robert King freed in 2001. Herman Wallace died two days after spending 41 years in solitary confinement. He and Woodfox were wrongfully charged, prosecuted and convicted for killing white prison guard Brent Miller - based solely on another inmate bribed to lie in return for special treatment. No forensic crime scene evidence connected either man to the killing. Another inmate later confessed. King was blamed but never charged. After 43 years of solitary confinement in a six-by-nine-foot cell, brutalizing torture by any standard, Woodfox was released from ...

Rule of Law No Deterrent to US Rage for World Dominance
Post Date: 2016-02-20 06:23:52 by Stephen Lendman
Rule of Law No Deterrent to America’s Rage for World Dominance by Stephen Lendman We’re doomed if the international community and world populations don’t awaken to the growing threat and act against America’s aim to rule the world by brute force. Humanity’s survival is up for grabs. Yet detached world leaders and ordinary people are mindless about the enormous risk of possible catastrophic nuclear war able to end life on earth if launched. America is permanently at war on humanity at home and abroad, violating core international law. No nation may attack another except in self-defense, and only if authorized by Security Council members. All US post-WW II wars ...

The War on Western Working People
Post Date: 2016-02-19 08:30:09 by Ada
The occupation by armed rebels of the Fish and Wildlife buildings near Burns, in eastern Oregon was heroic, but tragic. The occupiers mostly conducted themselves bravely. They risked their lives and freedom in behalf of a cause that is, in most respects, just. Yet the rebels did not seem to understand all that justice requires in the situation. And the rebellion was quixotic—doomed to fail from the start by their infatuation with the “romance” of armed rebellion. Levoy Finicum lost his life fighting for this cause. Ammon Bundy, who led the rebellion, and his brother Ryan are in jail, as are many of their followers. Their father Cliven Bundy, who flew to Oregon from Nevada to ...

Pontiffs and Politics
Post Date: 2016-02-19 07:30:22 by Stephen Lendman
Pontiffs and Politics by Stephen Lendman The separation of church and state in America is fundamental. Thomas Jefferson and others stressed its inviolability. More on this below. Vatican history isn’t pretty. Pontiffs notoriously meddle where they don’t belong. Liberation theology supporting social justice is verboten. Pope Francis’ high-minded rhetoric belies papal tradition, supporting wealth and power interests, paying lip service alone to popular needs and welfare. More below on his deplorable past. The First Amendment’s Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause state “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting ...

Now that This Man is Out of His Way, Obama Can Shred the 2nd Amendment with Reckless Abandon
Post Date: 2016-02-19 06:06:29 by BTP Holdings
Now that This Man is Out of His Way, Obama Can Shred the 2nd Amendment with Reckless Abandon Almost immediately after the news that Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia died, the political posturing for his replacement began. The question now becomes who will replace Scalia. Certainly Obama will nominate someone who favors gun control. The big challenge for Republicans is will they spend political capital to stand up to Obama in an election year? Consider this Breitbart article that illustrates Scalia as the champion of gun rights and the Second Amendment: The late Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia was a bulwark for the individual right to keep and bear arms. He voted ...

Obama Plans Cuba Visit: Hold the Cheers
Post Date: 2016-02-18 12:08:44 by Stephen Lendman
Obama Plans Cuba Visit: Hold the Cheers by Stephen Lendman Cuba was a longtime exploited American colony until Fidel Castro replaced US-installed dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1959 with governance serving all Cubans equitably, not just its privileged few. Obama’s so-called thaw in bilateral relations is less than meets the eye. America tolerates no sovereign independent states, all targeted for regime regime by one means or other. Decades of US embargo, hostile relations, hundreds of foiled efforts to assassinate Fidel Castro, and relentless state terror failed to subvert Cuba’s revolution. White House claims about “charting a new course on Cuba” amount to old wine ...

The People vs. the Police State: The Struggle for Justice in the Supreme Court
Post Date: 2016-02-17 09:18:07 by Ada
“We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.”—Dietrich Bonhoeffer The untimely death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has predictably created a political firestorm. Republicans and Democrats, eager to take advantage of an opening on the Supreme Court, have been quick to advance their ideas about Scalia’s replacement. This is just the beginning of the furor over who gets to appoint the next U.S. Supreme Court justice (President Obama or his successor), when (as soon as Obama chooses or as long as Congress can delay), how (whether by way of a recess appointment or while ...

The Virtue That Has No Name
Post Date: 2016-02-17 08:07:42 by Ada
More essential to freedom than rights or laws is something like chivalry. There has in recent years been a revolution in American politics, one so at variance with how we think of ourselves that it is remarkable how little it is noticed. We are used to imagining America as the land of the free, yet we have dropped to 12th place in the rankings of economic freedom produced by the conservative Heritage Foundation. The libertarian Cato Institute is even more doubtful about us, and in their Human Freedom Index we come in only at number 20. In both rankings, we trail countries that uniformly have single-payer government healthcare systems. We used to be number two or three, behind Hong Kong ...

US Spy Chief Irresponsibly Hypes a Major Terrorist Attack on US Soil Ahead
Post Date: 2016-02-16 12:29:07 by Stephen Lendman
US Spy Chief Irresponsibly Hypes a Major Terrorist Attack on US Soil Ahead by Stephen Lendman 9/11 and subsequent attacks on US soil were state-sponsored false flags. Any new ones ahead will be no different. Big Lies repeated ad nauseam claiming otherwise reflect willful deception. Alleged FBI foiled attacks were phony - innocent victims wrongfully arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned on false charges, Muslims at home and abroad persecuted, vilified and slaughtered by US imperial viciousness. America’s only enemies are ones it creates. Appearing on CBS’ 60 Minutes last Sunday, CIA director John Brennan lied to millions of viewers, predicting an “inevitabl(e)” ISIS ...

Feminists Won’t Be Happy When They See These Stats about Women And Guns
Post Date: 2016-02-16 07:27:13 by BTP Holdings
Feminists Won’t Be Happy When They See These Stats about Women And Guns Over the past few years, women’s rights have become more and more a fixture in pop culture. Of course the one thing many of these feminists get wrong is their fight for equal rights doesn’t mean they have to promote women as being more important than men. But that’s what they like to do…elevate women as being superior to men. Amid all their clamoring for “equal rights” there’s always a disparate and tangental cry for the patriarchy to get in line and quit abusing women. That’s something we can agree with. But what happens when men don’t listen, how are women ...

"We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head"(!) WRH's Mike Rivero On Justice Scalia's HIT
Post Date: 2016-02-15 11:53:47 by Artisan
Mike Rivero, radio host, webmaster, and editor of top-rated independent news website WhatReallyHappened.com, has posted on what he believes was an "obvious hit" on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. The 79-year-old Italian Catholic justice was found dead in bed with "a pillow over his head" while visiting a posh ranch in Texas this weekend. Cibolo Creek Ranch owner recalls Scalia’s last hours in Texas Tags: ASSASSINATION CURRENT EVENTS POLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTION "He was seated near me and I had a chance to observe him. He was very entertaining. But about 9 p.m. he said, 'it's been a long day and a long week, I want to get some ...

They’re Coming: With Standoff Over, FBI Initiates “Mass Arrests of 2014 Bundy Ranch Protesters”
Post Date: 2016-02-15 08:09:08 by Artisan
This article was written by Julie Wilson and originally published at NewsTarget.com. Editor’s Comment: This is outrageous. Apparently, the round up is upon us. If this report is correct, it now appears that the resolution of the occupation at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge is only a prelude, and that a major crackdown is underway to round up patriots. Cliven Bundy was arrested only a few hours ago, and now it appears they are going after everyone else who was involved. Provocateurs have now succeeded in misdirecting the patriot movement, and entrapping many well meaning patriots who did nothing but stand up to federal overreach. While the list of 86 individuals has not been produced, it ...

Beyonce, Black Panthers and misguided ‘outrage’ on the right
Post Date: 2016-02-15 06:20:24 by BTP Holdings
Beyonce, Black Panthers and misguided ‘outrage’ on the right Posted on February 15, 2016 by Bob Livingston Beyonce Super Bowl 50 Personal Liberty Poll Exercise your right to vote. Something of a kerfuffle has bubbled up among the “law and order” right over Beyonce’s Super Bowl halftime performance, which was an apparent tribute to the original Black Panther Militia and ended with a performer’s raising of a sign with words “Justice 4 Mario Woods” inscribed thereon. According to the Washington Examiner, members of the National Sheriffs’ Association meeting in Washington, “turned their backs on Beyonce during a Super Bowl halftime party, ...

Brutal US Injustice
Post Date: 2016-02-15 05:01:51 by Stephen Lendman
Brutal US Injustice by Stephen Lendman Injustice is longstanding US policy. Thousands of political prisoners languish under horrific conditions in its homeland and overseas gulags, denied their fundamental rights, brutally mistreated out of sight and mind. Guilt by accusation is automatic for anyone Washington wants convicted. Innocence is no defense, manufactured evidence used or none at all. All police states operate the same way. In 2010, Liberian authorities kidnapped Russian pilot Konstantin Yaroshenko on orders from Washington, held him illegally for over a year, then extradited him to America on fabricated drug smuggling charges. His trial, conviction and 20-year sentence was a ...

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