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NYT Proliferates the Big Lie About Russia Threatening America
Post Date: 2016-02-04 06:40:36 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Proliferates the Big Lie About Russia Threatening America by Stephen Lendman No nation shows greater commitment to world peace, stability and security than Russia - no leader more than Vladimir Putin. He’s the most worthy Nobel Peace Prize candidate never to be honored, passed over for war criminals like Obama. NYT editors mock credible journalism, proliferating the Big Lie about nonexistent “Russian aggression,” posing the greatest threat to US security. “It is undeniable that Russia has become openly aggressive under President Vladimir Putin, who has violated sovereign borders by annexing Crimea and stoking civil war in Ukraine,” they ranted. “A ...

One Of The Men Arrested In Oregon Occupation Says He's A Journalist
Post Date: 2016-02-03 19:36:50 by Ada
Pete Santilli, a talk radio host, has been charged in a federal conspiracy case. WASHINGTON -- Last week, federal law enforcement officers stopped two cars carrying a handful of men and women who had occupied the Malheur Federal Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon, for weeks. Law enforcement shot and killed one occupier, LaVoy Finicum, after he fled. The feds arrested eight people that day. But one of the people they arrested was different from the others: Pete Santilli, 50, an Ohio talk-radio host who was clearly sympathetic to the occupiers' cause, but has repeatedly said he was covering the standoff as a journalist. During the first week of the occupation, Santilli was often seen at ...

French TV Airs Stinging 2014 Maidan Coup Documentary
Post Date: 2016-02-03 11:40:02 by Stephen Lendman
French TV Airs Stinging 2014 Maidan Coup Documentary by Stephen Lendman Canal+ TV’s “Les Masques de la Revolution” (The Masks of Revolution) revealed facts US-installed Kiev putschists want suppressed. It aired on February 1, despite Ukraine’s efforts to block its broadcast. Canal’s web site said journalist/documentary filmmaker Paul Moreira “strips the masks of modern- day Ukraine and carries out an investigation on the firing line of the new ‘Cold War’ between the East and the West.” He discussed how US-backed Nazi-infested elements instigated deadly Maidan violence, a coup, ousting the democratically elected Yanukovych government, ...

New Israeli Stop and Frisk Police State Law Targets Palestinians and Black African Asylum Seekers Exclusively
Post Date: 2016-02-03 11:22:53 by Stephen Lendman
New Israeli Stop and Frisk Police State Law Targets Palestinians and Black African Asylum Seekers Exclusively by Stephen Lendman Ostensibly it targets anyone for any reason or none at all - permitting random indiscriminate stop and frisks without just cause. In fact, it’s directed at Palestinians and Black African asylum seekers, meant to further harass, denigrate and persecute them, another example of Israeli viciousness - a tyrannical fascist regime masquerading as democratic. Until now, stopping and frisking required just cause, a reasonable suspicion of possible intended wrongdoing. No longer. Anyone can be indiscriminately harassed and humiliated - Palestinians and Black ...

Anarchism and Radical Decentralization Are the Same Thing
Post Date: 2016-02-03 08:40:18 by Ada
Those who wish to portray Ludwig von Mises as the “moderate” one, compared to the more radical Murray Rothbard, will often point out that Mises was no “anarchist.” This assertion, however, runs into trouble when we consider Mises’s comments in Liberalism on the topic of radical decentralization: The right of self-determination in regard to the question of membership in a state thus means: whenever the inhabitants of a particular territory, whether it be a single village, a whole district, or a series of adjacent districts, make it known, by a freely conducted plebiscite, that they no longer wish to remain united to the state to which they belong at the time, but ...

Progressivism’s Vanquished Foe—Conservatism The Failure of Constitutionalism
Post Date: 2016-02-02 16:37:13 by Ada
Part 2 of 3 Note: This is an excerpt from Progressivism: A Primer on the Idea Destroying America (2014). Conservatism is a reaction to progressivism and its essence is to be against progressivism as opposed to having a positive program. To fill the void, conservatives have often repaired to the safe harbor of constitutionalism as a substitute for a coherent ideology. There are numerous problems with constitutionalism as a bulwark against progressivism and constitutionalism has been and will continue to be a spectacular failure in staunching the continual growth of progressive government. First and foremost, there is no way to enforce the Constitution against the government as the ...

Is It Fashionable to be Mentally Retarded?
Post Date: 2016-02-02 13:19:10 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Hodge Podge  Is It Fashionable to be Mentally Retarded? Have you ever tried to share the knowledge that you’ve acquired with friends, family, or coworkers?  If you have, then you were lucky to get one or two of them to listen to everything you had to say.  Right?  Most people are obsessing over the latest Farm Tard game, Twitter feed, or checking Facebook in order to stare at pictures of someone else’s dinner.  They probably started tuning you out before you were able to finish your third sentence.  Frustrating doesn’t begin to describe how this makes me feel and I’m guessing that you’ve experienced this as well.  ...

The Solar Storm: Robert Reyvolt & John Kaminski (1-31-16)
Post Date: 2016-02-02 13:07:53 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
The Solar Storm: Robert Reyvolt & John Kaminski (1-31-16) [Download] Kyle Hunt (http://hellstormdocumentary.com/ ) www.renegadebroadcasting....SolarStorm-2016-01-31.mp3 Kyle speaks to Robert Reyvolt and John Kaminski, with a special appearance by Patricia Aiken. They analyze the many angles and layers to the situation in Oregon, with a particular focus on the murder and martyrdom of LaVoy Finicum.

Why Did The Government Pass a Law That Makes Staged Hoaxes Legal
Post Date: 2016-02-02 12:49:35 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Why Did The Government Pass a Law That Makes Staged Hoaxes Legal Why would the government make a law that allows them, as well a private organizations, to create fake content in order to propagandize foreign and domestic audiences?

Were Iowa Caucuses Rigged?
Post Date: 2016-02-02 11:38:16 by Stephen Lendman
Were Iowa Caucuses Rigged? by Stephen Lendman America is notorious for electoral rigging, fraud commonplace since at least the 1824 presidential race, the outcome called the “Corrupt Bargain.” No winner emerged. Under 12th Amendment rules, House members decided, choosing John Quincy Adams after weeks of hard bargaining over Andrew Jackson, a future US president. Historian Robert Caro called Lyndon Johnson’s 1948 senatorial primary win “brazen thievery.” Five right-wing Supreme Court justices choosing George Bush over popular and later determined electoral college winner Al Gore in 2000 was arguably the greatest of all US election scams - showing voting is a ...

Hands Up, Don’t Execute
Post Date: 2016-02-02 08:04:50 by Ada
LaVoy Finicum, Michael Brown, and Identity Politics Many liberals passed sentence on the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom (CCF) weeks ago. The cowboys occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge headquarters in Oregon were criminals. Even worse, they were culturally unsympathetic criminals. “Y’all Qaeda,” was the taunt of choice for the smart set, which rocked with laughter when enterprising wags delivered sex toys to the squares. Yet when they put joking aside, many progressives called for these “militants” to be dealt with as “the terrorists they were”: lethally and with extreme prejudice. Besides, many said, the right-wing nuts were probably a bunch of ...

Democracy in America: The World's Greatest Hoax
Post Date: 2016-02-02 06:38:43 by Stephen Lendman
Democracy in America: The World’s Greatest Scam by Stephen Lendman Democracy in America is pure fantasy. None exists. Money-controlled duopoly power runs things. Voters have no say whatever. America is a one-party state with two wings, in lockstep on major issues mattering most. Elections mock legitimacy, farcical by any standard. Candidates are bought like toothpaste, cardboard cookie cut-outs of each, distinguishable by their rhetoric alone, promising one thing, delivering another. Each electoral cycle has the same outcome. Dirty business as usual wins every time. Police state tyranny substitutes for constitutionally guaranteed rights. Fascist governance runs things, wrapped in ...

Turkey Exploiting Syrian Refugee Adults and Children
Post Date: 2016-02-02 06:12:38 by Stephen Lendman
Turkey Exploiting Syrian Refugee Adults and Children by Stephen Lendman Erdogan’s rap sheet includes deplorable high crimes, including wars of aggression, support for ISIS and other terrorist groups, internal repression, and human exploitation, notably Syrian refugee adults and children, ruthlessly exploited for profit. A new Business and Human Rights Resource Centre (B&HRRC) report discussed Turkish exploitation of Syrian children and adults - producing garments for large European retailers, H&M and Next specifically named. Information discovered may be the tip of the iceberg, unknown numbers of European (and perhaps American) companies involved, wanting their illicit ...

Corrupt Silk Road Investigator Re-Arrested for Allegedly Trying to Flee the US
Post Date: 2016-02-01 23:54:28 by NeoconsNailed
(In a country where "FAIRNESS" is taken seriously, wouldn't this void the whole case? NN) JUST WHEN THE Silk Road's saga of dirty money and double-dealing seemed to be winding down, one of the federal agents who investigated the site has added an audacious footnote: What looks like a brazen attempt to flee the United States after he was convicted and sentenced to prison for corruption in his handling of the case. Former Secret Service agent Shaun Bridges was re-arrested on Thursday of last week, just a day before he was scheduled to turn himself in at a Baltimore prison to begin serving a 71-month prison sentence. Bridges pleaded guilty in October to charges of money ...

22 Clinton Emails Deemed Too Classified to Be Made Public
Post Date: 2016-01-31 10:35:28 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
WASHINGTON — The State Department on Friday said for the first time that “top secret” material had been sent through Hillary Clinton’s private computer server, and that it would not make public 22 of her emails because they contained highly classified information. The department announced that 18 emails exchanged between Mrs. Clinton and President Obama would also be withheld, citing the longstanding practice of preserving presidential communications for future release. The department’s spokesman, John Kirby, said that exchanges did not involve classified information.The disclosure of the top secret emails, three days before Iowans vote in the first-in-the-nation ...

Biowarfare? Genetically Modified Mosquitos Spreading the Zika Virus
Post Date: 2016-01-30 07:53:09 by Stephen Lendman
Biowarfare? Genetically Modified Mosquitos Spreading the Zika Virus by Stephen Lendman The Zika virus is related to dengue fever, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis and West Nile viruses. So far, drugs aren’t effective against it. A vaccine if developed will do more harm than good. Most infected individuals suffer mild illness, called Zika disease. Potentially deadly Guillain-Barre syndrome at times occurs. Fetuses are at risk for microcephaly, an abnormally small head in relation to the rest of the body and underdeveloped brain, permanent damage. Zika has been around for decades, occasional outbreaks occurring in Africa and Asia - currently in Central and South America, Brazil ...

The Government: An Equal-Opportunity Tyrant
Post Date: 2016-01-30 07:04:01 by Ada
Hey, remember back in school there was always this one teacher that seemed to hate kids? Remember that guy? His name was Mr. Fenstermopper or Mr. MacDoogle or something like that. No one knew if he had a first name and he always appeared to have gotten his teaching credentials from the Third Reich. In fact, rumor around school was that he was a fugitive Nazi war criminal that came over on Operation Paperclip and probably went renegade. No rockets for you, American military! Right, so remember this cat? How you’d get this teacher and think, “Why is this dude even a teacher?! He HATES kids! It’s not like they drafted him into teaching, so why is he a teacher if he hates ...

Americans Really, Really Hate The Government
Post Date: 2016-01-29 11:41:09 by christine
If there is one thing that Americans can agree on these days, it is the fact that most of us don’t like the government. CBS News has just released an article entitled “Americans hate the U.S. government more than ever“, and an average of recent surveys calculated by Real Clear Politics found that 63 percent of all Americans believe the country is heading in the wrong direction and only 28 percent of all Americans believe that the country is heading in the right direction. In just a few days the first real ballots of the 2016 election will be cast in Iowa, and up to this point the big story of this cycle has been the rise of “outsider” candidates that many of the ...

The Ultimate Goal of the Antigun Movement
Post Date: 2016-01-29 08:47:27 by Ada
New York, NY – The ultimate goal of the anti-gun movement is this: the universal elimination of civilian firearms’ ownership and possession. This is true and incontrovertible. Everything the anti-gun movement does is directed to the attainment of that goal. Nothing the anti-gun movement does diverges from the path to that goal. When asked to admit the truth of the assertion, the antigun movement, and its sounding board, the mainstream corporate media, will deny it, curtly and vehemently. But, the anti-gun movement’s actions belie its blunt denial. Realization of the movement’s goal amounts to de facto repeal of the fundamental right of the people to keep and bear ...

This State Just Moved To Ban These People From Owning Guns For Good
Post Date: 2016-01-29 07:07:28 by BTP Holdings
This State Just Moved To Ban These People From Owning Guns For Good Ever hear of the no-fly list? Of course you have, it was a list introduced by DHS and utilized by the TSA to maximize our security both domestically and abroad. The only problem with the no fly list is it’s 100% unconstitutional. That and ending up on this list doesn’t require you to be a criminal, to know criminals, or anything like that. Heck you can be put on the list just because you share the same name as a criminal. The problem with the no fly list is how politicians are trying to use it to keep people from owning guns. You know, violate the 4th amendment so you can violate the second. New York State ...

FBI releases video of shooting death of Oregon protester [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2016-01-28 22:23:07 by Artisan
go to minute 6 for the bottom line. this is F'd up. , murder by an amped up cop. LaVoy Finicum was not charging anybody. Here is the 25 minute version

Peacefully Occupy an Empty Government Shack in Oregon . . .
Post Date: 2016-01-28 20:02:47 by Ada
. . . to protest the government’s policy of land socialism and an FBI sniper will shoot you dead or force you to live in a government cage for many years, as occurred two days ago in Oregon. Occupy almost any other public space anywhere in America under the communistic banner of “Occupy Wall Street,” and the media will treat you like a celebrity; the government will leave you alone; and the booboisie will donate millions of dollars to your undefined and undefinable “cause.”

Obama: Serial Killer
Post Date: 2016-01-28 07:51:25 by Stephen Lendman
Obama: Serial Killer by Stephen Lendman On Wednesday, a banner was displayed on the top floor of a building across from Washington’s Moscow embassy - the word “KILLER” prominently displayed on Obama’s image in blood red. The previous evening, a laser display projected the accusation “Obama Killer #1” on the embassy itself. Moscow-based Glavplakat art society took credit, calling its action a response to Washington’s “plans to invade the territory of yet another sovereign state.” “The word ‘killer’ defines the 44th US president, and is given to him because of his decision to send the infamous 101st Airborne Division into the ...

Conn. troopers caught on video trumping up charges on detained men: ‘Gotta cover our ass’
Post Date: 2016-01-28 07:00:17 by Ada
A Connecticut state trooper is seen trying to stop Michael Picard from filming him in video released on Jan. 25, 2016. (YouTube) Newly-released video shows three Connecticut state troopers planning to falsely charge a detained man after wrongfully arguing that it was illegal to film them on public property, the Free Thought Project reported. The footage, which was posted on Monday, documents Michael Picard’s encounter with the troopers last September, when he and a friend were detained while warning motorists about a DUI checkpoint in Hartford, Connecticut. “It’s not that I’m against catching drunk drivers,” Picard says in the video. “It’s that ...

Was Attack on Riyadh's Tehran Embassy a False Flag?
Post Date: 2016-01-27 08:30:32 by Stephen Lendman
Was Attack on Riyadh’s Tehran Embassy a False Flag? Stephen Lendman Iran continues investigating the January 2 attack on Riyadh’s Tehran embassy. Last weekend, its judiciary spokesman Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejehi said arrests were made. Some suspects were released, one believed responsible for arranging the attack still in custody, Ejehi saying: “We are investigating “whether he and his followers were alone in carrying out the (attack) or if others were involved.” Straightaway after the incident, President Hassan Rohani ordered an “immediate investigation” into what happened. It followed Riyadh’s extrajudicial execution of Sheik Nimr al-Nimr and ...

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