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Latest Articles: Dead Constitution

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The Spies Who Ruin Us
Post Date: 2015-12-03 06:16:49 by Ada
In an effort to draw attention away from the intelligence failures that permitted the attacks of 9/11 and create the impression that it was doing something – anything – to avoid a repeat, the federal government tampered seriously with freedoms expressly guaranteed in the Constitution. Its principal target was the right to privacy, which is protected in the Fourth Amendment. At President George W. Bush’s urging, Congress passed the Patriot Act in October 2001. This 315-page statute passed the House of Representatives with no debate, and there was very limited debate in the Senate. I have asked many members of Congress over the years whether they read this bill before they ...

The Tattered Rag We Call Our Social Fabric
Post Date: 2015-12-01 05:46:02 by Ada
Here we go again. Another mass shooting incident. And, also again, here go the usual calls to ban this or that firearm or enact more hoops to jump through to buy one. I said in a previous article here that the reason these mass murder events take place is because violence is taught to society as a solution for any problem. I stand by that observation. I say it is being proven each time one of these events takes place. First of all, the social fabric is coming unraveled. Now, by social fabric, I mean a set of values and morals that guide the society into what is right and what is good. Further to that is a set of taboos that tell a society what is wrong and what is bad. No society on the ...

JFK #17: Daniel Sheehan and Alternative Theories of the JFK Assassination Nov. 21, 2013
Post Date: 2015-11-29 11:05:18 by noone222
Poster Comment:You won't believe the statements made in this video at approx 55 minutes and afterwards.

Should Restaurant Owners Be Able to Restrict Guns in Their Establishments?
Post Date: 2015-11-28 20:18:49 by BTP Holdings
Should Restaurant Owners Be Able to Restrict Guns in Their Establishments? Poll Image A recent “armed trip” to a Chipotle restaurant in Dallas by gun rights group Open Carry Texas set off a petition campaign by the Michael Bloomberg-supported gun control group Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. The petition gathered more than 10,000 signatures in just a few hours and triggered Chipotle to issue a statement asking its patrons to not bring guns into its restaurants, citing concern that the display of firearms creates a potentially intimidating environment for its customers. Last year, Starbucks also told its patrons guns were not welcome in its stores in response to a ...

Did Erdogan Order Prominent Turkish Lawyer's Assassination?
Post Date: 2015-11-28 12:47:31 by Stephen Lendman
Did Erdogan Order Prominent Turkish Lawyer’s Assassination? by Stephen Lendman Turkey under Erdogan is a fascist police state. Anyone criticizing regime policy risks harassment, arrest, indictment on phony charges, imprisonment or death. Fundamental freedoms don’t exist. Prominent Turkish attorney/Kurdish rights supporter Tahir Elci headed southeastern Diyarbakir province’s bar association. On Saturday, local hospital sources confirmed he died from gunshot wounds to his head, a clear indication he was assassinated. In October, he was detained for publicly saying the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) isn’t a terrorist organization - then released awaiting trial. He ...

Enslaving People to Keep Them Safe from Government-Produced Enemies
Post Date: 2015-11-28 06:51:59 by Ada
Take a look at this excerpt from a New York Times article from a couple of days ago: All over France, from Toulouse in the south to Paris and beyond, the police have been breaking down doors, conducting searches without warrants, aggressively questioning residents, hauling suspects to police stations and putting others under house arrest. The extraordinary steps are now perfectly legal under the state of emergency decreed by the government after the attacks on Nov. 13 in Paris that left 130 dead — a rare kind of mobilization that will continue. The French Parliament voted last week to extend the emergency for three more months, which means more warrantless searches, more ...

The Progressive Assault on the Constitution
Post Date: 2015-11-26 20:52:46 by BTP Holdings
"The Progressive Assault on the Constitution" Overview Building on their rejection of the principles of the Declaration of Independence, Progressives worked to remove constitutional restrictions on government’s power in order to institute their programs and policies. The 16th and 17th Amendments to the Constitution fundamentally transformed the federal government, but most Progressive policy successes occurred at the state and local levels. Leading Progressives, especially Theodore Roosevelt, chided the courts—which were initially defenders of limited government—for failing to interpret the Constitution as a living document. Progressives also believed that direct ...

One Group Has Jaw-Dropping Plans For “Gun-Free Zones” That’ll Enrage Millions
Post Date: 2015-11-26 19:23:21 by BTP Holdings
One Group Has Jaw-Dropping Plans For “Gun-Free Zones” That’ll Enrage Millions There’s no doubt about it, gun free zones do absolutely noting to prevent mass shootings. Just take a look at a list of all the recent mass shootings the mainstream media has focused on and you’ll see 90%+ took place in a gun free zone. Which is of course why pro-gun groups have another name for the gun free zone…referring to them as target rich environments. One pro gun group thinks they’re so awful they’d like it so the creators of the gun free zone are actually the one held responsible for deaths that take place inside of these “protected spaces.” Guns.com ...

Full-Blown Tyranny in America Approaches
Post Date: 2015-11-23 13:41:49 by Stephen Lendman
Full-Blown Tyranny in America Approaches by Stephen Lendman Post-9/11, Bush administration and congressional neocons took full advantage, declaring war on humanity at home and abroad - turning America into a police state. Republican and Democrat presidential aspirants support escalated war on terrorism - code language for greater homeland and foreign wars on humanity, including against remaining fundamental freedoms, disappearing in plain sight, perhaps entirely gone no matter who succeeds Obama in January 2017. Maybe before he leaves office, Americans mindless about the real threats they face - not from ISIS, from their own government, lunatics in charge, fast-tracking toward ...

Hyped Fear Grips Europe and America
Post Date: 2015-11-21 07:54:27 by Stephen Lendman
Hyped Fear Grips Europe and America by Stephen Lendman Most people don’t think. They react irrationally, out of touch with reality, easy marks for state- sponsored propaganda. It’s raging in America and across Europe following the Paris attacks, a likely false flag - hype without substance, scaring people to believe terrorists will attack Western communities. Chances of being struck by lightning are much greater than becoming a terrorist attack victim. Death by auto accident, preventable diseases, violence at home by one family member against another, alcoholism or excessive use of harmful legal drugs is infinitely higher - what media propaganda never explains. The only ...

Sanders' Hypocrisy/Carson's Geopolitical Ignorance
Post Date: 2015-11-21 07:12:10 by Stephen Lendman
Sanders’ Hypocrisy/Carson’s Geopolitical Ignorance by Stephen Lendman Sanders doesn’t believe one NATO killing machine is enough. He wants a second one - “work(ing) with our NATO partners…includ(ing) Russia and (rogue) Arab League” states, according to remarks he made at Georgetown University. He wants it collaborating to defeat the made in America scourge of terrorism - without explaining its root cause. Earlier, he outrageously lied, calling the late Hugo Chavez, murdered by Washington, a “communist dictator.” He disgracefully and willfully lied again, saying popularly elected and overwhelmingly supported Bashar al-Assad is a “brutal ...

Fascists Running America Endorse Nazism
Post Date: 2015-11-20 11:53:50 by Stephen Lendman
Fascists Running America Endorse Nazism by Stephen Lendman America didn’t eliminate the scourge of fascism in WW II. It shifted its headquarters from Berlin and Tokyo to Washington. Today, it’s partnered with likeminded allies, waging global war on humanity, destroying fundamental freedoms, risking the unthinkable, potential life-ending nuclear war. On November 19, the General Assembly’s Third Committee on Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Issues adopted a resolution, condemning the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism, and likeminded practices, facilitating racism, xenophobia and intolerance. A 126-nation majority supported the resolution. Another cowardly 53 countries ...

Likely Phony Threatening ISIS Videos
Post Date: 2015-11-20 06:09:19 by Stephen Lendman
Likely Phony Threatening ISIS Videos by Stephen Lendman Most American are so out-of-touch with reality, they’ll believe most everything government sources or media scoundrels claim. Propaganda is effective because it works. Media reports now hype videos attributed to ISIS, warning of impending US and European attacks. They feature militant-looking characters threatening to strike New York, Paris, Rome and the White House. One video titled “Paris Before Rome” warns French President Hollande, Obama “and those who follow in (their) footsteps” to expect more strikes. One character rants: “We shall burn you with our suicide belts and our car bombs. We shall ...

Why Culture Matters
Post Date: 2015-11-19 15:52:51 by Ada
In the little corner of the world occupied by libertarians of all stripes, discussion often ranges far and wide on matters that can be broadly labeled “culture.” Posts and commentary can be found on issues ranging from those commonly labeled as “left-libertarian” (gay marriage, open borders, be nice to everyone, break down all hierarchical structures) to issues commonly labeled as “right-libertarian” (traditional lifestyle choices, managed borders, governance via family, church and community). Why? Why do libertarians find it necessary or valuable to comment on such matters? Of course, a simple answer is that individuals who identify as libertarian have many ...

Paris and Freedom
Post Date: 2015-11-19 15:45:46 by Ada
The tragedy in Paris last Friday has regrettably been employed as a catalyst for renewed calls by governments in western Europe and even in the United States for more curtailment of personal liberties. Those who accept the trade of liberty for safety have argued in favor of less liberty. They want government to have more authority to intrude upon the daily lives of more innocent people. Their targets are the freedoms of speech and travel and the right to privacy. Their goal is public safety, but their thinking is flawed. The clash between liberty and safety is as old as the republic itself. The United States was quite literally conceived in liberty. In the Declaration of Independence, ...

War in Paris
Post Date: 2015-11-18 12:53:57 by Stephen Lendman
War in Paris by Stephen Lendman The City of Light (La Ville Luniere) went dark repressively. A separate article discussed draconian measures imposed, explaining police state actions. The fading remnants of “liberte, egalite, (and) fraternite” disappeared in plain sight. One of the world’s great tourist destinations no longer is safe to visit - not because of possible terrorist attacks, because police state authority replaced constitutional protections. Expect more incidents like pre-dawn Wednesday morning. Heavily armed soldiers and police stormed Saint-Denis, a northern Paris suburb, hunting for alleged Friday attackers police chief Michael Cadot said were all killed. ...

Police State Europe
Post Date: 2015-11-18 11:52:01 by Stephen Lendman
Police State Europe by Stephen Lendman Churchill once said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” More recently, former Obama White House chief of staff/current Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel said earlier: “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Post-9/11, America enacted the repressive USA Patriot Act, eviscerating Bill of Rights protections, the Homeland Security Act establishing a national Gestapo, along with various other police state laws and presidential diktats - destroying fundamental freedoms. After January’s Charlie Hebdo/kosher market attacks, French ...

50 US Spies ‘Revolt’ Exposing How Their Reports are Cooked to Manipulate the Public about ISIS
Post Date: 2015-11-18 05:35:34 by Tatarewicz
BlackListedNews... Washington, D.C. – More than 50 U.S. military intelligence analysts operating out of U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) have staged what has been called a ‘revolt’ by intelligence professionals. The revolt comes after announcing that their intelligence reports were being altered and manipulated to fit the public narrative that the U.S. is winning the battle against ISIS. The analysts are assigned to U.S. CENTCOM, but are officially employed by the Defense Intelligence Agency, the intelligence branch of the Pentagon. “The cancer was within the senior level of the intelligence command,” one defense official told The Daily Beast. The disturbing ...

In Bush's Footsteps: Paris Adopts Measures Similar to US Patriot Act
Post Date: 2015-11-17 20:59:44 by Tatarewicz
Sputnik... In response to the Paris attacks the French government has adopted authoritarian measures strikingly similar to those implemented by George W. Bush in the wake of the 9/11 tragedy, French journalist and political analyst Gilbert Mercier remarks. The November 13 attack in Paris has shocked the world and prompted the French government to enact tough measures to ensure security; however, the authoritarian actions are unlikely to solve the country's longstanding socio-economic problems, apparently lying at the root of the latest hideous assault, French journalist, author and geopolitical analyst Gilbert Mercier underscores. "The French government's reaction was both ...

Full List Of All The Governors Who Refused To Take In Refugees And Those Who Need To Join
Post Date: 2015-11-17 02:39:05 by Itistoolate
Call up the governors and DEMAND they don’t allow refugees into YOUR STATE. This is serious. Governors listed by state. If numbers aren’t listed it’s because the governor had agreed to not bring terrorist to their states. Alabama Robert Julian Bentley Alaska William M. “Bill” Walker (907) 465-3500 . Arizona Douglas A. “Doug” Ducey 602.542.4331 *update – ARIZONA JUST SAID NO* Arkansas William Asa Hutchinson California Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown, Jr. (916) 445-2841 Colorado John Hickenlooper (303) 866-2471 Connecticut Dannel Patrick “Dan” Malloy (860) 566-4840 Delaware Jack A. Markell (302) 744-4101 Florida Richard Lynn “Rick” ...

Live Here? Expect to Pay An Extra TAX On Your Ammo
Post Date: 2015-11-16 19:05:25 by BTP Holdings
Live Here? Expect to Pay An Extra TAX On Your Ammo Legislators really are out to discourage Americans from exercising their second amendment rights and they’ll stop at nothing to make the process of owning and using a gun as difficult as possible. And in the process they’ll make gun ownership unaffordable for you while it’s good for their pocketbook. Such is the case of Obama’s home state of Illinois where a proposed tax would be placed on every single round of ammunition you purchase. Making throwing lead down range an even more cost prohibitive activity. Guns.com fills us in. Commissioners in the most populous county in Illinois are on the cusp of approving a ...

Profile of a False Flag
Post Date: 2015-11-15 05:52:11 by Stephen Lendman
Profile of a False Flag by Stephen Lendman Evidence known so far strongly indicates false flag responsibility for Friday’s Paris attacks. They’re usually identifiable the way fingerprints ID people. They’re strategically timed, most often for what’s planned to follow. Post-9/11 horrors are well documented. America declared still ongoing war on humanity. The 9/11 incident provided a treasure trove of giveaways showing what happened was other than the official narrative. The most obvious was how could a handful of terrorists outwit America’s 16 intelligence agencies, including sophisticated NSA eavesdropping on anyone or anything suspicious back then? No evidence ...

After outcry, judge reverses order taking baby from lesbians
Post Date: 2015-11-14 11:11:49 by BTP Holdings
After outcry, judge reverses order taking baby from lesbians By MICHELLE L. PRICE and BRADY McCOMBS, Associated Press 4 hrs ago November 13, 2015. Hoagland and her married partner Beckie Peirce said Friday they are relieved after finding out they will be able to keep a baby girl they have been raising as foster parents. They same-sex couple spoke after a judge reversed his ruling to take the 9-month-old child and place her with a heterosexual couple for her well-being. (Chris Detrick/The Salt Lake Tribune via AP) DESERET NEWS OUT; LOCAL TELEVISION OUT; MAGS OUT; MANDATORY CREDIT November 13, 2015. The married same-sex couple said Friday they are relieved after finding out they will be ...

Greek General Strike
Post Date: 2015-11-13 12:05:19 by Stephen Lendman
Greek General Strike by Stephen Lendman Thursday’s walkout was the first post-September snap election general public strike against SYRIZA’s unconditional surrender to harsh Troika austerity demands, more draconian than previous ones imposed. Perhaps in an attempt to deflect criticism and shift blame for its own public trust betrayal to Brussels and Berlin, SYRIZA’s labor policy department issued a duplicitous statement saying: “Everyone should join the strikes and rallies on November 12.” “We are fighting for our rights in the fields of work, insurance and decent life. Say ‘no’ to austerity policies in Greece and in Europe” - despite SYRIZA ...

Police Can Take Your Stuff for No Reason — And the Practice Is on the Rise
Post Date: 2015-11-12 08:28:24 by Bill D Berger
In addition to a lot of other things police have the power to do, they can take your cash, cars, and other personal property even if you've never been charged or convicted of a crime — a practice that has been on the rise in recent years.This controversial practice is known as civil asset forfeiture. Not only does it allow cops to take your stuff pretty much when they feel like it, the revenue from what they take goes toward those very local law enforcement agencies seizing it. Over the past decade, this practice has gone up nearly sixfold, according to a report released Tuesday by the Institute for Justice, a legal non-profit that focuses on civil liberties protection.Related: A ...

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