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Rand Paul Insists Again: "You've Got To Raise The Age" On Social Security
Post Date: 2015-10-20 23:07:26 by Artisan
Rand Paul is once again insisting that the American people should wait longer, years longer in fact, to qualify for social security payments. Under the pretext of saving the budget, Paul wants to force the people to wait longer to get a pittance of the money they were forced to pay to the government throughout their lives. Paul himself is having a lot of trouble raising and handling his own money, and sent out a desperate e-mail yesterday begging for "an emergency influx of funds." If the American people don't pay their taxes, they will end up in prison or dead like 87-year-old Irwin Schiff and Ed and Elaine Brown, who are both in their 70s serving long prison terms. People ...

Prohibition contributed greatly to the present political mess
Post Date: 2015-10-20 14:01:36 by NeoconsNailed
One of you helped me finally see the light about the great Rivero and now I'm hearing one of his daily talks after another in youtube. At about 1:15 in today's begins a few jam-packed minutes of comment on prohibiting of substances. You've heard perhaps that the horrible Bronfmans are powerful liquor barons from Canada because of the 18th Amendment -- now you'll see how it made the horrible Kennedys too and brought their whole toxic impact on amerika. Big little revelation here -- unless he's just extrapolating, which I seriously doubt! Everybody listen to WRH daily, live or otherwise. You know, since I'm going to :-) NN Click for Full Text!

German human rights group files complaint against CIA ‘Queen of Torture’
Post Date: 2015-10-20 07:39:38 by Ada
The move puts Alfreda Frances Bikowsky in the center of efforts to hold CIA officials accountable for alleged abuse October 19, 2015 5:00AM ET BERLIN — A German human rights group has filed a criminal complaint against Alfreda Frances Bikowsky, a CIA official who allegedly authorized torture of suspected al Qaeda militants. The complaint, submitted in federal court on Monday, presents proof of Bikowsky’s involvement in the torture of German citizen Khaled El Masri and asks that she be prosecuted in Germany. It also puts Bikowsky, nicknamed the “Queen of Torture,” in the spotlight of European efforts to hold CIA officials accountable for allegations of abuse. In 2003, ...

Formerly Imprisoned Ex-IRS Agent Sherry Peel Jackson Shares Her Thoughts On The Passing Of Irwin Schiff
Post Date: 2015-10-18 16:07:01 by Artisan
Sherry Peel Jackson, the ex-IRS agent who was sent to federal prison and horribly mistreated after refusing to file income taxes, has graciously shared her thoughts with LibertyFight.com about the passing of tax protester Irwin Schiff. Mrs. Peel Jackson, a devout Christian and dedicated truth-seeker, also starred in Aaron Russo's groundbreaking documentary film 'AMERICA: FROM FREEDOM TO FASCISM.' Her website is http://sherrypeeljackson.org . Mrs. Peel Jackson, an author, speaker and business consultant, has an upcoming speaking appearance next week in Georgia. Here are the details. There are two sessions, at 10am and 5PM. Admission is free, and registration is online.: Wealth ...

Check Out Irwin Schiff's Extensive Website - While It's Still There
Post Date: 2015-10-18 13:11:57 by Artisan
Renown tax protester Irwin Schiff tragically died in an Indiana prison yesterday. The feisty 87-year-old left quite a legacy and a lot of writings behind. The Orange County Register, a libertarian-leaning mainstream newspaper in Southern California, snidely remarked "Income taxes are voluntary! (If you like prison food)" in a 2010 article about Schiff. They go over a long list of 'Schiff wanna-bees' who are also in prison. A 62 page document from the IRS titled THE TRUTH ABOUT FRIVOLOUS TAX ARGUMENTS was released in March 2014. The document refers to Irwin Schiff and his cases numerous times, to prove that his contentions are no-winners. Excerpts: Relevant Case Law: ...

Farcical Egyptian Parliamentary Elections Underway
Post Date: 2015-10-18 12:30:22 by Stephen Lendman
Farcical Egyptian Parliamentary Elections Underway by Stephen Lendman Legitimate opposition parties are banned from participating in Egypt’s first parliamentary elections since junta authority seized power by coup d’etat - complicit with Washington in ousting President Mohamed Morsi, now imprisoned on trumped up charges. Strongman ruler Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is a US War College graduate, taught to crush all opposition to junta rule, undisguised despotism, governing by state terror. Democracy is strictly forbidden. Elections underway are farcical by any standard, proceeding in two phases for 596 parliamentary seats (568 elected ones, the others Sisi-appointed) on October 18 and ...

The Loss Of All Liberty Is Coming Faster Than You Imagined
Post Date: 2015-10-16 17:20:29 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
UK Prime Minister David Cameron reflects the serious problem we have with politicians. Politicians have zero respect for our human rights for they only think about how they are going to raid our wealth to pay for their families and retirements at our expense. Cameron actually asked, “In our country, do we want to allow a means of communication we [the government] cannot read? My answer to that question is: ‘No, we must not’.” These people are highly dangerous. They only see government as the solution and do not grasp that we have rights. Government wants to eliminate all encryption because they are hunting money. You have a 1000 times greater chance of ...

COMMUNIST TAKEOVER NEARING COMPLETION - Congressional Review Of Copyright Law May Threaten Drudge Report
Post Date: 2015-10-16 10:34:25 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Congress may update digital copyright law affecting aggregator sites, like the Drudge Report and Real Clear Politics, along with news sites in the near future. “Two years ago, the House Judiciary Committee launched a comprehensive review of our nation’s copyright laws, which have not been updated since 1976. As technology continues to rapidly advance, we have a responsibility to ensure that our laws are keeping pace with these developments,” Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte said in a statement. Since March of 2013, the House Judiciary Committee has conducted 20 hearings, which included testimony from 100 witnesses on the subject of copyright law in the digital age. ...

U.S. Dept of Treasury To Auction Off Ed & Elaine Brown's House Next Week While They Rot In Prison For Tax Evasion
Post Date: 2015-10-14 19:49:44 by Artisan
73-year old Ed Brown and his wife, 75-year-old Elaine Brown, are currently serving 37 and 35-year terms in federal prison for tax crimes and other felonies associated with the standoff with federal law enforcement agencies. The standoff lasted from February, 2007 to October 4, 2007, when the Browns were arrested by feds posing as 'patriot supporters.' The public auction for their home and commercial properties is being held on 10/22/2015 at 11:00 AM in New Hampshire. The U.S. Department of Treasury has posted an extensive 'NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE" on their website, with many dozens of photographs of the interior and exterior of the Brown's (former) home and ...

US Political Debates: Flim Flam Theater
Post Date: 2015-10-14 12:36:29 by Stephen Lendman
US Political Debates: Flim Flam Theater by Stephen Lendman Political debates are pre-scripted, well-rehearsed theater, especially presidential ones. They don’t edify. They insult. Avoid them. You’ll learn nothing. Slogans, posturing, and meaningless rhetoric substitute for substance, especially on issues mattering most. Candidates avoid controversy. Forthrightness isn’t their long suit. Staged PR theater called “debates” give unworthy candidates a platform for willful deception - demagoguery, making promises later broken if elected. Why anyone wastes time watching this stuff they’ll have to explain. America’s political process at the federal, state ...

What Did Clinton Mean When She Said Snowden Files Fell Into the “Wrong Hands” ?
Post Date: 2015-10-14 11:09:26 by Ada
Hillary Clinton asserted at Tuesday night’s Democratic presidential debate that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden “stole very important information that has unfortunately fallen into a lot of the wrong hands.” She seemed to be darkly intimating that the information Snowden gave to journalists in Hong Kong before he was granted asylum in Moscow also ended up with the Chinese and/or Russian governments. But that conclusion is entirely unsupported by the evidence; it’s a political smear that even the most alarmist Obama administration intelligence officials have not asserted as fact. As Snowden has repeatedly explained, after turning over copies of the heavily encrypted ...

War on Jeremy Corbyn Rages
Post Date: 2015-10-12 11:51:28 by Stephen Lendman
War on Jeremy Corbyn Rages by Stephen Lendman In politics, doing the right thing exacts a price. It’s no game for sissies. Most office holders are scoundrels. Exceptions like Corbyn prove the rule. More below on attempts to vilify him. The late Gore Vidal once said “(a)ny American who is prepared to run for president (or any high office) should automatically by definition be disqualified from ever doing so.” Author Richard Reeves once said “(a) lot of history is just dirty politics cleaned up for the consumption of children and other innocents.” Famed journalist HL Mencken disqualified himself from politics, saying: “I am strongly in favor or common sense, ...

CBS' 60 Minutes Interviews America's Liar-in-Chief
Post Date: 2015-10-12 06:58:47 by Stephen Lendman
CBS’ 60 Minutes Interviews America’s Liar-in-Chief by Stephen Lendman Obama is an unindicted war criminal, a shameless demagogue, a serial liar, a moral coward, a disgrace to the office he holds. On Sunday, CBS correspondent Steve Kroft interviewed him on 60 Minutes - giving him a prominent propaganda platform, everything pre-scripted, largely asking softball questions instead of holding a rogue president’s feet to the fire responsibly. Not a chance on mainstream television, a medium for the proliferation of Big Lies on issues mattering most, notably when government officials or retired generals and admirals are interviewed. Obama’s interview featured a litany of ...

Were Deadly Ankara Blasts a False Flag?
Post Date: 2015-10-11 10:31:22 by Stephen Lendman
Were Deadly Ankara Blasts a False Flag? by Stephen Lendman Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s repressive regime had motive and easy opportunity. We’ll likely never know for sure if he or his fascist cronies were responsible. Suspicions are warranted. On Saturday, multiple deadly blasts rocked Ankara, targeting a Labor, Peace (and) Democracy rally, protesting Turkey’s war on Kurds - killing at least 95 people, injuring around 250 more, over 50 in intensive care with serious injuries. Some may not survive. Nine policemen were slightly injured, none killed. The blasts apparently didn’t target them. Angry activists on the scene shouted “police murderers.” Security forces ...

3 reasons why you can't trust Washington
Post Date: 2015-10-11 05:35:07 by Tatarewicz
PravdaForum... Far too many Americans have come to the conclusion that only the federal government can solve problems. The Democrats all believe it. Lots of Republican politicians accept it. For the news media, it’s an article of faith. But America was founded on the notion that powerful central governments represent the gravest threat to individual liberty, state sovereignty and self-government. That should be reason enough for any American who claims to support the Constitution and its severe restrictions on the powers of the federal government to question everything Washington does. Yet, there’s another reason to do so. Most every problem Washington attempts to solve ...

Vaccine Fascism on Steroids
Post Date: 2015-10-09 16:09:49 by noone222
One wonders how bad it must get before more wake up to vaccine dangers and the right to refuse vaccinations. There is a terrible axis of evil: the vaccine industry, government, and media, within our shores. It’s getting its evil act together in California with the passage of SB277 and soon with SB792. It’s almost axiomatic that California sets most socioeconomic trends for the rest of the country. Concurrently, 35 states have had similar legislative proposals considered. So we all need to be very concerned about the passage of SB277 and SB792. SB277 is the bill made into law by Big Pharma California legislative sycophants and Governor Jerry Brown. Basically, it mandates ...

The Latest Nobel Committee Peace Prize Award Hypocrisy
Post Date: 2015-10-09 11:29:23 by Stephen Lendman
The Latest Nobel Committee Peace Prize Award Hypocrisy by Stephen Lendman Nobel Committee members long ago lost credibility. War criminals or other undeserving honorees win peace prizes. Past recipients included a rogue’s gallery of miscreants - Obama, Henry Kissinger and three former Israeli prime ministers most notably, all unindicted war criminals. Maybe Netanyahu is next. Selection is entirely politicized. Legitimate peace advocates are shunned. Mahatma Gandhi was nominated five times, never awarded the coveted prize. Deserving candidates like peace champion Kathy Kelly, whistleblowers Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning are consistently ignored. So are Vladimir Putin and Sergey ...

Post Date: 2015-10-08 23:57:36 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Maybe this is a time for Newt Gingrich to come back with a flurry of ideas and a new contract that would advance a conservative agenda that would help the country solve these horrible problems.

Supreme Court Says Mandatory Vaccinations Don’t Violate Children’s Constitutional Rights Supreme Court justices uphold appeals court ruling violating constitutional right of religious freedom
Post Date: 2015-10-08 12:57:21 by Horse
The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear a case challenging the state of New York’s public school vaccination requirement, which requires all children to be vaccinated prior to attendance at public school. The SCOTUS’s failure to hear the case effectively states that mandatory vaccination of all public school children, doesn’t violate their constitutional rights. A lower court had ruled that the school vaccination requirement, which three parents had legally challenged after their unvaccinated children were prohibited from attending school, did not violate the constitutional rights of the children. The appeals court also upheld a decision that children exempted from ...

Oh No You Don’t: Small Win for the 4th Amendment
Post Date: 2015-10-05 05:32:09 by BTP Holdings
Oh No You Don’t: Small Win for the 4th Amendment TOPICS:Police StateSurveillance State. Posted By: David K August 26, 2015 The 4th Amendment to the Constitution reads: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. This Amendment has been considered all but lost with the all-encompassing and invasive surveillance everyday Americans are under. Our cell phone calls are monitored and logged. Who ...

Poroshenko's UN Rant
Post Date: 2015-09-30 14:05:01 by Stephen Lendman
Poroshenko’s UN Rant by Stephen Lendman US-anointed Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko is a caricature of a leader - a so-called chocolate king billionaire/oligarch, illegitimately installed in a farcical election. He’s waged naked aggression on Donbass throughout his tenure, imposed an economic blockade,  insists scheduled democratic parliamentary elections be cancelled, failed in his attempt to isolate Crimea, and blames Russia and Donbass freedom fighters for his high crimes. His General Assembly rant bashed Russia, repeating tired old baseless accusations of “aggression.” Ludicrously saying “Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia in the Crimea and ...

Post Date: 2015-09-29 16:07:12 by Ada
To hear FBI Director James Comey tell it, strong encryption stops law enforcement dead in its tracks by letting terrorists, kidnappers and rapists communicate in complete secrecy. But that’s just not true. In the rare cases in which an investigation may initially appear to be blocked by encryption — and so far, the FBI has yet to identify a single one — the government has a Plan B: it’s called hacking. Hacking — just like kicking down a door and looking through someone’s stuff — is a perfectly legal tactic for law enforcement officers, provided they have a warrant. And law enforcement officials have, over the years, learned many ways to install ...

Saudi Indifference to Human Lives and Welfare
Post Date: 2015-09-29 14:19:27 by Stephen Lendman
Saudi Indifference to Human Lives and Welfare by Stephen Lendman Saudi Arabia is perhaps the world’s most ruthless regime, second only to America and Israel’s partnership, together a true axis of pure evil. Riyadh persecutes its own population ruthlessly, tolerating no dissent, sentencing victims to death for the crime of truth-telling, partnering with US regional wars, supplying weapons, funding and banned chemical agents to terrorists in Iraq and Syria. For six months, it’s been terror bombing Yemen, using banned cluster munitions and toxic agents, murdering thousands of civilians, potentially starving millions to death by blockade, preventing enough food, medical ...

“Don’t Cry For Me, Argentina” or should say in “America”
Post Date: 2015-09-27 18:57:46 by christine
Poster Comment:With the backdrop of that beautiful song, this is heart wrenching.

Republican Race Tightens: Does It Matter?
Post Date: 2015-09-27 14:49:05 by Stephen Lendman
Republican Race Tightens: Does it Matter? by Stephen Lendman Governors Rick Perry and Scott Walker were early dropouts. Expect others before the February 1 Iowa caucus and primary season begins, New Hampshire first eight days after Iowa - heading toward March 1 super-Tuesday with 13 states up for grabs. Does it matter? Not under money controlled one-party rule, candidates from each wing virtual cardboard cutouts of each other, in lockstep on all issues mattering most - same-old, same-old: pro-war, pro-business, anti-populist. Don’t be fooled by demagogic rhetoric. Candidate Obama promised hope and change, peace, not war, prosperity lifting all boats, affordable universal healthcare ...

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