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Latest Articles: Dead Constitution

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The Rise Of The Inhumanes
Post Date: 2015-09-02 18:43:12 by Ada
America’s descent into totalitarian violence is accelerating. Like the Bush regime, the Obama regime has a penchant for rewarding Justice (sic) Department officials who trample all over the US Constitution. Last year America’s First Black President nominated David Barron to be a judge on the First US Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston. Barron is responsible for the Justice (sic) Department memo that gave the legal OK for Obama to murder a US citizen with a missile fired from a drone. The execution took place without charges presented to a court, trial, and conviction. The target was a religious man whose sermons were believed by the paranoid Obama regime to encourage jihadism. ...

Nevada family fights government over property near Area 51
Post Date: 2015-09-02 13:46:12 by X-15
A Nevada family with a mining camp overlooking the secret base at Area 51 is finally speaking out -- after keeping their silence for more than 60 years. The Sheahan family spoke exclusively with the I-Team's Glen Meek. It may be one of the last great untold stories of the Cold War. It's a tale of what happens when family, history, and national security collide. In what may be the final act of a Cold War drama playing out in the Nevada desert, a family is poised to lose land they have held in Nevada since Ulysses Grant was president. Here is part of their story and what they say has been decades of abuse at the hands of their own government. By now, most people have probably ...

More Lawless US Sanctions on Russia
Post Date: 2015-09-02 13:08:45 by Stephen Lendman
More Lawless US Sanctions on Russia by Stephen Lendman Nations unilaterally or collectively may not impose sanctions on other countries, individuals, businesses or organizations. International law permits only Security Council members to impose them. America’s odious history reflects abuse of power on an unprecedented scale. Illegally imposing sanctions is one of its many crimes - again against Russia for the fourth time since March 2014, for fabricated reasons relating to Ukraine, not legitimate ones. Design Bureau, Rosoboronexport, Russian Aircraft Corporation and other companies were targeted. Russia’s Foreign Ministry responded sharply to Washington’s latest salvo, ...

Sheep Led to the Slaughter: The Muzzling of Free Speech in America
Post Date: 2015-09-02 08:23:41 by Ada
“If the freedom of speech be taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”—George Washington The architects of the American police state must think we’re idiots. With every passing day, we’re being moved further down the road towards a totalitarian society characterized by government censorship, violence, corruption, hypocrisy and intolerance, all packaged for our supposed benefit in the Orwellian doublespeak of national security, tolerance and so-called “government speech.” Long gone are the days when advocates of free speech could prevail in a case such as Tinker v. Des Moines. Indeed, it’s been 50 years since ...

Tense Video Of Moment Davis Refuses Marriage License
Post Date: 2015-09-01 17:00:51 by BTP Holdings
Tense Video Of Moment Davis Refuses Marriage License     James Bosworth , September 1, 2015 MOREHEAD, Ky. (AP) — A county clerk in Kentucky who invoked “God’s authority” Tuesday for defying the U.S. Supreme Court on gay marriage has been summoned by a federal judge to explain why she should not be fined or jailed for contempt. U.S. District Judge David Bunning moved swiftly after Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis insisted yet again Tuesday that her religious beliefs prevent her from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Davis turned several couples away and then retreated into her office, where her door and blinds were closed to ...

Court’s Stunning Ruling Says Illegal Immigrants Can Legally Do This With Guns
Post Date: 2015-09-01 16:55:40 by BTP Holdings
Court’s Stunning Ruling Says Illegal Immigrants Can Legally Do This With Guns 36401595_sHundreds of years ago our ancestors fought and died so we could enjoy the freedoms we have today. People often forget that these freedoms are extended to American citizens and are reserved exclusively for those who swear allegiance to this great nation. But it’s true. The only problem is the porous border down south does little to deter illegals from coming over here and enjoying the fruit of our labor. For instance, they can come over, totally undocumented, not pay taxes AND enjoy the second amendment. You read that correctly, illegal aliens can own guns legally even though they ...

The Dying Institutions Of Western Civilization
Post Date: 2015-09-01 10:25:48 by Ada
Judiciary Branch Has Self-Abolished The US no longer has a judiciary. This former branch of government has transitioned into an enabler of executive branch fascism. Privacy is a civil liberty protected by the US Constitution. The Constitution relies on courts to enforce its prohibitions against intrusive government, but if the executive branch claims (no proof required) “national security,” courts kiss the Constitution good-bye. Federal judges are chosen by the executive branch. The senate can refuse to confirm, but that is rare. The executive branch chooses judges who are friendly to executive power. This is especially the case for the appeals courts and the Supreme Court. ...

Maidan 2.0 Erupting in Ukraine?
Post Date: 2015-08-31 13:01:54 by Stephen Lendman
Maidan 2.0 Erupting in Ukraine? by Stephen Lendman A previous article explained overwhelming anti-regime opposition. Ordinary people are fed up with economic conditions creating enormous hardships - ignored to enrich privileged interests and wage war on Donbass. Sporadic protests erupted various times before - again Monday in front of parliament violently after police stopped thousands from storming the building, led by Right Sector Nazis, likeminded Svoboda party extremists and other ultranationalist elements. Whether Monday’s violence signals the beginning of Maidan 2.0 remains to be seen. Elements involved include the most extremists segments of Ukrainian society - hooligan ...

US Presidential Aspirants Irresponsibly Bash Putin
Post Date: 2015-08-31 09:32:54 by Stephen Lendman
US Presidential Aspirants Irresponsibly Bash Putin by Stephen Lendman Putin’s advocacy for peace, stability and multi-world polarity along with opposing US imperial lawlessness makes him America’s public enemy number one - recklessly bashed at a time US/Russian cooperation is vitally needed to avoid the unthinkable, a possible devastating nuclear confrontation. US presidential aspirants represent America’s lunatic fringe - pro-war neocons talking tough on Russia, proliferating Big Lies, ignoring good sense. Jeb Bush irresponsibly called Putin a “bully. Ultimately I think to deal with (him) you need to deal from strength,” he said. “He’s a bully. You ...

US Presidential Aspirants Irresponsibly Bash Putin
Post Date: 2015-08-31 09:32:20 by Stephen Lendman
US Presidential Aspirants Bash Putin by Stephen Lendman Putin’s advocacy for peace, stability and multi-world polarity along with opposing US imperial lawlessness makes him America’s public enemy number one - recklessly bashed at a time US/Russian cooperation is vitally needed to avoid the unthinkable, a possible devastating nuclear confrontation. US presidential aspirants represent America’s lunatic fringe - pro-war neocons talking tough on Russia, proliferating Big Lies, ignoring good sense. Jeb Bush irresponsibly called Putin a “bully. Ultimately I think to deal with (him) you need to deal from strength,” he said. “He’s a bully. You enable bad ...

US Presidential Aspirants Resemble an FBI Most Wanted List
Post Date: 2015-08-31 04:44:13 by Stephen Lendman
US Presidential Aspirants Resemble an FBI Most Wanted List by Stephen Lendman America is run by a criminal aristocracy - a one-party system with two wings, serving monied interests exclusively at the expense of beneficial social change. Their agenda no matter who’s president or heading key congressional committees features: • an obsession with national security at a time America’s only enemies are ones it invents;
 • waging phony war on terror;
 • endless direct and proxy wars of aggression;
 • more spent on militarism and belligerence than the rest of the world combined;
 • multi-billions of dollars in corporate ...

NYT Features Anti-Russian Propagandist
Post Date: 2015-08-30 15:14:25 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Features Anti-Russian Propagandist by Stephen Lendman A previous article described Marsha Gessen as follows: She’s a US propagandist/Putin basher living in Moscow - a former controversial Washington controlled Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Russian Service director. Her job then and now is proliferating anti-Russian/anti-Putin propaganda. Virtually everything she says and writes is rubbish - fabrications polar opposite truth. No legitimate editors would touch her stuff. The NYT features it often - in lieu of independent contributors discussing hard truths everyone needs to know on issues mattering most - prohibited by Times editors, serving wealth and power interests ...

Ukrainians Overwhelmingly Oppose Junta Rule
Post Date: 2015-08-29 15:39:29 by Stephen Lendman
Ukrainians Overwhelmingly Oppose Junta Rule by Stephen Lendman Ukraine is a Nazi-infested police state - an illegitimate US-installed coup d’etat regime, run by criminal thugs, wrecking the economy, abolishing freedoms, waging war on their own people. No wonder a poll conducted by Rating Group Ukraine found 0% full support for its regime. Poroshenko scored 3% full support, 21% partial support, and overwhelming opposition to his rule. Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk had 0% full support. Kiev’s Verkhovna Rada (parliament) scored 1%. Random sampling included respondents from all Ukrainian regions except Donbass - victimized by Kiev aggression. Results conflict with regime ...

Egypt's War on Press Freedom
Post Date: 2015-08-29 09:49:56 by Stephen Lendman
Egypt’s War on Press Freedom by Stephen Lendman Egypt is a US-supported fascist dictatorship. Anyone challenging its authority risks imprisonment or death. Police state injustice is official state policy. Thousands are imprisoned solely for their political beliefs. On August 29, Al Jazeera reported on three of its journalists sentenced to three years in prison by a kangaroo Cairo court. In June 2014, Baher Mohamed, Mohamed Fahmy and Peter Greste were declared guilty of “aiding a terrorist organization” - referring to the ousted Muslim Brotherhood government in 2013, coup d’etat illegitimacy replacing it. Mohamed received six additional months imprisonment for ...

Right-Wing DC Court of Appeals Upholds Unconstitutional Surveillance
Post Date: 2015-08-29 05:55:22 by Stephen Lendman
Right-Wing DC Court of Appeals Upholds Unconstitutional Surveillance by Stephen Lendman Virtually unrestricted NSA data mining tramples on Fourth Amendment rights brazenly. In December 2013, Federal District Court of the District of Columbia Judge Richard Leon ruled NSA spying unconstitutional, saying: “The threshold issue is whether plaintiffs have a reasonable expectation of privacy that is violated when the Government indiscriminately collects their telephone metadata along with the metadata of hundreds of millions of other citizens without any particularized suspicion of wrongdoing, retains all of that metadata for five years, and then queries, analyzes, and investigates that ...

Nothing says “police state” quite like unmanned aerial vehicles patrolling the sky ready to deploy 80,000 volts to the nearest protester or dose entire crowds with chemical weapons.
Post Date: 2015-08-29 04:50:42 by Horse

Black New Orleans 10 Years Post-Katrina
Post Date: 2015-08-28 14:15:17 by Stephen Lendman
Black New Orleans 10 Years Post-Katrina by Stephen Lendman August 29 marks the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. A personal note: Its devastation and ugly aftermath inspired this 70-year-old retiree at the time to begin writing about major world and national issues along with media work pro bono. It bears repeating some what that first article said - calling Katrina less what nature wrought, more a conspiracy of federal, state and city government along with business interests against the area’s most vulnerable residents - mainly its poor Black population. Over a million people were displaced. Over 1,000 died. Cashing in on disaster followed. Former Republican ...

Washington Intends Breaching Iran Nuclear Deal
Post Date: 2015-08-28 08:01:53 by Stephen Lendman
Washington Intends Breaching Iran Nuclear Deal by Stephen Lendman The dawn of a new era in US/Iranian relations didn’t arrive on July 14 in Vienna - with consummation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOC). Far from it. Washington’s deal-making history is deplorable - a record of betrayal, consistently breaching agreements since the beginning of the republic, proving its word isn’t its bond. On Friday, Obama’s Treasury sanctions czar, Adam Szubin, arrived in Israel - to reassure its regime of continued US hardline anti-Iranian policy, ready to impose new “severe financial penalties for its (nonexistent) sponsorship of terrorism and support of military ...

Monied Interests Run America
Post Date: 2015-08-27 05:54:53 by Stephen Lendman
Monied Interests Run America by Stephen Lendman Powerful Wall Street headquartered monied interests run America - in league with corrupt federal, state and local officials, waging financial war for profit. Reckless Fed-led central bank policy bears full responsibility for today’s market turbulence. Ordinary people are hurt most - fleeced of income, savings, benefits and futures. Most youths in America today haven’t the same opportunities as inner city kids like this writer growing up. When good public schools prepared students for college. When it was affordable. When many public colleges and universities were tuition-free. When student debt entrapment didn’t exist. When ...

Feds Go Door-To-Door To Inform Gun Owners Rights Not Absolute
Post Date: 2015-08-26 22:33:06 by Bill D Berger
Thank God criminals follow laws – otherwise we might be in trouble. This has always been the traditional attitude of government in regards to gun restrictions. It is important to note that everybody believes in gun rights. – It is just a question of who has those rights. So-called “gun-control supporters” don’t support the absence of guns in society, they support gun ownership being monopolized and centralized in the hands of the state and their enforcers(police). By criminalizing individuals 2nd Amendment right to defend themselves, governemnt exempts itself from its own rules and faces no repercussions. This is certainly the case in victim disarmament areas like ...

US/Israeli Attempted Color Revolution in Lebanon?
Post Date: 2015-08-26 08:16:35 by Stephen Lendman
US/Israeli Attempted Color Revolution in Lebanon? by Stephen Lendman Longstanding US/Israeli plans call for redrawing the Middle East map, replacing independent governments with pro-Western puppet regimes, balkanizing Iraq, Syria, Iran and other regional countries for easier control, looting their resources, and exploiting their people. Analyst Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya says plans call for "creating an arc of instability, chaos, and violence extending from Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria to Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Iran, and the borders of NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan” - by color revolutions or wars. Violent protests rock Beirut - ongoing for days, a so-called “You Stink” ...

For Immigration Answers, Look to Liberty
Post Date: 2015-08-25 17:26:50 by Ada
What should be done with the estimated 15 million people living in the United States without the legal right to be here? It seems most politicians and many Americans come down on one or the other extreme. Many Republicans, including Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, have the idea that they can round up 15 million people and ship them back to wherever they came from. Many Democrats, on the other hand, would grant them blanket amnesty, give them citizenship, and make sure as many as possible are fully signed up to the welfare ranks. Has anyone thought for a moment about how difficult, expensive, disruptive, and dangerous to our civil liberties it would be to turn over every ...

Former Greek Finance Minister on SYRIZA Capitulation to Troika
Post Date: 2015-08-25 13:23:15 by Stephen Lendman
Former Greek Finance Minister on SYRIZA Capitulation to Troika by Stephen Lendman Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras faked his progressive credentials. He was a Judas all along - pretending opposition to austerity to get elected, planning betrayal straightaway in office. Former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis maintains a web site - posting his “comments for the post-2008 world.” On August 18, he headlined “Bailout deal allows Greek oligarchs to maintain grip,” saying: Terms lawmakers agreed to lets oligarchs dominating Greek economic sectors “generate huge profits and continue to avoid paying taxes” - at the expense of greater economic wreckage and harm ...

San Dimas Woman Charged With Animal Cruelty, Faces a Year in Prison and $20,000 Fine After Trapping Skunk That Died
Post Date: 2015-08-24 11:03:51 by Artisan
Prosecutors have charged a mother who was nursing her baby boy with "crimes against animals" for not handling a wild skunk and getting it out of the hot sun after it was trapped in her backyard. Cynthia Casas faces $20,000 in fines and a year in prison, with a court date in September. "She made it out like she came and caught me doing something malicious to an animal," Casas explained. "How could this happen when we're trying to do the right thing?" she asked. "Humane Officer and wildlife expert" FAVIOLA LEON arrived and admonished the woman for not taking care of the wild skunk. The Inland Valley Humane Society boasts that they have a 100% ...

Obama's War on Venezuela
Post Date: 2015-08-23 06:37:00 by Stephen Lendman
Obama’s War on Venezuela by Stephen Lendman Endless US hot wars rage in multiple theaters. Covert destabilizing ones target numerous other countries. Toppling Venezuela’s government has been a US objective since Chavez took office in February 1999 - so far not achieved but ongoing without letup. Occasional US soft diplomatic talk is pure deception - including John Kerry saying Washington “seek(s) ways to improve a historically strong relationship” on the occasion of Venezuela’s July 5 independence day commemoration. Most often his rhetoric reflects longstanding US meddling in the internal affairs of other countries - flagrantly illegal under core international ...

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