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Abuse of Minors in Adult US Prisons
Post Date: 2015-07-09 09:20:44 by Stephen Lendman
Abuse of Minors in Adult US Prisons by Stephen Lendman Among developed countries, American and Israeli prisons (for persecuted Palestinians) are most abusive. Torture and other forms of  mistreatment are commonplace - including against minors. A new Huffington Post report titled "Cruel and All-Too-Usual: A Terrifying Glimpse into Life in Prison - As a Kid" discusses how minors are mistreated in America's gulag prison system. Long-lasting scars remain after release. A 17-year-old girl called Jamie, to conceal her identity, was sentenced to two concurrent six-month terms on assault and property destruction convictions for allegedly throwing a brick at a roommate, then ...

Looming Greek Capitulation to Troika Bandits?
Post Date: 2015-07-09 06:29:20 by Stephen Lendman
Looming Greek Capitulation to Troika? by Stephen Lendman Protracted real-life Greek tragedy appears likely to worsen, not improve. Its economy is in shambles, teetering on bankruptcy under a crushing debt burden impossible to repay and entrapment under predatory Eurozone rules denying fundamental sovereign rights. Its people suffer hugely from force-fed austerity - more coming instead of no further amounts as Prime Minister Tsipras pledged. He's like all the rest - promising one thing, delivering another. Greece is a money-controlled European colony - with no sovereign rights under Troika-imposed deepening Great Depression conditions. It's economy is being systematically ...

Leaked Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) Draft Text
Post Date: 2015-07-08 14:17:15 by Stephen Lendman
Leaked Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) Draft Text by Stephen Lendman A previous article discussed a trade agreement most people never heard of - involving 51 countries and over two-thirds of world trade in services. In 2014, WikiLeaks released a secret TISA Financial Services Annex. A leaked February 2015 TISA text revealed updated provisions worse than last year's draft. On July 2, WikiLeaks released a new draft text. Public Citizen President Robert Weissman commented saying: "Our analysis of a leaked version of the draft agreement, along with a draft annex on financial services, identifies threats to rules and policies ranging from limits on overall bank size to consumer ...

High Stakes Game of Chicken in Greece
Post Date: 2015-07-08 06:11:20 by Stephen Lendman
High Stakes Game of Chicken in Greece by Stephen Lendman Greece is Exhibit A for predatory capitalism's rapaciousness - profiting at the expense of human misery along with looting weak nations of their wealth, assets and enterprises. Theft on the grandest scale reflects a world gone mad so super-rich bandits can accumulate endless more amounts of enormous wealth no matter the cost in human suffering. Their world is unfit to live in for most people everywhere - systemic injustice on the grandest of grand scales, including mocking popular sentiment. European Council president Jean-Claude Junker called last Sunday's referendum a "circus" - overwhelming opposition to more ...

Obama Used This Falsified FBI Data to Push For More Gun Control
Post Date: 2015-07-07 17:15:07 by BTP Holdings
Obama Used This Falsified FBI Data to Push For More Gun Control One of Obama’s biggest fantasies is to decimate the second amendment. If he can make it so law abiding citizens are defenseless then he’s done his job. This is why he’s been advocating relentlessly for “common sense” gun control and why he’s initiated several new executive measures to restrict the ability of gun owners to legally own their weapons. He’s even gone so far as to use fabricated FBI data to make sure his anti-gun agenda is accepted with warm applause. Just before the elections he was citing a FBI study which indicated mass shootings were up overall. What better way to get ...

US-Installed Ukrainian-Style "Democracy"
Post Date: 2015-07-07 14:27:19 by Stephen Lendman
US-Installed Ukrainian-Style "Democracy" by Stephen Lendman Western leaders calling fascist dictatorships democracies should scare everyone. It suggests the kind of governance they want domestically - rule by brute force while waging endless wars abroad, Orwell's worst nightmare underscored by potential nuclear armageddon. Washington installed Ukraine's Nazi-infested dictatorship last year. Nightmarish conditions prevail - police state ruthlessness by any standard. Lawful rule is nonexistent. Anyone challenging fascist illegitimacy faces imprisonment or death. Elections are farcical when held. Press freedom is prohibited. Independent journalists are kidnapped and ...

Deadlock in Vienna
Post Date: 2015-07-07 13:46:05 by Stephen Lendman
Deadlock in Vienna by Stephen Lendman Washington obstructionism leaves Iran nuclear talks deadlocked as another deadline approaches for resolving remaining issues. Years of standoff persist. Obama wants a one-way deal on his terms - demanding unreasonable Iranian concessions, raising the bar continually for more, wanting Iran subjugated and isolated as part of a longterm plan to replace its government with a US-controlled puppet regime letting Big Oil plunder its hydrocarbon resources. Fars News cited an informed source close to negotiations saying "serious" issues remain unresolved. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said "(n)othing is definite yet. Some differences ...

Planned US Coup in Greece?
Post Date: 2015-07-07 09:43:07 by Stephen Lendman
Planned US Coup in Greece? by Stephen Lendman Washington's geopolitical strategy when bullying fails is either assassinating independent leaders, color revolutions, military coups or naked aggression. If Moscow-based independent investigative journalist John Helmer is right, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is a marked man and SYRIZA governance on thin ice showing cracks. He said "(a) putsch in Athens to save allied Greece from enemy Russia is in preparation by the US and Germany, with backing from the non-taxpayers of Greece  - the Greek oligarchs, Anglo-Greek shipowners, and the Greek Church." "At the highest and lowest level of Greek government, and from ...

Some CEOs Are Being Paid Too Much Simply by Accident
Post Date: 2015-07-06 17:20:32 by BTP Holdings
Some CEOs Are Being Paid Too Much Simply by Accident By Noah Smith | Thursday, 02 Jul 2015 08:36 AM Why are chief executive officers paid so much? Although skyrocketing CEO pay is not a substantial factor behind the increase in income inequality, it is certainly startling. The average U.S. CEO now makes about 350 times what the average worker makes. That means CEOs typically make in one day what their employees make in one year. There's no reason why that number disparity should, by itself, be annoying. After all, star entrepreneurs make a lot of money, and few people mind. Star basketball players make a lot of money, and few people mind. So why should we mind if star managers ...

The Terrible Truth About Abraham Lincoln and the Confederate War
Post Date: 2015-07-05 13:14:04 by Southern Style
The Terrible Truth About Abraham Lincoln and the Confederate WarPosted on January 20, 2014 by Michael Hutcheson President Lincoln has been all but deified in America, with a god-like giant statue at a Parthenon-like memorial in Washington. Generations of school children have been indoctrinated with the story that “Honest Abe” Lincoln is a national hero who saved the Union and fought a noble war to end slavery, and that the “evil” Southern states seceded from the Union to protect slavery. This is the Yankee myth of history, written and promulgated by Northerners, and it is a complete falsity. It was produced and entrenched in the culture in large part to gloss ...

Greek Bailouts for Creditors, not Economic Growth
Post Date: 2015-07-05 06:29:12 by Stephen Lendman
Greek Bailouts for Creditors, not Economic Recovery by Stephen Lendman Troika bandits are running a giant Ponzi scheme - wealth transfer looting of Greece's economy and population to benefit banksters violating the EU constitution prohibiting bail-outs. They violate Maastricht and Lisbon Treaty provisions. State financing through ECB purchases of government bonds is prohibited. Article 125.1 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union forbids one member state from bailing out another, stating: "The Union shall not be liable for or assume the commitments of central governments, regional, local or other public authorities, other bodies governed by public law, or public ...

Thoughts on Independence Day Weekend
Post Date: 2015-07-04 15:09:08 by Stephen Lendman
Thoughts on Independence Day Weekend by Stephen Lendman As Americans festively celebrate Independence Day weekend, their leaders are busy conducting business as usual. Attempting to topple popularly elected Ecuadorean and Venezuelan governance takes precedence over barbecues, outings and other celebratory activities. So does waging genocidal direct and proxy wars as well as covert mischief worldwide - against Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Donbass freedom fighters, Libyans wanting to live free, Somalis, partnered with Israel against Palestine and elsewhere - besides at home against Blacks, Latino immigrants, Muslims, environmental and animal rights activists, as well as political ...

US-Orchestrated Coup Attempt in Ecuador
Post Date: 2015-07-04 13:23:25 by Stephen Lendman
US-Orchestrated Coup Attempt in Ecuador by Stephen Lendman Washington wants all independent governments toppled - regime change by US-orchestrated color revolutions, coups or naked aggression. Ecuador is in the eye of the storm. Obama's earlier 2010 attempt to forcibly unseat popular President Rafael Correa failed. He's trying again. Ecuadorean democracy is being attacked. Since early June, US-orchestrated right- wing protests (mainly in Quito and Guayaquil) erupted. They continue at times violently to replace Correa with fascist rule. They began on the pretext of announced higher inheritance and capital gains taxes affecting about 2% of the population - the Law to Redistribute ...

14 Things About America That Would Make The Founding Fathers Turn Over In Their Graves
Post Date: 2015-07-04 12:22:55 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. – That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, – That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will ...

Contemplation on 4th of July - James Rollins
Post Date: 2015-07-04 11:37:48 by christine
Contemplation on 4th of July "the States by a voluntary compact created a general government and delegated to it enumerated powers, reserving all else to themselves" (1) "The founders of the American Republic never conferred or intended to confer sovereignty upon either State or Federal governments."(1) "In vain have we asked by what clause of the Constitution the States surrendered their sovereignty" (1) We ask the same question today, with the same result, silence. States were free independent sovereign Nations when they ratified the Constitution. Where did our Liberty and Freedom go? Our Liberty from the unauthorized use of power by our government has ...

Human Rights in Venezuela v. America
Post Date: 2015-07-03 15:19:16 by Stephen Lendman
Human Rights in Venezuela v. America by Stephen Lendman Both countries are polar opposites when it comes to respecting the rights of their people and others worldwide. They're constitutional worlds apart. Venezuela enshrines human rights in its document - approved overwhelmingly in a December 1999 referendum. It "establish(ed) a democratic, participatory and self-reliant, multiethnic and multicultural society in a just, federal and decentralized State that embodies the values of freedom, independence, peace, solidarity, the common good, the nation's territorial integrity, comity and the rule of law for this and future generations." It "guarantees" what ...

Greece: Ground Zero for Global Pillage
Post Date: 2015-07-03 09:19:36 by Stephen Lendman
Greece: Ground Zero for Global Pillage by Stephen Lendman Troika-waged financial war is systematically destroying Greece. It's being raped and pillaged to enrich bankers. Its people are being transformed into impoverished serfs - denied vital social services everyone deserves. Its entire political system is corrupt. Democracy is absent where it originated. Instead of ending austerity as promised, SYRIZA piled on more, capitulating to Troika demands barely short of unconditional surrender likely coming. Paying bankers matters more than serving all Greek citizens fairly and equitably. They're suffocating under austerity mandates no government should impose - everything for rich ...

Troika Plan for Greece: Endless Pillage and Regime Change
Post Date: 2015-07-02 12:57:33 by Stephen Lendman
Troika Plan for Greece: Endless Pillage and Regime Change by Stephen Lendman Banker-controlled Troika officials intend using Greece as a model for what's intended across Europe - devastating neoliberal harshness creating a continental dystopian wasteland for ordinary people. Greece is being systematically raped and pillaged. It's economy contracted over 25% since crisis conditions erupted in 2008. More than a million jobs were lost. Overall unemployment exceeds 25% - for youths it's 60%. College educated and other young people have no futures in Greece. Its best and brightest are leaving en masse. Workers lucky to have jobs receive lower or frozen pay along with few or no ...

Florida Man Sentenced to 8 Months for Driving Away from Interior Border Patrol Checkpoint Too Quickly
Post Date: 2015-07-02 11:45:05 by X-15
When Florida resident Michael Sophin set out on a nationwide road trip in the spring of 2014, he planned on visiting friends and expanding his computer repair business. However, his plans were abruptly ended on the evening of October 3rd, 2014 after an encounter with a U.S. Border Patrol Agent in Texas landed Sophin in an El Paso jail for 18 days on a federal felony charge of “high speed flight from immigration checkpoint.” Sophin was wrapping up a long day of driving when he drove up on a Border Patrol checkpoint on I-10 near Sierra Blanca, Texas which is stationed nearly 20 miles from the border of Mexico with his camera recording. “Are you an American citizen?” the ...

Ukraine: Rogue State Deadbeat
Post Date: 2015-07-01 14:26:34 by Stephen Lendman
Ukraine: Rogue State Deadbeat by Stephen Lendman Ukraine is Exhibit A for everything a nation shouldn't be. It's run by illegitimate, Nazi-infested putschists - lunatics risking war with Russia. It's a brutal dictatorship by any standard. Its US-anointed president is an oligarch mega-crook war criminal. Its top officials look like an FBI most wanted list. Corruption is the national pastime. So is police state ruthlessness and naked aggression on its own people. Poroshenko finds new ways to disgrace himself. Earlier he claimed 10,000 Russian soldiers on Ukrainian territory. Now he says, "on Putin's order, there are 200,000 men and an arsenal of armored vehicles, ...

Trans-Pacific Partnership Guarantee
Post Date: 2015-07-01 12:26:30 by Stephen Lendman
Trans-Pacific Partnership Guarantee by Stephen Lendman On Monday, Obama signed regressive Fast Track legislation into law - giving himself diktat power to ram through Congress anti-populist trade bills like TPP with minimal debate and no amendments. Besides other provisions benefitting investors at the expense of public welfare, it's a jobs killer/environment destroyer. Nothing Obama says is credible. "The Trans-Pacific Partnership includes strong protections for workers and the environment," he blustered in remarks before signing what demands rejection. "This agreement will help us level the playing field," he added - like NAFTA and the US-Korea Free Trade ...

Rand Paul: Government Should Get Out of the Marriage Business Altogether
Post Date: 2015-06-30 17:02:36 by BTP Holdings
Rand Paul: Government Should Get Out of the Marriage Business Altogether Sen. Rand Paul @RandPaul June 28, 2015      Rand Paul Carlos Barria—Reuters Republican presidential candidate Senator Rand Paul waits before addressing a legislative luncheon held as part of the "Road to Majority" conference in Washington on June 18, 2015. Paul is the junior U.S. Senator for Kentucky. While I disagree with Supreme Court’s redefinition of marriage, I believe that all Americans have the right to contract. The Constitution is silent on the question of marriage because marriage has always been a local issue. Our founding fathers ...

EXCLUSIVE: Taiwan gay rights activist arrested, released on NT$1 million bail, banned from international travel, assets seized after death stemming from 'rainbow party' fireball that injured 500
Post Date: 2015-06-30 16:23:03 by BTP Holdings
EXCLUSIVE: Taiwan gay rights activist arrested, released on NT$1 million bail, banned from international travel, assets seized after death stemming from 'rainbow party' fireball that injured 500 Tuesday, June 30, 2015 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) Taiwan gay rights activist and "rainbow party" (Color Play) organizer Zhong Ji Lu was taken into custody by Taiwan police today for his role in the massive, deadly fireball that rained down upon 500 youth celebrating over the weekend. He was questioned and released on NT$1 million bail, with investigations pending. Zhong Ji Lu is the key founder of Gay Rights Taiwan (www.facebook.com/gayrightstw) according ...

Award-Winning Comedian: Politically Correct Left Has Killed Comedy
Post Date: 2015-06-30 10:19:55 by Bill D Berger
Bafta award-winning comedian Stephen Merchant argues that the authoritarian left has killed comedy, with satirists afraid to crack controversial jokes for fear of offending politically correct sensibilities.In an interview with the Telegraph, Merchant, co-writer and co-director of the wildly popular British sitcom The Office, complained that perpetually offended Twitter outrage mobs have made public figures petrified to speak candidly.“This idea that we have to police ourselves, that we might say the wrong thing and upset someone or something. It’s not fun. It’s just not fun,” said Merchant, noting that the BBC would probably have never broadcast The ...

This is the final link in the police state chain - we have nowhere left to go. Our backs are to the walls
Post Date: 2015-06-30 02:38:38 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
This is the final link in the police state chain. Having been reduced to a cowering citizenry—mute in the face of elected officials who refuse to represent us, helpless in the face of police brutality, powerless in the face of militarized tactics and technology that treat us like enemy combatants on a battlefield, and naked in the face of government surveillance that sees and hears all—we have nowhere left to go. Our backs are to the walls. From this point on, we have only two options: go down fighting, or capitulate and betray our loved ones, our friends and our selves by insisting that, as a brainwashed Winston Smith does at the end of Orwell’s 1984, yes, 2+2 does equal ...

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