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EU Bashes "Russian Propaganda"
Post Date: 2015-06-28 12:42:22 by Stephen Lendman
EU Bashes "Russian Propaganda" by Stephen Lendman Western major media march to the same drummer - dutifully regurgitating managed news misinformation garbage, willfully burying hard truths on issues mattering most. Alternative sources beholden to truth and full disclosure operate by different standards - engendering ire among Western nations wanting their high crimes suppressed - bashing sources revealing them. The EU Observer (EUO) claims independent credentials while supporting policies responsible news sources denounce. Independently reporting hard truths isn't its long suit. Its editor, Lisbeth Kirk, is the wife of former Danish European Parliament member Jens-Peter ...

Troika Intends Starving Greece Into Submission
Post Date: 2015-06-28 09:37:58 by Stephen Lendman
Troika Intends Starving Greece Into Submission by Stephen Lendman Eurozone, ECB and IMF officials' treatment reveal the latest example of predatory capitalist viciousness. Since Greece's financial crisis erupted in 2009, imposed austerity diktats incrementally transferred its wealth, assets and enterprises to Western interests at the expense of a 25% GDP drop, mass impoverishment and unemployment (60% for youths), elimination of vital public services, and a brain drain of its best and brightest. SYRIZA Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras promised austerity relief, caved to Troika demands, then refused further accommodation last week. Greece is effectively bankrupt. Without bailout ...

Troika Rejects Greek Bailout Extension
Post Date: 2015-06-27 14:18:01 by Stephen Lendman
Troika Rejects Greek Bailout Extension by Stephen Lendman Rape involves violating the physical integrity of another person's body forcibly. Washington and Troika powers do it to nations. They target ones they control or intend to. Greece is in the eye of a financial storm. Its June 30 bailout deadline approaches. Eurozone finance ministers rejected Athens' extension request until after a July 5 national referendum to decide up or down to accept or reject Troika terms. Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem/Eurogroup chair said "(t)he Greek government has broken off the process. However regrettable, the program will expire on Tuesday." Previous articles explained ...

It’s Time to Legalize Polygamy
Post Date: 2015-06-27 11:40:22 by BTP Holdings
It’s Time to Legalize Polygamy Why group marriage is the next horizon of social liberalism. By FREDRIK DEBOER June 26, 2015 Welcome to the exciting new world of the slippery slope. With the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling this Friday legalizing same sex marriage in all 50 states, social liberalism has achieved one of its central goals. A right seemingly unthinkable two decades ago has now been broadly applied to a whole new class of citizens. Following on the rejection of interracial marriage bans in the 20th Century, the Supreme Court decision clearly shows that marriage should be a broadly applicable right—one that forces the government to recognize, as ...

Ted Cruz on Court Rulings: 'Darkest 24 Hours in Our Nation's History'
Post Date: 2015-06-27 11:35:14 by BTP Holdings
Ted Cruz on Court Rulings: 'Darkest 24 Hours in Our Nation's History' By Todd Beamon | Friday, 26 Jun 2015 07:45 PM Texas Sen. Ted Cruz Friday slammed the gay marriage and Obamacare rulings by the Supreme Court as "naked and shameless judicial activism" and called on Congress to support a constitutional amendment leaving the definition of marriage to the states. "Today is some of the darkest 24 hours in our nation’s history," the 2016 presidential candidate told Sean Hannity on his radio program. Story continues below audio. "Six justices joined the Obama administration," he said, referring to Thursday's decision upholding ...

Obama's Latest Demagoguery
Post Date: 2015-06-27 07:45:50 by Stephen Lendman
Obama's Latest Demagoguery by Stephen Lendman Obama's public remarks belie his ruthless agenda. His eulogy for slain Charleston, SC Rev. Clementa Pinckney rang hollow like virtually everything else he says. He quoted Scripture he systematically spurns. He "remembered a man of God who" believed in doing the right things he renounces. He said Rev. Pinckney "embodied the idea that our Christian faith demands deeds and not just words" - polar opposite his consistently saying one thing and doing another on issues mattering most. He said "feed(ing) the hungry and cloth(ing) the naked and hous(ing) the homeless is not just a call for isolated charity but the ...

Greece Announces Referendum on Bailout Terms
Post Date: 2015-06-27 05:24:52 by Stephen Lendman
Greece Announces Referendum on Bailout Terms by Stephen Lendman Greece has a choice: renounce its odious debt, exit the Eurozone, reinstitute the drachma currency, end austerity, regain national sovereignty including monetary and fiscal policy control, accept transitional pain, or stay trapped in the euro straightjacket assuring endless debt peonage, greater austerity and virtual indentured servitude of the entire population to Troika diktats. Following an emergency Friday cabinet meeting, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced a July 5 national referendum to decide up or down on accepting or rejecting harsh new austerity measures Troika officials demand. "After five months ...

SCOTUS Ruling On Same-Sex Marriage Mandates Nationwide Concealed Carry Reciprocity
Post Date: 2015-06-26 23:35:23 by christine
If you’re following any of the various media outlets this morning, you’re probably aware that the U.S. Supreme Court has just extended gay marriage to all 50 states. The Supreme Court ruled Friday that same-sex couples have a right to marry nationwide, in a historic decision that invalidates gay marriage bans in more than a dozen states. Gay and lesbian couples already can marry in 36 states and the District of Columbia. The court’s ruling on Friday means the remaining 14 states, in the South and Midwest, will have to stop enforcing their bans on same-sex marriage. The outcome is the culmination of two decades of Supreme Court litigation over marriage, and gay rights ...

THE GOP WILL GIVE HIM RINO HELL FOR THIS - Jindal: 'Let's just get rid of the court'
Post Date: 2015-06-26 18:04:25 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-La.) condemned the Supreme Court on Friday following its ruling legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide.“The Supreme Court is completely out of control, making laws on their own, and has become a public opinion poll instead of a judicial body,” the 2016 contender said in a statement.“If we want to save some money, let’s just get rid of the court,” Jindal added.ADVERTISEMENTgoogletag.cmd.push(function() {googletag.display("dfp-ad-mosad_1");});>"" st*l*="border: 0px none; vertical-align: bottom;" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" name="google_ads_iframe_110 ...

Supreme Court Alito Warns: Defenders of Traditional Marriage Now Risk Being Treated as Bigots by Governments, Employers, Schools
Post Date: 2015-06-26 15:46:43 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Alito Warns: Defenders of Traditional Marriage Now Risk Being Treated as Bigots by Governments, Employers, Schools By Terence P. Jeffrey | June 26, 2015 | 1:53 PM EDT Justice Samuel Alito (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)(CNSNews.com) - In his dissent from the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which declared that same-sex marriage is a right, Justice Samuel Alito said the court had falsely likened opposition to same-sex marriage to racism and that its decision “will be used to vilify Americans unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy.”Alito warned that in the wake of the court’s ruling, Americans who dare to publicly express views in favor the ...

POST-CONSTITUTIONAL AMERICA - Chief Justice Roberts Now Working For Obama Regime – GOP Useless
Post Date: 2015-06-26 15:35:34 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
H2 NOTE: Don's shoot the messenger. FULL AUDIO - WORTH THE LISTEN! "No matter how many the Republicans appoint to the USSC, THEY TURN!" Levin notes that “Unfortunately, as each day goes by, my insistence that we live in a post-constitutional America is played out, and that’s what it is, a post-constitutional America.” He remarks how ten years ago he wrote a book, “Men in Black,” about the Supreme Court and how in the interim period nothing has improved. Nothing ever seems to change, no matter how many conservatives are nominated to the bench, invariably they turn. To that point Levin says, “John Roberts served in the Reagan administration. ...

Irresponsible Iran Bashing
Post Date: 2015-06-26 14:50:05 by Stephen Lendman
Irresponsible Iran Bashing by Stephen Lendman The world's number one human rights abuser on a global scale annually publishes individual country reports excluding itself. One-sided bias describes how Washington views independent governments it wants replaced by ones it controls - vilifying them irresponsibly. Its latest 2014 Iran human rights report contains a litany of exaggerations, misinformation and Big Lies. Included are false claims of  speech, press, religion and assembly restrictions, disappearances, arbitrary arrests and detentions, torture, murder, denial of free elections, due process and judicial fairness, anti-Semitism among other misreported allegations listed. ...

Leaked US-Led Iranian Nuclear Deal Sweetners Less Than Meet the Eye
Post Date: 2015-06-26 09:06:14 by Stephen Lendman
Leaked US-Led Iranian Nuclear Deal Sweeteners Less Than Meet the Eye by Stephen Lendman On June 25, AP News headlined "Iran would get nuclear help in proposed deal." Ahead of a June 30 deadline likely to extend into July, AP reported obtaining a leaked document offering so-called US concessions claiming aid for Iran's nuclear industry. Details are in one of several technical appendices. It has numerous points on which parties disagree. An eight-page Civil Nuclear Cooperation document includes ways P5+1 countries are willing to compensate Iran for closing parts of its nuclear program Tehran finds unacceptable. On Tuesday, Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei rejected ...

Attempted US Color Revolution in Armenia?
Post Date: 2015-06-26 06:28:54 by Stephen Lendman
Attempted US Color Revolution in Armenia? by Stephen Lendman On June 19, Armenians began protesting an announced 17 - 22% electricity price increase amounting to about $85 more annually for most Armenians. Utility and other price increases happen often in countries worldwide - not generally a cause for large street protests continuing for days, at times violent resulting in police using water cannons and making mass arrests. So-called Electric Yerevan in Armenia's capital bears disturbing similarity to Ukraine's EuroMaidan uprising, recent Macedonian protests, ongoing Ecuadorean ones, earlier ones in Venezuela, and numerous other past US attempted color revolutions - some ...

It's the money - honey !!!
Post Date: 2015-06-25 18:11:12 by noone222
25 June A.D. 2015 A great many commentators have thrown the description and accusation of Treason and/or Sedition around pretty freely during the past decade or so, and if there are Traitors in the midst, it's "us," not "them." "We have met the enemy, and he is us." (History and etymology of the Pogo quote: www.thisdayinquotes.com/2...t-enemy-and-he-is-us.html This author is not that big on any "earth day" event, but the concept fits a great many issues we are presently facing.) The concept "we" have in mind about law and government is "America," which had/has as its foundational "choice of law" the Common Law ...

Plans for Destroying Greece Stall
Post Date: 2015-06-25 13:15:23 by Stephen Lendman
Plans for Destroying Greece Stall by Stephen Lendman Monied interests want Greece destroyed - trapped in endless debt peonage. Industry groups said nearly 60 Greek companies shut down daily since January 1 - costing over 600 jobs and 22 million euros in GDP every 24 hours. EU officials complicit with the IMF and ECB (the so-called Troika) want Greek enterprises and assets handed to Western corporate predators at fire sale prices and its citizenry reduced to impoverished serfdom with no rights whatever. It wants democracy entirely eliminated in its birthplace. It wants Western plunder turning Greece into a dystopian wasteland - a nightmarish ruler/serf society enforced by police state ...

John Kerry: War Criminal, Profiteering from Stolen Palestinian Natural Gas
Post Date: 2015-06-25 09:46:05 by Stephen Lendman
John Kerry: War Criminal, Profiteering from Stolen Palestinian Natural Gas by Stephen Lendman Kerry's involvement in US imperial wars causing mass slaughter, destruction and human misery makes him one of many unindicted US war criminals. His considerable wealth together with his wife's fortune includes them among the world's billionaires. He had an earlier million dollar stake in Houston-based Noble Energy - the US firm co-owning Israeli rigs developing Leviathan and Tamar gas fields containing an estimated 25 trillion cubic feet supply plus potentially billions of barrels of oil. Operations are in Palestinian waters - part of Israel's longstanding grand theft plan, ...

Senate Caves on Fast Track
Post Date: 2015-06-25 05:02:21 by Stephen Lendman
Senate Caves on Fast Track by Stephen Lendman It's all over but the impending disaster awaiting US consumers and the environment. After cloture ended debate on Tuesday, Senate members overwhelmingly caved to corporate predators, giving them the right to plunder freely - their top priority to profit hugely by ripping off consumers, compromising digital freedom, polluting the environment and overriding national laws for their own benefit. House members caved days earlier. Overwhelming popular sentiment didn't matter. Congress handed corporate predators blank check authority to do any damn thing they wish - no matter the harm to consumers, the environment or rule of law. Souls ...

Pentagon Orders Truth-Telling Journalists Declared Unprivileged Belligerents
Post Date: 2015-06-24 13:59:17 by Stephen Lendman
Pentagon Declares Truth-Telling Journalists Unprivileged Belligerents by Stephen Lendman According to the Department of Defense Law of War Manual, journalists aren't just civilians. They "may be members of the armed forces, persons authorized to accompany the armed forces, or unprivileged belligerents." Section 1031 of the FY 2010 Defense Authorization Act replaced the designation "unlawful enemy combatant" with "unprivileged enemy belligerent." Language changed but not intent or lawlessness. Obama embraces the rogue Bush agenda on steroids. Designating truth-telling journalists "unprivileged belligerents is one step away from criminalizing their ...

Congress Approves Greater Corporate Predation
Post Date: 2015-06-24 07:31:19 by Stephen Lendman
Congress Approves Greater Corporate Predation by Stephen Lendman On June 18, House members narrowly approved fast track Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) - using procedural gimmicks, bribes and heavy pressure, the usual way corrupt politicians operate. On June 23, Senate members followed suit. A cloture motion to end debate passed - clearing the way for a Wednesday vote expected to support TPA. Public Citizen President Robert Weissman commented saying: The usual "legislative contortions an gimmicks…hand(ed) (corporate predators) their top priority" - the right to ram through Congress with minimal debate and no amendments anti-consumer rapacious trade deals no responsible ...

Saudis Brutalize Migrants
Post Date: 2015-06-23 14:28:10 by Stephen Lendman
Saudis Brutalize Migrants by Stephen Lendman Saudi Arabia is one of the world's most ruthless regimes. International law principles are systematically breached. The Kingdom is ruled by the despotic Saud monarchy. Democracy is strictly forbidden. So are free and open expression, press freedom and regime criticism. Human Rights Watch's 2015 World Report said ruling authorities "continued in 2014 to try, convict, and imprison political dissidents and human rights activists solely on account of their peaceful activities." "Systematic discrimination against women and religious minorities continued. Authorities failed to enact systematic measures to protect the rights ...

Senate Gives Obama Huge Win On Trade
Post Date: 2015-06-23 14:14:23 by Horse
WASHINGTON -- The Senate on Tuesday handed President Barack Obama the biggest legislative victory of his second term, with a dramatic vote clearing the way for major trade agreements with Pacific Rim nations and the European Union. The 60-37 vote all but ensures the passage of legislation that will allow Obama to "fast-track" his negotiated trade pacts through Congress, preventing filibusters or amendments. Liberals have long assailed Obama's trade agenda, but Republicans successfully wooed a bloc of Democrats led by Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) to secure enough votes to overcome a filibuster. With the 60-vote threshold cleared, the path is now open for ...

Slicing and Dicing Greece to Pay Bankers
Post Date: 2015-06-23 12:26:21 by Stephen Lendman
Slicing and Dicing Greece to Pay Bankers by Stephen Lendman Western societies are banker occupied territory. Financialization let monied interests scam ordinary people of incomes, savings, jobs, homes, overall welfare and futures. Profits alone matter. Paying bankers first is standard practice. Eurozone straightjacket membership mandates rules no just societies would tolerate, including foregoing the right to: • control their own money to monetize debt freely; • legislate fiscal policies to stimulate growth; and • devalue their currency to make exports more competitive. Tiny Greece is forced to accept the same system as economic powerhouse Germany - no matter the ...

The Anti-Federalist Papers
Post Date: 2015-06-23 07:14:05 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
The Anti-Federalist Papers    #1:General Introduction: A Dangerous Plan of Benefit Only to The “Aristocratick Combination.” #2:We Have Been Told of Phantoms. #3:New Constitution Creates a National Government; Will Not Abate Foreign Influence; Dangers of Civil War And Despotism. #4:Foreign Wars, Civil Wars, and Indian Wars — Three Bugbears. #5:Scotland and England — A Case in Point. #6:The Hobgoblins of Anarchy And Dissensions Among The States. #7:Adoption of The Constitution Will Lead to Civil War. #8:The Power Vested in Congress of Sending Troops For Suppressing Insurrections Will Always Enable Them to Stifle The First ...

The Mad War to House the Poor in US Surburbs
Post Date: 2015-06-22 19:00:13 by Lod
This shit is beyond belief.

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