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Latest Articles: Dead Constitution

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European Parliament Surrenders to Washington on Russia Policy
Post Date: 2015-06-12 15:07:00 by Stephen Lendman
European Parliament Surrenders to Washington on Russia Policy by Stephen Lendman The European Parliament, Council of the European Union and European Commission share EU legislative functions separate from individual member states' right of initiative power to propose and enact new laws for their respective countries. During a June 10 plenary session in Strasbourg (two days ahead of Russia's National Day), MEP's adopted a resolution (494 to 135 with 69 abstentions) urging EU reassessment of relations with Moscow because of Ukraine crisis conditions. The measure includes a litany of irresponsible Russia-bashing accusations and Big Lies claiming: • "Russia's ...

Washington Post Editors Urge Aiding Ukrainian Fascist Tyranny
Post Date: 2015-06-12 14:43:12 by Stephen Lendman
Washington Post Editors Urge Aiding Ukrainian Fascist Tyranny by Stephen Lendman WaPo is one of America's leading presstitute publications. Located in the nation's capital, it shamelessly marches in lockstep with imperial US policies. It features outrageous Big Lies, at the same time systematically ignoring hard truths - especially on major geopolitical issues. A previous article discussed it's giving feature op-ed space to Ukraine's illegitimate prime minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk - one of many Ukrainian fascists masquerading as democrats, blaming Russia and Donbass freedom fighters for Kiev's high crimes. WaPo editors support its regime - instead of denouncing it as ...

Sexual Exploitation by UN Peacekeepers in Haiti
Post Date: 2015-06-10 07:24:38 by Stephen Lendman
Sexual Exploitation by UN Peacekeepers in Haiti by Stephen Lendman UN Blue Helmets are supposed to restore order, maintain peace and security and help troubled nations transition to stability. Instead, they operate as imperial enforcers creating more conflict than resolution - including committing horrific human rights abuses against vulnerable people they're mandated to protect. Wherever they're deployed it's the same ugly story. After the Bush administration ousted democratically elected Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a ruthless, illegal MINUSTAH mission enforced coup d'etat authority. Abuses against vulnerable Haitians from then to now include sexual ...

Saudis Host UN Human Rights Conference
Post Date: 2015-06-09 13:51:09 by Stephen Lendman
Saudis Host UN Human Rights Conference by Stephen Lendman Letting one of the world's most egregious human rights abusers host the Jeddah-based Organization of Islamic Cooperation's (OIC) June 3 and 4 UN human rights conference is like having a Mafia godfather host a session on gun control. The conference addressed "the full and effective implementation of UN Human Rights Council Res. 16/18." Adopted on April 11, 2011, it's titled "Combating Intolerance, Negative Stereotyping and Stigmatization of, and Discrimination, Incitement to Violence and Violence Against, Persons Based on Religion or Belief." It mandates all UN Member States "promote and ...

Washington Post Features Op-Ed by Ukraine Putschist
Post Date: 2015-06-09 13:14:46 by Stephen Lendman
Washington Post Features Op-Ed by Ukraine Putschist by Stephen Lendman Arseniy Yatsenyuk is Ukraine's illegitimate prime minister - chosen by Washington. He's part of Kiev's lunatic fringe - fascists masquerading as democrats. They belong in prison, not high office. So do their US puppet masters. Together they're waging naked aggression on Donbass residents - committing mass murder on the pretext of conducting an ATO (anti-terrorist operation). Terrorists reside in Kiev and Washington. Donbass militia are courageous freedom fighters. They reject fascist rule. They want democratic rights everyone deserves. Dominant US media support what demands condemnation. Wa-Po ...

Obama Wants More Sanctions on Russia
Post Date: 2015-06-09 05:28:56 by Stephen Lendman
Obama Wants More Sanctions on Russia By Stephen Lendman Obama commented after two days of G-7 discussions. He repeated tired old demagogic boilerplate we've heard many times before. "(W)e're…here to stand up for the fundamental principles that we share as democracies: for freedom; for peace; for the right of nations and peoples to decide their own destiny; for universal human rights and the dignity of every human being," he blustered. Fact: Democracy in America is pure fantasy. Monied interests control everything. Ordinary people have no say whatever. Elections are farcical when held. Fact: Throughout his tenure, Obama waged war on fundamental freedoms - ...

Saudi Blogger Imprisoned for Supporting Free Speech
Post Date: 2015-06-08 11:29:08 by Stephen Lendman
Saudi Blogger Imprisoned for Supporting Free Speech by Stephen Lendman Saudi Arabia is one of the world's most repressive police states. Its barbarism is widely acknowledged. Fundamental rights guaranteed under international law are ruthlessly denied. Raif Badawi is a Saudi blogger. He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, 1,000 lashes (50 at a time), and a one million riyals fine (around $250,000) for championing free speech on his site. It was titled Saudi Free Liberals Forum until shut down after his 2012 arrest. Riyadh's kangaroo/rubber-stamp High Court upheld his sentence for insulting Wahhabi-style Islam - a fanatical Sunni sect. Initially he was charged with apostasy - ...

America Before World War III: “Who Was Left To Tell The Truth?”
Post Date: 2015-06-08 02:57:10 by Tatarewicz
Sorcha faal... “Paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people and sending them off to distant lands to die of foreign fevers and foreign shot and shell.” Hugo Black (1886-1971) Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court from August 18, 1937 to September 17, 1971 Special Report from Sister Ciara On January 21, 1950, US Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, one of the greatest civil libertarians in the history of his country, warned of the impact of Cold War anti-Communist hysteria on American liberties in a speech to 500 delegates at a conference of the American Jewish Committee. His ...

Second Anniversary of Edward Snowden's NSA Spying Revelations
Post Date: 2015-06-07 13:47:39 by Stephen Lendman
Second Anniversary of Edward Snowden's NSA Spying Revelations by Stephen Lendman A June 6, 2013 London Guardian article first revealed lawless NSA spying. It was just the beginning of much more to come. Information supplied by Edward Snowden showed the NSA spies secretly and unconstitutionally on its citizens and residents - besides overstepping its authority abroad. He connected important dots for millions. He explained spying in America is pervasive. Constitutional rights no longer matter. Anything goes remains official policy. The NSA, FBI, CIA, DEA and Homeland Security systematically operate by their own rules. Snowden said "I really want the focus to be on (the ...

Right Sector threatens Kyiv gay pride parade
Post Date: 2015-06-05 15:52:07 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Right Sector threatens Kyiv gay pride parade Ultra-conservative groups in Ukraine, including the militant Right Sector, are threatening to stop a gay pride parade planned for June 6. Referring to the Old Testament in the Holy Bible, the Right Sector -- which fields a battalion of soldiers to fight against Russia in eastern Ukraine -- called gay people “perverts” who “need to be cured” and promised to “prevent this sodomist gathering.” “There will be thousands of us,” Right Sector spokesman Artem Skoropadskyi told the Kyiv Post. The parade named Equality March will take place on June 6 in Kyiv. The organizers keep time and place secret until the ...

FBI Illegally Kept Phone Surveillance Going Without Patriot Act
Post Date: 2015-06-05 11:54:30 by X-15
Despite the weekend expiry of several provisions of the Patriot Act, the FBI illegally kept its surveillance plane scheme going unchecked, and without any attempts to get a judge’s approval for the program. The low-flying spy planes comb densely populated parts of the United States, pretending to be cellphone towers in an effort to trick Americans’ cellphones into giving them private data by the thousands, and collecting that data en masse. The program was in a serious legal grey area in the first place, resting on provisions allowing wholesale surveillance to try to root out “lone wolf” terrorists. Even when those provisions were off the books, however, the FBI kept ...

Post Date: 2015-06-05 08:12:39 by Ada
Their effort, at least at the state level, appears to be working Efforts to limit seizures of money, homes and other property from people who may never be convicted of a crime are stalling out amid a wave of pressure from prosecutors and police. Their effort, at least at the state level, appears to be working. At least a dozen states considered bills restricting or even abolishing forfeiture that isn’t accompanied by a conviction or gives law enforcement less control over forfeited proceeds. But most measures failed to pass. – From the Wall Street Journal article: Efforts to Curb Asset Seizures by Law Enforcement Hit Headwinds Click for Full Text!

Meet the plaintiff at the heart of a Supreme Court case that could legalize same-sex marriage nationwide
Post Date: 2015-06-04 17:37:35 by BTP Holdings
Meet the plaintiff at the heart of a Supreme Court case that could legalize same-sex marriage nationwide  By Sarah B. Boxer “What we're asking for is simply to be part of that same tradition of marriage where two people commit to each other and make those promises to love, protect and honor each other. How are we changing that? How are we harming that? We're just asking to do the same thing.” Jim Obergefell is fired up. He’s the lead plaintiff in a case before the Supreme Court that this month could change gay rights in America forever. And in an exclusive interview with Yahoo global news anchor Katie Couric, he explains why. “It's scary to think ...

Muslim woman reacts to Supreme Court victory
Post Date: 2015-06-04 17:34:26 by BTP Holdings
Muslim woman reacts to Supreme Court victory The Case Against Abercrombie & Fitch By Steve Shapiro The Supreme Court’s busy month is underway, with major rulings expected on same-sex marriage, lethal injection and the Affordable Care Act. The justices have already stated their opinions in a case involving Samantha Elauf, a Muslim woman from Oklahoma who was denied a job at an Abercrombie & Fitch clothing store in 2008 after wearing a hijab during her interview. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission took on her case and sued, and on Monday, the Supreme Court sided with her by a vote of 8 to 1. In an exclusive interview, Elauf and EEOC general counsel David Lopez ...

Unconstitutional Mass FBI Aerial Surveillance
Post Date: 2015-06-03 13:47:55 by Stephen Lendman
Unconstitutional Mass FBI Aerial Surveillance by Stephen Lendman Free and open societies don't spy on their citizens. They don't invent phony threats as justification. America is a belligerent nation waging endless wars of aggression against invented enemies. Fear- mongering is rife. It's done to rape, ravage and destroy one country after another. It's a tactic used to scare people to believe they're safer by sacrificing fundamental freedoms. Mass surveillance is a defining rogue state characteristic. Post-9/11, government-usurped authority turned America into a police state. Big Brother watches everyone. Tuesday Senate passage of the USA Freedom Act (the renamed ...

FBI Misuse of Patriot Act Authority
Post Date: 2015-06-03 05:29:45 by Stephen Lendman
FBI Misuse of Patriot Act Authority by Stephen Lendman America is a police state. The FBI is the nation's Gestapo. It's abuse of power and misconduct are longstanding. It's an instrument for systematically violating civil liberties. It's a rogue agency operating unconstitutionally. Bureau secrecy and cover-up make it impossible to know the full extent of its lawlessness. It operates with minimal oversight and accountability. A new Justice Department Office of the Inspector General (OIG) report titled "A Review of the FBI's Use of Section 215 Orders: Assessment of Progress in Implementing Recommendations and Examination of Use in 2007 - through 2009." ...

Fedgov Surveilling US Secretly - Aircraft
Post Date: 2015-06-02 16:06:00 by Lod
This shit is outta hand.

Mumia Update
Post Date: 2015-06-02 13:48:44 by Stephen Lendman
Mumia Update by Stephen Lendman Mumia Abu-Jamal is perhaps the world's best known political prisoner - framed for a Philadelphia police officer killing he had nothing to do with. Authorities wanted him silenced. He once said "(t)he state would rather give me an uzi than a microphone." Comments like the following explain why he's a captive in prison hell - no longer on death row but being killed by neglect: "Do you see law and order," he asked? "There is nothing but disorder, and instead of law there is the illusion of security." "It is an illusion because it is built on a long history of injustices: racism, criminality, and the genocide of ...

Does Jade Helm Violate Posse Comitatus?
Post Date: 2015-06-02 09:19:06 by Ada
Obscured by Jon Stewart’s well-publicized mockery of Texans’ reaction to Jade Helm 15—the US Army’s two-month-long exercise across nine states scheduled to begin in July—is the fact that the criticisms may not all be deranged droolings. The Daily Show‘s Stewart made headlines earlier in May when he ridiculed Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s decision ordering the State Guard to “monitor” Jade Helm. The comedian-cum-newsman called Jade Helm critics “Lone Star lunatics.” But are they? Or is there more to the story? As always, WhoWhatWhy has remained agnostic while asking questions. Now, we provide a few initial answers. More will undoubtedly ...

Revisiting Police State Patriot Act Legislation
Post Date: 2015-06-02 07:39:42 by Stephen Lendman
Revisiting Patriot Act Police State Legislation by Stephen Lendman Free and open societies don't enact police state laws like the USA Patriot Act - ever for any reason. Lawyer Nancy Chang said earlier "(t)here's nothing patriotic about trampling on the Bill of Rights." The legislation was written, on the shelf, ready to go long before 9/11 - awaiting an excuse to introduce and enact what no free society would tolerate. Washington capitalized on a window of hysteria to grant unchecked executive powers. The legislation was congressionally passed and signed by George Bush on October 26, 2001 - 45 days after 9/11. It state sponsored terror committed by the government of ...

Secret Trade in Services Agreement (TISA)
Post Date: 2015-06-01 12:35:25 by Stephen Lendman
Secret Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) by Stephen Lendman Most people never heard of it. They're not told how they're systematically deceived, lied to and swindled. There's nothing fair about US free trade agreements. In June 2014, WikiLeaks released a secret TISA Financial Services Annex text covering 50 countries and over two-thirds of world trade in services. It aims for deregulating global financial services markets more than already. It allows unrestricted exchange of personal and financial data. At the time, Global Trade Watch director Lori Wallach said: "If the text that was leaked today went into force, it would roll back the improvements made after the ...

Latest Twin Peaks, Waco, News
Post Date: 2015-06-01 09:13:56 by Lod

Patriot Act Section Expires as Rand Paul Blocks Sunday Vote
Post Date: 2015-06-01 08:36:17 by Ada
Vote Could Be Held as Soon as Tuesday Patriot Act Section 215, which the Obama Administration was illegally using as the pretext for NSA telephone metadata collection of all Americans, expired Sunday night after a day of debates in the Senate ended with no vote on its extension. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R – KY) pushed for a last minute vote on the USA Freedom Act, a watered down reform bill that would extend Section 215 with minor alterations, but was blocked by Sen. Rand Paul (R – KY), who used Senate rules to delay a final vote on the matter. Despite this, the Senate did manage to pass 77-17 a vote to limit debate on the USA Freedom Act, allowing them to more quickly ...

US Senate Lets Three Patriot Act Provisions Expire
Post Date: 2015-06-01 06:27:27 by Stephen Lendman
US Senate Lets Three Patriot Act Provisions Expire by Stephen Lendman On Sunday, Senate debate failed to extend three controversial Patriot Act provisions: • Section 215 used as justification for bulk NSA phone, Internet and business records collection; • the lone wolf provision amending the definition of a foreign power to include anyone allegedly "engag(ing) in international terrorism or activities in preparation thereof;" and • the roving wiretap provision permitting "blank check" phone and Internet monitoring of individuals without identifying them by name or having justifiable probable cause. Unless changed by subsequent congressional action, ...

Vicious LAPD Cop Slams Woman's Head Into Tree in Venice Beach for Alleged Unleashed Dog
Post Date: 2015-06-01 03:37:22 by Artisan
An incredible video has surfaced from Venice Beach, Calif. where an LAPD cop slams a woman to the ground, hitting her head on a palm tree for the alleged crime of having an unleashed dog. The videographer, reportedly whom worked with police in Norway, caught the entire spectacle on camera. And then the police horse, which was being ridden by another officer, 'accidentally' stepped on the foot of the woman filming. The action starts around minute 2:00. [LibertyFight.com notes: I should note that I once got a ticket for 'dog off leash' in Santa Monica, CA which borders Venice Beach. The extremely aggressive dog catcher, ironically named Shepherd, saw my dog Maxine on ...

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