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Surveillance powers set to lapse with no deal in Senate (False flag alert!)
Post Date: 2015-05-31 20:03:52 by Jethro Tull
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The National Security Agency will lose its authority at midnight to collect Americans' phone records in bulk, after an extraordinary Sunday Senate session failed to produce an 11th-hour deal to extend the fiercely contested program. Intelligence officials warned that the outcome amounts to a win for terrorists. Poster Comment:Am I right in thinking that this is the time for a false flag? An attack while NSA is defanged would assure an emboldened surveillance society while an uneventful period will make the laws appear unnecessary. Perception is reality and imo there is a lot riding on the next few days.

New York Times Editors Love Ruthless Despots
Post Date: 2015-05-31 13:42:47 by Stephen Lendman
New York Times Editors Love Ruthless Despots by Stephen Lendman They support wealth, power and privilege exclusively - Western ruling class monied interests most of all. They love fascist regimes. They support US imperial ruthlessness - especially wars of aggression against nations threatening no one. They claim US geopolitical lawlessness is democracy building. They call naked Israeli aggression against defenseless Palestinians self-defense. They give feature op- ed space to one tinpot despot after another or figures espousing their interests. Social democrats, anti-war activists, and truth-tellers on issues mattering most are shunned. The self-styled newspaper of record is a lying ...

Relentless Putin Bashing
Post Date: 2015-05-30 08:59:09 by Stephen Lendman
Relentless Putin Bashing by Stephen Lendman Washington and its echo chamber media attack Putin for asserting Russian sovereign independence and opposing America's imperial agenda. Big Lies substitute for hard truths. On Thursday, State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke repeated the canard about "Russian forces…on the territory of a sovereign neighbor, Ukraine, where they are working with, allied with, aiding and fighting alongside separatists whom Russia also backs on sovereign Ukrainian territory." At the same time, he ignored Kiev aggression, pretended its dirty war without mercy on Donbass is an "anti-terrorist operation," and stressed America's ...

Former Police State Leader/Wanted Man Appointed Ukrainian Governor
Post Date: 2015-05-30 05:22:19 by Stephen Lendman
Former Police State Leader/Wanted Man Appointed Ukrainian Governor by Stephen Lendman A previous article called Ukraine a gangster state for good reason. It's a Nazi-infested regime run by illegitimate putschist thugs waging endless war on its own people. Former Georgian president, US favorite, fugitive from justice Mikhail Saakashvili was appointed (not elected) Odessa regional governor. Washington's orchestrated 2003 Georgian Rose Revolution elevated him to power. He established a ruthless, despotic, corrupt regime while maintaining close ties to US-dominated NATO and Israel. He ruled by state terror, turning Georgia into a police state. Human and civil rights were suspended. ...

Ukraine: Gangster State
Post Date: 2015-05-29 13:02:38 by Stephen Lendman
Ukraine: Gangster State by Stephen Lendman Washington allies with the world's most despotic regimes. Ukraine is one of the worst. Fascists in charge are guilty of most every high crime imaginable - committed with full US support and encouragement. They continue waging dirty war without mercy on Donbass. They attack civilian neighborhoods - murdering noncombatant men, women and children, torturing prisoners, committing atrocities too grave to ignore. They used chemical weapons - last May and perhaps other times. A toxic choking agent was used. Symptoms included first-degree chemical-inflicted eye burns, alcoholic-like intoxication, bodily lacerations and fainting, as well as one or ...

Racist Wendy Sherman Leaving State Department
Post Date: 2015-05-28 12:48:35 by Stephen Lendman
Racist Wendy Sherman Leaving State Department by Stephen Lendman Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs/chief US Iranian nuclear talks negotiator Wendy Sherman said she's leaving State shortly after the June 30 deadline for an agreement. "It's been two long years," she explained. John Kerry commented saying "Wendy has been an absolutely critical member of my team, most notably in her work spearing the nuclear negotiations with Iran, but on every important issue that has crossed my desk." Obama said he "long counted on Wendy's…intellect, toughness and persistence which have made her one of the most effective diplomats of her ...

Western Long Knives Out for FIFA's Sepp Blatter?
Post Date: 2015-05-28 11:49:31 by Stephen Lendman
Western Long Knives Out for FIFA's Sepp Blatter? by Stephen Lendman A separate article discussed US Justice Department indictments against 14 current and former FIFA officials. Blatter wasn't named but isn't out of the woods. US prosecutors indicated what's announced isn't "the final chapter. It is not over," they said. FBI Director James Comey indicated "work will continue until all of the corruption is uncovered and a message is sent around the world." Swiss Attorney General spokesman Andre Marty said Blatter "could be questioned. (E)very person involved in the allocation of the World Cups might be questioned." What's going on ...

Washington Wages War on International Soccer
Post Date: 2015-05-28 06:32:57 by Stephen Lendman
Washington Wages War on International Soccer by Stephen Lendman Is there more to what's going on than meets the eye? In January 2011, FIFA president Sepp Blatter and Russian Sports minister Vitaly Mulko signed a declaration on Russia's official status as 2018 World Cup host nation. At the time, Vladimir Putin said Russia would "use the experience…already gained in preparing for the Sochi Olympics in 2014." Blatter expressed "certain(ty) that the World Cup (would) be held at the highest level and…turn into a truly magnificent event." Russia won out over Britain, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal. It plans to host the event in 13 cities. It intends ...

Rand Paul: 'Snowden and Clapper should be in the same cell'
Post Date: 2015-05-27 14:27:07 by PnbC
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Amazing. A self-styled "civil" libertarian who filibustered against extending the patRIOT act wants to put away the biggest fighter for online privacy and free speech. Just when I start to think he isn't all bad he does an about face and says something that makes him a total asshole. Totally schizoid.

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: None Are Safe from the State's Plundering Parasites
Post Date: 2015-05-25 19:48:27 by Bill D Berger
All aboard Amtrak -- in Germany, circa 1938. (Still from "The Mortal Storm.")“Is anyone present carrying more than ten marks, or planning to take out of the country any foreign money, gold, jewels, or other valuables?” demanded the German customs inspector after boarding the Innsbruck-bound train. “Any violation of the law will be punished with penal servitude --special cases by death.”Freya Roth, a single woman in her 20s traveling with her mother and younger brother, produced her passport and handed it to the inspector. After the document was stamped, the truculent bureaucrat noticed the young lady’s luggage. “Whose suitcase is that?” he ...

Grand Theft Poroshenko
Post Date: 2015-05-24 10:28:15 by Stephen Lendman
Grand Theft Poroshenko by Stephen Lendman It shouldn't surprised. Illegitimate oligarch Ukrainian president Poroshenko continues making money the old-fashioned way. He profits from shady business deals, greasing palms, outright theft, abusing power and benefitting at the expense of his people. He faces growing criticism at home and abroad. America may be losing patience with the stooge it installed. US-controlled Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) reported on his dubious role in a high-value Kiev land deal. During his tenure as president and years earlier he "quietly appropriated more than a hectare of protected land in Kiev's elite Pechera district and recently ...

Russians Traveling Abroad Risk Lawless US Abduction
Post Date: 2015-05-23 12:39:37 by Stephen Lendman
Russian Nationals Traveling Abroad Risk Lawless US Abduction by Stephen Lendman Washington's anti-Russian agenda includes arresting, detaining and charging its nationals with offenses they didn't commit. Once in US custody, obtaining justice is impossible. Guilt by accusation suffices. Innocence is no defense. Russian citizens risk imprisonment in America for having the wrong nationality. A Russian Foreign Ministry statement warned its citizens traveling abroad to be wary, saying: Earlier 2013 and 2014 alerts were published. The latest one dated May 22, 2015 warns of "the threat of being detained or arrested at the request of law enforcement bodies and special services of ...

Post Date: 2015-05-23 08:23:10 by Ada
“Outside the beltway people still do care about the Bill of Rights Friday on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said the reason he is fighting against the mass data collection of phone records of American citizens is because it is not being used to combat terrorism like promised. “Ninety-nine percent of the time one of the sections is not being used for terrorists but is being used for domestic crime,” Paul said. “Outside the beltway people still do care about the Bill of Rights. One of the things that happens that does affect people’s civil liberty under the Patriot act, is 99% of the time one of the sections is ...

Heading Toward Financial Maidan in Ukraine?
Post Date: 2015-05-22 06:28:01 by Stephen Lendman
Heading Toward Financial Maidan in Ukraine? by Stephen Lendman Ukraine's economy is a sinkhole of economic Depression. It's teetering toward collapse. Its Q I GDP plunged 17.6% year-over-year. It's down 6.1% from Q IV 2014. Ten of the last 11 quarters saw economic contraction. Kiev depends on outside aid to keep operating. Inflation is out-of-control. The Financial Times reported it reaching 61% in April. Its hryvnia currency is headed toward becoming worthless toilet paper. It's worth less than 5 cents to the dollar. Adjusted for its decline, real inflation tops 270% year-over-year. Living standards are plunging. Poverty is a growth industry. So are unemployment, ...

Supreme Court Makes Rare Unanimous Ruling on Guns
Post Date: 2015-05-21 16:42:20 by BTP Holdings
Supreme Court Makes Rare Unanimous Ruling on Guns It’s quite rare the Supreme C10575949_sourt would ever vote unanimously for something when it comes to guns. And though this particular ruling had more to do with property rights than it did second amendment rights, it’s still a victory for gun owners. In a 9-0 decision, the justices said upon arrest, felons should be allowed to sell their property (guns) and not watch it be confiscated by the state: The Associated Press reports: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bhf-QEcQ2_I "The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the government can’t prevent a convicted felon who is barred from possessing firearms from trying to ...

Ukraine Provoking Confrontation with Russia
Post Date: 2015-05-21 14:01:02 by Stephen Lendman
Ukraine Provoking Confrontation with Russia by Stephen Lendman Ukraine is a proxy US dagger targeting Russia's heartland - run by fascist putschists, headed by an illegitimate Washington-approved oligarch president. It's waging war on its own people. It tolerates no opposition. Its economy nears collapse. Growing numbers of its population are impoverished, unemployed and angry. In a Wednesday BBC interview, Poroshenko sounded deranged saying Ukraine is in a "real war" with Russia. "I think (Moscow is) preparing for an offensive" this summer. "I think we should be ready, and I think that we do not give them any tiny chance for provocation. That will ...

Kiev to Prosecute Two Russian Nationals As Terrorists
Post Date: 2015-05-20 12:36:23 by Stephen Lendman
Kiev to Prosecute Two Russian Nationals As Terrorists by Stephen Lendman Perhaps the biggest Big Lie throughout months of Obama's proxy war on Donbass is nonexistent "Russian aggression." Repeatedly, Moscow is accused of arming Donbass freedom fighters and aiding them with Russian combat troops. No credible evidence surfaced at any time proving allegations the whole world knows are false. At the same time, foreign nationals from many countries voluntarily help both sides - including non- or-former Russian military personnel aiding Donbass. They weren't dispatched from Moscow - nor has Russia shown any inclination to get directly involved in Ukraine's war ...

Here We Stand, One Step Away from a Dictatorship: “The Groundwork and Foundation Have Been Put Into Place”
Post Date: 2015-05-20 09:03:40 by Bill D Berger
“A dictatorship was impossible in our Republic because power was widely diffused.  Today, as we approach Democratic Socialism, all power is being centralized at the apex of the executive branch of the federal government.  This concentration of power makes a dictatorship inevitable.” (Gary Allen, “None Dare Call it Conspiracy,” page 34) The aforementioned quote and book were written in 1971.  Good Day to you, SHTF readers.  This article is going to mention some of the “finer points” utilized by the executive branch (Obama) toward the totalitarian end-state he desires.  The end state of slavery he erroneously (and intentionally) labels a ...

Ukraine: A Cancer in Europe's Heartland
Post Date: 2015-05-20 07:57:18 by Stephen Lendman
Ukraine: A Cancer in Europe's Heartland by Stephen Lendman Ukraine is an example of what happens when lunatics run the asylum. It's a US-installed Nazi-infested fascist police state headed by an illegitimate anointed oligarch mega-crook. It tolerates no opposition. Free expression is banned. Independent journalists risk harassment, assault, arrest, imprisonment, even death. Ukraine is a dagger pointed at Russia's heartland. It's bankrupt. It's perhaps headed toward defaulting on its debt. It declared a moratorium on repayments, legislatively authorized. It's step one toward default, short of declaring it. Yet Kiev continues spending millions of dollars daily ...

URGENT: Supreme Court Confirms ALL Americas Can Be Incarcerated In FEMA Concentration Camps… Obama Can Declare Martial Law In ALL 50 States!
Post Date: 2015-05-20 02:37:05 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
URGENT: Supreme Court Confirms ALL Americas Can Be Incarcerated In FEMA Concentration Camps… Obama Can Declare Martial Law In ALL 50 States! Americans can actually be rounded up and incarcerated in FEMA concentration camps because of an executive order signed by NWO puppet Barack Hussein Obama- The National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order he secretly slipped in enables the government to implement a full scale MARTIAL LAW order on all 50 states and all surrounding territories by declaring it a battlefield! This is confirmed by Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia as well as many members in Congress! This is real, folks! They will be targeting Christians, Veterans, gun ...

Obama is right and HuffPo is wrong: He doesnÂ’t need another AUMF to fight ISIS
Post Date: 2015-05-19 16:45:21 by BTP Holdings
Obama is right and HuffPo is wrong: He doesn’t need another AUMF to fight ISIS Posted by: Jon Dougherty May 18, 2015 •As much as the Huffington Post would love to frame the administration’s fight against ISIS as somehow improper or illegal – or political – there are several reasons why it is none of those things By Jon E. Dougherty No, I’m not going all Mitch McConnell on you here, but when it comes to matters of national security, we have to get it right. We can’t just be “close.” And it should involve a minimal amount of politics. A piece in the Huffington Post on Friday intimated that President Obama has no real ...

US Attempted Color Revolution in Macedonia: Victoria Nuland's Dirty Hands Involved
Post Date: 2015-05-18 07:45:03 by Stephen Lendman
US Attempted Color Revolution in Macedonia: Victoria Nuland's Dirty Hands Involved by Stephen Lendman Nuland is hardcore neocon - a rogue Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian affairs/former Dick Cheney deputy national security advisor, among other dubious credentials. She just visited Kiev - plotting revved up aggression on Donbass residents wanting to live free from the scourge of fascism. On Sunday, she arrived in Moscow to discuss Ukraine and related issues - claiming she wants to help implement Minsk II ceasefire terms, while at the same time plotting escalated aggression. Her longstanding dirty hands are notorious. She's an unindicted war criminal. She ...

Video: Jade Helm 15
Post Date: 2015-05-17 07:48:58 by noone222
Poster Comment:Lest we forget or ignore the incremental infiltration of America by forces already within the country that intend to do us all harm.

The United States of Injustice
Post Date: 2015-05-16 12:51:00 by Stephen Lendman
The United States of Injustice by Stephen Lendman None whatever exists. Guilt by accusation suffices for anyone Washington wants convicted. Innocence is no defense. Juries are pressured to convict. Evidence when absent is invented. Lack of proof doesn't matter. Thousands of political prisoners languish in America's gulag - at home and abroad. Thousands more are imprisoned for misdemeanors too minor to matter - ones for which just societies wouldn't tolerate incarceration. Wrongful convictions are longstanding US practice - including numerous victims sentenced to capital punishment for crimes they didn't commit. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is the latest example - wrongfully ...

Kiev Recognizes Ultranationalist Nazi Era Collaborators as Freedom Fighters
Post Date: 2015-05-16 11:54:10 by Stephen Lendman
Kiev Recognizes Ultranationalist Nazi Era Collaborators as Freedom Fighters by Stephen Lendman Kiev's regime is a US-installed, illegitimate, lawless, Nazi infested, fascist police state in Europe's heartland - waging naked aggression on its own people, risking regional peace and stability. It tolerates no opposition. Democracy is strictly forbidden. Human and civil rights don't exist.   Freedom is nonexistent. Nor are free and open media. Truth-telling on issues mattering most is considered terrorism. Russians, Jews and others are vilified. Rule by intimidation is official policy. So is state terror - characterized by severe repression, violence and naked aggression ...

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