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Latest Articles: Dead Constitution

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Obama Wars Rage at Home and Abroad
Post Date: 2015-04-30 07:32:09 by Stephen Lendman
Obama Wars Rage at Home and Abroad by Stephen Lendman Endless Obama wars of aggression rage in multiple theaters abroad and at home against ordinary Americans. Yemen is his latest imperial atrocity using regional proxies to do his dirty work. A nation is being systematically destroyed. Its entire population is threatened by terror-bombing, ground conflict, war related violence, starvation, overall deprivation and appalling human misery. Ukraine threatens to explode in escalated war - at Obama's discretion. Hundreds of US, UK and Canadian combat troops are readying its Nazi-infested National Guard and likeminded paramilitary battalions to wage greater terror-war without mercy than ...

He Says He Loves America, So Why is This Famous Country Singer Headlining an “Anti-Constitution Concert?”
Post Date: 2015-04-27 16:49:13 by BTP Holdings
He Says He Loves America, So Why is This Famous Country Singer Headlining an “Anti-Constitution Concert?” Just because a guy goes on stage wearing cowboy boots and a cowboy hat doesn’t mean he’s a real patriot. And such is the case with Tim McGraw. His decision to headline a concert to benefit Sandy Hook victims isn’t as benevolent as it looks. In fact, it clearly is anti-constitutional as the concert’s main goal is to limit Second Amendment freedoms. Newsmax writes: “ Country music superstar Tim McGraw will showcase a concert to benefit the organization Sandy Hook Promise, an anti-gun violence group organized after the 2012 elementary school ...

Obama is trying to ban guns through the back door (again)
Post Date: 2015-04-27 16:27:21 by BTP Holdings
Obama is trying to ban guns through the back door (again) Posted by: Jon Dougherty April 27, 2015 •The Second Amendment’s plain language should be enough to prohibit arcane data collection but this is Barack Obama we’re talking about – the president who has yet to meet a constitutional provision he believes is insurmountable There is nothing a committed Leftist hates more than individualism, liberty, freedom – and a healthy non-reliance on the federal government. Nothing supports and promotes all of those qualities on a personal level than the Second Amendment’s guarantee of citizens’ right to keep and bear arms. So it should not ...

Always Invoke Your 4th Amendment Protection
Post Date: 2015-04-24 08:50:15 by Ada
On Tuesday the Court held in Rodriguez v. U.S. that suspects cannot be detained beyond the scope of a routine traffic stop for the sole purpose of performing a dog sniff. The 6-3 ruling is indeed a big win for the 4th Amendment. But our old friend and former-Flex Associate Director Scott Morgan emailed me a note about why this ruling is particularly special. Hey Steve, Great ruling today! Of course, everyone’s going to talk about the rarity of the Court upholding the 4th Amendment these days. What I noticed (and hope more people see) is that this case only happened because the suspect asserted his rights by refusing the dog sniff. It’s a point I used to make frequently in the ...

From the “Common Sense Gun Control” Crowd…
Post Date: 2015-04-23 12:28:16 by X-15
“Nobody wants to take your guns.” Yeah, right. “A gun-control movement worthy of the name would insist that President Clinton move beyond his proposals for controls … and immediately call on Congress to pass far-reaching industry regulation like the Firearms Safety and Consumer Protection Act … [which] would give the Treasury Department health and safety authority over the gun industry, and any rational regulator with that authority would ban handguns.” — Josh Sugarmann (executive director of the Violence Policy Center) “My view of guns is simple. I hate guns and I cannot imagine why anyone would want to own one. If I had my way, guns for sport ...

Not Your Grandfather’s FBI
Post Date: 2015-04-23 08:20:42 by Ada
Does the FBI manifest fidelity, bravery and integrity, or does it cut constitutional corners in order to incriminate? Can the FBI cut the cable television lines to your house and then show up pretending to be the cable guy and install listening devices? Can FBI agents and technicians testify falsely and cause the innocent to be convicted, incarcerated and, in some cases, executed? In 2014, FBI agents in Las Vegas were on the trail of Wei Seng Phua, whom they believed was running an illegal gambling operation out of his hotel room at Caesars Palace. Instead of following him, asking questions about him and using other traditional investigative techniques, a few agents came up with the idea ...

DOJ Claims Grossly Disparate Treatment Will ‘Promote Respect for the Law’
Post Date: 2015-04-22 08:09:27 by Ada
On Thursday, David Petraeus will be sentenced in North Carolina. If all goes as his lawyers and the government have arranged, he will get a year of probation for leaking some of this country’s most sensitive secrets to his mistress. On May 11 (the date has been postponed from this week), Jeffrey Sterling will be sentenced for – the jury decided – leaking details of the Merlin program, a CIA effort to deal flawed nuclear blueprints to Iran. In a sentencing memorandum, the government argues Sterling should be sentenced for 235 to 293 months – upwards of 19 years – for exposing CIA’s Merlin (the government argues he exposed a program that might have thwarted ...

NYT Editors Give Former Peruvian Strongman/Human Rights Abuser Feature Op-Ed Space
Post Date: 2015-04-21 13:24:23 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Gives Former Peruvian Strongman/Human Rights Abuser Feature Op-Ed Space by Stephen Lendman Alejandro Toledo served as Peruvian President from 2001 - 2006. He led opposition against former despot Alberto Fujimori (1990 - 2000). He was elected on populist promises to create more jobs, alleviate dire poverty, deliver social justice, and end years of corrupted hardline rule including serious human rights abuses. As president, he continued business as usual Washington Consensus policies - same old, same old neoliberal harshness. They include obeying IMF/World Bank diktats, paying bankers first, privatization of state enterprises, deregulation, ignoring social needs, and cracking down ...

New Hero Alert! AKA Why We All Love and Respect Mentally Disturbed People Employed as Cops
Post Date: 2015-04-21 08:39:14 by Katniss
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Poster's text/comments at source.

The Extrajudicial Killing That Didn't Happen
Post Date: 2015-04-21 08:33:15 by Ada
Some of the most powerful people in the U.S. government wanted to launch a drone strike against Mohanad Mahmoud Al Farekh. APR 17 2015, 6:05 AM ET Some of the most powerful people in the U.S. government wanted to kill Mohanad Mahmoud Al Farekh. The military, the CIA, and an influential Republican member of Congress all argued that a drone should be sent to kill the American. Now he is in custody. And if convicted of all charges that he faces, he'll get a maximum of 15 years in prison–the same sentence that a brother and sister in Missouri got for growing marijuana. How can a person narrowly escape extrajudicial assassination, get extradited to the United States, appear inside ...

Cellphone privacy is important in Texas, say lawmakers who want more proof before use of stingray tracking equipment
Post Date: 2015-04-19 14:47:39 by X-15
AUSTIN — Few will talk about it. But Texas is one of more than a dozen states where law enforcers use the “stingray” cellphone-tracking technology. Despite growing concerns about local law enforcement spying on residents’ cellphones, cities nationwide — including Fort Worth — own this technology, which basically works as a tracking system, tricking cellphones into believing it’s a cell tower to give law enforcers the ability to find a phone user and gather data. It’s a hush-hush topic, as even President Barack Obama’s administration has been telling police nationwide not to give out details about the stingray technology, which is used for ...

The Scourge of Nazism in Ukraine
Post Date: 2015-04-19 13:11:26 by Stephen Lendman
The Scourge of Nazism in Ukraine by Stephen Lendman What millions died for to defeat during WW II is now resurgent in Europe's heartland. Fascist lunatics in Washington installed overt Nazis to run their newest client state. They're taking full advantage. They're waging naked aggression on Donbass - at present low-level ahead of renewing it full- blown. Hundreds of US combat troops (trained killers) are working directly with Kiev's Nazi-infested National Guard and other extremist groups - teaching them the fine art of murder. Perhaps planning to join them in battle when hostilities resume full-blown - maybe with supportive US terror-bombing. Kiev Nazis want all ...

Leaked Document From Mayor to Police: Your Paycheck Depends on How Many Tickets You Write
Post Date: 2015-04-19 08:59:09 by Katniss
Leaked Document From Mayor to Police: Your Paycheck Depends on How Many Tickets You WriteBy Cassandra Fairbanks on April 15, 2015 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Edmundson, MO– While police and their supporters continue to insist that police are out there keeping our streets safe, an internal document sent from the Edmundson Mayor John Gwaltney implies otherwise. The letter, which was included with the paychecks of the town’s police officers, spells out in very plain terms their actual role in the community – extorting money for the state. In the document obtained by ThinkProgress, the mayor is careful to point out that the town does not ...

Coast2Coast Guest Craig Hulet Tells it like it is !
Post Date: 2015-04-18 07:21:16 by noone222
Poster Comment:The 1st half of this show is a great interview and even the callers are spot on !

Reign of Terror in Ukraine
Post Date: 2015-04-18 07:17:03 by Stephen Lendman
Reign of Terror in Ukraine by Stephen Lendman Obama's fascist Ukrainian friends are ruthless. They're dangerous/unscrupulous gangster thugs systematically abolishing personal freedoms. Try finding a single major Western media report explaining Kiev regime lawlessness - and the ominous threat it poses. None exist. What demands denunciation gets scoundrel media support. On the one hand, Ukrainian officials are actively readying for renewed full-scale aggression on Donbass - with full US support and encouragement, including heavy weapons and munitions supplied. On the other, they're reigning terror on anyone opposing their ruthless rule - courageous individuals demanding ...

Congress Introduces Fast Track Legislation to Help Enact Anti-Consumer Trade Bills
Post Date: 2015-04-17 07:17:50 by Stephen Lendman
Congress Introduces Fast Track Legislation to Help Enact Anti-Consumer Trade Bills by Stephen Lendman Congressional passage of so-called "trade promotion authority" (TPA) will let Obama expedite the legislative process for pending Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) bills. The Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 (TPA 2015) lets Obama and his trade representative, complicit with corporate predators, rush through Congress, with minimal hearings and no amendments, legislation global justice advocates call NAFTA on steroids. TPP and TTIP are trade bills from hell. They're stealth ...

Florida Cops Use Tank For Routine Traffic Stop, Assault Man For Flipping Them Off
Post Date: 2015-04-13 18:14:30 by X-15
It is hard to imagine that this surreal story does not originate in a nation run by a violent warlord (or maybe it does), but it actually comes from Florida, where Lucas Jewell, a resident of Gainesville noticed local members of the Alachua County Sheriff’s Department were riding through town in a tank-like armored vehicle that appears to be a Lanco BearCat, an armored personnel carrier intended for military use. As Mr. Jewell believes that this is a gross abuse of taxpayers’ dollars and is opposed to the militarization of police, he found this display of military hardware on public roads offensive and showed the individuals in riding in the tank his middle finger and proceeded ...

Right to Bear Arms? Gun grabbing sweeping the nation
Post Date: 2015-04-11 12:19:06 by BTP Holdings
Right to Bear Arms? Gun grabbing sweeping the nation By Malia Zimmerman ·Published April 09, 2015 ·FoxNews.com Facebook 1766 Twitter 1101 livefyre 10832 Email Print Chuck Michel.jpg Attorney Chuck Michel represented Michael Roberts after his firearms were seized. Cherished family heirlooms were among the 21 firearms Michael Roberts surrendered to the Torrance Police Department in 2010, after his doctor filed a restraining order against him. The court order was the result of a dispute Roberts had with a member of the doctor’s staff and, after Roberts pleaded no contest, the matter was resolved. Yet, even though he filed the proper Law Enforcement Gun Release ...

Federal War On White Speech In Ferguson Private Email Investigation
Post Date: 2015-04-06 17:00:19 by Dakmar
The ongoing war on white Christians by homosexuals is not the only assault on freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution. Apparently private communications unrelated to public employment are subject to investigation and punishment. But we’re not talking about communists, Islamists, or other seditious or treasonous speech. In both Ferguson, MO, and San Francisco, CA, public employees’ private communications are being searched without any legal basis and threats of legal action including discipline and termination are being invoked. First, Ferguson. The Department of Justice (DOJ) Civil Rights Division (CRD) conducted a parallel investigation of the Ferguson ...

Republican Party ‘totally controlled by Israel lobby’
Post Date: 2015-04-05 18:58:48 by Tatarewicz
Presstv... Dr. Jones says opposing Iran nuclear talks by Republicans showed that the Republican Party is controlled by the Israel lobby. Editor of Culture Wars magazine Dr. E. Michael Jones says opposing Iran nuclear negotiations by Republicans showed that the Republican Party is totally controlled by the Israel lobby. “Every single candidate now of the Republican Party is a total pawn of the Israel lobby. It’s a bad news for America,” Jones said in a phone interview with Press TV on Sunday. A new report revealed that Republican opponents of a framework agreement with Iran received millions in campaign donations in 2014 from pro-Israel billionaires and other influential ...

US Government Rolls Out Mandatory Adult Vaccination and Tracking Program [That didn't take long]
Post Date: 2015-04-05 00:12:58 by Katniss
This month, federal health officials are rolling out a national adult immunization plan that contains a new Mandatory Adult Vaccination1,2 and Electronic Tracking Program. The government is urging Americans to fulfill their obligation to support and comply with the anti-choice requirement to relinquish responsibility for personal health and well-being to federally appointed health officials through pharmaceutical enhancements. Public health officials will be monitoring Twitter and Facebook posts for anti-vaccine chatter that may indicate non-compliance with federal vaccine recommendations and state vaccine mandates. "The measles outbreak in Disneyland is a prime example of how ...

Post Date: 2015-04-04 21:00:08 by Ada
Senator wants to ban "extremist" material FBI introduced to suspects After the FBI “uncovered” another one of its self-orchestrated “terrorist plots,” leading to the arrest of two women, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) demanded on- line censorship of the “extremist” literature the FBI provided to the suspects. Feinstein called for on-line suppression of the popular counterculture publication the Anarchist Cookbook as well as an al-Qaeda publication, which critics characterized as a slippery slope leading to Chinese-style Internet censorship. “I am particularly struck that the alleged bombers made use of online bomb making guides like The ...

Businesses Should Be Allowed To Turn Away Gay Customers
Post Date: 2015-03-31 17:46:33 by BTP Holdings
Businesses Should Be Allowed To Turn Away Gay Customers Posted by: Jon Dougherty March 31, 2015 •New Indiana religious freedom law, which mirrors federal legislation, is somehow discriminatory, say its critics The Left is apoplectic – again – over a new piece of statutory law in Indiana that does nothing more than protect long-standing religious freedoms. To liberals, however, “religious freedom” is not a First Amendment right to be protected, but rather code for bigotry, racism, homophobia, smacking kittens and eating fried foods. On Sunday, the traditional day of Christian worship (in the season of Lent, no less), Republican Gov. Mike Pence ...

Virginia Towns Using Federally-Funded License Plate Readers To Collect Local Taxes
Post Date: 2015-03-30 19:18:35 by Jethro Tull
Virginia Towns Using Federally-Funded License Plate Readers To Collect Local Taxesfrom the thanks-for-the-exploitable-tech,-US-citizens! dept Two things remain certain in life: death... and law enforcement agencies using license plate readers obtained with Homeland Security grants for purposes not even remotely related to securing the homeland. Here's how Newport News, Virginia's police department obtained its automatic license plate readers: Grant money from a terrorism prevention program of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security through the Virginia Department of Emergency Management provided the funding for automatic license plate readers for several Hampton Roads agencies, ...

The Only Truly Compliant, Submissive Citizen In A Police State Is A Dead One.
Post Date: 2015-03-29 23:19:33 by Horse
“Do exactly what I say, and we'll get along fine. Do not question me or talk back in any way. You do not have the right to object to anything I may say or ask you to do, or ask for clarification if my demands are unclear or contradictory. You must obey me under all circumstances without hesitation, no matter how arbitrary, unreasonable, discriminatory, or blatantly racist my commands may be. Anything other than immediate perfect servile compliance will be labeled as resisting arrest, and expose you to the possibility of a violent reaction from me. That reaction could cause you severe injury or even death. And I will suffer no consequences. It's your choice: Comply, or ...

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