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Latest Articles: Dead Constitution

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Al Jazeera Spy Cables
Post Date: 2015-02-23 12:22:48 by Stephen Lendman
Al Jazeera Spy Cables by Stephen Lendman On February 23, Al Jazeera headlined "The Spy Cables: A Glimpse into the world of espionage." Saying "(s)ecret documents, leaked from numerous intelligence agencies, offer rare insights into the interactions between spies." Hold the cheers. Al Jazeera is owned, operated and controlled by Qatar's government. Its agenda is closely tied to Washington and other Western governments. Doha hosts America's forward CENTCOM (US Central Command) headquarters. It's based at Al Udeid Air Base. It's home for 5,000 US forces. It's a hub for US Afghanistan and Iraq operations. Qatar was instrumental in Obama's Libya ...

Ohio Schools Just Started Passing Out These Disturbing Police State ‘Guides’ For Students
Post Date: 2015-02-22 16:48:34 by X-15
“If you are stopped on the street, answer all questions pertaining to your identity…” that’s what Ohio schools are now telling students. Rather than informing them of their rights, schools are doubling down on police assumptions of power, and telling kids to shut their mouths and comply with more or less whatever police tell them… whether it’s legally required of them or not. Last week, each and every middle and high school student in Akron, Ohio, received glossy, two-sided card that purported to be the result of collaboration between an anti-violence youth group and the city’s police department. But to read the card, it sounds more like it was ...

Caracas Mayor Part of US Coup Plot
Post Date: 2015-02-21 12:24:15 by Stephen Lendman
Caracas Mayor Part of US Coup Plot by Stephen Lendman Washington spent 16 years unsuccessfully trying to topple Venezuela's model democracy. On February 19, London's Guardian published an edited Venezuela Solidarity Campaign statement on its coup plot signed by 70 distinguished figures - including John Pilger and George Galloway. The unedited version says: "We the undersigned note with grave concern the announcement of the discovery of a plot to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela in a coup on Thursday February 12." "Government officials have said the plans included violent attacks on the presidential palace and other government ...

Dear Obama, Please Read the Constitution Before You Say Stupid Stuff Like This
Post Date: 2015-02-21 11:31:11 by BTP Holdings
Dear Obama, Please Read the Constitution Before You Say Stupid Stuff Like This President Obama taught Constitutional law on the college level. One would think that if he were teaching this type of course that he might actually know when something is lawful and when something is Constitutional. But, apparently, those of us that think this would be wrong… … because he still says that his executive order on immigration is a “lawful thing.” Now, aside from many people’s concerns about safety and potential incoming terrorists masquerading as Central Americans coming into our country, there is this whole thorny problem about separation of powers. You know, that ...

Bombshell Interview: Cop Reveals That “Planting Evidence And Lying” Are Just “Part Of The Game”
Post Date: 2015-02-21 02:17:14 by X-15
Palm Beach County, Florida – Journalists at the DC Post were looking through message boards that are frequented by law enforcement officers, when they found a post where one officer was causally talking about planting evidence on “mouthy drivers” and “street lawyers.” The Post then contacted the officer and conducted an anonymous interview with him where he revealed his disturbing perspective. The officer revealed the illegal and unethical actions that he is proud of taking on the job. The DC Post has also said that they have verified the officer’s position with the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, and they have verified many of the claims that he ...

This dog tells me you're on drugs
Post Date: 2015-02-21 01:53:13 by James Deffenbach

This is What Happens When You Call the Cops
Post Date: 2015-02-20 12:33:59 by FormerLurker

Discover the “3 SECRET LOOPHOLES” To Get Untraceable Firearms & Defeat Obama's Gun Confiscation Schemes For Good...
Post Date: 2015-02-19 16:46:52 by BTP Holdings
Discover the “3 SECRET LOOPHOLES” To Get Untraceable Firearms & Defeat Obama's Gun Confiscation Schemes For Good... Dear Friend, When your life and the lives of your family are at risk what's the one thing you can rely on? What's the one thing that can keep you safe no matter what you have to face? It's your God given right and you should be able to own and bear it with pride. Your Gun. Nothing is more American and "They" are trying to take them away from you. The 2nd Amendment gives you the right to own, buy and bear firearms in any legal way you choose. The Founding Fathers had it right in the first place. But, our Government, if you ...

Cop Beats High School Kid So Bad Even the Cop’s Own Department Told the Family to File a Complaint--Time to fry some bacon!
Post Date: 2015-02-19 15:21:54 by James Deffenbach
Metairie, LA — A cell phone video captured the brutal beating of a high school student by a Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Deputy. On Friday night, Brady Becker, 17, found himself laying on his back in front of the Lakeside Mall in Metairie. A cop was on top of him, pummelling his face. According to the police, this star receiver who’s a Junior at St. Charles Catholic High, had exchanged words with a group of deputies just prior to a fight ensuing. Apparently the other teens involved in the exchange ran off before being attacked by officers. Unfortunately for Becker, he was thrown to the ground by an unnamed plainclothes deputy and beaten. In the video, the deputy pushes ...

Post Date: 2015-02-19 11:56:06 by James Deffenbach
Kent Hovind is a creation-science evangelist and Baptist minister who has already served eight years of a ten-year prison sentence for alleged tax evasion. Kent has a master’s degree in education. He founded and operated Creation Science Evangelism and has traveled extensively presenting creation- science lectures. He has debated evolutionists in over one hundred debates across the country. Kent also operated Dinosaur Adventure Land in Pensacola, Florida. This was a very popular creation-science museum/theme park. Kent also produced scores of videos on the subject of creation-science that have circled the globe and been translated in over thirty languages. Many people affectionately ...

Cometh the Censor
Post Date: 2015-02-18 08:25:58 by Ada
Birth of What Will Prove a Short Siege I see with no surprise that Washington is stepping up its campaign to censor the internet. It had to come, and will succeed. It will put paid forever to America’s flirtation with freedom. The country was never really a democracy, meaning a polity in which final power rested with the people. The voters have always been too remote from the levers of power to have much influence. Yet for a brief window of time there actually was freedom of a sort. With the censorship of the net—it will be called “regulation”— the last hope of retaining former liberty will expire. Over the years freedom has declined in inverse proportion to ...

Survive the Courtroom (Podcast)
Post Date: 2015-02-17 16:47:41 by BTP Holdings
Too often, gun owners get so focused on their marksmanship skills to survive a real gun battle that they neglect the other "battlefield" they must also survive - the courtroom after they were forced to pull the trigger. Of course the movie that plays in your head always has you positioned as the hero and the "bad guy" gets what's coming to him... but real life case studies have shown that the legal system can be a real bitch - and not always in your favor. In this week's free podcast we talk again with Peyton Quinn to reveal the cold, hard truth about the legal mistakes so many armed citizens make that could land you in a prison cell, even if you were ...

I Miss America
Post Date: 2015-02-17 10:48:53 by christine
I miss the America where surveillance efforts were focused on foreign enemies rather than domestic citizens. I miss the America where children weren't routinely kidnapped by hospitals and CPS officials because their parents wanted a second medical opinion or refused to poison their children with chemotherapy. I miss the America where citizens respected local cops as "peace officers" and local cops existed to "protect and serve." I miss the America where veterans were honored and celebrated rather than condemned and medically neglected. I miss the America where openly pledging your allegiance to the United States Constitution did not result in your name being ...

Again,. who's worried about terrorists when America's Finest do the Jobs that Muslims don't do ....
Post Date: 2015-02-16 10:41:14 by Katniss
Poster Comment:I was wondering a number of things. First, why isn't this a hate crime? Oh, that's right, crime when committed by the government isn't crime. As well, most crimes committed by these psychopaths and sociopaths in blue are hate crimes against humanity. How "heroic". Otherwise, these "heroes" seem to consider that fleeing from them is equivalent to attacking them. And then they scratch their concrete-filled heads and wonder why America is growing to have contempt for them. Meanwhile, true heroes? Those "in blue" outraged over this ....

Who needs beheadings, we have cops here killing Americans, Jobs that Muslims won't do
Post Date: 2015-02-16 09:41:40 by Katniss
Poster Comment:So we're supposed to believe that three adult male "heroes" couldn't take down one man without shooting the guy to death? America is a black comedy!

Copenhagen False Flag?
Post Date: 2015-02-15 11:06:11 by Stephen Lendman
Copenhagen False Flag? by Stephen Lendman It's too early to know much about Saturday's Copenhagen killings. Rush to judgments can prove wrong. Automatically calling these type incidents terrorist attacks is way over-the-top. On a typical Chicago weekend, multiple shootings occur. Much like in other US cities nationwide. Most go unreported. Headlines don't scream "terrorism." We'll never know the motive behind Copenhagen's incident. More on this below. Perhaps what happened reflected an angry man losing it. Or maybe another state-sponsored false flag? On Saturday, two people were reported killed. Five others injured in twin Copenhagen, Denmark shootings. ...

Law enforcement concerns create unlikely alliances in Missouri and beyond
Post Date: 2015-02-15 09:21:31 by Ada
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. » For years, poor black residents of St. Louis County have complained bitterly about being jailed when they could not pay traffic fines. Protesters in Ferguson, after the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager by the police last year, even cited those fines - and related trips to jail - as a major reason for their anger. So when a measure was introduced recently in the Republican-held General Assembly calling for sharp limits in the revenue that Missouri towns can derive from traffic fines, it was not surprising that black lawmakers voiced support. What was unexpected were their allies in the cause: white, suburban Republicans, a former St. Louis County ...

Definition of Tyranny
Post Date: 2015-02-14 10:05:07 by James Deffenbach

How Reality TV Is Teaching Us to Accept the American Police State
Post Date: 2015-02-13 22:26:51 by Katniss
How Reality TV Is Teaching Us to Accept the American Police State By John W. Whitehead February 03, 2015 “Plays, farces, spectacles, gladiators, strange beasts, medals, pictures, and other such opiates, these were for ancient peoples the bait toward slavery, the price of their liberty, the instruments of tyranny. By these practices and enticements the ancient dictators so successfully lulled their subjects under the yoke, that the stupefied peoples, fascinated by the pastimes and vain pleasures flashed before their eyes, learned subservience as naively, but not so creditably, as little children learn to read by looking at bright picture books.”—Etienne de La ...

“Anti-Wall Street” Elizabeth Warren wants the biggest bank in America to operate in secrecy
Post Date: 2015-02-13 14:04:35 by James Deffenbach
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has made a name for herself as an economic populist whose harsh critiques of “too big to fail” banking on Wall Street endears her to many poor and middle-class Americans. But as has already been highlighted by her support of the crony-capitalist Export-Import Bank, Warren’s commitment to opposing bailout banking may not be as thorough as she suggests. This suspicion is deepened by Warren’s opposition to a full audit of the Federal Reserve because she says it “promotes congressional meddling in the Fed’s monetary policy decisions, which risks politicizing those decisions and may have dangerous implications for financial ...

Venezuela Foils Obama's Coup Plot
Post Date: 2015-02-13 06:18:15 by Stephen Lendman
Venezuela Foils Obama's Coup Plot by Stephen Lendman On February 12, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced Obama's plot to kill him, oust his government, and seize power forcefully was thwarted. More on this below. Throughout his tenure, Obama waged war on humanity. It continues against free people everywhere. His deplorable record might make some despots blush. He viciously targets fundamental freedoms at home and abroad. Governs under a police state apparatus. Unilaterally decides who lives, dies, stays free or is imprisoned. He continues waging war on Afghanistan after pledging to end it during his first year in office. No end of conflict looms. Permanent war and ...

Life in a Police State
Post Date: 2015-02-11 00:37:41 by James Deffenbach

Measles in Disneyland: Third MMR Shot and Vaccine Exemption Ban
Post Date: 2015-02-10 09:28:41 by Katniss
Measles in Disneyland: Third MMR Shot and Vaccine Exemption Ban There have been hundreds of media stories published in the U.S. and around the world since Jan. 14, 2015, the day after it was first reported that visitors to Disneyland got measles and presumably infected other people in California, Washington, Utah, and Colorado.1 Like wildfire, the story spread globally even though there was - and still is - limited information about the 51 lab-confirmed cases of measles public health officials say are linked to the happiest place on earth. According a Jan. 23 Health Advisory issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "no source case for the outbreak has been ...

Family Raided by Police Over ‘Suspected Meth Lab’ That Turned Out To Be Maple Syrup
Post Date: 2015-02-09 22:11:58 by X-15
A Union County, Illinois family found themselves staring down the business end of SWAT cops’ machine guns. The raid happened last Wednesday morning when drug agents swarmed their home, armed with military weapons and even a warrant, based on nothing more than neighborhood speculation. “I heard the dogs barking. And I knew that meant somebody was outside the house,” Laura Benson said. “And I looked out the windows and I seen a truck coming up the driveway fairly fast. And an Anna police car right behind it.” Laura thought that her son must have been in trouble, since she knew she hadn’t done anything to justify the raid. “They had a report of a meth ...

Truth? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Truth [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2015-02-09 13:14:52 by Ada
In the previous posting, The Grand Manipulation, I again wrote about the false reality that government manipulation of information and control over explanations creates for Americans and others who have subordinated themselves to Washington. Consider the “war on terror.” According to a Nobel economist and a Harvard University budget expert, Washington’s 14 years of war on terror has cost Americans a minimum of $6 trillion. That’s 6,000 billion dollars. This sum, together with the current PayRoll tax revenues is enough to keep Social Security and Medicare in the black for years to come. Without the vast sum wasted on the war on terror, Republicans would not have an ...

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