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What “Fighting for Our Freedom” Actually Means in Police State USA?
Post Date: 2015-02-09 12:41:22 by James Deffenbach
Please stop fighting for my freedom. Dear soldier, Please stop fighting for my freedom of speech. It’s not working. While you’re overseas, killing people so “I have the right to say that,” good people all over the country are being put in cages for thinking freedom of speech is still a right that will not be violated. “Free speech zones” are used to quarantine humans who wish to express their opinions, to protect others from the dangers of their words. Independent journalists are detained for reporting on the crimes of the government for which you fight. It has become commonplace, when an average person records police abuse, to have cameras seized, ...

Caravan To Midnight (Must see video)
Post Date: 2015-02-09 08:24:12 by noone222
Poster Comment:This lady must be heard.

Sami Al-Arian: Deported, Free at Last
Post Date: 2015-02-08 13:55:13 by Stephen Lendman
Sami Al-Arian: Deported, Free at Last by Stephen Lendman South Florida University Professor Sami Al-Arian was one of thousands of US political prisoners. Outrageously treated. Hounded for years for his faith, ethnicity, political activism and support for Palestinian rights. On February 20, 2003, he was arrested and imprisoned. Falsely accused of backing organizations fronting for Palestinian Islamic Jihad. A 1997 wrongfully designated State Department Foreign Terrorist Organization at the behest of Israel. Despite his academic excellence, numerous awards, impeccable credentials and tenured status, South Florida University president Judy Genshaft fired him. Succumbing to Israeli Lobby ...

Can Taditional Media Be Trusted in America?
Post Date: 2015-02-06 23:45:03 by Tatarewicz
Sputnik... The information war is going hot as the British army is recruiting 1500 people to serve in the Facebook and Twitter division. The 77th battalion will specialize in disinformation, half-truths and outright lies. But they aren’t the only ones. Both Israel and America already have active cyber divisions. Read more: http://sputniknews.com/radio_con...899945.html#ixzz3R1yo0MZ8 Poster Comment:US cyber division likely just a subsidiary of Mossad's.

Documentary - War on Whistleblowers 2013
Post Date: 2015-02-06 09:37:18 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Disclose.tv - Documentary - War on Whistleblowers 2013

Monsanto's Land Grab in Ukraine
Post Date: 2015-02-06 06:59:28 by Stephen Lendman
Monsanto's Land Grab in Ukraine by Stephen Lendman Long considered Europe's "bread basket," Ukraine's agricultural potential is huge. It's rich dark soil is highly valued. Ideal for growing grain. Farmland producing it matches Texas in size. Amounts to about one-third of Europe's arable land. Ukraine exports include wheat, corn, barley, vegetables, sugar beets, sunflower seeds, meat and milk. About one-fourth of Ukrainian workers are in agriculture or forestry related areas. Monsanto and other agribusiness giants intend exploiting Ukraine's agricultural potential. In 2014, the Oakland Institute published a report titled "Walking on the West Side: ...

End Asset Forfeiture
Post Date: 2015-02-05 17:41:04 by BTP Holdings
End Asset Forfeiture Let's be clear about what civil asset forfeiture is not: •It's not confiscation of contraband or illegal goods •It's not property that has been withheld as evidence during a criminal investigation. •It's not a fine or restitution imposed on someone duly convicted of a crime Civil asset forfeiture instead refers to legal property or cash owned by individuals not charged with any crime, which is nevertheless seized by law enforcement agents who merely suspect it was used in a crime. •If tens of thousands of dollars in cash are found in a person's home, it is automatically suspected of having been used in drug dealing, because ...

Fed fires back at Rand Paul
Post Date: 2015-02-05 11:32:30 by noone222
The Federal Reserve is lashing out at Sen. Rand Paul’s plan to give Congress more oversight over the central bank, a proposal that could gain traction in the new Republican-led Congress. The Kentucky Republican reintroduced his “Audit the Fed” legislation last month with 30 co-sponsors, including other potential 2016 GOP hopefuls, Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas) and Marco Rubio (Fla.). The proposal — once championed by his father, former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) —would subject the central bank to an audit by the Government Accountability Office (GAO). Regional bank presidents from around the country are decrying the plan, which they argue could damage the economy. ...

US Orchestrated Coup Plot in Venezuela?
Post Date: 2015-02-03 13:03:52 by Stephen Lendman
US Orchestrated Coup Plot in Venezuela? by Stephen Lendman Washington spent Chavez's entire tenure trying to oust him. Nearly succeeded in April 2002. Overwhelming public support foiled Bush's scheme. Chavez knew he was marked for death. Obama succeeded in killing him. His dirty hands orchestrated weeks of violence last year. Another regime change scheme failed. Economic war on Venezuela rages. Ongoing since 2013. Obama wants President Nicholas Marduro ousted. Venezuela's huge oil reserves plundered. Bolivarianism crushed. State-owned enterprises privatized. Predatory capitalism replacing economic and social justice. Media scoundrels march in lockstep with US viciousness. ...

Hillary Clinton fired for lies, unethical behavior
Post Date: 2015-02-01 12:50:52 by Southern Style
Hillary Clinton fired for lies, unethical behavior Dan Calabrese — June 13, 2013 Bet you didn’t know this. I’ve decided to reprint a piece of work I did nearly five years ago, because it seems very relevant today given Hillary Clinton’s performance in the Benghazi hearings. Back in 2008 when she was running for president, I interviewed two erstwhile staff members of the House Judiciary Committee who were involved with the Watergate investigation when Hillary was a low-level staffer there. I interviewed one Democrat staffer and one Republican staffer, and wrote two pieces based on what they told me about Hillary’s conduct at the time. I ...

Post Date: 2015-01-31 07:21:50 by Ada
Anyone paying attention knows that 9/11 has been used to create a police/warfare state Anyone paying attention knows that 9/11 has been used to create a police/warfare state. Years ago NSA official William Binney warned Americans about the universal spying by the National Security Agency, to little effect. Recently Edward Snowden proved the all-inclusive NSA spying by releasing spy documents, enough of which have been made available by Glenn Greenwald to establish the fact of NSA illegal and unconstitutional spying, spying that has no legal, constitutional, or “national security” reasons.Yet Americans are not up in arms. Americans have accepted the government’s offenses ...

Another Lying Cop [The Rule for those in Blue]
Post Date: 2015-01-30 22:45:42 by Katniss
Poster Comment:I'm surprised that she didn't claim that the club was a Panzerfaust. I honestly cannot think of a more mentally unstable set of people in a career field. It's like the force is its own assylum except all of the patients are allowed to roam free and indulge themselves in their mental diseases.

Salaita Sues University of Illinois
Post Date: 2015-01-30 13:45:12 by Stephen Lendman
Salaita Sues University of Illinois by Stephen Lendman Previous articles discussed Professor Steven Salaita academic lynching. Hired by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) to a tenured faculty position. Fired for criticizing Israeli aggression on Gaza. Supporting Palestinian rights. Chancellor Phyllis Wise lied claiming otherwise. At the time, Columbia University Professor Bruce Robbins called his firing "an outrage to anyone who cares about academic freedom or simple human decency." "In punishing him for speaking up by taking away his job, Chancellor Wise has inscribed her name in a shameful list that includes Joseph McCarthy, among others." On ...

Yes, Political Correctness Really Exists
Post Date: 2015-01-30 06:21:58 by Ada
Social media gives new muscle to German Marxist Herbert Marcuse's arguments against free discourse. Jonathan Chait burned up the Internet this week with his critique of so-called political correctness. Among many responses, Amanda Taub‘s stands out for its denial of Chait’s basic premise. According to Taub: …there’s no such thing as “political correctness.” The term’s in wide use, certainly, but has no actual fixed or specific meaning. What defines it is not what it describes but how it’s used: as a way to dismiss a concern or demand as a frivolous grievance rather than a real issue. This is a curious response. Sure, people use the term in ...

Obama, Drones, and Privacy
Post Date: 2015-01-28 10:55:11 by Ada
The Maximum Leader of the US government calls for regulating drones to protect people’s privacy. So the government will put regulations in place to prevent a drone with a camera hovering outside my window invading my privacy to the same extent as a peeping Tom with a ladder. Then I compare that to the privacy invasions of the US Government’s various agencies that: Register every birth with a tax number Track physical address with a driver’s license Open and read much of our physical mail Open and read all our email Track every website we visit Track every credit card transaction we make Track the movement of money in and out of every account Listen in on all our ...

Fake Russian Spy Ring Announced
Post Date: 2015-01-28 07:23:07 by Stephen Lendman
Fake Russian Spy Ring Announced by Stephen Lendman Rogue states need enemies to advance their agendas. When none exist they're invented. Longstanding US policy. Russian national Evgeny Buryakov its latest victim. A Russian bank employee arrested in New York on phony espionage charges. Two other Russian nationals named. Outgoing US Attorney General Eric Holder announced bogus charges. A Department of Justice statement naming "Evgeny Buryakov, aka Zhenya,' Igor Sporyshev and Victor Podobnyy in connection with Buryakov's service as a covert intelligence agent on behalf of the Russian Federation (Russia) in New York City, without notifying the US Attorney General of ...

US Official Insults Cubans
Post Date: 2015-01-27 12:44:58 by Stephen Lendman
US Official Insults Cubans by Stephen Lendman On January 22, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Roberta Jacobson visited Cuba. The most senior US diplomat doing so in decades. Calling US/Cuban relations "particular and peculiar. (N)ot built on confidence and trust." "Built on" decades of illegal embargo. Hundreds of attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro. Support for Miami-based anti-Cuban fascist groups. Violence destabilizing Cuba. Efforts to topple its government. Attack it with biological weapons. Murder its people. More on Jacobson's visit below. Her actions were an affront to the Cuban people. Obama's announced mid-December ...

Public School Now Programming Children to Celebrate Police State and Dress in Blue to Thank Cops
Post Date: 2015-01-27 12:37:59 by Itistoolate
Elementary school children are now being pressured to obediently offer their support for the police state. Like Martin Luther King Jr. Day, cops are trying to start their own new holiday called “Law Enforcement Appreciation Day,” as if they are an oppressed group who struggle to overcome tyranny. Worse, impressionable children were instructed to celebrate it. The Fresno People’s Media notes  that the day “isn’t actually a holiday at all, but rather a political stunt sponsored by the Fraternal Order of Police.” Aimee Williamson is a wife of the Bakersfield Police Chief. She is also the principle of North Beardsley Elementary School. Aimee took it upon ...

Deep State, Secret Govt, CIA, FEMA
Post Date: 2015-01-27 08:06:19 by noone222

Post Date: 2015-01-26 09:04:29 by Ada
Respondents blithely agree that liberties should be completely eviscerated in the name of fighting ISIS Beachgoers in San Diego blithely agreed that President Barack Obama should be given the power to completely repeal the Bill of Rights in the name of fighting ISIS in another disturbing insight into the unthinking malaise of many Americans. Click for Full Text!

America's War on Everything It Claims to Stand For
Post Date: 2015-01-25 14:48:09 by Stephen Lendman
America's War on Everything It Claims to Stand For by Stephen Lendman What kind of nation scorns basic precepts free societies cherish? Mocks them. Operates extrajudicially. Polar opposite what it claims to support. Rewarding its wicked. Most reprehensible. Punishing its best, brightest, most honorable and deserving of praise. What nation has far and away the world's worst human and civil rights record over a longer duration? Affecting the greatest number of people. Which one bears more full responsibility for multiple global genocides? At home and abroad. Which cares only for its rich, well-born and privileged? No others. Which more systematically wants its middle class ...

Expect Dirty Business as Usual Following Saudi King's Death
Post Date: 2015-01-23 14:02:54 by Stephen Lendman
Expect Dirty Business as Usual Following Saudi King's Death by Stephen Lendman World headlines announced Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz's death. At age 90. After being hospitalized on December 31. Suffering from pneumonia. His half-brother Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud succeeds him. Aged 79. Reportedly suffering from dementia or Parkinson's disease. Initially Reuters headlined "New king, same oil policy." Changed to "New Saudi king seen holding the line on OPEC policy to keep oil output high." The Wall Street Journal headlined "Death of King Unlikely to Alter Saudi Oil Policy." The Financial Times headlined "Saudi Arabia’s new ...

Proposed Congressional Legislative Sanctions on Iran
Post Date: 2015-01-22 11:30:53 by Stephen Lendman
Proposed Congressional Legislative Sanctions on Iran by Stephen Lendman Bipartisan Senate members drafted new legislation. Imposing new sanctions if Iran doesn't agree to US demands by June 30. Regarding its legitimate nuclear program. With no military component. No evidence suggests one. It's no different from similar programs in dozens of other countries. Iran alone is unjustly accused of covert nuclear weapons capability development. A longstanding US/Israeli propagated Big Lie. Washington and European partners imposed multiple rounds of sanctions. Congressional hardliners want more. Senators Mark Kirk (R. IL) and Robert Menendez (D. NJ) drafted the Nuclear Weapon Free Iran ...

America's Abysmal State
Post Date: 2015-01-21 06:34:27 by Stephen Lendman
America's Abysmal State by Stephen Lendman America never was beautiful. Less than ever now during harder than ever hard times since the Great Depression. Permanent wars on humanity at home and abroad. Bipartisan defense of wealth, power and privilege at the expense of beneficial social change. Obama's State of the Union address combined demagogic rubbish, duplicitous boilerplate, pure fantasy, colossal arrogance, and a contemptible assertion of US supremacy. "…America stands strong and united with our allies," he said. Leading "with persistent, steady resolve." By bullying other nations to accept Washington rules. Waging war on humanity. Ravaging and ...

Communist Party sues Democrats on platform theft
Post Date: 2015-01-20 22:38:55 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Communist Party sues Democrats on platform theft Editor, Manteca Bulletin, Even the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) has now objected to the Democrat Party, suing the Democrats and its leadership for “stealing” their party platform and relabeling it as “progressive”. According to political hotwire and many other sources, CPUSA claims that the entire so-called “new” Democratic agenda is, in fact, the product of a decades-long, painstaking campaign by CPUSA theorists, agitators, and underground subversive cells - which makes it the intellectual property of the Communist Party USA, protected by American copyright laws. “They stole our entire platform, rebranded ...

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