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Public School Agrees to Rescind Suspension, Wipe Record of 4-Year-Old Pre-Schooler Who Was Handcuffed, Shackled and Transported to Police Station
Post Date: 2015-01-20 10:45:30 by Katniss
Public School Agrees to Rescind Suspension, Wipe Record of 4-Year-Old Pre-Schooler Who Was Handcuffed, Shackled and Transported to Police Station January 14, 2015 STANARDSVILLE, Va. — After being contacted by attorneys with The Rutherford Institute, officials with the Greene County Public Schools have agreed to rescind the suspension of a four-year-old preschool student who, after allegedly acting up in class, was handcuffed and shackled by a school resource officer and transported to the sheriff’s office. School officials have also agreed to remove the documentation of the disciplinary action from the child’s records. Moreover, school officials have indicated they would ...

GITMO: Symbol of America's Moral Depravity
Post Date: 2015-01-19 08:31:39 by Stephen Lendman
GITMO: Symbol of America's Moral Depravity by Stephen Lendman America is a gangster state by any standard. Despotic and then some. Democratic in name only. Hopelessly corrupted beyond fixing. Washington's criminal class is bipartisan. The worst of the worst make policy. Unconstitutionally. Including sanctioning torture as official policy. GITMO one of many US global torture prisons. It's best known one. The tip of the iceberg. Run out of sight and mind. Extrajudicially and then some. America's gulag operates worldwide. Unknown numbers of victims suffer horrifically. US barbarity has no limits. Anything goes is official policy. Systematically ignored by major US media. ...

This Dog Was Trained to Attack Criminals---Looks Like He Found One!
Post Date: 2015-01-18 19:22:49 by James Deffenbach
Poster Comment:I wonder why that cop didn't shoot that dog. He could have claimed he "feared for his life" like they do when they shoot the family poodle or chihuahua.

Obama's Phony Middle Class Tax Relief Plan
Post Date: 2015-01-18 06:47:33 by Stephen Lendman
Obama's Phony MIddle Class Tax Relief Plan by Stephen Lendman Obama is a corporate tool. A war profiteer's dream. Super-rich Americans never had it better during his tenure. Entirely reflecting anti-populist extremism. Policies hugely benefitting Wall Street. Other corporate favorites. Wealthy investors. America's privileged class. At the expense of popular needs gone begging. Including so-called financial reform legislation written by Wall Street lawyers. Obamacare drafted by healthcare giants. So-called "grand bargain" help for struggling middle America reflects total capitulation to America's aristocracy. The nation's social contract threatened. ...

US/UK Special Relationship: Partners in High Crimes Against Peace
Post Date: 2015-01-16 12:41:37 by Stephen Lendman
US/UK Special Relationship: Partners in High Crimes Against Humanity by Stephen Lendman Obama hosts British Prime Minister David Cameron at the White House today. Focusing on mutual issues. Anti-populist ones. Imperial ones. Geopolitical ones. Sinister ones. Ongoing wars. Escalation plans. Choosing new targeted countries. Stepped up cyber and other forms of surveillance. New police state crackdowns. Economic and financial issues benefitting monied interests alone. Both countries represent an axis of pure evil and then some. Longstanding partners in global genocidal crimes. In March 1946, Winston Churchill spoke at Fulton, MO-based Westminster College. Delivering his famous "Iron ...

Freedom of Speech
Post Date: 2015-01-16 11:24:44 by Ada
The right of people to express their opinions publicly without governmental interference, subject to the laws against libel, incitement to violence or rebellion, etc. The right, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, to express beliefs and ideas without unwarranted government restriction. The right to express information, ideas, and opinions free of government restrictions based on content and subject only to reasonable limitations… There is only speech, and government opposition to it. The protests in France and elsewhere – supposedly in support of free speech – are laughable. France, having some of the more draconian speech laws, is now the center ...

Pizza Driver Delivers Bullet To The Face Of Armed Robber, May Lose Job For Defending Her Life
Post Date: 2015-01-15 15:19:34 by James Deffenbach
A Papa John’s delivery driver in Dekalb County, Georgia is worried that she might lose her job for defending her life earlier this week against a pair of armed robbers. When a woman delivering pizzas in DeKalb County was ordered to the ground by a man with a gun, she fired back. Armed with her own gun, she shot the man Sunday night, according to police. The employee of a Columbia Drive Papa John’s wasn’t injured, her mother told Channel 2 Action News. But the woman is worried the incident could get her fired because she carried her gun for protection. A suspect, Donquaz Devon Stevenson, was found nearby with a gunshot wound to his face, police told Channel 2. Stevenson, ...

Escalated War on Islam
Post Date: 2015-01-15 12:47:36 by Stephen Lendman
Escalated War on Islam by Stephen Lendman Post-9/11, America declared war on Islam. Injustice triumphed. So did hate and fear. Muslims are fair game. US targets of choice. Britain, France, Germany and other Western partners march in lockstep against them. Waging phony war on terror. Pretext for state terror. Against targeted Muslim counties, groups and individuals. After last week's Paris killings, Le Monde headlined "Le 11 Septembre Francais." Saying US history was "before (and) after 9/11." For France it's "before (and) after 1/7." An accompanying article said anti-Islamic protests erupted in Paris, Dresden and other European cities. Muslims ...

Calif. DMV Issues 10,100 Driver Licenses To Illegal Aliens In One Week
Post Date: 2015-01-15 11:58:27 by Artisan
The DMV issued 10,100 licenses to illegal aliens last week alone, even though 96,000 driver license exams were administered. The agency did not explain why almost 90% of applicants have failed the written and/or driving tests. Poster Comment:Si se puede! ;-)

Defiant Charlie Hebdo
Post Date: 2015-01-15 06:17:30 by Stephen Lendman
Defiant Charlie Hebdo by Stephen Lendman The satirical French publication normally has a circulation of around 60,000. USA Today said its latest edition has a three million copy run. Some reports said five million. Maybe more given heavy demand. Copies are being distributed worldwide, said AP. In 16 languages. Saying "readers in France mobbed newsstands…" "…European newspapers reprinted (its) cartoons as a gesture of solidarity." Red Eye Chicago said local booksellers are scrambling for copies. Almost impossible to find locally where this writer lives and perhaps elsewhere across America. Red Eye said limited numbers could arrive by Friday. Controversy ...

Post Date: 2015-01-14 08:24:16 by Ada
Obama proposes dragnet for Americans' private data The White House proposal to encourage businesses to share data with the government on “cyber threats” would make it easier for law enforcement and other agencies to collect private information on Americans. President Obama announced his new Internet legislative proposal Tuesday, but privacy analysts warn it’s simply another CISPA-style government takeover of the Internet, including increased data collection, under the guise of “cybersecurity.” “The status quo of overweening national security and law enforcement secrecy means that expanded information sharing poses a serious risk of transferring more ...

Charlie Hebdo Fallout in America
Post Date: 2015-01-14 07:53:17 by Stephen Lendman
Charlie Hebdo Fallout in America by Stephen Lendman Civil liberties in America and Europe are gravely threatened. Already seriously eroded. A previous article warned of more to come following last week's Paris killings. A mid-February White House summit will be held on Countering Violent Extremism. Expect repressive legislation to follow. Other likely policy initiatives. Ones inimical to free society norms and standards. Growing tyranny fast replacing them. MSM reports say little. Only that Western officials want tighter border controls. Cooperation on tracking down nationals heading to Syria and Iraq. Combating radicalized Islamic online propaganda and recruitment. Attorney ...

Should Restaurant Owners Be Able to Restrict Guns in Their Establishments?
Post Date: 2015-01-13 18:02:17 by BTP Holdings
Should Restaurant Owners Be Able to Restrict Guns in Their Establishments? A recent "armed trip" to a Chipotle restaurant in Dallas by gun rights group Open Carry Texas set off a petition campaign by the Michael Bloomberg-supported gun control group Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. The petition gathered more than 10,000 signatures and triggered Chipotle to issue a statement asking its patrons to not bring guns into its restaurants. Last year, Starbucks also told its patrons guns were not welcome in its stores in response to a planned gun rights rally in Newtown, Conn. PersonalLiberty.com, America's #1 news site for independent-minded individuals, is conducting ...

Bureaucrats With Berettas
Post Date: 2015-01-13 05:46:41 by Ada
Federal departments from the USDA to Education are starting to arm their inspectors general for law enforcement. By• January 13, 2015 It’s a morning Kenneth Wright will never forget: 15 armed agents break in his front door and grab him by the neck, still in the boxer shorts he slept in. For six hours, a handcuffed Wright sat in a cruiser parked outside with his three children, ages 3, 7, and 11, while agents searched his house. “They put me in handcuffs in that hot patrol car for six hours, traumatizing my kids,” the Stockton, Calif., resident told a local news outlet at the time. Drugs? Weapons? Domestic violence? No. As Wright later found out, his gun-toting ...

Soros and Yatsenyuk: Partners in Crime
Post Date: 2015-01-12 13:42:07 by Stephen Lendman
Soros and Yatsenyuk: Partners in Crime by Stephen Lendman Arseniy Yatsenyuk is Ukraine's illegitimate US-installed prime minister. Mocking the office he holds. More on him below. George Soros is a world-class corporate predator. Making money the old-fashioned way. Unconcerned about enormous harm he causes. Plundering nations for profit. Once saying "(a)s a market participant, I don't need to be concerned with the consequences of my actions." Earning billions from rogue investing. Causing havoc worldwide. Anything for a buck, he believes. Imperial wars benefit him greatly. So do plums like Ukraine. Low-hanging fruit. Ripe for plunder. On November 20, 2014, New York ...

Paris Killings Aftermath: War on Civil Liberties
Post Date: 2015-01-12 08:22:45 by Stephen Lendman
Paris Killings Aftermath: War on Civil Liberties by Stephen Lendman Civil liberties in America, Britain, France, and other Western societies are gravely threatened. Already seriously eroded. Expect more assaults on fundamental freedoms ahead. Based on the usual canards. Protecting national security. Defending free society rights. How by enacting police state laws against them? According to a July 2010 ACLU report titled "Establishing a New Normal," Obama administration officials waged unprecedented war on civil liberties. Continuing the worst Bush era practices. Adding more extreme ones. The ACLU discussed the following top 10 post-9/11 abuses of power: (1) Warrantless ...

Post Date: 2015-01-12 07:32:13 by Ada
Defending free speech and free press rights, which typically means defending the right to disseminate the very ideas society finds most repellent, has been one of my principal passions for the last 20 years: previously as a lawyer and now as a journalist. So I consider it positive when large numbers of people loudly invoke this principle, as has been happening over the last 48 hours in response to the horrific attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris. Usually, defending free speech rights is much more of a lonely task. For instance, the day before the Paris murders, I wrote an article about multiple cases where Muslims are being prosecuted and even imprisoned by western governments for their ...

Martin Luther King assassinated by US Govt: King Family civil trial verdict
Post Date: 2015-01-12 01:30:42 by Tatarewicz
BlackListedNews... Coretta Scott King: “We have done what we can to reveal the truth, and we now urge you as members of the media, and we call upon elected officials, and other persons of influence to do what they can to share the revelation of this case to the widest possible audience.” – King Family Press Conference, Dec. 9, 1999. Dr. King’s 2-minute message to you: Dr. Martin Luther King’s family and personal friend/attorney, William F. Pepper, won a civil trial that found US government agencies guilty of assassination/wrongful death. The 1999 trial, King Family versus Jowers and Other Unknown Co-Conspirators, is the only trial ever conducted on the ...

Paris Killings Postmortems
Post Date: 2015-01-10 07:40:57 by Stephen Lendman
Paris Killings Postmortems by Stephen Lendman On Friday, three days rocking Paris ended. Cherif and Said Kouachi took refuge in a Dammartin-en- Goele printing company facility. French security forces stormed it. Reports said gunfire was exchanged. Both brothers were killed. Separately, Amedy Coulibaly seized the Hyper Cacher food market in eastern Paris. Took hostages. Threatened to kill them if police stormed the facility where the Kouachi brothers were holed up. French security forces moved in. Killing Coulibaly. Four hostages were found dead. Five others wounded. Dead men tell no tales. A previous article suggested Charlie Hebdo killings were less about terrorism and more about ...

Donbas Humanitarian Crisis
Post Date: 2015-01-09 13:01:44 by Stephen Lendman
Donbas Humanitarian Crisis by Stephen Lendman US-supported Kiev putschists want Donbas residents starved to death. On Christmas eve, Amnesty International (AI) headlined "Eastern Ukraine: Humanitarian disaster as food aid blocked." More on AI's report below. Russia is Donbas' lifeline. Donetsk Oblast has about 4.4 million people. Lugansk Oblast around 2.2 million. According to UN figures, around 5.2 million Ukrainians live in conflict zones. About 1.4 million are especially vulnerable. Requiring ongoing humanitarian assistance. Especially in winter. On January 8, Russia's 11th humanitarian convoy arrived in Donetsk and Lugansk. Over 120 trucks carried food, ...

Police State France
Post Date: 2015-01-09 06:54:25 by Stephen Lendman
Police State France by Stephen Lendman Washington took full advantage of 9/11. Sweeping police state laws followed. They remain in place. Including the USA Patriot Act. Eviscerating fundamental Bill of Rights freedoms. The Homeland Security Act. Establishing a national Gestapo for the first time. Various other measures targeting personal freedoms. Including unilateral executive judge, jury and executioner authority. Rule of law protections no longer apply. Perhaps tougher laws will follow Wednesday's Paris killings. UK police state laws are some of the continent's toughest. Including its 2005 Prevention of Terrorism Act. Eviscerating longstanding legal protections. Including ...

Paris Killings: Terrorism or False Flag? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2015-01-08 07:27:49 by Stephen Lendman
Paris Killings: Terrorism or False Flag? by Stephen Lendman Things aren't always as they seem. When incidents like this happen, take nothing at face value. Be wary. Be suspicious. Deception often substitutes for reality. More on this below. On Wednesday, three heavily armed masked men attacked the Paris-based satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo. Known for lampooning Islam, other religions and political figures. The incident took place in broad daylight. Killing 12. Wounding eight others. MSM reports didn't surprise. Headlines screamed "terrorism." BBC was typical. "Unprecedented terrorism," it said. "France has never seen terror like this." New York ...

Why the Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Is Silent
Post Date: 2015-01-08 06:52:58 by Ada
Were accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev imprisoned in another country and barred from speaking to the outside world, he’d doubtlessly be described as “being held incommunicado.” Yet since he’s an accused terrorist being held in the United States, the Justice Department-ordered gag on him has barely been noticed. And were anyone to ask why he’s forcibly been kept silent, they’d be told he’s been subjected to “Special Administrative Measures.” Don’t be fooled by the innocuous sound of that. The phrase refers to a law that allows the government to restrict a prisoner’s communications in ways that: “may include ...

Welcome to the Matrix: Enslaved by Technology and the Internet of Things (Excellent Read)
Post Date: 2015-01-07 21:49:49 by Katniss
Welcome to the Matrix: Enslaved by Technology and the Internet of Things By John W. Whitehead January 07, 2015 “There will come a time when it isn't ‘They’re spying on me through my phone’ anymore. Eventually, it will be ‘My phone is spying on me.’” ― Philip K. Dick If ever Americans sell their birthright, it will be for the promise of expediency and comfort delivered by way of blazingly fast Internet, cell phone signals that never drop a call, thermostats that keep us at the perfect temperature without our having to raise a finger, and entertainment that can be simultaneously streamed to our TVs, tablets and cell phones. Likewise, if ever ...

Nazism's Reemergence in Europe
Post Date: 2015-01-06 13:42:30 by Stephen Lendman
Nazism's Reemergence in Europe by Stephen Lendman Previous articles discussed it. This writer's edited and contributed to book titled Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Threatens World War III highlights it. Overt Nazis hold real power in Europe's heartland for the first time since WW II. Threatening Ukrainians. The entire continent. Eurasia. Perhaps beyond. Russia's Foreign Ministry Commissioner for Human Rights Konstantin Dolgov expressed concern saying: "There is no doubt that if there is no adequate reaction to the raging neo-Nazism in Ukraine, and so far there is no such reaction, this infection would spread over the Ukrainian borders and ...

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