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Post Date: 2015-01-06 12:48:55 by Ada
Amendment divides libertarians Few issues divide libertarians the way the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution does. Gene Healy has observed that “[c]lassical liberals of good faith have found themselves on either side of the issue.” On the one side are those who praise the amendment for circumventing the power of the states to prejudice, police, regulate, or otherwise use force to impose discriminatory laws on their citizens. On the other side are those who, while acknowledging the problematic nature of state misconduct and wrongdoing, are not willing to condone the transfer of power from states to the federal government, and in particular to the federal ...

Boner Vote - live
Post Date: 2015-01-06 12:02:15 by Lod

The Revolutionary Gun Clubs Patrolling the Black Neighborhoods of Dallas
Post Date: 2015-01-06 03:44:43 by X-15
On a warm fall day in South Dallas, ten revolutionaries dressed in kaffiyehs and ski masks jog the perimeter of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Park bellowing "No more pigs in our community!" Military discipline is in full effect as the joggers respond to two former Army Rangers in desert-camo brimmed hats with cries of "Sir, yes, sir!" The Huey P. Newton Gun Club is holding its regular Saturday fitness-training and self-defense class. Men in Che fatigues run with weight bags and roll around on the grass, knife-fighting one another with dull machetes. "I used to salute the fucking flag!" the cadets chant. "Now I use it for a rag!" "A knife changes ...

Obama Signs Death Warrant for Millions
Post Date: 2015-01-05 17:05:22 by BTP Holdings
Are you prepared for Martial Law? Oli Fischer has the details below... To your wealth and well-being, Ronald Rayburn Absolute Rights You and your family are NOT going to their liberal Auschwitz, no matter how hard they try to push you through the door. ==> Sickening video here You see, there are three clear signs that FEMA camps will open their gates soon. And right now, they're breathing in your face. #1: The Financial Crisis #2: The Food Crisis #3: Martial Law Obama has just signed Executive Order 13603, which gives him the right to institute Martial Law whenever he wants to. img WATCH VIDEO This is the beginning of the end. But YOU can make your own happy ending... ...

US Coup in Ukraine: Oliver Stone's Documentary
Post Date: 2015-01-05 15:12:02 by Stephen Lendman
US Coup in Ukraine: Oliver Stone's Documentary by Stephen Lendman Coups are a US specialty. Replacing legitimate governments with pro-Western stooge ones. Ukraine is Exhibit A. The latest example. America's newest colony. For sure not the last. Washington tolerates no sovereign independent states. Subservient ones only. Last February, longstanding US plans culminated with ousting Ukraine's democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovich. This writer's edited and contributed to book "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III" explains today's most important geopolitical issue. The gravest one since WW II. East/West confrontation. ...

Road Pirates Want to Steal Your Booty
Post Date: 2015-01-05 10:28:40 by James Deffenbach
Poster Comment:No victim, no crime. Not wearing a seat belt, "speeding," it's all bs until and unless you actually hurt someone else.

Has the US Constitution Been Lost to Military Rule?
Post Date: 2015-01-05 09:41:49 by Ada
On October 23, 2001, the Office of Legal Counsel issued a legal opinion that would shock most Americans if they realized its full implications. By all appearances, it is still in effect, judging by military surveillance operations taking place in the U.S. by the Department of Defense and the military command within it, the National Security Agency (NSA). The opinion was entitled: Authority for Use of Military Force to Combat Terrorist Activities Within the United States (emphasis in original). What is the Office of Legal Counsel – or "OLC" for short – that made such a bold move? It is a secretive office in the Department of Justice. The purpose of the OLC is ...

Law enforcement ‘desperately’ trying to hide use of surveillance cell towers
Post Date: 2015-01-03 20:48:17 by X-15
Law enforcement organizations around the country are desperate to keep the public unaware of the use of Stringrays, a surveillance technology that secretly monitors cell phones, even as courts and lawmakers are starting to fight back. That’s the conclusion of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which tallied up a year’s worth of public records requests by American media organizations, as well as court and legislative actions, related to the government’s use of the technology, also known as IMSI catchers. “We’ve long worried about the government’s use of [Stingrays, which] masquerade as a legitimate cell phone tower, tricking phones nearby to connect to ...

NY Cop's Guns Confiscated for Insomnia?
Post Date: 2015-01-03 17:03:59 by Lod
Why would anyone live in that insane state?

Who'll Sanction the Sanctioner?
Post Date: 2015-01-03 14:43:27 by Stephen Lendman
Who'll Sanction the Sanctioner? by Stephen Lendman America imposes sanctions recklessly. Like street bullies shoving around anyone they please. Because who'll stop them? Washington acts lawlessly. Against targeted states. For political reasons. With no international law permitted authority to do so. Security Council members alone may impose sanctions. Not individual nations against others. US veto power has final say. Preventing other SC members from targeting America. Reason enough to bar countries from voting on issues relating to themselves. Who ever heard of defendants sitting on juries in its own trials? Which ones ever had acquittal authority by veto power? No nation ...

Perfect Storm Conditions Threaten Ukraine
Post Date: 2015-01-02 13:14:58 by Stephen Lendman
Perfect Storm Conditions Threaten Ukraine by Stephen Lendman A previous article discussed Ukraine heading for disaster. Facing fascist dictatorship. Civil war. Mass impoverishment. Extreme deprivation. Troubled nuclear reactors. Possible bankruptcy. Even economic collapse. A nation rife with problems. Plundered for profit. IMF-style complicit with corrupt Kiev officials. In October, the Russia Insider web site headlined "Organ Harvesting in Ukraine: Troubling Revelations." Saying "(b)odies of dead Ukrainian soldiers found with their stomachs cut open and organs missing." Their hearts, kidneys and livers harvested. For huge sums recipients willingly pay. ...

Obama Says Only He Can Ignore the Constitution
Post Date: 2015-01-02 11:24:45 by BTP Holdings
Obama Says Only He Can Ignore the Constitution President Obama never ceases to amaze me. Now, this is a guy who taught Constitutional law at the University of Chicago. Presumably he knows and understands how the branches of government are supposed to work. But, apparently, he doesn’t think the Constitution applies to him. (Link sources from here.) Mind you, he says that this exception only applies to him. Future Presidents shouldn’t be allowed to show discretion in doing their jobs, just him. I’m not sure exactly how he figures that he’s so special. Now, in case you weren’t paying attention in civics class during your school years, our Federal government is ...

"Sovereign Citizen" Turns In Stray Dog To Animal Shelter, Killed By Police For Not Showing ID
Post Date: 2015-01-02 08:28:17 by Artisan
A man described as a "Sovereign Citizen" by police in Alabama has been shot and killed by police after trying to turn in a stray dog at the local dog pound. WTVY reported than an altercation occured outside the Dothan, Alabama shelter at 1pm on Dec. 30th. The initial officer called for backup, and the suspect was shot. A DOTHAN POLICE DEPARTMENT PRESS RELEASE stated, in part, "On December 30, 2014 the Dothan Police Department responded to a disorderly conduct complaint which ended in an officer involved shooting. Following standard procedures, the investigation into the incident will be handled by the ALEA State Bureau of Investigation. However, Dothan Police are able to ...

Post Date: 2015-01-02 06:52:12 by Ada
The dictator-dominated global body is waging a full-blown assault on free-speech rights Share on Facebook424Tweet about this on Twitter151Share on Google+0Email this to someonePrint this page Under the guise of advancing what the United Nations refers to as “human rights,” the dictator-dominated global body is waging a full-blown assault on free-speech rights by pressuring governments to criminalize so-called “hate speech.” Indeed, working alongside radical government-funded activist groups and anti- liberty politicians around the world, the UN and other totalitarian-minded forces have now reached the point where they openly claim that what they call ...

Cuba Bashing
Post Date: 2015-01-02 06:42:33 by Stephen Lendman
Cuba Bashing by Stephen Lendman It's longstanding. Long ago it wore thin. It continues. Even from supportive embargo-lifting media. In October, New York Times editors expressed support for lifting it. Calling it "senseless." Wanting diplomatic relations established. After over half a century without them. At the same time, outrageously calling Cuba an "authoritarian government that harasses and detains dissidents. (M)any fear speaking openly and demanding greater rights." After Obama's outreach, Times editors called Cuba "a repressive police state." Polar opposite hard truths. Its government insists it has no political prisoners. Individuals ...

US/Russia Reset? Hold the Cheers
Post Date: 2015-01-01 07:17:23 by Stephen Lendman
US/Russia Reset? Hold the Cheers by Stephen Lendman On New Year's eve, Bloomberg's Josh Rogin headlined "Inside Obama's Secret Outreach to Russia." Saying administration officials have been "working behind the scenes for months to forge a new working relationship with Russia…" A a time Putin bashing remains intense. Blaming him wrongfully for US crimes. Irresponsibly claiming he "has shown little interest in repairing relations with Washington or halting his aggression in neighboring Ukraine." Putin wants cooperative relations with all nations. Stressing it many times forthrightly. "(O)n an equal basis," he said at his yearend ...

Supreme Court: Searches that spawn from illegitimate traffic stops are now OK in court
Post Date: 2014-12-31 17:09:07 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Supreme Court: Searches that spawn from illegitimate traffic stops are now OK in court The Supreme Court struck another blow to the Bill of Rights with its 8-1 decision to expand police powers in situations where the police perform traffic stops based on imaginary laws. The Heien v. North Carolina decision held that an officer’s “reasonable mistake of law” can lead to an allowable search and arrest for contraband. The case arose from a 2009 traffic stop in North Carolina, in which motorist Nicholas Heien was stopped by police for driving with one broken brake light. That stop led to a search of Heien’s vehicle, which in turn led to the discovery of illegal drugs. ...

Thoughts on New Year's Eve
Post Date: 2014-12-31 15:20:58 by Stephen Lendman
Thoughts on New Year's Eve by Stephen Lendman Heading into 2015, things look grim. Domestically and abroad. US presidents able to govern like despots. Unilaterally claim emergency powers. Declare martial law. Suspend constitutional rights. Rule by diktat. With or without congressional and/or judicial authority. Based on alleged national security threats. Real or contrived. Deploying US combat troops on US streets at their discretion. Unheard of in so-called democracies. Wage naked aggression on their say. Order anyone killed anywhere for any reason. Including US citizens. Or detain them indefinitely. With no formal charges filed. No trial. No habeas rights. No judicial fairness. ...

We Investigated ourselves and found all of our justifications justified: Cops Can Enforce Non-Existent Laws With Impunity.
Post Date: 2014-12-31 01:35:44 by Lorie Meacham
Ignorance of the law is an excuse ... if you are a cop. American police no longer need to know what the law says or to enforce it correctly. They can implement a non-existent law with impunity even if it results in the apparent violation of constitutional rights. This may have been apparent to many as a police practice but now it is officially the law of the land. On December 15, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled on Heien v. North Carolina. Facts of the Case In 2009, Sergeant Matt Darisse made a clear “mistake of law” in conducting a traffic stop. He pulled over a car driven by Maynor Javier Vazquez and owned by Nicholas Heien who was sleeping in the back. ...

FBI Report Accidentally Exposes Severity Of America’s Police State
Post Date: 2014-12-31 00:23:53 by James Deffenbach
(TheAntiMedia) A recently published FBI report accidentally proves that while the police claim cops face growing threats from rowdy populations–like in Ferguson–the opposite is true. The report presents law enforcement deaths in 2013. The report found that across the entire country, only 76 LEOs were killed in “line-of-duty” incidents. 27 died as a result of “felonious” acts and 49 officers died in accidents–namely, automobile (ironically, of the 23 killed in car accidents, 14 were not wearing seat belts–a violation for which cops routinely ticket drivers). More officers die from accidents than actual murders on the job. The report also outright ...

The Legality of Secession
Post Date: 2014-12-30 22:15:49 by Southern Style
  The Legality of Secession by George Desnoyers  October 13, 2005  When they originally ratified the U.S. Constitution, at least three states – New York, Virginia, and Rhode Island - included clauses asserting the right too secede from the Union at a future time. Of the three states, the ratifications by New York and Virginia were considered necessary for the Union to have a chance to succeed. The debates within those two states received great attention. Both were large states, and their ratifications were uncertain for several months. Virginia’s ratification (with a vote of 89 to 79) came on June 25, 1788 and New York’s (with a vote of 30 to 27) on ...

Bahrain: Profile of a Police State
Post Date: 2014-12-30 14:55:17 by Stephen Lendman
Bahrain: Profile of a Police State by Stephen Lendman Monarchal despotism runs Bahrain. Democracy is verboten. None whatever exists. Nor human and  civil rights. Anyone criticizing Al Khalifa rule risks arrest, imprisonment, torture, even death. Repression persists. New "Protecting Society from Terrorism Act" legislation the latest example. Americans for Democracy for Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR), and the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) expressed deep concerns. The new measure updates a 2006 law. Clarifying Bahrain's definition of terrorism. Including provisions further undermining fundamental rights. ...

Charles KochÂ’s views on criminal justice system just may surprise you
Post Date: 2014-12-29 09:50:15 by Ada
After studying the U.S. criminal justice system, Charles Koch concluded that there are too many laws and too many prosecutions of nonviolent offenders. (May 22, 2012) ›‹ After studying the U.S. criminal justice system, Charles Koch concluded that there are too many laws and too many prosecutions of nonviolent offenders. (May 22, 2012) Of all the contentious history between Koch Industries and the U.S. government, the Corpus Christi, Texas, case from 1995 is the one that Charles Koch remembers most vividly. A federal grand jury indicted his company on 97 felonies involving alleged environmental crimes at an oil refinery. Prosecutors dropped all but one of the charges six years ...

Follow-Up Open Letter to New York Times Editors
Post Date: 2014-12-28 09:43:05 by Stephen Lendman
Follow-Up Open Letter to New York Times Editors by Stephen Lendman A January 2013 open letter to New York Times editors was this writer's most widely ever read article. Touching a raw nerve. Showing increasing numbers of people fed up with managed news misinformation rubbish. Wanting what Times and other MSM scoundrels don't deliver. Real news, information and analysis. On issues mattering most. Domestic and geopolitical. Things affecting ordinary people's lives and welfare directly. At the most perilous time in world history. Out-of-control US policies make global war possible. Madness if happens. The role of the media is to inform. Fully and accurately. Telling people ...

War on Black America
Post Date: 2014-12-27 15:38:39 by Stephen Lendman
War on Black America by Stephen Lendman Black Americans are in the eye of the storm. Militarized cops target them nationwide. According to Operation Ghetto Storm, police, security guards, and other self-appointed enforcers kill black youths and adults on average every 28 hours. "(S)tate-sanctioned killings." Casualties of war. Ongoing daily against black Americans. Compounded by other systemic abuses. Including judicial unfairness. Get tough on crime policies. Mandatory minimum sentences. Guilty unless proved innocent. Three strikes and you're out. Racist drug laws. Stop-and-frisk. Driving while black. Filling the world's largest gulag. Mostly with people of color. ...

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