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Lawmakers Ban Idaho
Post Date: 2014-12-27 13:17:46 by James Deffenbach

New York Times: Enemy of Truth
Post Date: 2014-12-27 06:21:35 by Stephen Lendman
New York Times: Enemy of Truth by Stephen Lendman The Times is America's leading establishment publication. Its longstanding history is unprincipled. Supporting wealth, power and privilege. At the expense of populist interests. Functioning as a quasi-official propaganda ministry. Offering a daily diet of managed news misinformation rubbish. On issues mattering most. It bears repeating what other articles stressed. All the new it claims fit to print isn't fit to read. No nation in world history committed more high crimes against humanity than America. The Times supports its worst policies. Ignoring rule of law principles. Supporting might over right. When America goes to war ...

G-77 Countries+China Rebuke America
Post Date: 2014-12-25 13:48:29 by Stephen Lendman
G-77 Countries+China Rebuke America by Stephen Lendman The Group of 77 (G-77 countries) at the UN was established on June 15, 1964. Its ranks now include 134 countries. "(T)he original name was retained due to its historical significance," it said. It calls itself the UN's "largest intergovernmental organization of developing countries." "(A)rticulating and promote their collective economic interests and enhance their joint negotiating capacity on all major international economic issues within the United Nations system, and promote South-South cooperation for development." In early December, Congress passed "S. 2142: Venezuela Defense of Human ...

Christmas in America
Post Date: 2014-12-25 05:51:38 by Stephen Lendman
Christmas in America by Stephen Lendman Washington is the grinch that stole Christmas. Bah Humbug defines its agenda. America's criminal class is bipartisan. Responsible for growing human misery. Unprecedented in modern times. Privileged Americans never had it better. Ordinary ones face lump of coal harshness. Hard times keep getting harder. Reflected in institutionalized inequality. Growing poverty. High unemployment. Multiples higher than phony Labor Department numbers. An epidemic of underemployment persists. Jobs paying poverty or sub-poverty wages. With few or no benefits. Households need two or three to get by. Growing millions face "one impossible choice after ...

Corporate Predators Want Compensation for Lost Cuban Assets They Stole
Post Date: 2014-12-24 15:40:24 by Stephen Lendman
Corporate Predators Want Compensation for Lost Cuban Assets They Stole by Stephen Lendman They never forget. Or forgive. Even for what happened over half a century ago. When Cuba got back what they stole. When Castro ousted Fulgencio Batista's despotic rule, he nationalized foreign corporate assets. Originally valued at around $1.8 billion. At 6% simple interest, now worth around $7 billion. From sugar processing plants, other factories, mines, oil refineries, power plants, hotels, 75% of Cuba's arable land, cattle ranches, other assets. US companies have 5,913 outstanding claims. Including from ExxonMobil, Coca-Cola, Freeport- McMoRan, Colgate-Palmolive, Procter and Gamble, ...

Aldous Huxley Interviewed by Mike Wallace
Post Date: 2014-12-24 13:36:40 by Deasy
Summary of threats to liberty: Results of overpopulation: reduced resources. Technology and drugs. Maintaining authority by persuasion (e.g. advertising, drugs, terrorism). Subtle propaganda as opposed to the authoritye totalitarian countries. Motivation: lust for power. Answer: value of freedom based on the individual. Decentralization. Give back to the voter a sense of direct power. Small electorates. (Jefferson's hundreds referenced indirectly!) Question: is freedom necessary? Creative, innovative life of man is impossible without freedom. Soviet counterexample: scientists are the only ones who are 'free' with an oligarchy on top. Poster Comment: Transcript here ...

Latin America’s Lesson for the US: Prosecute the Torturers
Post Date: 2014-12-24 06:07:29 by Ada
Latin America's transition out of dictatorship hinged on two words the U.S. would be wise to heed: "Never again." The Senate Select Intelligence Committee report on torture has revived debate worldwide about the United States’ use of torture in the aftermath of 9/11. Some have applauded the report – including organizations such as Human Rights Watch and the Center for Constitutional Rights, which have pushed for a full accounting of the use of methods prohibited by US and international law, as well as accountability for those who made such methods official state policy. They also note significant shortcomings – including the Senate’s failure to release ...

BBC: Propaganda Bullhorn Specialists
Post Date: 2014-12-23 15:35:06 by Stephen Lendman
BBC: Propaganda Bullhorn Specialists by Stephen Lendman Owned and operated by Britain's government. Suppressing hard truths on issues mattering most. Reporting what it wants viewers and listeners to know. UK-based Media Lens calls BBC "the most insidious propaganda outlet today." Broadcasting worldwide. Proliferating Big Lies. Asking if it can "tell the truth…when its senior managers are appointed by the government." Subject to sacking if become too critical of its policies. Consider how BBC editors and correspondents portray NATO. A US-led killing machine. Waging war on humanity. Turning truth on its head claiming its mission is maintaining peace and ...

Only the Rich Can Afford to Keep Their Homes
Post Date: 2014-12-23 07:42:47 by Ada
Philadelphia prosecutors agreed Thursday to halt efforts to seize the homes of two of the lead plaintiffs in a widely publicized federal suit challenging the city’s use of civil forfeiture laws in drug cases. Philadelphia drops a Civil Asset Forfeiture case to prevent any court from ruling just seizing people’s property is unconstitutional. Phily.COM has reported the case of Christos Sourovelis and Doila Welch,who were both caught up in having their homes seized to pay police pensions when the police arrested a relative they claimed was dealing drugs on their properties. Today, you basically have to shun relatives and never pick up a hick-hiker in trouble for if they have any ...

Would you believe this man is somewhat angry at the cops?
Post Date: 2014-12-22 13:11:22 by James Deffenbach
I watch the Ohio state police page and EVERY SINGLE STORY about finding drugs starts the same way! The officer pulls someone over for a violation. Usually an improper lane change or swerving. Something that doesn't have to be proven in court. Cause if they had to prove they actually had a reason to pull the guy over, they cant!! Speeding? They have evidence to prove that. Swerving? Is totally up the sight of the officer in the car, there is NO proof of that offense!! Then the ever so common The officer smelled marijuana and did a probable search of the car finding cocaine, oxy whatever, valium, heroin. BUT NEVER NO FUCKIN MARIJUANA!!!! If they do actually find marijuana, they can ...

If only the IRS’s threat to ‘shut down’ were a promise
Post Date: 2014-12-22 11:13:10 by James Deffenbach
The Internal Revenue Service has warned that it may have to shut down. The fact that this was not met by thunderous applause from the American sheeple only shows how communist and brainwashed they are today in the USSA! In the recent $1.1 trillion spending bill monstrosity, Congress cut the IRS budget by $346 million to $10.9 billion. Chief Extortion Officer of the IRS, John Koskinen, said a shutdown would mean the IRS would “close the agency for a day, two days, whatever days it would take to close the gap that we can’t otherwise close in a reasonable way.” He went on to say that the agency estimates each closed day would save $29 million. If closing it for a day saves ...

America: Cesspool of Terror
Post Date: 2014-12-22 07:01:11 by Stephen Lendman
America: Cesspool of Terror by Stephen Lendman It bears repeating what other articles stressed. No nation in world history caused more harm to more people over a longer duration than America. Rogue state ruthlessness by any standard. North Korea is right calling America "a cesspool of terrorism." Its sordid history proves it. More on this below. Pyongyang's comment came after Washington irresponsibly accused it of hacking Sony Pictures' film "The Interview." Negatively portraying leader Kim Jong-un. Including a plot to assassinate him. No evidence whatever links North Korea to the hacking attack. Pyongyang categorically denies it. A government statement ...

Ukraine Headed for Disaster
Post Date: 2014-12-21 12:48:57 by Stephen Lendman
Ukraine Headed for Disaster by Stephen Lendman Perfect storm conditions threaten Ukrainians. In Europe's heartland. Fascist dictatorship. Mass impoverishment. Growing deprivation. Civl war. Potential economic collapse. Troubled nuclear reactors. Facing possible meltdown. More on this below. Ukraine's economy is rife with problems. Potential bankruptcy looms. IMF aid caused more harm than good. Largely used to pay Western bankers. Wage war on Donbas. Small amounts replenishing evaporating foreign exchange reserves. A portion for Russia gas supplies. Nothing for economic growth. What Ukraine needs most of all. Other than ending its dirty war on Donbas. Rapprochement with Russia. ...

America's Deadly Embrace
Post Date: 2014-12-20 15:00:14 by Stephen Lendman
America's Deadly Embrace by Stephen Lendman Forget about Greeks. Beware US normalization schemes. So-called rapprochement. Targeting unwary nations. Sucking them into its web. LIke spiders overwhelming prey. Allegedly ending hostile relations. Imperialism 101 suggests otherwise. US policies aren't benign. America is a global predator. History's worst ever. Wanting all sovereign independent states eliminated. Replaced by stooge regimes. Ones it controls. Subservient to US interests. Their countries looted for profit. Their people exploited as serfs. American/Russian post-Cold War rapprochement is instructive. US-instituted shock therapy wrecked the country. Irresponsibly. ...

Here’s a reminder that the TSA still sucks and we’ve become way too complacent about it
Post Date: 2014-12-19 18:34:58 by James Deffenbach
In his NBC interview last month, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden critiqued the government’s willingness to exploit tragedies like 9/11 to “justify programs that have never been shown to keep us safe but cost us liberties and freedoms that we don’t need to give up.” While Snowden had the NSA in mind—that agency’s massive illegal invasion of our privacy rightfully received plenty of attention in the last year—his words could just as easily apply to another “security” agency we’ve become all too comfortable with. The TSA. Sure, there’s still the occasional op-ed suggesting that the Transportation Security Administration be abolished, ...

Longstanding US Cuba Policy: Regime Change
Post Date: 2014-12-19 06:47:57 by Stephen Lendman
Longstanding US Cuba Policy: Regime Change by Stephen Lendman Obama is right. Sanctions don't work. Not against Cuba. Russia. Iran or other countries. Provided they stay firm. Defending their sovereign rights. Cuba did admirably. For over half a century. Against US imperialism. Its leadership a testimony to successful sovereign resilience. Prevailing against long odds. Longstanding US Cuban policy failed. Washington's objective remains unchanged. Regime change! Installing pro-Western stooge governance. Returning Cuba to its bad old days. Castro gained power on January 1, 1959. Transforming a repressive brothel into a populist state. Ousting Washington's man in Havana. ...

Thaw in US/Cuban Relations?
Post Date: 2014-12-18 05:30:58 by Stephen Lendman
Thaw in US/Cuban Relations? by Stephen Lendman On December 17, the Havana Times headlined "Obama Announces New US Approach on Cuba," saying: "In a surprise announcement today US President Obama has taken sweeping steps to re-launch US relations with Cuba." "Talks between Washington and Havana have actually been going on secretly in Canada for a year and a half with mediation assistance from Pope Francis." More on this below. On December 17, Obama said in part: "Today, the United States of America is changing its relationship with the people of Cuba." "In the most significant changes in our policy in more than fifty years, we will end an ...

Jeb Bush Exploring White House Bid
Post Date: 2014-12-17 09:30:12 by Stephen Lendman
Jeb Bush Exploring White House Bid by Stephen Lendman Another possible Bush presidency should rile freedom-lovers everywhere. He's forming a leadership political action committee. On Facebook, he said he's doing so to "discuss the most critical challenges facing our exceptional nation." With "support leaders…" Exploring "ideas and policies that will expand opportunity and prosperity for all Americans." More on his bid below. The Bush family dynasty reflects a legacy of crime. Deceit. Serial lying. Public betrayal. Neocon extremism. Serving wealth, power and privilege exclusively. At the expense of social justice. Disdain for human and civil ...

Former Ukrainian Parliamentarian Exposes Kiev Ruthlessness
Post Date: 2014-12-16 09:47:48 by Stephen Lendman
Former Ukrainian Parliamentarian Exposes Kiev Ruthlessness by Stephen Lendman US installed fascist putschists run Ukraine. Illegitimate. Brutal. Lawless. Ruthless. Obama's new friends. A rogue's gallery of societal misfits. Neo-Nazi thugs. Racists. Anti-Semites. Making Mafia bosses look saintly by comparison. For the first time since WW II, overt fascists have real power in Europe's heartland. Taking full advantage destructively. Waging war on their own people. Murdering them in cold blood. Using a fake "silence" period to regroup. Rearm. Redeploy forces east. Mobilize against freedom. Crush it all costs. In a December 15 Nezavisimaya Gazeta op-ed, Russian Prime ...

Those who approved torture shouldn’t be above the law
Post Date: 2014-12-16 06:43:50 by Ada
The Senate report released earlier this week makes clear that the CIA tortured more men, and far more brutally, than anyone outside the intelligence community previously understood. Given the report’s findings, the attorney general should appoint a special prosecutor who can conduct a comprehensive criminal investigation. The argument for the appointment of a special prosecutor is straightforward. The CIA adopted interrogation methods that have long been understood to constitute torture. Those methods were used against more than a hundred prisoners, including many – at least 29 – whom the CIA itself now recognizes should never have been detained at all. The methods were ...

Knee-Jerk Reaction to Sydney Hostage Siege
Post Date: 2014-12-15 15:04:10 by Stephen Lendman
Knee-Jerk Reaction to Sydney Hostage Siege By Stephen Lendman Western media reported what happened as expected. Muslims are their targets of choice. Saying an Islamic gunman took hostages in a Sydney cafe. A black and white flag with Arabic writing like those used by Islamic State (IS) terrorists reportedly visible. Raising fears of radicalized Islamic militants running wild. Home-grown or of Middle East origin. Planning other attacks. Australia on high alert. Mindless of a flag unrelated to IS. Or its message saying: "There is no God but Allah, and Mohamed is his messenger." Hardly a call to violence. Urging widespread terror attacks. Islam teaches love. Not hate. Peace. ...

US Spending Bill Bonanza for Wall Street
Post Date: 2014-12-14 05:37:43 by Stephen Lendman
US Spending Bill Bonanza for Wall Street by Stephen Lendman Kleptocracy defines America. Corrupt politicians and corporate crooks conspire. Against ordinary people. Covertly and overtly. Violating the letter and spirit of good governance. Looting the nation's wealth. Handing it to monied interests. Wall Street tops the pecking order. Whatever bankers want they get. In unlimited amounts. Running Fed policy assures limitless cash on demand. Controlling Washington, state capitals and municipal governments assures everything else. On Thursday, House members passed a $1.1 trillion+ spending bill. On Saturday, senators followed suit. Expect Obama to sign it into law straightaway. With ...

How Many?
Post Date: 2014-12-14 01:08:18 by James Deffenbach
Poster Comment:Billy's not much of a capitalist. Can't sell cigarettes for 25 cents each when they cost you more than 40 cents each.

Eric Garner 100% Innocent Under Libertarian Law
Post Date: 2014-12-13 19:02:52 by Ada
Eric Garner was doing nothing naturally illicit when he was tackled and placed in the chokehold that killed him. It can be argued, if anything, that Garner was being entrepreneurial. He had been trading untaxed cigarettes in defiance of the state’s “slave patrol” and “Comrade” Andrew Cuomo’s “Cigarette Strike Force,” in the words of liberty’s Don Quixote, William Norman Grigg. Had Garner’s naturally licit trade not been criminalized by today’s Tammany Hall, he’d be alive today. “Garner,” wrote Grigg, “had suffered years of pointless and unnecessary harassment by the costumed predators employed by the New York ...

CIA report: It’s not just my body that America has tortured
Post Date: 2014-12-12 21:39:36 by Deasy
...but the truth as well But at least the world now knows what happened to me and so many others at the hands of the US The world is busy expressing outrage and disbelief after revelations by the US Senate that the CIA used brutal torture methods against prisoners, allegedly to prevent further attacks on the USA in the wake of September 11. In reality everything that’s been admitted in the CIA torture report has already been described by us, the victims of America – whether free or still imprisoned – in excruciating detail to our lawyers, to the media, academics, politicians and even to the police, from the day we were released. The greatest revelation to me at least is that ...

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