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Latest Articles: Dead Constitution

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UN Committee Against Torture Criticizes US Policy
Post Date: 2014-11-30 13:32:56 by Stephen Lendman
UN Committee Against Torture Report Criticizes US Policy by Stephen Lendman A new UN Committee Against Torture report criticizes serious US civil and human rights abuses. Including secret CIA detentions. Extraordinary renditions. Interrogation practices. Systematic use of torture. Immigration detention abuses. Criminal injustice. America's death penalty. Police brutality. Racial profiling. Brutalizing longterm solitary confinement. Protection of prisoners against violence. Rape and other forms of sexual abuse. The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and other civil society groups submitted shadow reports. Highlighting concerns about Washington failure to comply with human ...

Insult to Injury in Egypt
Post Date: 2014-11-30 10:43:36 by Stephen Lendman
Insult to Injury in Egypt by Stephen Lendman Egypt's military dictatorship holds absolute power. Has no legitimacy whatever. Rules by decree. Controls the media. Ignores fundamental international laws, norms and standards. Its own constitutional law. Prohibits dissent. Tolerates no opposition. Killed at least 3,000 Muslim Brotherhood members. Imprisoned tens of thousands more. Brutally tortures many. Wages war on millions of working class Egyptians. Especially youths. Justifiably angry over increasing unemployment, poverty, police state rule, corruption, and injustice. Junta rule controls the courts. Mubarak's acquittal of mass murder charges shows Egyptian-style justice. ...

Dirty Secrets of George H.W. Bush (Great Interview)
Post Date: 2014-11-30 07:51:16 by noone222
Poster Comment:Looking back sometimes we have 20/20 vision.

The Secret Darkness of Grand Juries
Post Date: 2014-11-30 04:12:44 by Ada
A Broken System Over the last 17 years I have represented dozens and dozens of clients who were subpoenaed to testify as witnesses at State and Federal Grand Juries regarding government investigations. A grand jury is a secret tribunal where a citizen is forced to answer questions by a prosecutor, often against their will. They are not allowed to have an attorney in the grand jury room to advise them while the questioning takes place. There is no Judge in the grand jury room to oversee the fairness or legitimacy of the proceedings. The prosecutor alone determines what evidence will be provided to the grand jurors, and that alone forms the basis of their deliberations and their ...

Egyptian-Style Justice
Post Date: 2014-11-29 09:58:23 by Stephen Lendman
Egyptian-Style Justice by Stephen Lendman On Saturday, Egyptian Judge Mahmud Kamel al-Rashidi acquitted Hosni Mubarak and seven top security commanders of murdering hundreds of 2011 Taahrir Square protesters. Sowing chaos. Creating a security vacuum. During 18 revolutionary days. In clashes with police. From January 25 - February 11, 2011. Despite clear evidence proving guilt. Because of what he called a technicality. A lack of jurisdiction. Mubarak's lengthy public service. His "constitutional legitimacy." "To rule for or against him after he has become old will be left to history and the Judge of Judges, the Righteous and the Justice (God), who will question him ...

Life in America - AKA AMERIKA - Has Degenerated Dramatically Since Nov. 22, 1963, and Jim Garrison Tried to Tell Us. (My Title).
Post Date: 2014-11-29 07:38:40 by noone222
Poster Comment:Most of us that attend this 4UM have had our lives and the lives of our descendants negatively altered forever by the murder of JFK. Jim Garrison is a hero and a real man amongst men that is not being recognized for the bravery he demonstrated when he went head to head with the murdering butchers known as the CIA. I intend to comment further later on this thread as to the significance of our generation demanding the outing of these sons of treasonous CIA bitches, like Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush, LBJ, J. Edgar Hoover, Allen Dulles, J.J. McCloy, Richard Nixon, and too many lesser players to name here.

Monied Interests Have Lots to be Thankful For
Post Date: 2014-11-27 14:50:29 by Stephen Lendman
Monied Interests Have Lots to Give Thanks For by Stephen Lendman Too few others in the land of plenty. Democracy in America is pure fantasy. None whatever exists. Monied interests run things. Ordinary people don't matter. The late Carroll Quigley wrote in his book titled, "Tragedy and Hope:" "(T)he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole." "This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret ...

Sneakin' In To The USA
Post Date: 2014-11-27 13:42:28 by Lod

With Everyone Focused on Ferguson, Obama Quietly Passing 3,400 New Regulations Before Thanksgiving
Post Date: 2014-11-26 20:35:39 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Although the government and mainstream media perfectly timed the Ferguson grand jury decision to go off right after President Obama passed executive amnesty (which, magically, no one in the mainstream media is talking about anymore), it also works out well for the White House that this event transpired right before the upcoming holiday. Why, you might ask? Because the Obama administration has prepared, for the fifth time now, to oh-so-quietly release 3,415 brand spanking new regulations right before Thanksgiving while everyone just so happens to be totally distracted and focusing on the orchestrated civil disorder going on in Ferguson. Via The Daily Caller: The federal Unified Agenda is ...

Fascism in Ukraine
Post Date: 2014-11-25 17:03:26 by Stephen Lendman
Fascism in Ukraine by Stephen Lendman Washington bears full responsibility. Obama officials elevated fascist putschists to power. Neocon Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland was lead instigator. US-installed thugs rule lawlessly. They have no legitimacy whatever. They make mafia bosses look saintly by comparison. Obama's new friends include a rogue's gallery of societal misfits. They represent mob rule. They're militantly anti-democratic. They tolerate no opposition. They're polar opposite what Ukrainians deserve. Washington offers full support. One fascist regime backs another. Both operate the same way. Merriam-Webster calls ...

Yet ANOTHER ‘secret’ government spy program is stealing your cellphone data
Post Date: 2014-11-25 17:01:07 by BTP Holdings
Yet ANOTHER ‘secret’ government spy program is stealing your cellphone data Posted by: Jon Dougherty November 25, 2014 •Unconstitutional behavior by our government, and in particular trampling of the Bill of Rights, has become routine •A ‘shadow government’ operates under the guise of ‘national security’ •Allegations by a Tufts University constitutional scholar have been called spot-on by intel and military insiders At one point in our nation’s history, the Bill of Rights mattered. They were the guiding principles of government, and though there have been those, from the outset of our republic, who have always attempted to ...

Cause of Death in Utah
Post Date: 2014-11-25 12:21:21 by Katniss
Cause of Death in Utah Utah is the happiest state in the country — we’re told. Though the state does have high suicide rates, those might be explainable in biochemical terms, neatly enough. So what are we to make of the Beehive State’s disturbing pattern in other-person homicide? Police shootings dominate the stats: >>A Salt Lake Tribune review of nearly 300 homicides, using media reports, state crime statistics, medical-examiner records and court records, shows that use of force by police is the second-most common circumstance under which Utahns kill each other, surpassed only by intimate partner violence. And, as the Tribune explains: “so far this year, ...

Systemic Injustice in America
Post Date: 2014-11-25 07:42:51 by Stephen Lendman
Systemic Injustice in America by Stephen Lendman Monday's grand jury exoneration of Ferguson, MO police officer Darren Wilson didn't surprise. Injustice triumphed. A previous article called justice in America a four-letter word. Killer cops mock it. Nearly always with impunity. A badge lets them brutalize and kill. Blacks, Latinos, ethnic minorities and Muslims suffer most. They're targets of choice. Police violence occurs multiple times daily across America. In big cities. Small ones. Urban areas. Rural ones. Militarized police make their own rules. Operating extrajudicially. Killing with impunity. On August 9, officer Darren Wilson murdered 18-year-old Michael Brown. In ...

SNL's Skit on Obama's Amnesty Executive Order Was So Effective, the Washington Post Fact-Checked It!
Post Date: 2014-11-24 21:21:19 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
SNL's Skit on Obama's Amnesty Executive Order Was So Effective, the Washington Post Fact-Checked It! BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Saturday Night Live, their opening skit, was one of the best for low-information voters. The Saturday Night Live opening skit Saturday night was perhaps the best explanation of Obama's executive action on amnesty and how it's wrong and how it's bad that you could possibly hope for. It was so good -- get this, it was so good, a comedy show, Saturday Night Live, opening skit, destroying Obama on immigration -- it was so good the Washington Post did a fact-check on it. A fact-check on a comedy skit, ladies and gentlemen. I mean, that is an ...

Albert Woodfox: 41 Years in Solitary Unjustly
Post Date: 2014-11-24 05:47:08 by Stephen Lendman
Albert Woodfox: 41 Years in Solitary Unjustly by Stephen Lendman One of this writer's earliest articles was titled The US Gulag Prison System: The Shame of the Nation and Crime Against Humanity. Around half of all inmates are incarcerated for nonviolent offenses. Half of those drug related. Mostly simple possession. Just societies call these offenses misdemeanors. Punishable by warnings and/or small fines. Rare imprisonments. Never longterm. America's gulag is world's largest. One of its harshest. Blacks and Latinos suffer most. So do Muslims. Guilty of being in America at the wrong time. Scapegoated unjustly. Thousands of political prisoners are wrongfully incarcerated. ...

Sham Bahraini Elections
Post Date: 2014-11-23 05:50:59 by Stephen Lendman
Sham Bahraini Elections by Stephen Lendman On November 22, sham parliamentary elections were held for the first time since 2011. Majority Shias boycotted as expected. Turnout was low. Main opposition party Al-Wefaq refused to participate. Its Secretary-General, Ali Salman, said "turnout (was) no more than 30%" of around 350,000 eligible voters. Most participating were military as well as security and public sector personnel. "The popular will has triumphed for the sake of the homeland. What a failure it is for the government to beg for a vote from a people who are marginalised by them," said Salman. London-based Al-Wefaq member Khalil Al-Marzooq said opposition ...

There Is No Longer A Rule Of Law
Post Date: 2014-11-22 12:13:51 by X-15
This clown needs impeachment -- now. This is not an option for the House. Any President who willfully and wantonly refuses to faithfully execute the laws of this nation must be impeached and removed from office. It is a duty of the Congress, not an option that Congress has. Tonight you heard Obama appeal over a young girl who "came here" and is a great student. He quoted scripture (not that I believe he has ever actually read it.) We all know Presidents don't write their own speeches in the modern day, at least we do if we have a brain in our heads. To declare that the law will not be enforced on a blanket basis for huge groups of people because the President disagrees with ...

MH17 Coverup
Post Date: 2014-11-21 04:40:29 by Stephen Lendman
MH17 Coverup by Stephen Lendman On July 17, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crashed near Donetsk. En route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. Killing all 283 passengers. Plus 15 crew members. At the time, Washington blamed Donbas self-defense forces. Claiming a Russian-supplied Buk surface- to-air missile fired from territory they controlled. Moscow blamed Ukraine. The Dutch Safety Board launched an investigation. Issuing a preliminary September 9 report. A final one to come later. Initially saying MH17 "broke up in the air probably as the result of structural damage caused by a large number of high-energy objects that penetrated the aircraft from outside." Voice and flight data ...

Pat Buchanan: 'Rogue President' Says 'To Hell With Constitution'
Post Date: 2014-11-20 18:06:21 by BTP Holdings
Pat Buchanan: 'Rogue President' Says 'To Hell With Constitution' Thursday, 20 Nov 2014 10:52 AM By Sandy Fitzgerald The United States has a "rogue president" who has decided he is going to do what he wants to do and "to hell with the Constitution," columnist Pat Buchanan, former adviser to Presidents Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, told Newsmax TV Thursday. "We have a rogue president who tonight is going to announce that he is going to do something he said not so long ago, one year ago, he does not have the legal or constitutional authority to do," Buchanan told "America's Forum" host J.D. Hayworth. Story continues below ...

Are ‘We the People’ Useful Idiots in the Digital Age?
Post Date: 2014-11-20 18:00:20 by Ada
Back in the heyday of the old Soviet Union, a phrase evolved to describe gullible western intellectuals who came to visit Russia and failed to notice the human and other costs of building a communist utopia. The phrase was “useful idiots” and it applied to a good many people who should have known better. I now propose a new, analogous term more appropriate for the age in which we live: useful hypocrites. That’s you and me, folks, and it’s how the masters of the digital universe see us. And they have pretty good reasons for seeing us that way. They hear us whingeing about privacy, security, surveillance, etc., but notice that despite our complaints and suspicions, we ...

Should Restaurant Owners Be Able to Restrict Guns in Their Establishments?
Post Date: 2014-11-20 17:53:18 by BTP Holdings
Should Restaurant Owners Be Able to Restrict Guns in Their Establishments? Poll Image A recent “armed trip” to a Chipotle restaurant in Dallas by gun rights group Open Carry Texas set off a petition campaign by the Michael Bloomberg-supported gun control group Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. The petition gathered more than 10,000 signatures in just a few hours and triggered Chipotle to issue a statement asking its patrons to not bring guns into its restaurants, citing concern that the display of firearms creates a potentially intimidating environment for its customers. Last year, Starbucks also told its patrons guns were not welcome in its stores in response to a ...

Keystone XL Pipeline: Down but not Out
Post Date: 2014-11-19 16:45:05 by Stephen Lendman
Keystone XL Pipeline: Down but not Out by Stephen Lendman On November 18, Senate Democrats derailed Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline plans. For now. Republicans controlling next year's 114th Congress vowed to continue fighting for passage. It remains to be seen what follows. Obama is veto-shy. Twice only so far. Compared to GW Bush's 12. Including pocket vetoes. Clinton's 37. Reagan's 78. Dwight Eisenhower's 181. Truman's 250. FD Roosevelt's astonishing 635. Overriding presidential vetoes seldom happens. Throughout US history, presidents vetoed legislation 2,564 times. Overridden 110 times. Around 4% of the time. Tuesday's Senate roll call fell one vote ...

10 and 12 Year Old Sisters Seized from Family by Hospital in Phoenix
Post Date: 2014-11-19 10:44:58 by Lorie Meacham
Girl Seized from Family in Medical Dispute In Grave Danger UPDATE 10/8/2014 The Diegel sisters’ case has caught the attention of Constitutional attorney Michael Farris and the ParentalRights.org organization who is looking into the case. UPDATE 10/7/2014 From A Miracle For Two Sisters Facebook Page: Thanks to a Twitter follower for this information: “@jftsisters town hall in Phoenix tonight at7:30. Matt Salmon. 877-222-8493. Ask him what he can do help Kayla and Hannah Diegel. Standing.” It would be awesome if there were a flood of supporters at town hall tonight in Phoenix at 7:30! Follow A Miracle For Two Sisters on Twitter: @jftsisters AND GET READY FOR OUR UPCOMING ...

Armed Protester Says Police Violated Rights
Post Date: 2014-11-18 14:03:37 by X-15
RICHMOND, Va. (CN) - A man arrested as he displayed an "Impeach Obama" sign on the side of Virginia highway while carrying an assault rifle and an automatic pistol sued police for allegedly violating his constitutional rights. In a complaint filed in the federal court in Richmond, Brandon Howard says he was completely within his rights on the late afternoon of Monday, August 26, 2013, when he stopped at the River Road highway overpass overlooking the northbound lanes of Interstate-295 near Hopewell, Va. After arriving at the location, Howard says he displayed a 6-foot by 4-foot sign displaying the "Impeach Obama" slogan. Howard also says that while holding the sign, he ...

School Teaches Kids “The Government Gives Us Rights”
Post Date: 2014-11-17 21:22:57 by Ada
God-given freedoms are in fact "special privileges" granted by the state, says handout A handout given to second grade children at a school in Fairfield, Connecticut states that “the government gives us rights,” a disturbing example of how kids are being miseducated about their constitutional freedoms in America. Click for Full Text!

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