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Kiev Imposes Economic Blockade on Donbas
Post Date: 2014-11-16 07:16:17 by Stephen Lendman
Kiev Imposes Economic Blockade on Donbas by Stephen Lendman US-installed Kiev fascists have no legitimacy whatever. Stooge governance. Pledging one thing. Doing another. Operating lawlessly. Systematically violating Geneva and Minsk agreed on terms. Calling for deescalation. Withdrawal of armed forces. Ending conflict. Restoring peace and stability. Refraining from violence, intimidation and provocative actions. All forms of extremism, racism and intolerance. Inclusive national dialogue. Decentralized power. Special Donbas status. Improving Southeastern Ukraine humanitarian conditions. Reconstructing Donbas. Providing economic aid. Among other terms agreed on. Promises made. ...

Police expert: War on terror has turned our cops into occupying armies — and we’re the enemy
Post Date: 2014-11-15 07:14:20 by Ada
The war on terror has essentially turned police into occupying armies in some American communities, said a police and criminology expert. Thomas Nolan, an associate professor of criminology at Merrimack College and former senior policy analyst with the Department of Homeland Security, said the focus of police work had shifted greatly since he was a Boston police officer in the 1980s and 1990s. “I remember it being drilled into me as a police officer, as a sergeant and then as a lieutenant: partnership, problem-solving, and prevention – the three Ps,” Nolan said Wednesday during a panel sponsored by the American Constitution Society. He said police were heavily trained to ...

Kangaroo Court Justice for Hassan Diab
Post Date: 2014-11-15 07:04:06 by Stephen Lendman
Kangaroo Court Justice for Hassan Diab by Stephen Lendman On November 13, 2008, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) unjustly arrested Diab. In connection with a 1980 Paris synagogue bombing. A crime he had nothing to do with. At the time, France's Le Figaro newspaper cited unnamed 2007 sources. Saying Diab led "the small commando team responsible for the attack…" Despite no verifiable evidence proving it. In mid-November 2008, L'Express said French police, magistrates and intelligence officers were in Canada. "(T)ry(ing) to arrange Mr. Diab's extradition to France. The French warrant *(unjustly) accuse(d) him of making and planting the bomb." His ...

Marc Victor examines the American police state at the Casey Research Conference
Post Date: 2014-11-14 17:05:03 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Marc Victor examines the American police state at the Casey Research Conference Constitutional and civil rights lawyer Marc Victor answered the question “Is America a police state?” at the recent Casey Research conference in San Antonio. Frequently in the news while defending clients against police corruption and government abuse, Victor cut right to the chase.  “Let’s get this straight,” he said.  “We’re a police state.  There is just no question that we’re a police state.” Victor made the case that the written constitution has been easily bypassed and ignored in a number of ways, something he knows first hand after being kicked ...

Putin: Sanctions Violate International Law
Post Date: 2014-11-14 10:31:07 by Stephen Lendman
Putin: Sanctions Violate International Law by Stephen Lendman US-imposed sanctions are illegitimate by any standard. EU countries are pressured to impose their own. Harming their own self-interest. Other countries are bullied to comply. Threatened with reprisals or worse. Heavy-handed strong-arming is longstanding US policy. America's 1977 International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) is way over-the-top. No legitimate society would tolerate it. Letting presidents claim unusual, extraordinary, or non-existent  foreign threats. Declare national security priorities. At times a national emergency. Regulate commerce accordingly. Take full advantage against sovereign ...

It’s a (Revenue Collection) Trap! Cops Take In $30K in One Day Dressed as Donald Duck
Post Date: 2014-11-14 10:18:52 by James Deffenbach
Fort Lee, New Jersey – Residents of a New Jersey town are disputing a recent trap that police set up for drivers this past Halloween. Last week, an undercover officer was dressed in a giant Donald Duck costume and paced back and forth on the sidewalk and street on a busy road. Officers would then pull over drivers who failed to yield for the duck, and hit them with $230 traffic tickets. Police issued a whopping 130 tickets that day for a total take of $29,900.00. Karen Haigh of River Edge is one of the drivers caught up in this trap, and she told ABC7 that she intends to fight the ticket. “This duck kept going to the curb, off the curb. I thought it was a crazy guy on ...

Politicized Persecution in America
Post Date: 2014-11-14 06:20:31 by Stephen Lendman
Politicized Persecution in America by Stephen Lendman Justice is a four-letter word. Thousands of political prisoners languish in America's gulag. The world's largest by far. One of its harshest. Most unfair. Political activism risks arrest. Dissent is an endangered species. Anyone can be targeted for any reason. Challenging business as usual risks politicized persecution. Foreign nationals of countries America targets are vulnerable. Judicial unfairness is standard practice. So is guilt by accusation. The so-called land of the free isn't fair. It never was. For sure not now. Most political captives languish longterm. Under cruel and inhumane conditions. Enduring years of ...

Post Date: 2014-11-13 07:48:58 by Ada
The proposed rule has ignited a firestorm of protest Proposed Water Rule Could Put ‘Property Rights of Every American Entirely at the Mercy’ of EPA It seems incredible, but a single missing word could turn a water law into a government land grab so horrendous even a U.S. Supreme Court justice warned it would “put the property rights of every American entirely at the mercy of Environmental Protection Agency employees.” The missing word is “navigable.” The Obama administration is proposing a rule titled “Definition of ‘Waters of the United States’ Under the Clean Water Act,” which would strike “navigable” from American water law ...

NYT: Propaganda Bullhorn Rag Sheet
Post Date: 2014-11-13 06:57:11 by Stephen Lendman
NYT: Propaganda Bullhorn Rag Sheet by Stephen Lendman Times managed news misinformation repeats with disturbing regularity. Often not rising to the level of bad fiction. It bears repeating what other articles stressed. So-called news claimed fit to print isn't fit to read. Propaganda rubbish substitutes. Previous articles discussed fake Russian Ukrainian invasions. With troops, tanks, artillery and other equipment. Baseless Big Lies. Claims without corroboration. None exists. Fabricated rubbish only. Big Lies substituting for hard truths. Maliciously claiming nonexistent Russian invasions. The latest in a shameless Times feature story. Headlined "Fears Rise as Russian ...

Obamacare Designed as a Scam
Post Date: 2014-11-12 09:09:25 by Stephen Lendman
Obamacare Designed as a Scam by Stephen Lendman MIT Professor Jonathan Gruber heads the National Bureau of Economic Research Health Care Program. He's an associate editor of the Journal of Public Economics and Journal of Health Economics. Involved in creating healthcare policy. A key 2006 Massachusetts Romneycare architect. Serving in a similar Obamacare capacity. The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). For HHS and congressional democrats. A willfully designed scam. A rationing scheme boon to predatory providers. Enriching insurers, drug companies and large hospital chains. At the expense of universal affordable coverage. Market-based for maximum profits. ...

Tortured Legislation is Necessary for Stupid American "VOTERS"
Post Date: 2014-11-11 10:08:22 by noone222
Poster Comment:Death to Tyrants !

Obama at APEC
Post Date: 2014-11-11 05:26:50 by Stephen Lendman
Obama at APEC by Stephen Lendman China and Russia offer carrots, not sticks. Obama is polar opposite. Couched in duplicitous diplomatic rhetoric. "It is wonderful to be back in China," he said. His sixth trip as president. Second this year. Shamelessly calling America "a thoroughly Pacific nation." Code language for wanting it to be its backyard. Dominion in a part of the world not its own. Instituting, maintaining and force-feeding what James Petras calls a "Golden Age of Pillage." On the one hand, wanting China marginalized, weakened, isolated, and contained. Surrounded by US bases. Targeting its heartland. On the other, pushing the Trans-Pacific ...

Russia Declares US An Oligarchy, Warns Constitutional Republic Is Dead
Post Date: 2014-11-09 22:15:26 by Tatarewicz
Sorcha Faal A somber Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today is advising all diplomatic personal that due to the success of the “war party” elections held in the United States this past week, this once constitutional republic should now be viewed as having become an Oligarchy—a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people. According to this report, the United States was founded as a constitutional republic to prevent what one of its Founders, Thomas Jefferson, described as “elective despotism” in order to prevent a political system of unbridled democracy in which the majority enjoys ...

Loretta Lynch for AG: Holder 2.0?
Post Date: 2014-11-08 16:13:21 by Stephen Lendman
Loretta Lynch for AG: Holder 2.0? by Stephen Lendman On November 7, a White House press release announced her appointment for Attorney General. Succeding Eric Holder. Calling her a "strong, independent prosecutor who twice led one of the most important US Attorney's Offices in the country." Obama called her perhaps "the only lawyer in America who battles mobsters and drug lords and terrorists and still has the reputation for being a charming people person." Holder disgraced the office he held. Francis Boyle called him "a total disaster for the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Human Rights and the Rule of Law." White House press ...

Post Date: 2014-11-08 08:27:25 by Ada
"Let me see your f*cking keys... I'm searching your f*cking car" A New York deputy with the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Department was caught on film early Friday morning slapping a young man who declined to have his vehicle searched. Click for Full Text!

The FBI: America’s Secret Police
Post Date: 2014-11-06 20:00:29 by Ada
We want no Gestapo or secret police. The FBI is tending in that direction. They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail. J. Edgar Hoover would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are afraid of him.—President Harry S. Truman Secret police. Secret courts. Secret government agencies. Surveillance. Intimidation tactics. Harassment. Torture. Brutality. Widespread corruption. Entrapment schemes. These are the hallmarks of every authoritarian regime from the Roman Empire to modern-day America, yet it’s the secret police—tasked with silencing dissidents, ensuring compliance, and maintaining a climate of fear—who sound the death ...

Kiev Reneges on Donbas Self-Rule Status
Post Date: 2014-11-04 05:14:24 by Stephen Lendman
Kiev Reneges on Donbas Self-Rule Status by Stephen Lendman On September 9, Ukraine's parliament passed legislation granting Donbas self-rule special status. At the time, state-controlled Ukrainian News Agency reported it as follows: "The Verkhovna Rada has set special status for some districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions for the period of three years…" "Respective draft law No. 5081 was registered by President Petro Poroshenko at the Verkhovna Rada on September 16." "Under the document, bodies of local governments are allowed to create voluntary people's militia units to protect order on the territory of the said regions." ...

Hard Truths v. Obama Big Lies
Post Date: 2014-11-03 15:05:37 by Stephen Lendman
Hard Truths v. Obama Big Lies by Stephen Lendman Ahead of Tuesday's mid-term elections, he's mostly shunned. Considered toxic. Damaged goods. Disgracing the office he holds. A caricature of a leader. Shameless. Lawless. Dishonest. Most Democrat candidates want no part of him. Where he shows up, Big Lies follow. Truth is nowhere in sight. Duplicitous demagogic boilerplate substitutes. So often perhaps he's no longer able to distinguish between facts and fiction. Mumbo jumbo rubbish repeats with disturbing regularity. Political doublespeak. Newspeak. Contrary views considered thoughtcrimes. Dissent increasingly an endangered species. Obamaspeak gives Big Lies new meaning. ...

US-Style Democracy
Post Date: 2014-11-03 13:32:40 by Stephen Lendman
US-Style Democracy by Stephen Lendman Tuesday, November 4, Americans vote. For congressional, state and local officials. An earlier article said vote independent or stay home. Voting Democrat or Republican is like choosing death by hanging or firing squad. Either way you're dead. Duopoly power runs America. Monied interests alone are served. Ordinary people don't matter. Lofty claims otherwise are rubbish. Democracy is pure fantasy. None whatever exists. None from inception. America's 55 founding fathers were largely self-serving wheeler-dealers. A Wall Street crowd by today's standards. Believing America should be run by elitists who owned it. US voting rights were ...

Do Regulations need Congressional Approval
Post Date: 2014-11-03 08:50:44 by ndcorup
REINS Act introducedBy Angie Drobnic Holan on Friday, August 26th, 2011 at 4:59 p.m. House Republicans vowed to stop increased federal regulation during the campaign of 2010. One of their bills introduces significant new limitations on the power of executive agencies to make rules. It's called the REINS Act -- as in, putting the reins on the federal government -- and it stands for Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny.  It requires congressional approval of a major rule -- one that has an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more -- before it can take effect. A rule may also be considered major if it results in a significant increase in costs or prices, or ...

Bundy Family Treated as Terror Suspects by TSA
Post Date: 2014-11-02 12:03:48 by X-15
This morning my twelve year old daughter and I tried to fly to Salt Lake City from Phoenix for a special event of a loved one. We had to be there by 1:00 pm in order to be a part of the occasion. Everything was going as planned until we came to the Gate B check station and the first TSA agent looked at our boarding passes. He seemed a bit alarmed and asked me if my name was Ammon, I told him yes, he then circled my name and sent me down the line. I could tell there was suspicion but thought it may be because my daughter was a minor, or because my name is unusual and sometimes taken as Arabic. When we reached the actual check station the second TSA agent saw my boarding pass and immediately ...

Ray McGovern Brutally Arrested
Post Date: 2014-11-02 04:22:33 by Stephen Lendman
Ray McGovern Brutally Arrested by Stephen Lendman Seventy-five-year-old McGovern is a former CIA analyst (1963 - 1990), turned activist/political critic/social justice advocate. On October 30, he was brutally and lawlessly arrested in New York. For exercising his constitutional rights. Attempting to attend an event featuring former CIA head General David Petraeus, former right-wing Center for a New American Security president Lt. Col. John Nagl, and neocon foreign policy commentator Max Boot. Charged with criminal trespass, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. It bears repeating. For exercising his constitutional rights. Tickets cost up to $45. McGovern had one. He had every right ...

Best Definition of "Foreign Aid" I Have Ever Seen
Post Date: 2014-11-02 00:37:12 by James Deffenbach

Gun Restrictions Full Steam Ahead
Post Date: 2014-11-01 22:02:08 by BTP Holdings
Gun Restrictions Full Steam Ahead FACT: The Bill of Rights is the only document standing between you and a tyrannical government. This is why the U.S. government continues to assault the Bill of Rights, particularly the First, Second, and Fourth Amendments. Every time they chip away at these Amendments, they come closer to stripping the Bill of Rights of its power to protect the people. If they achieve their objective, then the government will be free to do as it pleases. And don’t kid yourself… the U.S. government is far from benevolent. Its recent drone strike on a Yemeni wedding party should be proof enough of that. This is why I write about government abuses of power. ...

Ukraine in the Eye of the Storm
Post Date: 2014-11-01 15:58:06 by Stephen Lendman
Ukraine in the Eye of the Storm by Stephen Lendman A previous article called peace in Ukraine a convenient illusion. September Minsk protocol agreed on terms didn't end fighting. On October 29, the Washington Post headlined "Donetsk airport: From a shiny testament of hope to a burned-out hulk," saying: "(I)ntense fighting continues despite a nearly eight-week-old cease-fire." Its ongoing after both sides agreed to lay down arms. Reflecting unresolved conflict between Southeastern Ukrainian freedom fighters and Kiev fascist putschists. "For now, (fighting) rages as the tenuous cease-fire persists, in name if not in actuality." Moscow's NATO ...

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