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Veteran Firearms Instructor Makes 1 Serious Mistake Before Shooting Crazed Assailant
Post Date: 2014-10-31 23:02:36 by BTP Holdings
Veteran Firearms Instructor Makes 1 Serious Mistake Before Shooting Crazed Assailant 15275725_sWhat Dondi DeCosta didn’t know when he approached William Lawler and his girlfriend with a 13-inch-knife were the factors that would be working against him. You see, William Lawler is a 38-year-old army veteran. He also happens to be a longtime firearms instructor. He legally carries his 9mm Glock with him wherever he can. And for good reason. He knows he needs it to protect himself. When 37-year-old DeCosta approached the couple as they came up to their home in Philadelphia, he thought he was going to get what he wanted. Threatening to “cut them up” if they didn’t ...

Irresponsibly Targeting Russia
Post Date: 2014-10-30 06:43:03 by Stephen Lendman
Irresponsibly Targeting Russia by Stephen Lendman Russia is geopolitical enemy No. 1. Not for wrongdoing. Or posing an existential threat. Or acting irresponsibly in any way. For defending its sovereign independence responsibly. Lawfully. Wanting other nations respecting it. Believing rule of law principles are inviolable. For Vladimir Putin, Sergey Lavrov and other officials telling it like it is. Expressing important views candidly, forthrightly and unambiguously. Polar opposite duplicitous Western politicians. Especially Obama. A caricature of a leader. Arguably America's worst ever. A serial liar. A moral coward. A war criminal multiple times over. A shameless head of state. ...

FBI demands new powers to hack into computers and carry out surveillance
Post Date: 2014-10-30 06:40:44 by Ada
Agency requests rule change but civil liberties groups say ‘extremely invasive’ technique amounts to unconstitutional power grab The FBI is attempting to persuade an obscure regulatory body in Washington to change its rules of engagement in order to seize significant new powers to hack into and carry out surveillance of computers throughout the US and around the world. Civil liberties groups warn that the proposed rule change amounts to a power grab by the agency that would ride roughshod over strict limits to searches and seizures laid out under the fourth amendment of the US constitution, as well as violate first amendment privacy rights. They have protested that the FBI is ...

Ukrainian Electoral Postmortems
Post Date: 2014-10-28 10:19:11 by Stephen Lendman
Ukrainian Electoral Postmortems by Stephen Lendman Obama reacted as expected. He "congratulated the people of Ukraine on holding successful parliamentary elections…" He "commend(ed)" its government. The same illegitimate fascist putschist one he installed. He lied claiming its electoral process was "largely in line with international standards." Russia bashing Big Lies followed, saying: "it is clear that (its) authorities occupying Crimea and Russian-backed separatists in parts of eastern Ukraine prevented many Ukrainian citizens from exercising their democratic rights to participate in national elections and cast their votes." "The ...

Law Lets I.R.S. Seize Accounts on Suspicion, No Crime Required
Post Date: 2014-10-27 07:28:28 by noone222
ARNOLDS PARK, Iowa — For almost 40 years, Carole Hinders has dished out Mexican specialties at her modest cash-only restaurant. For just as long, she deposited the earnings at a small bank branch a block away — until last year, when two tax agents knocked on her door and informed her that they had seized her checking account, almost $33,000. The Internal Revenue Service agents did not accuse Ms. Hinders of money laundering or cheating on her taxes — in fact, she has not been charged with any crime. Instead, the money was seized solely because she had deposited less than $10,000 at a time, which they viewed as an attempt to avoid triggering a required government report. ...

Farcical Ukrainian Parliamentary Elections
Post Date: 2014-10-27 06:51:49 by Stephen Lendman
Farcical Ukrainian Parliamentary Elections by Stephen Lendman So-called Ukrainian democracy is pure fantasy. Tyranny masquerading as rule by the people.   Sunday's snap unicameral Verkhovna Rada (parliamentary) elections reflected post-February coup business as usual. Ukraine is a US-installed fascist dictatorship. Its so-called government has no legitimacy whatever. A previous article discussed whole families contesting for seats. Future deputies were known in advance. They're relatives of currently serving politicians. Including oligarch president Petro Poroshenko's son, Oleksiy. Running for the same Vinnitsa region's seat his father held previously. Assured of ...

Obama Claims “Not a Smidgen of Corruption” at IRS – But this Infographic Proves Him Dead Wrong
Post Date: 2014-10-26 07:53:18 by BTP Holdings
Obama Claims “Not a Smidgen of Corruption” at IRS – But this Infographic Proves Him Dead Wrong Reason.com recently produced an infographic to visually demonstrate just how bad the IRS targeting really was. The infographic, which can be seen below, shows that the overwhelming amount of applications which were prevented from being accepted belonged to conservative and “right leaning groups.” CLICK TO VIEW FULL SIZE… Screen Shot 2014-09-29 at 4.22.24 PM ◾Grow Your Own Food, Don’t Let The IRS Get Any More of Your Hard Earned Money! And yet here we have Lois Lerner along with her boss — the President Himself — saying “nothing ...

SOCKDOLAGER:A true story of Davy Crockett
Post Date: 2014-10-25 17:10:09 by Luke The Spook
SOCKDOLAGER: A true story of Davy Crockett A "sockdolager" is a knock-down blow. This is a newspaper reporter's captivating story of his unforgettable encounter with the old "bear hunter" from Tennessee. From "The Life of Colonel David Crockett," by Edward S. Ellis (Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, 1884). Crockett was then the lion of Washington. I was a great admirer of his character, and, having several friends who were intimate with him, I found no difficulty in making his acquaintance. I was fascinated with him, and he seemed to take a fancy to me. I was one day in the lobby of the House of Representatives when a bill was taken up appropriating ...

Anti-Gun Liberal Refuses Breathalyzer – So Cops Arrest Her & Find Something They Never Expected
Post Date: 2014-10-25 15:38:28 by BTP Holdings
Anti-Gun Liberal Refuses Breathalyzer – So Cops Arrest Her & Find Something They Never Expected Screen Shot 2014-10-22 at 5.35.04 PM The NRA has listed Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed as a politician to be concerned about when it comes to gun rights. She’s sponsored bills that would require gun owners to report a stolen gun within 72 hours of it being stolen. And she also wanted a bill passed that contained this ridiculous reporting requirement: “A parent or guardian of a child who attends a public, private, or charter school shall notify, in writing, the superintendent of the school district, or the governing body of a private school or charter school, that ...

Think the government must convict you of a crime before it can punish you for it? Think again.
Post Date: 2014-10-24 19:28:19 by James Deffenbach
Most Americans probably believe that the government must first convict you of a crime before it can impose a sentence on you for that crime. This is incorrect: When federal prosecutors throw a bunch of charges at someone but the jury convicts on only some of those charges, a federal judge can still sentence the defendant on the charges for which he was acquitted. In fact, the judge can even consider crimes for which the defendant has never been charged. Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear Jones v. U.S., a case that would have addressed the issue. The National Law Journal summarizes the facts: [A] District of Columbia jury found Antwuan Ball, Desmond Thurston and Joseph ...

Stunning federal corruption case moving forward with almost no media attention
Post Date: 2014-10-23 04:41:36 by noone222
Corrupt federal prosecutors presenting false evidence in order to shake down a blameless corporation and bring in tens of millions of dollars seems like a pretty dramatic story. Especially when former prosecutors support the charge and a chief judge acts on the allegations and takes dramatic action. Yet the media silence is deafening. Eric Holder’s Justice Department is implicated in a dramatic and shocking case of alleged corruption that is so bad that the Chief Judge of the Eastern District of California has taken what can rightly be called the “nuclear option” and recused all the judges in the district from the case because they may have been defrauded by the DoJ ...

Turkey Murders Press TV Reporter Serena Shim
Post Date: 2014-10-21 15:49:19 by Stephen Lendman
Turkey Murders Press TV Reporter Serena Shim by Stephen Lendman Turkey reflects rogue state governance. It's a NATO member. Part of Washington's war on Syria. Partnering with US crimes. Training Islamic State fighters. Doing so covertly on its territory. Smuggling them lawlessly cross-border against Assad. Stop NATO founder/editor Rick Rozoff said earlier: "If confirmation was required that a neo-Ottoman Turkey is determined to reassert (its regional) influence gained 700 years before and lost a century ago and…doing so as part of a campaign by self- christened global NATO to expand into the Arab world, the Turkish head of state's threat to militarily intervene in ...

Former CIA Operative Admits Bush Involved in JFK Murder
Post Date: 2014-10-21 07:40:01 by noone222
Poster Comment:Very early in this interview, Mr. Steele tells Alex why Obola plays so much golf ... and in doing so says Bush was involved in JFK murder.

FBI Frames Muslim-American After He Refuses to Be a ‘Terrorist Informant’
Post Date: 2014-10-20 20:37:20 by Horse
Editor’s Note: The FBI has been linked to all manner of deception in this regard. Back in 2011, RT.com reported that the FBI organizes almost all terror plots in the U.S. today. If you look into any story, you’ll find them hanging out in there somewhere, egging things on, setting things (and people) up, funding plots just to bust plots. This website alone actually wrote an article titled, “FBI Aids Terrorist Death Ray Plot to Foil Terrorist Death Ray Plot.” How sad is that? Carey Wedler TheAntiMedia How does a non-violent man who once owned a store called “Nature’s Garden” and who founded a religious center that offered free meals and prayer ...

Ukrainian-Style Democracy
Post Date: 2014-10-20 06:37:33 by Stephen Lendman
Ukrainian-Style Democracy By Stephen Lendman It's pure fantasy. None whatever exists. US-installed coup d'etat putschists run things. Neo-Nazis have power. Ordinary Ukrainians have no say. Elections when held are farcical. Expect scheduled October 26 parliamentary ones to reflect business as usual. Excluding democratic choices. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland said Washington spent around $5 billion sabotaging Ukrainian democracy over the past 20 years. She lied calling it "democracy promotion…We stand with the people of Ukraine," she hyperventilated. USAID spent about $1.8 billion assuring ordinary Ukrainians had ...

Attorney Stanley L. Cohen: Guilty of Doing His Job Honorably
Post Date: 2014-10-18 08:03:41 by Stephen Lendman
Attorney Stanley L. Cohen: Guilty of Doing His Job Honorably by Stephen Lendman He's a criminal defense attorney/political activist par excellence. Wrongfully indicted on bogus charges. Guilty of defending wrong clients. Ones prosecutors wanted convicted. More on this below. America's criminal justice system is corrupted. Broken. Systematically unfair. Infested with political hacks. Solely supporting wealth, power and privilege. Prosecutors take full advantage. Innocence is no defense. Guilt by accusation is official policy. The American Bar Association's (ABA) Model Code of Judicial Conduct doesn't matter. Its preamble calls for: "An independent, fair and ...

Attorney Stanley L. Cohen: Guilty of Doing His Job Responsibly
Post Date: 2014-10-18 08:00:40 by Stephen Lendman
Attorney Stanley L. Cohen: Guilty of Doing His Job Honorably by Stephen Lendman He's a criminal defense attorney/political activist par excellence. Wrongfully indicted on bogus charges. Guilty of defending wrong clients. Ones prosecutors wanted convicted. More on this below. America's criminal justice system is corrupted. Broken. Systematically unfair. Infested with political hacks. Solely supporting wealth, power and privilege. Prosecutors take full advantage. Innocence is no defense. Guilt by accusation is official policy. The American Bar Association's (ABA) Model Code of Judicial Conduct doesn't matter. Its preamble calls for: "An independent, fair and ...

More college men are fighting back against sexual misconduct cases
Post Date: 2014-10-17 23:07:03 by scrapper2
Peter Yu, Drew Sterrett and Lewis McLeod were headed toward bright futures at prestigious colleges and universities when each got involved in one-night sexual encounters. All three young men claimed the encounters were consensual — but the women asserted otherwise. In each case, campus officials found the men responsible for sexual assault and expelled or suspended them. But all three are pushing back, suing the schools on charges that their rights to a fair hearing were violated. As universities and colleges launch intensified efforts against sexual misconduct, more cases are shifting from campuses to courtrooms. The three young men are suing Vassar College, the University of ...

Malicious Anti-Iranian Propaganda
Post Date: 2014-10-16 07:27:53 by Stephen Lendman
Malicious Anti-Iranian Propaganda by Stephen Lendman Managed news misinformation substitutes for truth and full disclosure. Big Lies persist with disturbing regularity. It's been this way for 35 years. Washington tolerates no independent governments. Nor does Israel, its Lobby and other supportive organizations. They want pro-Western vassal states worldwide. They want sovereign independence destroyed. They want unchallenged control. They want monied interests served. They want ordinary people exploited. The second Tehran New Horizon Conference was held from September 29 - October 1. Participants included academics, writers, authors and journalists. They came from numerous ...

The Government and Freedom
Post Date: 2014-10-16 07:25:26 by Ada
Earlier this week, FBI Director James Comey gave an interview to “60 Minutes” during which he revealed a flawed understanding of personal freedom. He rightly distinguished what FBI agents do in their investigations of federal crimes from what the NSA does in its intelligence gathering, when the two federal agencies are looking for non-public data. The FBI requires, Comey correctly asserted, articulable suspicion to commence an investigation and probable cause to obtain a search warrant. It does this because its agents have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution, and their failure to comply with that oath may very well render the evidence obtained by unconstitutional means ...

Mass Surveillance Destroys Freedom
Post Date: 2014-10-15 12:15:19 by Stephen Lendman
Mass Surveillance Destroys Freedom by Stephen Lendman It's longstanding. It's institutionalized. It's lawless. It has nothing to do with domestic or foreign threats. Or anything related to national security. America's only enemies are ones it invents. It spies globally. It watches everyone. It monitors allies. It's for control. It's for economic advantage. It's to be one up on foreign competitors. It's for information used advantageously in trade, political, and military relations. Don't expect Washington's criminal class to explain. It's bipartisan. It's government of, by, and for special interests. Ordinary ones are ignored.. Edward ...

UNFAIR: EXPOSING THE IRS - Official :90 Trailer
Post Date: 2014-10-14 21:35:29 by Itistoolate
UNFAIR: EXPOSING THE IRS - Official :90 Trailer Poster Comment:Unfair TheMovie opening in theaters today Oct 14

The One Peoples Public Trust - A Roundtable Discussion
Post Date: 2014-10-14 19:05:48 by Itistoolate
The originators of OPPT -The One Peoples Public Trust. Max Igin interviews the people who started it. You pro don't know it but the world is run under the umbrella of the UCC, the Universal Commercial Code. www.wisegeek.org/what-is-...m-commercial-code-ucc.htm If you don't believe it check your Drivers License, it is in all CAPITAL LETTERS and so are your checks in your checkbooks. The all caps version of your name creates what is called a 'Legal Fiction'. Besides that all forms of Government from local on up to the Federal level arr Corporation and NOT the original government. The One Peoples Public Trust - A Roundtable Discussion

Celente: ISIS, WW3 & The NWO's 'Grand Chessboard' of Lies
Post Date: 2014-10-14 11:51:21 by Itistoolate

Obama Signs Executive Order 13295 – Detention of Americans with “Respiratory Illnesses”
Post Date: 2014-10-13 05:03:18 by Lorie Meacham
Is America headed for widespread, involuntary incarceration due to Ebola biowarfare? July of this year, President Obama signed into law an amendment to the Executive Order 13295, which redefines who can be quarantined and why. This does not bode well for a nation that could potentially face an Ebola pandemic. It smacks of pre-meditated bio-warfare and martial law on a nation’s own citizens. This means that any police officer or ‘health official’ can, without question, and on suspicion alone, quarantine someone simply for showing any sign of ‘respiratory illness.’ None other than the war-mongering Bush Administration, first put the order into place, originally ...

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