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Latest Articles: Dead Constitution

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Obama to Sign Order Barring Federal Discrimination Against Gays
Post Date: 2014-06-16 16:40:48 by BTP Holdings
Obama to Sign Order Barring Federal Discrimination Against Gays Monday, 16 Jun 2014 01:38 PM President Barack Obama will sign an executive order barring federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, a White House official said on Monday, handing another victory to gay rights activists. The White House has been pressing Congress to pass legislation to ban employment discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and has resisted issuing an executive order in favor of pursuing a broader, legislative solution. But Obama has spent the year taking executive action on a host of other domestic priorities where Congress has ...

The Fix Was In From The Beginning
Post Date: 2014-06-16 07:26:35 by Ada
I threw the Constitution in the woods years ago, when I became aware of its true nature as a document empowering government rather than protecting the rights of the people. The historic fact is the Constitution was intended to gut the rights of the people; it was only as an afterthought that the Bill of Rights was tacked on, to placate those who were – rightly, as it turns out – suspicious of what Hamilton & Co. were up to.Con pic 1 The Constitution is all about “Congress shall have power…” and so on. Well, over whom shall it have power? By what authority? The Bill of Rights, on the other hand, is all about “Congress shall make no law… and ...

America Can be a Scary Place for Americans
Post Date: 2014-06-16 01:19:52 by Lorie Meacham
Larissa Nearing’s story is a poignant illustration of what can happen when you are busy living your life. Larissa Nearing and her son Larissa Nearing and her son (SAN DIEGO) - We are a nation of rules and laws, with over 40,000 new laws that went into effect on January 1, 2012, alone. With such a minefield, even for the most sober citizen, it is easy to slide down the rabbit hole. Not see a construction zone sign; it could cost you dearly. Overdrawn at the bank; there are fees and penalties. Recently, in Oklahoma there was a 21 car pileup on an icy street and every driver received a $252 ticket. Larissa Nearing’s story is a poignant illustration of what can happen when you ...

House Republicans Vote to Deny Second Amendment Rights to Millions
Post Date: 2014-06-15 13:27:29 by Lorie Meacham
Last week while the NRA was spending their time and our money supporting Thad Cochran and denigrating those of us who supported Chis McDaniel, many Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives were busy passing more gun- control legislation. According to Dudley Brown of the National Association of Gun Rights one in three Republicans decided to vote against your rights by supporting Barack Obama’s agenda to label millions of American’s “mentally ill”. The Obama administration has been successful in denying more over 175,000 of our nations veterans their Second Amendment rights in this manner and are attempting to expand this to every American. The amendment provids ...

Tap It: The NSA Slow Jam (featuring @goremy)
Post Date: 2014-06-13 01:21:13 by Lorie Meacham

Exclusive: Sheriff Mack Smeared By SPLC “Connected” To Las Vegas Shooters
Post Date: 2014-06-12 15:40:55 by Lorie Meacham
Constitutional Sheriff Richard Mack supports cop killing “patriots”? While those exact words have not yet been used, that is the narrative that is being pushed by the Southern Poverty Law Center and other media as they have found the “connection” between two lunatic cop killers in Las Vegas and Sheriff Mack. The smear began on Monday when the Southern Poverty Law Center ran a story attempting to connect Sheriff Mack with Jerad and Amanda Miller, the Las Vegas couple who embarked on a shooting spree Sunday that left two police officers dead. As we reported, Jerad and Amanda reportedly turned their guns on themselves in a suicide pact. In all, five people, including the ...

Cop Suspended with Pay For Stealing Make-A-Wish Foundation Gift from 3-Year-Old
Post Date: 2014-06-12 11:26:27 by Lorie Meacham
An off-duty Memphis police officer was suspended with pay this week after stealing a Make-A-Wish Foundation gift from a terminally ill three-year-old.

Cops, Gun Control, and the Myth of the US as a Bloody Warzone
Post Date: 2014-06-12 07:14:04 by Ada
After a month of media attention-grabbing shootings in Isla Vista, California, Las Vegas, and now at an Oregon high school, President Obama devoted some time in a Tuesday Q&A session on Tumblr.com to these sad incidents, saying that we should “be ashamed” to have failed to addressed these tragedies. Now, failing to solve the real problem of gun violence means one thing only to executive power – that there have been no gun control measures passed for private citizens. Considering the blood on the hands of Obama – who is “really good at killing” and all – it feels repellent to see him mourning people who lost their lives to their fellow Americans. ...

Post Date: 2014-06-11 20:49:13 by Lorie Meacham
Veterans are being arrested by Secret Service for making anti-Obama Facebook posts, sometimes the very next day after creating a post – a practice which has been going on for quite some time. All the while, our police force is being militarized at an alarming rate, with veterans being cited as one reason why. This is revealed in a statement made last month by Sgt. Dan Downing of the Morgan County, Ind. Sheriff’s Department, he stated “The weaponry is totally different now that it was in the beginning of my career, plus, you have a lot of people who are coming out of the military that have the ability and knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.” ...

Woman Dies in Jail Because She Failed to Pay a Fine--For Her Child's Truancy From School
Post Date: 2014-06-11 18:23:26 by Lorie Meacham
Some monstrous policy out of Pennsylvania, from Associated Press via the Pottstown Mercury News, a land where there is no such thing as debtors prison for the poor unless that debt is to the government, that institution that only monsters question because after all it's there to help the poor: Hundreds of parents, some impoverished and overwhelmed, have been jailed in Pennsylvania for failing to pay court fines that arise from truancy hearings after their children skip school, creating what some call a “debtor’s prison” for people like Eileen DiNino. DiNino, 55, of Reading, was found dead in a jail cell Saturday morning, hours after she surrendered to serve a 48-hour ...

Post Date: 2014-06-11 14:38:04 by Lorie Meacham

A Former Hammer's Lament: It's No Fun to be the Nail
Post Date: 2014-06-10 23:46:32 by Lorie Meacham
Sandy, Utah resident Mark Shurtleff was thousands of miles away when he received the news that his son and daughter had joined the ever-growing ranks of Americans whose homes have been violated, and families have been terrorized, by SWAT raids. The Berserkers who invaded his home “showed up in masks,” Shurtleff protested, relaying the account provided by the victims. A dozen officers wearing body armor and carrying assault rifles “burst through the door screaming and yelling at my kids.” Shurtleff’s 17-year-old daughter was in the bathroom when the strangers in body armor burst in and painted her body with the laser sights of their assault rifles. The raiders ...

I’m a terrorist…You’re a terrorist….Hey! We’re all right wing extremist terrorists!
Post Date: 2014-06-10 16:56:41 by Lorie Meacham
It’s interesting to step over to the dark side sometimes and read the “liberal” perspective on current events. I stumbled across a perfect example of liberal bias this morning when I read an article on a website called “Truthout”. The author was reflecting on the Las Vegas shooting and an incident in Georgia that also took place this weekend. There were two terrorist attacks in America over the weekend, but don’t expect the mainstream media to call them that. On Friday, 48-year-old Georgia resident Dennis Marx was scheduled to appear at the Forsyth County Courthouse in Cumming, Georgia, to face charges on 11 different felony counts. Marx arrived at the ...

DHS is on the Ground in Kalispell, Montana
Post Date: 2014-06-09 22:26:05 by Lorie Meacham
As many who study the “war on terror” will agree, the apparatus implemented by the Federal Government to fight the phony war has been turned around on the American populace. Almost all large cities, and many smaller ones, have beefed up their armaments to ridiculous levels. Even the NY Times has noticed this phenomenon. Even the sparsely populated Flathead Valley, Montana is not immune from DHS intervention. With Kalispell, Montana being one of the hubs of the Liberty Movement, it comes as no surprise that DHS has set-up shop here. In the interview below, I speak to an eyewitness who followed four of these vehicles through town. At one point, they were flanked by air support with ...

Vegas Cop Killers Awash in White Supremacy, Rightwing Conspiracy
Post Date: 2014-06-09 10:13:17 by Jethro Tull
Vegas Cop Killers Awash in White Supremacy, Rightwing ConspiracyLocal reporting: After fatally shooting two police officers, assailants placed 'Don't Tread On Me' flags over bodies - Jon Queally, staff writer Bystanders watch police activity from a Roberto’s Taco Shop behind a Wal-Mart on Nellis Boulevard on Sunday, June 8, 2014. Two suspects allegedly shot two Metro Police officers in a nearby pizza shop, then fled to the Wal-Mart, where they fired shots before killing themselves. (Credit: Las Vegas Sun / Steve Marcus)The perpetrators in Las Vegas who shot and killed three people on Sunday—including two police officers gunned down while eating lunch in a ...

Feinstein Introduces New Federal Bill to Confiscate Guns if Snitches Feel Unsafe
Post Date: 2014-06-08 20:04:45 by Lorie Meacham
Two weeks after Elliot Rodger stabbed three people and shot three more, a trio of legislators from California, including Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, have proposed a new federal law called "The Pause for Safety Act". The law would allow anyone at any time to seek a "firearms restraining order" against an individual to prevent them from purchasing any new firearms and also to confiscate any firearms they may already own. They're so confident the law is good that states will be bribed into complying through a federal grant program. The press release on Sen. Barbara Boxer's website says: The Pause for Safety Act would encourage states to take the following ...

It Can’t Happen Here – Or Can It?
Post Date: 2014-06-08 18:19:57 by Lorie Meacham
This video is for all those who imagine that there is some sort of magic that renders the United States immune to the tyranny that has plagued every other major empire in history.

LA County Jail Officers Charged with Federal Crimes; Jail Monitors Respond
Post Date: 2014-06-08 17:59:49 by Lorie Meacham
Last December Los Angeles Sheriff's Department officials were charged with civil rights and corruption violations. This week, Former LAPD Sheriff's Deputy William David Courson testified on a range of abuses by the departement. Reason TV originally reported on the case on December 19, 2013. The original text is below. On December 9, 2013, the United States Attorney's Office charged 18 current or one-time Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department officials with civil rights and corruption violations as a part of five criminal cases. The charges were the result of an ongoing FBI investigation and allege officers beat jail inmates and visitors, made false statements, ...

Gov'ts to be able to spy on citizens using DNA - Wikileaks founder Assange
Post Date: 2014-06-08 17:53:38 by Lorie Meacham
The founder of the scandalously famous WikiLeaks Julian Assange has spoken about the ability of governments to monitor citizens using their DNA, which would lead to a totalitarian future, Russia Today news agency reported. "We will see a situation that Sweden has had for more than a decade... which is everyone has a number, everyone's DNA is taken at birth, their DNA is encoded onto their identity documents or connected to it, to their tax records, to their credit report," Assange said via Skype conference at the Personal Democracy Forum in New York. The ability to monitor any person in the world either already exists, or will appear in a few years, according to Assange. ...

Harry Reid Proves Yet Again What a Stupid POS He Is
Post Date: 2014-06-05 18:31:52 by James Deffenbach
Poster Comment:Yeah, every day we are ALL closer to our death. What a stupid, useless pos Harry Reid is.

Trained To Kill: The Policing Tactics The Public Isn’t Supposed To Know About
Post Date: 2014-06-04 14:02:31 by Lorie Meacham
MINNEAPOLIS – On May 28, 126 police officers in Seattle filed a lawsuit in federal court, arguing that restrictions placed on the department by a federal court in 2012 regarding officers’ ability to use excessive force was a violation of their constitutional rights as officers. Although the restrictions were put in place by the feds to curb the rampant unconstitutional policing the city was experiencing — especially when it came to the use of excessive and deadly force against mostly minority suspects — the officers argue that having to restrain themselves while on duty only leads to an increase in the number of citizens and officers killed. In their 81-page filing, ...

US Marshals Seize FL Cops' Surveillance Records to Deny Them to ACLU
Post Date: 2014-06-04 10:31:30 by Lorie Meacham
Hours before a scheduled meeting to surrender records to the American Civil Liberties Union about the use of controversial "stingray" cellphone tracking devices, Sarasota, Florida, police canceled the meeting, saying the U.S. Marshals had seized the records and they were no longer in police possession. Calling the move "blatant violations of open government laws," in the words of staff attorney Nathan Freed Wessler, the ACLU promptly sued, protesting the handoff of sensitive documents to the feds and seeking their return. Also known as "IMSIcatchers," stingray devices simulate cellphone towers and trick cellphones into connecting, revealing their location. ...

Minor Drug Dealers Now Considered Terrorists?
Post Date: 2014-06-04 10:29:36 by Lorie Meacham
To all of you drug warriors, I am obliged to point out the case of the Georgia toddler whose face was blown off by a flashbang grenade during a no-knock raid. This is a direct consequence of the drug war. SWAT teams initially existed only for the most critical situations—hostage situations, school shootings, etc. Yet arbitrarily proscribed drugs equip police officers with an excuse to act like Special Forces commandos going after a Taliban commander. Sure, they’ll say the dealer was a kingpin, and that a no-knock raid was necessary for the safety of officers. And the truth is that I would like to be able to give the officers of the benefit of the doubt. Yet they ruin their own ...

Judge: Waive Speedy Trial, or I’ll “Beat Your Ass”
Post Date: 2014-06-04 00:51:00 by Lorie Meacham
If you’ve ever had a public defender in a criminal case, you probably plead guilty for fear of getting beaten in a trial. Yesterday in Brevard County, Florida however, a public defender got beaten at arraignment, literally. Judge John Murphy is accused of punching veteran public defender Andrew Weinstock in the face repeatedly, after the two exchanged words in the court room. Murphy reportedly wanted Weinstock’s client to waive his right to a speedy trial, and when he refused, the judge said “If I had a rock I’d throw it at you” and then invited him outside of the courtroom to “beat [his] ass”. The dialogue in the court room was captured on video ...

Risen Ready to Take Fight to Jail After Supreme Court Refusal 'I don’t know what they’re going to do,' the Pulitzer Prize winner say
Post Date: 2014-06-03 14:38:45 by Horse
New York Times reporter James Risen’s appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court was denied Monday, leaving the Pulitzer Prize winner facing a possible choice between jail and identifying a confidential source. He’s already made up his mind: He would rather go to jail. “I’ve said that many times,” he told U.S. News immediately after the court declined to hear his case. Risen says he’s disappointed by the court’s decision. Some reporters’ advocates hoped justices would accept the case as an opportunity to clarify the court's murky, four-decades-old guidance about journalists’ ability to shield sources. Risen is fighting a May 2011 subpoena requiring ...

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