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Wall Street Journal Supports Putschist Oligarch Ukrainian Rule
Post Date: 2014-05-24 11:36:36 by Stephen Lendman
Wall Street Journal Supports Putschist Oligarch Ukrainian Rule by Stephen Lendman Sham elections approach. They'll be held Sunday, May 25. They're illegitimate. They have no legal standing. Coup-appointed putschists are running them. Washington supports what demands rejection. So does the Wall Street Journal. It's in lockstep with putschist rule. Murdoch's world reflects presstitute power. It features demagoguery, propaganda, pseudo-journalism, corporate power, and warmongering. It supports wrong over right. It turns truth on its head. It lacks ethical and moral standards. Its poisonous influence debauches whatever it touches. It endorses Wall Street grand theft. It ...

The War on Americas Military Veterans, Waged with SWAT Teams, Surveillance and Neglect
Post Date: 2014-05-24 08:16:01 by Ada
Just in time for Memorial Day, we’re once again being treated to a generous serving of praise and grandstanding by politicians and corporations eager to go on record as being supportive of our veterans. Patriotic platitudes aside, however, America has done a deplorable job of caring for her veterans. We erect monuments for those who die while serving in the military, yet for those who return home, there’s little honor to be found. The plight of veterans today is deplorable, with large numbers of them impoverished, unemployed, traumatized mentally and physically, struggling with depression, thoughts of suicide, and marital stress, homeless (a third of all homeless Americans are ...

Activist Professor Denis Rancourt's Judicial Lynching
Post Date: 2014-05-24 03:44:48 by Stephen Lendman
Activist Professor Denis Rancourt's Judicial Lynching by Stephen Lendman Rancourt reflects academia's best, most competent, most responsible and bravest. He has two blog sites. Visit them for updated information. Activist Teacher and U of O Watch provide updates. They explain what most people can't imagine. What happened to Rancourt can happen to anyone responsibly challenging what's too deplorable to accept. Injustice defines Western societies. Canada marches in lockstep with Washington. Rogue state ruthlessness defines both countries. Imperial priorities matter most. Inviolable laws don't matter. Nor judicial fairness. Rancourt is a distinguished University of ...

The Democracy Alliance Joins Fight for Gun Control
Post Date: 2014-05-24 01:23:57 by Lorie Meacham
Fresh off the recent news that anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg plans to spend $50 million to help elect gun control-supporting candidates in November's national elections, a similar plan by the Democracy Alliance has been exposed by the Washington Free Beacon. The Free Beacon reports, "A secretive dark money group backed by George Soros and other liberal mega-donors is looking to steer nearly $40 million to left-wing groups in 2014 to support high-profile political and policy efforts." Soros, who in 2005 was convicted of insider trading in France, has previously donated millions of dollars to MediaMatters and MoveOn.org, both of which support gun control, the ...

Raiding and Trading in the American West
Post Date: 2014-05-23 05:27:55 by Ada
Cliven Bundy's battle was born out of a broken system that encourages conflict, not negotiation. In 1994, economists Terry Anderson and Fred McChesney proposed a simple theory of violence on the American frontier. Their paper, published in the Journal of Law and Economics, modeled an important choice that white settlers and Indians faced when conflicts arose over land claims: Would the two groups fight or negotiate to resolve disputes? Or to put it another way, would they raid or trade? The answer, they said, depended on the relative costs of raiding and trading. If the costs of fighting decreased, perhaps because one side developed superior weaponry, then disputes were more likely to ...

[Video] 8 Year Old Schoolboy Reprimanded For Thinking a Cloud Looked Like a Gun During Assignment
Post Date: 2014-05-22 16:58:07 by Lorie Meacham
So I think we’re officially to the point where our public schools are punishing children for their imagination. According to KKTV, Second grader Kody Smith was assigned to go outside, look at the clouds, and then use his imagination to draw what he saw. “Draw a picture of what you see in the clouds from your imagination and that picture is a gun,” explained 8-year-old Kody. Because it was a gun, the teacher at Talbott Elementary in Widefield called him into the office, and then filed a behavior report. His parents say that’s too much. So this kid is punished because he didn’t see an elephant or a unicorn or whatever else the school *thought* he should see when ...

Germany opens the way to prosecute American, 95, accused of being Ukrainian SS concentration camp guard
Post Date: 2014-05-22 15:05:05 by Jethro Tull
Germany opens the way to prosecute American, 95, accused of being Ukrainian SS concentration camp guardAlleged Michael Karkoc was in the SS-led Ukranian Self Defence LeagueHe told American authorities in 1949 he had performed no military service Court of Justice said his 'service' made him 'holder of a German office'It is alleged he lied about his wartime service to get into the U.S.By Tara Brady Published: 12:37 EST, 22 May 2014 | Updated: 13:05 EST, 22 May 2014 var twitterVia = 'MailOnline'; DM.has('shareLinkTop', 'shareLinks', { 'id': '2636496', 'title': 'Court rules it has the right to prosecute ...

Eeek! An Armed Citizen!
Post Date: 2014-05-22 07:13:22 by Ada
The right to buy weapons is the right to be free. – A.E. van Vogt, “The Weapon Shops of Isher” The presence of a single, non-violent citizen openly carrying a firearm is sufficient to cause panic in people habituated to the evil idea that only state functionaries should be armed. So acutely alarmed do such people become that their first reaction is to call the police, thereby inviting the intervention of additional armed strangers who – owing to the indoctrination they’ve received, and the “qualified immunity” they enjoy – are immeasurably more dangerous than the first. The actual presence of armed citizens is not necessary to induce a panic among ...

Understanding, Surviving and Resisting the Police State
Post Date: 2014-05-22 03:43:26 by Lorie Meacham
We now live in a world where it is legal for police officers to murder not only animals, but innocent people, use the threat of force to coerce peaceful people into submission, and not only avoid punishment, but are ENCOURAGED to act this way. We live in a police state, and before we figure out how to fix it, we have to understand how this situation came to be. It’s easy to focus our anger only on the ones actually committing the violence, but cops didn’t just wake up one day and decide to start violently oppressing people. Injustice flows from the top down. What we’re seeing today is largely the result of the politicians WANTING the people living in fear of the police, ...

White House Senior Adviser Vows That Obama Will Ignore The Constitution
Post Date: 2014-05-21 19:48:08 by Lorie Meacham
Senior White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer took to The Huffington Post Tuesday to declare that President Barack Obama is “picking up the pace on executive actions,” claiming that Congress has focused on “obsessively trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act” and “ginning up politically motivated investigations” rather than the economy. In a blog post titled “How to Govern When Congress Would Rather Repeal and Re-investigate Than Legislate,” Pfeiffer criticized House lawmakers for forming a select committee to investigate the 2012 Benghazi terror attacks. “Next week, as congressional Republicans spend their energy on yet another partisan ...

New Technology Could Allow Government To Turn Off Your Gun
Post Date: 2014-05-21 19:44:13 by Lorie Meacham
A new technology that could allow authorities and others to literally “turn off” guns by remote control has been patented. German arms maker Armatix GmbH has filed a patent for an improved smart pistol that can be shut down by a wireless signal. “Preferably, the apparatus of the invention can be controlled remotely, for example via satellite and can send information to a satellite,” the European patent application for the gun says. Armatix already makes one smart gun, the iP1 Personalized Pistol, that can only be fired by a person wearing an “Intelligent Watch.” The watch sends out a wireless identification signal that activates a chip in the gun. The new ...

DNI's James Clapper Tied to Communist Chinese Gov't
Post Date: 2014-05-21 16:31:20 by Itistoolate
DNI's James Clapper Tied to Communist Chinese Gov't www.trevorloudon.com/2014...o-the-chinese-government/ Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Indisputably Lied to Congress About NSA Surveillance

Americas Electronic Police State
Post Date: 2014-05-21 11:07:04 by Lorie Meacham
Big Brother is not only watching, but gathering more power. The modern surveillance state is referred to as an electronic police state because it uses technology to monitor people in order to detect and punish dissent. The authorities exert social control through spying, harsh law enforcement, and by regulating "privileges" such as the ability to travel. But all of this starts with surveillance. Information is power. Imagine if agents of the State didn’t know where you live. How could it collect property taxes, arrest you, conscript you or your children, or record phone calls? Imagine if the State did not know your finances. How could it snatch your money, garnish your ...

The Drones, The Drones, The Endless Spying Of The Drones
Post Date: 2014-05-21 08:01:13 by Lorie Meacham
The Drones, The Drones, The Endless Spying Of The Drones I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I think the time has finally come for us to have the big talk about, well, you know ... drones. Big drones, little drones, surveillance drones, killer drones military drones, police drones, private drones. Drones are everywhere these days. There are thousands and thousands of them. There are so many of them that it's easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees, as it were, and to get so focused on the myriad drones themselves that you lose sight of the big picture, the larger context, to wit: everyone is under surveillance now. The drones are intended to spy on you, to monitor ...

Secrets, lies and Snowden's email: why I was forced to shut down Lavabit
Post Date: 2014-05-21 07:02:22 by Ada
For the first time, the founder of an encrypted email startup that was supposed to insure privacy for all reveals how the FBI and the US legal system made sure we don't have the right to much privacy in the first place Lavabit loses contempt of court appeal over encryption keys Glenn Greenwald: the state targets dissenters not 'bad guys' Share 8437 The prosecution argued that my users had no expectation of privacy, even though the service I provided – encryption – is designed for just that. Photograph: Ueslei Marcelino / Reuters My legal saga started last summer with a knock at the door, behind which stood two federal agents ready to to serve me with a court order ...

Irresponsible China Bashing
Post Date: 2014-05-21 03:08:16 by Stephen Lendman
Irresponsible China Bashing by Stephen Lendman China bashing reflects official US policy. Washington does it numerous ways. It's reprehensible. It's confrontational. It's potentially belligerent. Rogue states operate this way. No nation spies on more nations than America. None more intrusively. None more aggressively. None more lawlessly. None for more reasons. None in more ways. None more duplicitous about it. None more involved in cybercrime. More on this below. China is a major US economic, political and military rival. Washington wants it marginalized, weakened and isolated. It wants its sovereign independence eliminated. It want pro-Western puppet governance ...

Irresponsible Scoundrel Media China Bashing
Post Date: 2014-05-21 03:07:23 by Stephen Lendman
Irresponsible Scoundrel Media China Bashing by Stephen Lendman Media scoundrels march in lockstep with Washington's worst policies. They do it egregiously. They do it irresponsibly. They do it ad nauseam. They're virtual government house organs. They twist vital truths to fit US policy. They're bashing China. They're piling on. It followed reprehensible Justice Department charges. A separate article discussed them. Washington never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity to engage other nations responsibly. Polar opposite polices substitute. They're standard practice. Washington rules alone apply. Other nations are pressured, bullied and threatened to comply. ...

How the NSA is Transforming Law Enforcement
Post Date: 2014-05-20 19:36:10 by Lorie Meacham
If you’ve been imagining NSA surveillance as something distant, with analysts sitting in remote data centers quietly analyzing metadata—stop now. NSA surveillance has become a part of day-to-day law enforcement fabric in the United States. The Snowden disclosures that were made public as part of Glenn Greenwald’s book No Place to Hide drive this point home, and they emphasize why we need real change to government surveillance, not minor reforms. There are two key points necessary to understand the domestic aspect of NSA surveillance: the integral role of the FBI in helping the NSA spy on Americans, and the acceptance of usage of NSA material for domestic and traditional law ...

Justice Departments National Security Division Nominated For Golden Padlock Award For Egregious Secrecy
Post Date: 2014-05-20 19:29:56 by Lorie Meacham
This article, written by EFF media relations coordinator and investigative researcher Dave Maass, was originally published on the foundation’s website on May 20. For the second year in a row, Investigative Reporters and Editors solicited nominations from the public for one of the least coveted prizes in government: the Golden Padlock. The award recognizes “the most secretive publicly-funded agency or person in the United States,” and the U.S. Border Patrol last year took home the inaugural honor for stonewalling Freedom of Information Act requests related to agent-involved shootings along the border. While we’ve had our own FOIA battles with Customs & Border ...

BREAKING: Chipotle Bans Guns In Their Restaurants!
Post Date: 2014-05-20 11:04:46 by James Deffenbach
Denver based Chipotle becomes the latest causality in the Mad Mommies Demanding Some Action’s quest to take away your Constitutional rights. Chipotle’s stance has always been to comply with all local, state, and federal laws up to this point. But in a statement Monday, the company said that “the display of firearms in our restaurants has now created an environment that is potentially intimidating or uncomfortable for many of our customers.” In plain English, that means they got tired of dealing with Shannon Watts childish Twitter harassment. Now the million dollar question is why did MDA target Chipotle? Simple. Their petition was in reaction to open-carry gun ...

Violation of f*cking free speech? Michigan city cops ticket people for swearing
Post Date: 2014-05-19 23:55:49 by Lorie Meacham
The Daily Mail is reporting that two young adults were recently ticketed in the Detroit suburb of Brighton, Michigan for cursing. The city’s police chief has instructed his officers to enforce a Brighton ordinance that bars anyone from using language which would cause quote, “a breach of the peace”. Not only that, but each ticket comes with a $200 price tag. A Michigan teen was issued a $200 ticket last month for swearing near a playground in a town that has made it against the law to use foul language. Colin Anderson, 19, of Brighton, was given the citation after saying ‘this is f*****g bulls**t’ after an officer issued a summons to one of his friends for cursing near ...

Did NSA blackmail Roberts to OK Obamacare?
Post Date: 2014-05-19 17:01:26 by Itistoolate
Did NSA blackmail Roberts to OK Obamacare? U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts may have been blackmailed to approve Obamacare after being spied on by the NSA and CIA, says Larry Klayman, the attorney who has come to be known as “the NSA slayer” for his successful legal battles against the National Security Agency. During an appearance Sunday night on Aaron Klein’s New York City radio show on 970 The Answer, Klayman suggested the blackmail possibility when asked by a caller if the Supreme Court could be sued for its approval of the Affordable Care Act. “Unfortunately, there’s no way to sue the Supreme Court for decisions that it makes. There should be, and there ...

The 2nd Amendment is your gun permit? I think not!
Post Date: 2014-05-19 09:30:19 by Lorie Meacham
“I have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms!” “The 2nd amendment is my gun permit!” “State gun laws violate the 2nd amendment!” Most of the people who utter these words are well-intended. They are very passionate about their right to keep and bear arms, but I can’t help but wonder if they truly understand where rights come from or what the 2nd amendment means. Perhaps they’ve never taken the time to think about what these worn out cliches imply: that our right to keep and bear arms is granted to us by the 2nd amendment, that without the 2nd amendment, no such right would exist and that the 2nd amendment is a “universal” ...

Freedom or Fascism
Post Date: 2014-05-19 03:20:30 by Stephen Lendman
Freedom or Fascism by Stephen Lendman Fascist regimes run America and Ukraine. Democracy is pure fantasy. Monied interests control things. People have no say. Fundamental freedoms don't matter. They're trampled on. They're crushed. Ukraine is Obama's latest imperial trophy. Holding it is another matter entirely. Democracy was systematically quashed. Washington elevated fascist putschists to power. They're unelected. They're radicalized ultranationalists. They're overt anti-Semites. They're militant thugs. They have no legitimacy whatever. They're convenient US stooges. They're puppets. They take orders from Washington. They masquerade as ...

India's Sham Democracy
Post Date: 2014-05-19 03:19:44 by Stephen Lendman
India's Sham Democracy by Stephen Lendman India is like America. Democracy is fantasy. Two major parties dominate. In India most often. Others compete. At most, some become junior coalition partners. Congress and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) governance control things. They take turns. They're largely two sides of the same coin. Indian elections ran in nine phases. From April 7 to May 12. The longest election in Indian history. Over 800 million were eligible to vote. Over 8,000 candidates competed. They did so for India's Lok Sabha. It's House of the People. Its lower house. Parliamentarians represent 543 constituencies. Turnout exceeded 66%. Highest ever for general ...

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