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Ten Thoughts on the Second Amendment and Gun Control
Post Date: 2014-04-29 07:40:43 by Ada
I recently spoke on a panel at the Florida Liberty Summit in Orlando, Florida, about the Second Amendment and gun control. Because I have written many articles on these topics for Campaign for Liberty, the Tenth Amendment Center, LewRockwell.com, and the Future of Freedom Foundation, I thought it might be a good idea to reread them in order to be mentally prepared for any questions I would be asked by the moderator or the audience at the conference. In going through the articles, I came up with ten themes on the Second Amendment and gun control that summarize my thoughts on these matters. 1. Criminals aren’t deterred by gun-control laws. If you are going to commit armed robbery or ...

Big chill: Feds want to scour Net, media for 'hate speech'
Post Date: 2014-04-28 22:44:36 by Lorie Meacham
(by Aaron Klein, WND) -- If two Democratic lawmakers have their way, Barack Obama’s Justice Department will submit a report for action against any Internet sites, broadcast, cable television or radio shows determined to be advocating or encouraging “violent acts.” This according to the text of a new bill from Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y. The Hate Crime Reporting Act of 2014 “would create an updated comprehensive report examining the role of the Internet and other telecommunications in encouraging hate crimes based on gender, race, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation and create recommendations to address such crimes,” stated a ...

More Lawless US Sanctions on Russia
Post Date: 2014-04-28 15:32:42 by Stephen Lendman
More Lawless US Sanctions on Russia by Stephen Lendman On April 28, a duplicitous White House press secretary statement said in part: "The United States has taken further action today in response to Russia's continued illegal intervention in Ukraine and provocative acts that undermine Ukraine's democracy and threaten its peace, security, stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity." "Since April 17, Russia has done nothing to meet its Geneva commitments and in fact has further escalated the crisis." "Russia's involvement in the recent violence in eastern Ukraine is indisputable." "Consequently, today the United States is imposing ...

Obama's War on Net Neutrality
Post Date: 2014-04-27 03:57:16 by Stephen Lendman
Obama's War on Net Neutrality by Stephen Lendman In 2008, candidate Obama pledged "(s)upport (for) the principle of network neutrality to preserve the benefits of open competition on the Internet." He'd "take a back seat to no one," he said. He lied. He didn't surprise. He's a serial liar. He broke every major promise made. He heads a repressive homeland police state apparatus. He's waging war on free expression. He prioritizes intellectual property protection over Internet freedom. He's targeting it for elimination altogether. His first FCC chairman Julius Genachowski was disastrous. He established an "Open Internet Rule." It was ...

Kiev-Style Democracy
Post Date: 2014-04-27 03:56:13 by Stephen Lendman
Kiev-Style Democracy by Stephen Lendman Kiev putschists have total control. They usurped it illegitimately. Challengers aren't tolerated. Democracy is pure fantasy. Police state lawlessness replaced it. Dissenters are targeted. So are Russian nationals. Sham May elections will be farcical when held. Fascism operates this way. Thought control is official policy. Aleksandr Panteleyonov learned the hard way. He was National Television Company of Ukraine (NTU) acting CEO. A previous article discussed him. Last month, neo-Nazi thugs stormed his office. He was accused of airing anti-Ukrainian programming. He was threatened, bullied and beaten. He was forced to resign. He's lucky to ...

Kiev Wages Water Wars
Post Date: 2014-04-26 14:47:14 by Stephen Lendman
Kiev Wages Water Wars by Stephen Lendman Kiev putschists target Crimea. Dnieper River water was halted. North Crimean Canal sluices were closed. They run from the Khakhovka Reservoir to Kersh. On April 24, The Moscow Times headlined "Water War With Ukraine to Devastate Crimean Harvest," saying: It'll "cost Crimean farmers up to 5 billion rubles ($140 million), according to Russia's Agricultural Ministry." Ag Minister Nikolai Fyodorov said crops "will be partially or fully lost across 120,000 hectares of farmland…" Rice production is hit hardest. Moscow will partly compensate for losses. Southern Ukrainian Dnieper River water provides over 80% ...

Court: US Can’t Keep Secret Laws Governing When It Can Assassinate Citizens
Post Date: 2014-04-26 06:48:24 by Ada
“…it would be good to know under what circumstances the White House thinks it can kill Americans without a trial.” If Rip Van Winkle awoke just yesterday, he might be dumbfounded at the above sentence. To Americans in the Obama-era, it is an all too relatable assertion. The sentence comes from The New Yorker‘s Amy Davidson and she is referring to the court decision this week that ordered the Obama administration to release the legal memo that authorized targeting an American citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, for assassination. In it’s decision, the court made clear that this does “not challenge the lawfulness of drone attacks or targeted killings.” Instead, as ...

Even Under American Occupation, Iraqis Have More Gun Rights Than Americans!
Post Date: 2014-04-26 00:27:40 by James Deffenbach

ANOTHER university stops students from handing out Constitution
Post Date: 2014-04-25 12:15:17 by Horse
Two students are suing the University of Hawaii for violating their First Amendment rights after administrator prevented them from distributing copies of the U.S. Constitution — demonstrating a frightening lack of knowledge about the very legal document they were attempting to censor. Students Merritt Burch and Anthony Vizzone, members of the Young Americans for Liberty chapter at UH-Hilo, were prevented from handing out copies of the Constitution at a recruitment event in January. A week later, they were again informed by a censorship-minded administrator that their First Amendment-protected activities were in violation of school policy. The students were told that they could only ...

I Don't Care if Cliven Bundy is a Racist
Post Date: 2014-04-24 19:45:26 by James Deffenbach
Who cares? He could believe Bette Midler is the 12th Imam, it doesn't change the fact that the government has sent SWAT teams to collect a tax bill from a free citizen. Poster Comment:I thought that was a great comment about not caring if Bundy believes Bette Midler is the 12th Imama, it is irrelevant. And she is right, it doesn't change the fact that the government sent out scores of well-armed goons to collect a tax bill.

Outrageous Pro-Kiev Op-Ed
Post Date: 2014-04-23 04:02:32 by Stephen Lendman
Outrageous Pro-Kiev Op-Ed by Stephen Lendman Haaretz editors published it. They know better. They shame their US counterparts. They feature writers excluded from their pages. Western ones substitute propagandists. They're illegitimate. They lack credibility. They masquerade as journalists. US media feature them prominently. Readers are systematically lied to. Hennadi Nadolenko is Kiev's ambassador to Israel. He represents illegitimate fascist putschists. Haaretz editors gave him feature op-space. Doing so was shamelessly irresponsible. Nadolenko took full advantage. He headlined "Nobody wants a war, but Ukraine is fighting back." "Russia thinks it has found ...

Kiev Breaks Easter Truce
Post Date: 2014-04-21 04:08:17 by Stephen Lendman
Kiev Breaks Easter Truce by Stephen Lendman On April 19, Kiev putschists pledged no Easter weekend Eastern Ukraine attacks. They promised "suspension of the active phase of the anti-terrorism operation" to defuse crisis conditions. A state security service (SBU) spokeswoman said suspension was "linked to the implementation of the Geneva agreement and the Easter holidays." Putschist Foreign Minister Andriy Deshchytsia added: "The anti-terrorist operation was put on hold for the Easter time, and we will be not using force against them at this moment." A day earlier, he said "more concrete actions" will follow next week if activists don't stop ...

Unacceptable Kiev-Sponsored Murder
Post Date: 2014-04-21 04:07:15 by Stephen Lendman
Unacceptable Kiev-Sponsored Murder by Stephen Lendman Fascist thugs operate this way. Moscow denounced them. Slavyansk Mayor Vladimir Ponomaryov asked Russia to send peacekeepers for protection. More on this below. A companion article said Kiev putschists pledged no Easter weekend Eastern Ukraine attacks. Straightaway they occurred. Earlier deployed Right Sector neo-Nazis murdered 4 Slavyansk activists. They did so in cold blood. Other gunmen attacked central city residents. Two victims were injured. They remain hospitalized. Expect more Right Sector initiated violence ahead. They bear full responsibility for Maidan killings. Clear evidence proves it. Ousted President Viktor ...

Post Date: 2014-04-20 12:25:52 by Ada
Learn what Hillary meant by ‘vast right-wing conspiracy’ WASHINGTON – If you want to learn what Hillary Clinton meant by “the vast right- wing conspiracy,” part of the extensive collection of dossiers the Clinton White House kept on its media enemies was released Friday by the Clinton Library. The most important of the documents, “The Communication Stream of Conspiracy Commerce,” originally some 331 pages, was reduced to only 28 pages in the sanitized and heavily redacted version posted by the presidential library. “The Communication Stream of Conspiracy Commerce refers to the mode of communication employed by the right wing to convey their ...

Koch Brothers-Style Free Society
Post Date: 2014-04-20 04:06:23 by Stephen Lendman
Koch Brothers-Style Free Society by Stephen Lendman Charles and David Koch are modern-day robber barons. They're multi-billionaires. Forbes estimates their April 2014 net worth at $40.3 billion each. Charles is Koch Industries (KI) chairman and CEO. David is executive vice president. They're $6 billion richer this year than last. They make money the old fashioned way. Behind every fortune lies a great crime, said Balzac. Maybe he was thinking of Charles and David. KI is America's second largest private company. Agribusiness giant Cargill holds top spot. Its estimated 2013 revenues were $136.7 billion. KI's are an estimated $115 billion. Both companies way outdistance ...

Kiev Violates Four-Party Agreement
Post Date: 2014-04-19 04:05:02 by Stephen Lendman
Kiev Violates Four-Party Agreement by Stephen Lendman The ink wasn't even dry. On April 17, deal terms was struck. A previous article discussed them. Hold the cheers. They're not worth the paper they're written on. Washington negotiates duplicitously. Promises made are systematically broken. Don't expect this time to be different. Kiev's illegitimate putschists didn't surprise. They violated agreement terms. They did so straightaway. They acted with full US support. More on this below. On April 17, a joint US/EU/Russia/Ukraine statement said the following: "The Geneva meeting on the situation in Ukraine agreed on initial concrete steps to de-escalate ...

Fake Donetsk Letter Circulating
Post Date: 2014-04-19 04:03:46 by Stephen Lendman
Fake Donetsk Letter Circulating by Stephen Lendman John Kerry denounced it, saying: "During the past couple of days Jews in one of the cities were sent letters that they should declare themselves as Jews. The letter also contained threats." "By 2014, after all the lessons that history has presented to us, it is not just unacceptable. It is - absurd. This is - beyond acceptability." "People involved in this kind of activity on both sides need to understand that there is no place for this." The story went viral. Media scoundrels feature it. The New York Times headlined "Demands That Jews Register in Eastern Ukraine Are Denounced, and Denied. ...

Four-Party Agreement on Ukraine
Post Date: 2014-04-17 16:47:42 by Stephen Lendman
Four-Party Agreement on Ukraine by Stephen Lendman On April 17, Russian, US, EU and Ukrainian foreign ministers met in Geneva. Discussion focused on deescalating Ukrainian crisis conditions. A joint document was agreed on. It's not worth the paper it's written on. Washington's word isn't its bond. Its history reflects one broken promise after another. Don't expect this time to be different. Ukraine's crisis may escalate. Perhaps the worst of all possible outcomes will follow. The fullness of time will tell. Following discussions Sergei Lavrov explained an agreement reached, saying: All parties must refrain from "violence, intimidation, or provocative ...

Obama Admin Makes New Rules on Grains, Breweries Rebel
Post Date: 2014-04-16 16:00:15 by abraxas
Obama Admin Makes New Rules on Grains, Breweries Rebel For generations brewers have been selling leftover brewing grains to farmers to feed to their livestock, but now the feds want to interfere and make that transaction harder and more expensive, a move that will drive up the costs of both beer and food. But America's breweries and farmers are not taking this quietly. "The whole brewing community was shocked about it," Josh Deth, co-owner of Revolution Brewing in Chicago, told Fox News. Currently brewers make deals with farmers where the farmers cart off the used grains. Often the deal is done without cost to both parties. "We're trading, giving something of ...

Washington Is Humanity’s Worst Enemy
Post Date: 2014-04-15 19:44:38 by Ada
How does Washington get away with the claim that the country it rules is a democracy and has freedom? This absurd claim ranks as one of the most unsubstantiated claims in history. There is no democracy whatsoever. Voting is a mask for rule by a few powerful interest groups. In two 21st century rulings (Citizens United and McCutcheon), the US Supreme Court has ruled that the purchase of the US government by private interest groups is merely the exercise of free speech. These rulings allow powerful corporate and financial interests to use their money-power to elect a government that serves their interests at the expense of the general welfare. The control private interests exercise over ...

Duplicitous Human Rights Misinformation on Ukraine
Post Date: 2014-04-15 15:23:56 by Stephen Lendman
Duplicitous Human Rights Misinformation on Ukraine by Stephen Lendman A previous article discussed UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay. It discussed her duplicitous anti-Assad report. It wasn't her first one. It won't be her last She's a reliable imperial tool. She buries truth. She lies for power. Her credibility long ago was lost. Not a shred of it remains. She never had any in the first place. It launched her career earlier. It sustained it. Her new report supports illegitimate putschist fascists. It's titled "Misinformation, propaganda and incitement to hatred need to be urgently countered." During months of Maidan protests, Berkut special ...

Bundy Ranch and the new rules of engagement: Send this analysis to your favorite fed
Post Date: 2014-04-15 13:24:35 by Itistoolate
Bundy Ranch and the new rules of engagement: Send this analysis to your favorite fed (NaturalNews) In the aftermath of round one of the Bundy Ranch armed siege by the U.S. government, I have decided to offer the federal government an intelligent analysis of the new rules of engagement. People like Daniel P. Love, Special Agent in Charge of BLM Region 3, desperately need to review and learn these rules. Other federal agents also need to understand the tectonic shift of power that has just taken place and how it will impact their operations from here forward.Why am I doing this? Because the BLM, through its astounding incompetence and arrogance, very nearly initiated a massacre at Bundy ...

Ukrainians Resist
Post Date: 2014-04-15 04:07:27 by Stephen Lendman
Ukrainians Resist by Stephen Lendman They're the best and bravest. They reject Kiev putschists. They're what democracy looks like. They want fundamental rights everyone deserves. They're putting their bodies on the line for them. They're a model for freedom-loving people everywhere. The only solution to state repression is revolution. It grips Eastern Ukraine. It's spreading throughout the region. Activists in a dozen or more cities are involved. So are others in small towns and villages. What's ongoing perhaps heads toward mass insurrection. Democratic change requires sustained resistance. Ukrainians represent hope. They deserve universal support. On April ...

Duplicitous Obama Civil Rights Hyperbole
Post Date: 2014-04-15 04:06:21 by Stephen Lendman
Duplicitous Obama Civil Rights Hyperbole by Stephen Lendman Obama represents the worst of rogue governance. On April 10, he honored Lyndon Johnson. One war criminal paid tribute to another. He spoke at his Austin-based Presidential Library and Museum. He did so commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. His words rang hollow. The New York Times called his speech "stirr(ing)." It stopped short of denouncing his duplicity. More on what he said below. America's human and civil rights record is by far the world's worst. No other nation matches its lawlessness. None approach it. It's by far the world's most unprincipled. It's responsible ...

Harry Reid, Crooked as a Barrel of Fish Hooks
Post Date: 2014-04-14 18:35:30 by James Deffenbach

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