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The primary NSA issue isn't privacy, it's authority
Post Date: 2013-12-31 07:33:44 by Ada
At heart, the NSA debate is about what the government is allowed to do with what it knows and who is overseeing it I celebrate Judge Richard J Leon's opinion that the government's mass collection of communications metadata is "almost Orwellian", and I decry Judge William H Pauley III's decision that the NSA's collection is both effective and legally perfectly peachy. But I worry that the judges, as well as many commentators and Edward Snowden himself, may be debating on the wrong plane. I see some danger in arguing the case as a matter of privacy because I fear that could have serious impact on our concept of knowledge, of what is allowed to be known and thus of ...

Eugene Oregon man convicted of racial intimidation loses his probation
Post Date: 2013-12-31 05:37:16 by Ferret
A Eugene man whose Confederate flag was confiscated last year after he admitted his role in a high-profile case of racial intimidation is now headed to prison because he failed to complete a court-ordered cultural awareness class and disregarded several other terms of his probation. Lane County Circuit Judge Jay McAlpin on Monday revoked Matthew Robert Booster’s probation and ordered him to serve up to 16 months in state prison. Booster, 23, was initially sentenced to three years probation after pleading guilty in July 2012 to one felony count of first-degree intimidation. The plea deal that prosecutors struck with Booster included the unusual provision that he forfeit for ...

2014 Predictions
Post Date: 2013-12-31 03:05:28 by Stephen Lendman
2014 Predictions by Stephen Lendman Some are best guesses. Others are easier to make. For billions worldwide, 2013 was grim. Expect 2014 to be no better. For many it'll be worse. Conflicts without end continue. Waging them threaten humanity. War profiteers never had it better. Washington bears most responsibility. One nation after another is ravaged, destroyed and plundered. It's the American way. Advancing its imperium matters most. So does benefitting the nation's privileged class. War criminals and crooks run things. The criminal class in Washington is bipartisan. They're waging war on humanity. They're ravaging the world for unchallenged dominance. Millions of ...

The early years of the little liberals, a must see
Post Date: 2013-12-29 14:36:31 by James Deffenbach
Poster Comment:For those who may not have seen this before.

Egypt's Pinochet
Post Date: 2013-12-28 02:59:06 by Stephen Lendman
Egypt's Pinochet by Stephen Lendman Junta power runs Egypt. It reflects the worst of fascism writ large. General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi rules as strongman. He heads the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF). He's Washington's man in Cairo. Since August 2012, he's been top military commander. He's Defense and Military Production Minister. He's a 1977 Egyptian Military Academy graduate. He got US training. He's a US War College graduate. He maintains close Pentagon ties. Washington manipulated Mubarak's ouster. It was complicit in toppling Mohamed Morsi. It deplores democracy. It opposes it at home and abroad. It's governed by a homeland police ...

An Open Letter To Toby Keith in Reference to His Gun Stance
Post Date: 2013-12-28 00:22:33 by James Deffenbach
Dear Mr. Keith: I’m deeply saddened by your current stance banning guns in your new restaurant. By doing so, you are creating victims! Victims because patrons who wish to carry a firearm to protect themselves and those they love, are now completely defenseless. You’ve now effectively forced law-abiding gun owners to frequent other establishments that actually care about their safety. I’m not only speaking as the GRAA President, but also as a fan. I have never committed a crime aside from a minor traffic violation, I have my own family, and I carry a firearm wherever I go. In all of my years, I never have had to even present my firearm (aside from my earlier career in law ...

ACLU v. Clapper Ruling
Post Date: 2013-12-27 15:01:18 by Stephen Lendman
ACLU v. Clapper Ruling by Stephen Lendman A previous article said the following: On June 11, the ACLU filed suit. It challenged "the constitutionality of the National Security Agency's mass collection of Americans' phone records." It argued that doing so violates Fourth and First Amendment rights, saying: "Because the NSA's aggregation of metadata constitutes an invasion of privacy and an unreasonable search, it is unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment." "The call-tracking program also violates the First Amendment, because it vacuums up sensitive information about associational and expressive activity." NSA claims authorization under ...

The Meanest of Mankind: The Brutality of American Fascist Police Goons
Post Date: 2013-12-27 07:08:53 by Ada
Severity breedeth fear, but roughness breedeth hate. Even reproofs from authority ought to be grave and not taunting.-Lord Bacon The American police are not only above the law, but they make up the law as they go along-and then proceed to violate their own “laws” as it suits them. As a category or group the American police are the meanest pricks ever to descend on God’s green earth. No group in the world today is meaner. It is not just that the American police are not prosecuted for their routine epidemic criminal behavior. It is not just that they singlehandedly annihilate the vaunted but unenforced “Bill of Rights,” making it not worth the paper it is written on. ...

Corruption Scandal Rocks Turkey
Post Date: 2013-12-27 02:59:51 by Stephen Lendman
Corruption Scandal Rocks Turkey by Stephen Lendman Turkey is a democracy in name only. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is ruling despot. He's led Ankara's Justice and Development Party (AKP) since August 2001. He's been prime minister since March 2003. Why Turks put up with him they'll have to explain. Last spring, anti-government protests rocked Ankara, Istanbul and other Turkish cities. Police violence followed. Brutality is longstanding policy. Corruption is deep-seated. It's rife in Turkey's construction sector. Erdogan established a land sales office. Ostensibly it was to build affordable public housing. Widespread privatizations followed. Billions of ...

America's War on Humanity
Post Date: 2013-12-26 03:03:26 by Stephen Lendman
America's War on Humanity by Stephen Lendman On Christmas day it raged. Holidays are no exception. America's killing machine observes none. Mass slaughter and destruction continue. It's longstanding US policy. Historian Gabriel called the 20th century "the bloodiest in all history." Civilians suffered most. Wars ravage humanity. New millennium ones rage. America bears most responsibility. Its quest for global dominance takes millions of lives. US leaders consider it a small price to pay. Calls for peace go unheeded. In his Sermon on the Mount, Christ said: "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the sons of God." In Syria, Christmas day ...

No Joy to the World This Christmas
Post Date: 2013-12-25 13:53:19 by Stephen Lendman
No Joy to the World This Christmas by Stephen Lendman How can there be with wars raging out-of control! Who's celebrating while mass slaughter and destruction persist? No Christmas cheer this year for billions. No Feliz Navidad. No happy holiday. No Wise Men spreading good will. No silent, holy night. No decking the halls. No herald angels singing. None heard on high. No coming all ye faithful. No telling it on the mountain. No merry gentlemen resting. No peace on earth coming upon a midnight clear. No most wonderful time of the year. No having yourself a merry little Christmas. No holly jolly one. No wishing you one in times of war, injustice and human suffering. Imagine them on ...

Mission Accomplished, Says Snowden
Post Date: 2013-12-25 03:07:55 by Stephen Lendman
Mission Accomplished, Says Snowden by Stephen Lendman On December 23, he told the Washington Post: "For me, in terms of personal satisfaction, the mission’s already accomplished. I already won." "As soon as the journalists were able to work, everything that I had been trying to do was validated. Because, remember, I didn’t want to change society. I wanted to give society a chance to determine if it should change itself." "All I wanted was for the public to be able to have a say in how they are governed. That is a milestone we left a long time ago. Right now, all we are looking at are stretch goals." WaPo called Snowden "an orderly thinker, ...

Hail to the Thief
Post Date: 2013-12-25 03:06:58 by Stephen Lendman
Hail to the Thief by Stephen Lendman On December 19, Vladimir Putin pardoned Mikhail Khodorkovsky. He did it a day after announcing he'd do so. Western media scoundrels reacted as expected. They praised his release. They denounced Putin earlier for imprisoning him. More on this below. Until his October 2003 arrest, Kordorkovsky was Russia's richest man. He headed the oil giant Yukos. Forbes ranked him 16th on their global billionaires list. He made money the old-fashioned way. He profited hugely from  Soviet Russia's dissolution. He bought Siberian oil fields and other state assets advantageously. He did so at a small fraction of their real value. Charges against him ...

Army Bans the Word "Christmas"
Post Date: 2013-12-24 18:49:18 by Lod
Hit the URL for this outrage.

Happy Birthday!!!! Commemorating the Centennial
Post Date: 2013-12-23 18:11:44 by X-15
The Federal Reserve System was created on December 23, 1913, when President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. The system is composed of a central, independent governmental agency--the Board of Governors--in Washington, D.C., and 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks, located in major cities throughout the nation. Today, the Federal Reserve sets the nation's monetary policy, supervises and regulates banking institutions, maintains the stability of the financial system, and provides financial services to depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign official institutions.

New Iran Sanctions Bill
Post Date: 2013-12-22 02:56:18 by Stephen Lendman
New Iran Sanctions Bill by Stephen Lendman Last July, House members overwhelmingly passed new Iranian sanctions. A companion Senate bill didn't follow. Members of both parties want one. On December 19, Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Robert Menendez (D. NJ) headlined his press release: "Twenty-Seven Senators Introduce the Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act (NWFI)." Multiple rounds of US sanctions were imposed earlier. NWFI proposes more. It does so if Iran breaches Geneva agreed on terms. By who's determination remains key. Obama already violated Geneva. On December 12, he did so. He unilaterally imposed new sanctions. He lied claiming it doesn't interfere with ...

Woman Sues Border Patrol Agents for Outrageous Six-Hour Search
Post Date: 2013-12-20 20:44:59 by X-15
EL PASO, Texas (CN) - A U.S. citizen's vagina and anus were left raw from a warrantless six-hour search by Customs and Border Protection agents and doctors, who looked into her with a speculum, then billed her $5,000 for the exam, the woman claims in court. Jane Doe sued four Border Patrol agents, El Paso County Hospital District, its board of directors, the University Medical Center of El Paso and two of its doctors, in Federal Court. "Jane Doe is a petite 54-year-old United States citizen. She resides with her husband in Lovington, New Mexico," the complaint states. As she returned from Mexico via El Paso's Cordova Bridge on Dec. 8, 2012, a "drug sniffing dog ...

Digital Age Privacy Rights
Post Date: 2013-12-20 03:23:18 by Stephen Lendman
Digital Age Privacy Rights by Stephen Lendman Article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states: "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his honour and reputation." "Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks." Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights states: "Everyone has the right to respect for his privacy and family life, his home and his correspondence." Articles 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: "No one shall be subjected to ...

Of Poker and Plunder: Commissarina Olson Strikes Again
Post Date: 2013-12-19 05:28:10 by Ada
In spite of the fact that he has not committed a criminal act, Boise resident Skinner Anderson faces three years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Wendy J. Olson, the Soviet-grade legal functionary who afflicts Idaho as U.S. Attorney, has wrung a guilty plea out of Anderson on a single charge of “misprision of felony” because a home he rented was used for what have been described as illegal poker games. The federal statute under which Anderson was charged is obscure and seldom prosecuted. Private gambling is banned in Idaho by state statutes that are rarely enforced: Since 1975, fewer than 300 people have been arrested or cited in Idaho for gambling. No felony charges were filed ...

Russian Ukrainian Aid v. US/EU Neoliberal Harshness
Post Date: 2013-12-18 15:12:40 by Stephen Lendman
Russian Ukrainian Aid v. US/EU Neoliberal Harshness by Stephen Lendman On December 17, Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych met in Moscow. Russia offered generous aid. Ukraine's Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said providing it helped prevent serious economic trouble. "What would have awaited Ukraine" without it, he asked? "The answer is clear - bankruptcy and social collapse." He defended Kiev's decision to establish closer ties with Moscow. Yanukovych called Tuesday's discussion with Putin "fruitful." It "resulted in the signing of documents thanks to (Putin's) political will." "(T)alks were constructive ...

How to Avoid the Mind-Numbing Weapons of Mass Instruction
Post Date: 2013-12-18 08:03:07 by Ada
“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie—deliberate, contrived, and dishonest, but the myth—persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” ~ JOHN F. KENNEDY People often ask me, “Dave, how do we turn this around and defeat the globalists”? I frequently tell them that there is no turning this around. I have an attorney who is continually writing to me and stating that we need to teach the people the Constitution. “Mr. lawyer, our people cannot even read the Constitution, much less understand it”. The parents and grandparents have lost this country to a group ...

Federal Judge Rules Against Mass Surveillance
Post Date: 2013-12-18 03:07:03 by Stephen Lendman
Federal Judge Rules Against Mass Surveillance by Stephen Lendman On December 16, Federal District Court of the District of Columbia Judge Richard Leon issued a damning 68-page ruling. He called NSA spying unconstitutional. It's "almost Orwellian," he said. "The threshold issue is whether plaintiffs have a reasonable expectation of privacy that is violated when the Government indiscriminately collects their telephone metadata along with the metadata of hundreds of millions of other citizens without any particularized suspicion of wrongdoing, retains all of that metadata for five years, and then queries, analyzes, and investigates that data without prior judicial ...

Washington's Dirty Game in Ukraine
Post Date: 2013-12-17 03:05:02 by Stephen Lendman
Washington's Dirty Game in Ukraine by Stephen Lendman Weeks of Ukraine street protests continue. Washington's dirty hands are involved. They're manipulating things disruptively. Imperial ruthlessness operates this way. International law is clear and unequivocal. Meddling in the internal affairs of other countries is illegal. Doing so is longstanding US policy. It's to eliminate independent sovereign states. It's about replacing them with pro-Western vassal ones. It's about weakening major rivals. It aims to eliminate them altogether if possible. It's for unchallenged global dominance. It's to make the world safe for corporate American profiteers. John ...

1,000 Days and Counting
Post Date: 2013-12-16 03:06:04 by Stephen Lendman
1,000 Days and Counting by Stephen Lendman December 13 marked the 1,000th day of Bahraini protests. At issue are long denied fundamental rights. Majority Shias face systematic discrimination. The ruling Al Khalifa monarchy governs lawlessly. Ruthlessness reflects official state policy. Since mid-February 2011, pro-democracy demonstrators rallied nearly daily. They demand fundamental civil and human rights. They want democratic governance replacing despotism. The want Al Khalifa royal family members to relinquish power. They ruthlessly retain it. They enjoy full US support. They've killed dozens of peaceful protesters. They arrested hundreds more. They deny free expression, ...

The Bill of Rights
Post Date: 2013-12-15 14:32:35 by Southern Style
The Bill of Rights Today, Dec. 15, is the anniversary of the 1791 ratification of our Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments to our Constitution. The Bill of Rights was inspired by three remarkable documents: John Locke's 1689 thesis, Two Treatises of Government, regarding the protection of “property” (in the Latin context, proprius, or one's own “life, liberty and estate”); in part from the Virginia Declaration of Rights authored by George Mason in 1776 as part of that state's Constitution; and, of course, in part from our Declaration of Independence authored by Thomas Jefferson. Read in context, the Bill of Rights is both an affirmation of innate ...

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